834 resultados para Collapsed objects and Supernovae


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As definições tradicionais de prostituição tendem a enfatizar três aspectos: a existência de uma interacção de tipo sexual, a existência de uma retribuição económica por essa interacção e a existência de indiferença afectiva entre as partes envolvidas, isto é entre cliente e prostituta (Machado & Gonçalves, 2002) O conceito de “rede” tem surgido recentemente nos mais diversos domínios e com inúmeras designações associadas, pelo que pode falar-se de redes em áreas e aplicações tão diversas, pois é usado para “designar uma grande variedade de objectos e de fenómenos”. Os vínculos numa rede primária são, assim, essencialmente de natureza afectiva, não havendo qualquer formalidade na relação. Já as redes secundárias reportam-nos aos membros da nossa rede com os quais estabelecemos relações num contexto formal e com objectivos funcionais (Guadalupe, 2009) Tendo em conta o objecto de estudo, pretende-se com este trabalho de pesquisa, perceber quais as redes de suporte desta população, bem como a eficácia da rede em relação aos vínculos afectivos. Podemos assim apurar que relativamente às redes de suporte primárias estas prostitutas têm mais perto de si os seus companheiros e em seguida os seus filhos, mantendo, 29.4 % uma boa relação com a sua família e uma percentagem igual uma má relação familiar. Relativamente às redes de suporte secundárias, uma parte desta população recorre a politicas sociais activas, implementadas pelo Ministério do Trabalho e da Segurança Social operacionalizadas pela Segurança Social de Coimbra para o apoio social. Ao nível da intervenção social directa, recorrem à Associação Existências para o apoio emocional, psicossocial e de aconselhamento em contexto de gabinete ou em contexto outreach. /


