959 resultados para Chiral ligands


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Les Erythropoietin-producing hepatocyte (EPH) sont la plus grande famille de récepteurs tyrosine kinase. Leurs ligands, les éphrines (EFNs), sont aussi des molécules exprimées à la surface cellulaire. Les EPH/EFNs sont impliqués dans de nombreux processus biologiques. L'hypertension artérielle (PA) est une maladie chronique qui, aujourd'hui, est devenue un problème médical critique dans le monde entier et un enjeu de santé publique. La découverte de nouvelles thérapeutiques de l'hypertension sont d'une grande importance pour la santé publique. Jusqu’à tout récemment, il existe seulement quelques études concernant le rôle de l’axe EPH/EFNs sur la fonction des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV). Dans nos études précédentes, nous avons montré qu'EPHB6 et EFNB1, de concert avec les hormones sexuelles, régulent la PA. Dans la présente étude, nous avons constaté que les différents membres de la famille EPH/EFN peuvent réguler soit positivement, soit négativement, la contractilité des CMLV et la PA: tandis que EPHB4 et EFNB2 appartiennent à la première catégorie, EFNB1, EFNB3 et EPHB6 appartiennent à la deuxième. In vivo, des souris males, mais non pas des femelles, porteuses d’une mutation EPHB4 (KO) spécifique du muscle lisse présentent une PA diminuée, comparée aux souris témoins (WT). Les CMLV de souris EPHB4 KO, en présence de testostérone, ont montré une contractilité réduite lors de la stimulation par la phényléphrine (PE). Au niveau moléculaire, la phosphorylation de la protéine kinase II dépendante de Ca2+/calmoduline et de la kinase de la chaine légère de la myosine (CLM) est augmentée, tandis que la phosphorylation de la kinase de la CLM est réduite dans les CMLV KO lors de la stimulation par PE, par rapport au WT CMLV. Cela fournit une base moléculaire à la réduction de la PA et de la contractilité des CMLV chez les souris EPHB4 KO. EFNB2 est le ligand majeur de l’EPHB4. Comme attendu, les souris EFNB2 KO spécifique du muscle lisse avaient un phénotype de PA semblable, quoique non identique, aux souris EPHB4 KO. Les souris mâles EFNB2 KO, mais pas femelles, sous régime régulier ou riche en sel, présentent une PA réduite, par rapport à leurs homologues WT. Au niveau cellulaire, les CMLV des souris KO ont montré une contractilité réduite lors de la stimulation par PE par rapport aux témoins WT. Une région de l’acide aminé (aa) 313 à l’aa 331 dans la partie intracellulaire d’EFNB2 est essentielle pour la signalisation inverse qui régule la contractilité des CMLV, selon des études de mutation-délétion. Dans une étude de génétique humaine, nous avons identifié, dans le gène EFNB2, six SNP qui étaient associées significativement au risque d'hypertension artérielle, de façon dépendante du sexe, ce qui corrobore nos résultats chez les souris. En revanche, la délétion du gène EFNB3 (KO) chez les souris femelles aboutit à une PA élevée et à une augmentation des résistances des petites artères in vivo, améliore la contractilité des petites artères ex-vivo et augmente la contractilité des CMLV in vitro. Les souris mâles KO ont une PA normale, mais la castration conduit à une augmentation significative de la PA dans les souris KO, mais pas dans les souris WT. Les CMLV des souris KO femelles ont montré une phosphorylation accrue de la CLM et une phosphorylation réduite de la kinase de la CLM, ce qui fournit à nouveau une base moléculaire aux phénotypes de PA et de contractilité des CMLV observés. Ce changement de signalisation est attribuable à une protéine adaptatrice Grip1. En effet, dans une étude d'association pan génomique par le Consortium International pour la Pression Sanguine, un SNP dans le gène GRIP1 a approché le seuil de significativité de la valeur p pour son association avec la pression diastolique. Nos recherches, pour la première fois, ont révélé que EPH/EFNs sont de nouveaux composants dans le système de régulation de la PA. Les membres de la famille EPH/EFN peuvent agir comme des forces Yin et Yang pour régler finement le tonus des vaisseaux pour assurer l'homéostasie de la PA et de sa régulation. Ces effets de EPH/EFNs dépendent du sexe et des niveaux d’hormones sexuelles. À partir de ces nouvelles connaissances, nous pourrions développer une nouvelle thérapie personnalisée pour l’hypertension artérielle, utilisant des antagonistes d'hormones sexuelles ou des thérapies de remplacement d'hormones sexuelles, selon les niveaux d'hormones sexuelles des patients et les mutations dans les gènes de l'EPH/EFN.


