954 resultados para College credits
The definitive history of Colby College's first century.
Beloved Colby historian Ernest Cummings Marriner '13 documents Robert E. Lee Strider's nineteen years as president of Colby College. Marriner is also the author of the definitive History of Colby, which covers the period up to the Strider presidency.
This catalog describes paintings by the author, completed as his Senior Scholar Project in art and exhibited in the Colby College Art Museum. Images of the paintings are not available.
Outdoor lighting is an essential component for nighttime safety on college campuses. Outdoor lighting on Colby College campus is not uniform, leaving some areas with minimal light. The purpose of this project is to analytically evaluate if and where major walkways on Colby College have inadequate lighting. While we were unable to define inadequate lighting, we found that most paths on campus do appear to be well lit, while in general open spaces on campus have the lowest light levels.
I created an updated map of trails at Colby College using global positioning system data that were then edited in ArcGIS. The map background, obtained from the Maine Office of GIS, was created from digital orthophotographs produced from aerial photos collected over southwest Maine in Spring 2003. Trail difficulty was determined by creating a slope layer and taking other factors into consideration such as ground surface and path width. The map will eventually be available online, enabling interactive selection of trails where users can access additional trail information.
Roads, parking lots, buildings, and other impervious surfaces do not allow rainwater to infiltrate the ground. As a result, they can lead to an increase in runoff to nearby ditches and streams, as well as a greater influx of pollutants such as motor oil that can often be found on paved surfaces. For this project, GIS was used to find the total area covered by impervious surfaces on the Colby campus, and to show how this area has grown in the past 40 years. It was found that new development on the campus has lead to a 56% increase in impervious surfaces at Colby since 1965.
With the recent construction of Colby Green and the current plans for the construction of several new buildings, the total area for future development on campus has declined. The goal of this study was to illustrate existing campus development and to determine where future growth could occur. GIS was used to in determining the different soil systems on campus, the current use of the land, and the boundaries of the Colby property. The project shows what potential obstacles the college will have in attempting to expand the campus and proposes where the best options are for construction are.
Vol. 4; 129 p. b&w, color photographs; Sept. 1984 TOC: Leadership in Profile…10/Yearbook Reception…14/Mr. and Mrs. Fiorello LaGuardia…17/Faculty and Staff…20/College Wide Activities and Events…39/Continuing Education…42/Recreation…46/Student Government…51/Honors Night…56/Activities Events and Trips…65/Graduate Special Section…77/Graduates…83/In Memoriam…124/Yearbook Committee…127/Ads…129 YEARBOOK CREDITS: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Copy/Caption Writers and Editors: UMOJA KWANGUVU and CATHERINE WHAN-ABBATE; Photographers: YVONNE CANNON, YOUNG CHOI, WALTER JACKSON, UMOJA KWANGUVU, RANDY FADER-SMITH, CLASSIC STUDIOS; Production Committee: ARLENE BANREY, ELIZABETH BAUMANN, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, BRIDGET DAVIS, MARGARET FERNANDEZ, FRAN GIBSON, RAMONA H. KENOL, EDDIE LEBRON, REGINA McDONALD, HORACIO OWENS, JOSE PENA, KEVIN RILEY, SHIRLEY SAULSBURY, CORDELIA WHICHARD; Typing: BLANCA ARBITO, ENID RIVERA, CAROLYN TAYLOR, CATHERINE WHAN-ABBATE, ADRIENNE WILLIAMS, AUDREY WILLIAMS.
128 p. b&w, color photographs TOC: LaGuardia the Man…4/Cooperative Education…12/Faculty and Staff…20/College Wide Events and Activities…37/Recreation…45/Nursery Program…51/Student Government…55/Student Activities…59/Dedication to Graduates…71/Graduates…81 YEARBOOK CREDITS: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Committee Chairperson, WALTER JACKSON; Copy /Caption Writer and Editor, UMOJA KWANGUVU; Photographers: ROBERT BROWN, WALTER JACKSON, RANDY FADER-SMITH, MARK SEALY, CLASSIC STUDIOS; Designed by VINCENT BANREY; Layout: VINCENT BANREY, SANDRA BRADLEY, BRIDGET DAVIS, REINALDO DENNY, UMOJA KWANGUVU, KEVIN RILEY; Typesetting, AUDREY WILLIAMS; Typing: SANDRA BRADLEY, TANYA BUSH-CORONA, BRIDGET DAVIS, ROSALIE NIEVES; Graphics: VINCENT BANREY, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, REINALDO DENNY, WALTER JACKSON.
Vol. 7; Sept. 1988; 109 p. b&w, color photographs TOC: Life at LaGuardia…2 / Activities and Events…17 / Faculty and Staff…33 / Activities at LaGuardia…49 / Graduation…71 Yearbook Committee Credits: Faculty Advisor, Vincent Banrey; Project Director, Catherine Whan; Editors: Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, GloryAnn Torres; Asst. Editor, Kenny Rosa; LAYOUT: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Shirley Chance, George Condors, Milton Ferreira, Maria Flores, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Bernadette Henry, Juan Jimenez, Alejandro Meneses, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; PHOTOGRAPHY: Peter Abbate, Sandra Acres, Young Baek Choi, Randy Fader Smith, Milton Ferriera, Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, Seymour Lerman, Chuck Lindsey, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Alan Scribner, Frank Tocco, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan. ART: Jose Marti (Cover Design and Division Pages); Martin Carrichner, Jose Marti (Endsheet Design), Arnold Escalera, Jacqui Fernandez, Richard Massey, Alejandro Meneses; WRITING: Anthony Archer, Alexandra Bastidas, Joie Fadde, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Doreen Hansen, Bernadette Henry, Sarah Hudson, Juan Jimenez, Donna Libert, Cathy Passiglia, Jody Pincus, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, Alan Scribner, Christiana Sommerville, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; SPECIAL THANKS: Blanca Arbito, Classic Studios, Edward Hollins, Umoja Kwanguvu, Kelly Johnson and the LaGuardia Archives, Andrew Saluga and Recreation Staff, Ted Schiffman of Taylor Publishing.
Vol. 8, Sept. 1990; 136 p.; b&w, color photographs TOC: Activities & Events…17 / Clubs & Programs…33 / Graduation…49 CREDITS: FACULTY ADVISOR, Vincent Banrey; PROJECT DIRECTOR, Catherine Whan; EDITORS, Luis Lopez; ASST. EDITOR, Rodolfo Medina; ART: Rodolfo Medina (Cover Design; Back Endsheet; Division Pages), Peter Abbate (Front Endsheet). GRAPHIC ARTIST: Rodolfo "Funky Cold' Medina. LAYOUT DESIGNERS: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Ann Marie Edwards, Charletin Enock, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Edward Hollins, Luis Lopez, Peter Martinez, Rodolfo Medina, JilI Nage, Angela ?, Keith ?, Daly Rodriguez, Catherine Whan. WRITERS: Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Vincent Cousin, Edward Hollins, Luis Lopez, JilI Nage, Cathy Passiglia, Eartha Porter, Daly Rodriguez, Christiana Sommerville, Catherine Whan. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Peter Abbate, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Charletin Enock, Milton Ferriera, Fran Gibson, Alexandra Gomez, Bernadette Henry, Edward Hollins, Juan Jiminez, Umoja Kwanguvu, Luis Lopez, Rodolfo Medina, Allen Scribner, Frank Tocco, Catherine Wran, Alan O. Young. Special Thanks to Cathy Soria of Classic Studio (as well as Frank & Tommy).