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Sur la base des travaux de Simone de Beauvoir Deuxième sexe I et Deuxième sexe II, et d’autres articles importants, une analyse sur la condition et la conception des femmes dans Les Soleils des indépendances a été effectuée dans le but d’étudier l’image de la femme postcoloniale africaine en général, et ivoirienne en particulier comparativement à celle d’avant l’indépendance. En examinant les conditions de la femme dans Les Soleils des indépendances d’Ahmadou Kourouma nous nous sommes retrouvés confrontés à certaines idées telles que la soumission, la société patriarcale, la femme traditionnelle, la femme moderne, la liberté, la femme comme mère mais aussi comme objet et victime des atrocités liées aux coutumes et traditions. Malgré l’accession de la Côte d’Ivoire à l’indépendance cette condition n’a pas été améliorée, et c’est ce que l’auteur dénonce indirectement et peut-être inconsciemment.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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L’émergence du Web 2.0 se matérialise par de nouvelles technologies (API, Ajax…), de nouvelles pratiques (mashup, geotagging…) et de nouveaux outils (wiki, blog…). Il repose principalement sur le principe de participation et de collaboration. Dans cette dynamique, le Web à caractère spatial et cartographique c’est-à-dire, le Web géospatial (ou GéoWeb) connait lui aussi de fortes transformations technologiques et sociales. Le GéoWeb 2.0 participatif se matérialise en particulier par des mashups entre wikis et géobrowsers (ArgooMap, Geowiki, WikiMapia, etc.). Les nouvelles applications nées de ces mashups évoluent vers des formes plus interactives d’intelligence collective. Mais ces applications ne prennent pas en compte les spécificités du travail collaboratif, en particulier la gestion de traçabilité ou l’accès dynamique à l’historique des contributions. Le Geodesign est un nouveau domaine fruit de l’association des SIG et du design, permettant à une équipe multidisciplinaire de travailler ensemble. Compte tenu de son caractère émergent, le Geodesign n’est pas assez défini et il requiert une base théorique innovante, de nouveaux outils, supports, technologies et pratiques afin de s’adapter à ses exigences complexes. Nous proposons dans cette thèse de nouvelles fonctionnalités de type WikiSIG, bâties sur les principes et technologies du GéoWeb 2.0 et visant en particulier à supporter la dimension collaborative du processus de Geodesign. Le WikiSIG est doté de fonctionnalités wiki dédiées à la donnée géospatiale (y compris dans sa composante géométrique : forme et localisation) permettant d’assurer, de manière dynamique, la gestion documentée des versions des objets et l’accès à ces versions (et de leurs métadonnées), facilitant ainsi le travail collaboratif en Geodesign. Nous proposons également la deltification qui consiste en la capacité de comparer et d’afficher les différences entre deux versions de projets. Finalement la pertinence de quelques outils du géotraitement et « sketching » est évoquée. Les principales contributions de cette thèse sont d’une part d’identifier les besoins, les exigences et les contraintes du processus de Geodesign collaboratif, et d’autre part de proposer des nouvelles fonctionnalités WikiSIG répondant au mieux à la dimension collaborative du processus. Pour ce faire, un cadre théorique est dressé où nous avons identifié les exigences du travail collaboratif de Geodesign et proposé certaines fonctionnalités WikiSIG innovantes qui sont par la suite formalisés en diagrammes UML. Une maquette informatique est aussi développée de façon à mettre en oeuvre ces fonctionnalités, lesquelles sont illustrées à partir d’un cas d’étude simulé, traité comme preuve du concept. La pertinence de ces fonctionnalités développées proposées est finalement validée par des experts à travers un questionnaire et des entrevues. En résumé, nous montrons dans cette thèse l’importance de la gestion de la traçabilité et comment accéder dynamiquement à l’historique dans un processus de Geodesign. Nous proposons aussi d’autres fonctionnalités comme la deltification, le volet multimédia supportant l’argumentation, les paramètres qualifiant les données produites, et la prise de décision collective par consensus, etc.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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O presente estudo é o resultado de um projeto investigativo que, embora se relacione com a Sensibilização à Diversidade Linguística, tem como tema principal as Imagens das Línguas. Este estudo, cujo título é “Imagens das línguas de alunos do 6.º ano: um estudo em Aveiro”, tem como objetivos perceber quais as imagens das línguas dos alunos do 6.º ano, verificar qual a língua em que estes alunos se matriculam no ano seguinte e se essa escolha foi baseada em imagens estereotipadas das línguas (e em quais) e averiguar se a imagem que os alunos do 6.º ano têm sobre línguas influencia a sua escolha para aprendizagem posterior. Os dados foram recolhidos através de instrumentos distintos (o desenho e o inquérito por questionário). Primeiramente, os discentes elaboraram quatro desenhos seguindo as instruções “desenha-te a falar a tua língua materna”, “desenha-te a falar uma língua que já aprendeste”, “desenha-te a falar uma língua que gostavas de aprender” e “desenha-te a falar uma língua que não gostavas de aprender”. Seguindo-se o preenchimento do inquérito por questionário, composto por cinco questões, relacionadas com as quatro línguas em estudo (português, francês, espanhol e inglês) e que faziam parte da recolha de dados através do desenho. Relativamente ao tratamento de dados optamos pela utilização de categorias de análise (línguas como objetos afetivos, objetos de ensino-aprendizagem, instrumentos de construção e afirmação de identidades individuais e coletivas, objetos de poder e como instrumentos de construção de relações interpessoais e intergrupais), que permitiram perceber quais as imagens das línguas dos alunos inquiridos. Os resultados permitiram-nos perceber que as imagens que os alunos do 6.º ano têm das línguas portuguesa, francesa, espanhola e inglesa são, de alguma forma, estereotipadas. A maioria dos alunos tem uma imagem das línguas como instrumentos de construção e afirmação de identidades individuais e coletivas, isto é, imagens associadas à relação língua/história de um povo/cultura. Contudo, concluímos que esta imagem cultural das línguas também está associada a uma imagem afetiva, salientando a relação aluno/língua/cultura. Partindo das nossas conclusões, poder-se-ão, no futuro desenvolver sessões de Sensibilização à Diversidade Linguística, com o objetivo de (re)construir as Imagens das Línguas que os alunos têm.