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We propose a model for chiral polymerisation and investigate its symmetric and asymmetric solutions. The model has a source species which decays into left- and right-handed types of monomer, each of which can polymerise to form homochiral chains; these chains are susceptible to `poisoning' by the opposite handed monomer. Homochiral polymers are assumed to influence the proportion of each type of monomer formed from the precursor. We show that for certain parameter values a positive feedback mechanism makes the symmetric steady-state solution unstable. The kinetics of polymer formation are then analysed in the case where the system starts from zero concentrations of monomers and chains. We show that following a long induction time, extremely large concentrations of polymers are formed for a short time, during this time an asymmetry introduced into the system by a random external perturbation may be massively amplified. The system then approaches one of the steady-state solutions described above.


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The purpose of this paper is to review two mathematical models: one for the formation of homochiral polymers from an originally chirally symmetric system; and the other, to show how, in an RNA-world scenario, RNA can simultaneously act both as information storage and a catalyst for its own production. We note the similarities and differences in chemical mechanisms present in the systems. We review these two systems, analysing steady-states, interesting kinetics and the stability of symmetric solutions. In both systems we show that there are ranges of parameter values where some chains increase their own concentrations faster than others.


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PPARα ligands evoke a profound mitogenic response in rodent liver, and the aim of this study was to characterise the kinetics of induction of DNA synthesis. The CAR ligand, 1,4-bis[2-(3,5- dichoropyridyloxy)]benzene, caused induction of hepatocyte DNA synthesis within 48 hours in 129S4/SvJae mice, but the potent PPARα ligand, ciprofibrate, induced hepatocyte DNA synthesis only after 3 or 4 days dosing; higher or lower doses did not hasten the DNA synthesis response. This contrasted with the rapid induction (24 hours) reported by Styles et al. (Carcinogenesis 9:1647-1655). C57BL/6 and DBA/2J mice showed significant induction of DNA synthesis after 4, but not 2, days ciprofibrate treatment. Alderley Park and 129S4/SvJae mice dosed with methylclofenapate induced hepatocyte DNA synthesis at 4, but not 2, days after dosing, and proved that inconsistency with prior work was not due to a difference in mouse strain or PPARα ligand. Ciprofibrate-induced liver DNA synthesis and growth was absent in PPARα- null mice, and are PPARα-dependent. In the Fisher344 rat, hepatocyte DNA synthesis was induced at 24 hours after dosing, with a second peak at 48 hours. Lobular localisation of hepatocyte DNA synthesis showed preferential periportal induction of DNA synthesis in rat, but panlobular zonation of hepatocyte DNA synthesis in mouse. These results characterise a markedly later hepatic induction of panlobular DNA synthesis by PPARα ligands in mouse, compared to rapid induction of periportal DNA synthesis in rat.