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The present Master´s dissertation aims to study the practices of the rezadeiras, Brazilian women healers, through an anthropological perspective. Special attention will be given to the understanding of these practices as a dynamic process in relation to those women who heal in Cruzeta (Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte), where is located our ethnographic research. For this research, twenty four rezadeiras were contacted and colaborated with our work plan. Among them, two were pentecostal rezadeiras and another one was member of the Jurema cult, an afro-brazilian religious cult. Similarities among these women healers were perceived in the research process, mostly in terms of their learning process and the use of certain objects and ritual techniques. However, apparent differences among them gave us the chance for understanding and reflecting on the actual heterogeneity of this world of specialists. Furthermore, i tried to capture the relations between the rezadeiras and the therapeutic practices from health professionals or the religious practices of religious leaders (Catholic, pentecostal, etc). It is possible to ascertain about the complementarity between therapeutic practices from different cultural logics. This complementarity is also perceived through the religious interchanges and transits among different healers, including those who have different religious beliefs. In this work, rituals are also described and they are a crucial factor to the understanding of this particular religious and therapeutic practice conducted by women. Following these ideas, our basic aim is to understand how the rezadeiras make interpretations about health and illness, specially those ones which are particular associated with their practices, the so called "doenças de rezadeiras"


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Este artigo tem como objetivo mostrar que é possível incentivar a aprendizagem em museus através da construção de comunidades virtuais, com base em repositórios de objetos de aprendizagem (OA), ferramentas comunicacionais e produção de OA por parte dos visitantes. O enfoque é incentivar a aprendizagem no sentido de motivar a participação/envolvimento do visitante nas atividades da comunidade virtual. Nesta perspectiva, partimos do pressuposto de que a informação, a comunicação, a interação e a colaboração são essenciais para o processo de aprender no contexto informal dos museus. Acreditamos que a interação e a colaboração são partes integrantes do processo de aprendizagem proporcionado por comunidades virtuais e que o principal recurso de aprendizagem oferecido nessas comunidades são os objetos de aprendizagem. Assim sendo, por meio de um entendimento do aprender baseado na comunicação e na linguagem, percebemos os museus interativos como espaços discursivos em que os visitantes mergulham e por eles são modificados. Neste sentido, argumentamos que as comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem, com a possibilidade de virtualizar a linguagem, são excelentes mecanismos para ampliar o poder comunicacional dos museus, criando novas estratégias comunicativas. Para atingir o objetivo, foi necessário reunir quatro conceitos técnicos da área de informática, são eles: comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem; objetos de aprendizagem; metadados e mapas de tópicos. A junção destes conceitos permitiu a construção do ambiente de comunidade virtual, denominada CV-Muzar. Diante do exposto, de modo a identificar os meios pelos quais se podem motivar os visitantes a realmente produzirem novos conhecimentos durante sua visita informal ao museu, examinando essa questão tanto do ponto de vista quantitativo, como também qualitativamente, foi realizada uma experimentação do ambiente com um grupo de pessoas convidadas segundo suas áreas de formação.


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The self-reference effect (SRE) in memory is thought to depend on specialized mechanisms that enhance memory for self-relevant information. We investigated whether these mechanisms can be engaged “by proxy” when we simulate other people, by asking participants to interact with two virtual partners: one similar and one dissimilar to self. Participants viewed pairs of objects and picked one for themselves, for their similar partner, or their dissimilar partner. A surprise memory test followed that required participants to identify which object of each pair was chosen, and for whom. Finally, participants were shown both partners’ object pairs again, and asked to indicate their personal preference. Four key findings were observed. Overlap between participants’ own choice and those made for their partner was significantly higher for the similar than the dissimilar partner, revealing participants’ use of their own preferences to simulate the similar partner. Recollection of chosen objects was significantly higher for self than for both partners and, critically, was significantly higher for similar than dissimilar partners. Source confusion between self and the similar partner was also higher. These findings suggest that self-reference by proxy enhances memory for non-self-relevant material, and we consider the theoretical implications for functional interpretation of the SRE.


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O presente trabalho centra-se no desenvolvimento de um projeto de sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural, intitulado “Por ritmos nunca dantes navegados”, numa sala de um jardim de infância português, tendo como finalidade avaliar e compreender o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica de um grupo de doze crianças entre os 3 e os 4 anos de idade. Para o efeito, recorremos a uma metodologia mista, que se traduziu em procedimentos de tipo quantitativo e qualitativo de recolha e análise de dados: no primeiro caso, recorremos a testes de consciência fonológica e de discriminação auditiva, aplicados a um grupo experimental e a um grupo de controlo de seis crianças antes e após as sessões de sensibilização; no segundo caso, recorremos à observação direta e à vídeo gravação das quatro sessões do projeto. A análise dos dados recolhidos, realizada através de análise estatística e de conteúdo, permitiu alcançar resultados relevantes, tendo-se registado um desenvolvimento significativo das capacidades de discriminação auditiva e de consciência fonológica (silábica e da palavra) do grupo experimental que esteve presente nas sessões de sensibilização. Os resultados da análise estatística parecem sugerir que o contacto com línguas diferentes, através de atividades de sensibilização, contribui para a descoberta de unidades segmentais das línguas, essenciais para realizar tarefas de discriminação auditiva e de consciência fonológica. A análise de conteúdo ajudou a corroborar os resultados obtidos nos testes de discriminação auditiva e de consciência fonológica, tendo as crianças do grupo experimental revelado, nas suas interações, ser capazes de discriminar sons, bem como segmentar e manipular palavras e sílabas. Estes resultados sustentam a importância das abordagens plurais na educação pré-escolar, pois o contacto com sonoridades, línguas e palavras diferentes faz com que a criança atente no objeto-língua, realizando sobre ele múltiplas e ricas atividades para o desenvolvimento de competências metalinguísticas e também sociais.


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Portable Document Format (PDF) is a page-oriented, graphically rich format based on PostScript semantics and it is also the format interpreted by the Adobe Acrobat viewers. Although each of the pages in a PDF document is an independent graphic object this property does not necessarily extend to the components (headings, diagrams, paragraphs etc.) within a page. This, in turn, makes the manipulation and extraction of graphic objects on a PDF page into a very difficult and uncertain process. The work described here investigates the advantages of a model wherein PDF pages are created from assemblies of COGs (Component Object Graphics) each with a clearly defined graphic state. The relative positioning of COGs on a PDF page is determined by appropriate "spacer" objects and a traversal of the tree of COGs and spacers determines the rendering order. The enhanced revisability of PDF documents within the COG model is discussed, together with the application of the model in those contexts which require easy revisability coupled with the ability to maintain and amend PDF document structure.


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PRESENTE é um projecto fotográfico que olha o futuro a partir do instante presente com o objectivo não só de acondicionar um passado, neste caso sobre a Guerra Colonial, mas também com o objectivo de o inocular nas futuras gerações. Nesse sentido considera-se fundamental começar por se reflectir sobre a actual fragilidade da imagem fotográfica, quer enquanto crença quer enquanto construtora de ficções, tanto mais que em qualquer relação que se estabeleça entre objectos animados e objectos não animados, estes se podem inter-relacionar enquanto sistemas simbólicos de representação. Assim esta dissertação propõe a construção de um projecto fotográfico que, através do seu apuro processual, vai explorar a criação de mecanismos de recolha da memória material e imaterial hoje sobrevivente à Guerra Colonial bem como procurar uma forma significativa de a transmitir para o futuro na forma de exposição pública.


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Desde hace 6 años el grupo de investigación E-Virtual de laUniversidad de Medellín viene trabajando en la implementaciónde asignaturas bimodales en la Institución. En el 2009, con elapoyo de MEN, se implementó la modalidad a distancia conmetodología virtual en el modelo pedagógico de la Universidad.Estas nuevas experiencias llevaron al Grupo a cuestionarsesobre las características pedagógicas y didácticas a teneren cuenta cuando se combinan la educación presencial y lavirtual. Para ello se indagó con profesores y estudiantes sobresu percepción al respecto. Para la recolección de informaciónse combinaron técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas, que hanarrojado interesantes resultados, entre ellos proceso deinducción, interacciones comunicativas, Objetos Virtuales deAprendizaje y uso de la plataforma virtual.En este artículo se darán a conocer algunos resultados de lainvestigación, cuáles han sido los aspectos positivos de estaexperiencia y cuáles son las áreas a mejorar.


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Physical places are given contextual meaning by the objects and people that make up the space. Presence in physical places can be utilised to support mobile interaction by making access to media and notifications on a smartphone easier and more visible to other people. Smartphone interfaces can be extended into the physical world in a meaningful way by anchoring digital content to artefacts, and interactions situated around physical artefacts can provide contextual meaning to private manipulations with a mobile device. Additionally, places themselves are designed to support a set of tasks, and the logical structure of places can be used to organise content on the smartphone. Menus that adapt the functionality of a smartphone can support the user by presenting the tools most likely to be needed just-in-time, so that information needs can be satisfied quickly and with little cognitive effort. Furthermore, places are often shared with people whom the user knows, and the smartphone can facilitate social situations by providing access to content that stimulates conversation. However, the smartphone can disrupt a collaborative environment, by alerting the user with unimportant notifications, or sucking the user in to the digital world with attractive content that is only shown on a private screen. Sharing smartphone content on a situated display creates an inclusive and unobtrusive user experience, and can increase focus on a primary task by allowing content to be read at a glance. Mobile interaction situated around artefacts of personal places is investigated as a way to support users to access content from their smartphone while managing their physical presence. A menu that adapts to personal places is evaluated to reduce the time and effort of app navigation, and coordinating smartphone content on a situated display is found to support social engagement and the negotiation of notifications. Improving the sensing of smartphone users in places is a challenge that is out-with the scope of this thesis. Instead, interaction designers and developers should be provided with low-cost positioning tools that utilise presence in places, and enable quantitative and qualitative data to be collected in user evaluations. Two lightweight positioning tools are developed with the low-cost sensors that are currently available: The Microsoft Kinect depth sensor allows movements of a smartphone user to be tracked in a limited area of a place, and Bluetooth beacons enable the larger context of a place to be detected. Positioning experiments with each sensor are performed to highlight the capabilities and limitations of current sensing techniques for designing interactions with a smartphone. Both tools enable prototypes to be built with a rapid prototyping approach, and mobile interactions can be tested with more advanced sensing techniques as they become available. Sensing technologies are becoming pervasive, and it will soon be possible to perform reliable place detection in-the-wild. Novel interactions that utilise presence in places can support smartphone users by making access to useful functionality easy and more visible to the people who matter most in everyday life.


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This book is a synthesizing reflection on the Holocaust commemoration, in which space becomes a starting point for discussion. The author understands space primarily as an amalgam of physical and social components, where various commemorative processes may occur. The first part of the book draws attention to the material aspect of space, which determines its character and function. Material culture has been a long ignored and depreciated dimension of human culture in the humanities and social sciences, because it was perceived as passive and fully controlled by human will, and therefore insignificant in the course of social and historical processes. An example of the Nazi system perfectly illustrates how important were the restrictions and prohibitions on the usage of mundane objects, and in general, the whole material culture in relation to macro and micro space management — the state, cities, neighborhoods and houses, but also parks and swimming pools, factories and offices or shops and theaters. The importance of things and space was also clearly visible in exploitative policies present in overcrowded ghettos and concentration and death camps. For this very reason, when we study spatial forms of Holocaust commemoration, it should be acknowledged that the first traces, proofs and mementoes of the murdered were their things. The first "monuments" showing the enormity of the destruction are thus primarily gigantic piles of objects — shoes, glasses, toys, clothes, suitcases, toothbrushes, etc., which together with the extensive camps’ space try to recall the scale of a crime impossible to understand or imagine. The first chapter shows the importance of introducing the material dimension in thinking about space and commemoration, and it ends with a question about one of the key concepts for the book, a monument, which can be understood as both object (singular or plural) and architecture (sculptures, buildings, highways). However, the term monument tends to be used rather in a later and traditional sense, as an architectural, figurative form commemorating the heroic deeds, carved in stone or cast in bronze. Therefore, the next chapter reconstructs this narrower line of thinking, together with a discussion about what form a monument commemorating a subject as delicate and sensitive as the Holocaust should take on. This leads to an idea of the counter-monument, the concept which was supposed to be the answer to the mentioned representational dilemma on the one hand, and which would disassociate it from the Nazi’s traditional monuments on the other hand. This chapter clarifies the counter-monument definition and explains the misunderstandings and confusions generated on the basis of this concept by following the dynamics of the new commemorative form and by investigating monuments from the ‘80s and ‘90s erected in Germany. In the next chapter, I examine various forms of the Holocaust commemoration in Berlin, a city famous for its bold, monumental, and even controversial projects. We find among them the entire spectrum of memorials – big, monumental, and abstract forms, like Peter Eisenman’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe or Daniel Liebeskind’s Jewish Museum Berlin; flat, invisible, and employing the idea of emptiness, like Christian Boltanski’s Missing House or Micha Ullman’s Book Burning Memorial; the dispersed and decentralized, like Renata Stih and Frieder Schnock’s Memory Places or Gunter Demnig’s Stumbling Blocks. I enrich descriptions of the monuments by signaling at this point their second, extended life, which manifests itself in the alternative modes of (mis)use, consisting of various social activities or artistic performances. The formal wealth of the outlined projects creates a wide panorama of possible solutions to the Holocaust commemoration problems. However, the discussions accompanying the building of monuments and their "future life" after realization emphasize the importance of the social component that permeates the biography of the monument, and therefore significantly influences its foreseen design. The book also addresses the relationship of space, place and memory in a specific situation, when commemoration is performed secretly or remains as unrealized potential. Although place is the most common space associated with memory, today the nature of this relationship changes, and is what indicates popularity and employment of such terms as Marc Augé’s non-places or Pierre Nora’s site of memory. I include and develop these concepts about space and memory in my reflections to describe qualitatively different phenomena occurring in Central and Eastern European countries. These are unsettling places in rural areas like glades or parking lots, markets and playgrounds in urban settings. I link them to the post-war time and modernization processes and call them sites of non-memory and non-sites of memory. Another part of the book deals with a completely different form of commemoration called Mystery of memory. Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre in Lublin initiated it in 2000 and as a form it situates itself closer to the art of theater than architecture. Real spaces and places of everyday interactions become a stage for these performances, such as the “Jewish town” in Lublin or the Majdanek concentration camp. The minimalist scenography modifies space and reveals its previously unseen dimensions, while the actors — residents and people especially related to places like survivors and Righteous Among the Nations — are involved in the course of the show thanks to various rituals and symbolic gestures. The performance should be distinguished from social actions, because it incorporates tools known from religious rituals and art, which together saturate the mystery of memory with an aura of uniqueness. The last discussed commemoration mode takes the form of exposition space. I examine an exhibition concerning the fate of the incarcerated children presented in one of the barracks of the Majdanek State Museum in Lublin. The Primer – Children in Majdanek Camp is unique for several reasons. First, because even though it is exhibited in the camp barrack, it uses a completely different filter to tell the story of the camp in comparison to the exhibitions in the rest of the barracks. For this reason, one experiences immersing oneself in all subsequent levels of space and narrative accompanying them – at first, in a general narrative about the camp, and later in a specifically arranged space marked by children’s experiences, their language and thinking, and hence formed in a way more accessible for younger visitors. Second, the exhibition resigns from didacticism and distancing descriptions, and takes an advantage of eyewitnesses and survivors’ testimonies instead. Third, the exhibition space evokes an aura of strangeness similar to a fairy tale or a dream. It is accomplished thanks to the arrangement of various, usually highly symbolic material objects, and by favoring the fragrance and phonic sensations, movement, while belittling visual stimulations. The exhibition creates an impression of a place open to thinking and experiencing, and functions as an asylum, a radically different form to its camp surrounding characterized by a more overwhelming and austere space.