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We study the conjectured “insensitivity to chiral symmetry breaking” in the highly excited light baryon spectrum. While the experimental spectrum is being measured at JLab and CBELSA/TAPS, this insensitivity remains to be computed theoretically in detail. As the only existing option to have both confinement, highly excited states, and chiral symmetry, we adopt the truncated Coulomb-gauge formulation of QCD, considering a linearly confining Coulomb term. Adopting a systematic and numerically intensive variational treatment up to 12 harmonic oscillator shells we are able to access several angular and radial excitations. We compute both the excited spectra of I=1/2 and I=3/2 baryons, up to large spin J=13/2, and study in detail the proposed chiral multiplets. While the static-light and light-light spectra clearly show chiral symmetry restoration high in the spectrum, the realization of chiral symmetry is more complicated in the baryon spectrum than earlier expected.


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The effect of chiral and achiral ligands protecting the inner Au9 core of the Au18(SR)14 cluster is studied based on density functional theory (DFT) and its corrected long-range interaction (DFT-D) approach. It was found that the electronic properties (energy levels) depend on the specific ligands, which induce distinct distortions on the Au–S framework. However, the substitution of S-c-C6H11 as SCH3 ligands may be considered to be correct given the obtained resemblance to the displayed bonding, optical and chiroptical properties. A further comparison of the CD and UV spectra displayed by the Au18 cluster protected by chiral and achiral ligands attests that more intense profiles are featured by ligands including phenyl rings and/or oxygen atoms such that the Au18 cluster protected by either achiral metamercaptobenzoic acid (m-MBA) or achiral SPh ligands displays more intense UV and CD signals. These results provide new insight into the effect of ligands on thiolated gold clusters


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The preparation of imidazolium and benzimidazolium salts with hydroxyl or carboxylate functions has been achieved using straightforward synthetic pathways. These salts in combination with palladium(II) acetate give active catalytic systems for Suzuki reaction. A comparative study has been performed, which has revealed that both the heterocycle and the functional group are important for the catalytic activity and stability of the catalyst.


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This article describes the synthesis, structures and systematic study of the spectroscopic and redox properties of a series of octahedral molybdenum metal cluster complexes with aromatic sulfonate ligands (nBu4N)2[{Mo6X8}(OTs)6] and (nBu4N)2[{Mo6X8}(PhSO3)6] (where X- is Cl-, Br- or I-; OTs- is p-toluenesulfonate and PhSO3 - is benzenesulfonate). All the complexes demonstrated photoluminescence in the red region and an ability to generate singlet oxygen. Notably, the highest quantum yields (>0.6) and narrowest emission bands were found for complexes with a {Mo6I8}4+ cluster core. Moreover, cyclic voltammetric studies revealed that (nBu4N)2[{Mo6X8}(OTs)6] and (nBu4N)2[{Mo6X8}(PhSO3)6] confer enhanced stability towards electrochemical oxidation relative to corresponding starting complexes (nBu4N)2[{Mo6X8}X6].


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Proline (Pro) is a unique amino acid that has been examined previously as a potential chiral selector for high-performance liquid chromatography. In recent years, a new class of promising Pro based enantioselective stationary phases has been studied and the longer peptides were found to be competitive with commercial chiral stationary phases (CSPs). Here, we aim to perform a comprehensive examination of a t-butoxycarbonyl- (t-Boc-) terminated monoproline selector. This selector was grafted through an amide linkage to an aminopropyl siloxane-terminated Si (111) wafer and to a silicon atomic force microscopy tip. To ensure a flat, homogeneous overlayer of selectors suitable for force spectrometric measurements, the prepared surfaces were characterized using XPS, AFM and contact angle measurements. Chemical force spectrometry (CFS) has been used to examine the chiral discrimination in our monoproline CSP by measuring the interaction forces between two D- or L-monoproline monolayers in water and in the presence of a series of amino acids in solution to explore the degree to which binding of amino acids impacts self-selectivity. Chemical force titration (CFT) has been used to observe the influence of variations in pH on the binding interaction of proline modified chiral surfaces. Here we aim to explore the connection between side-chain hydrophobicity and differences in the nature of the binding between different ionic forms of amino acids and the t-Boc-Pro interface, and thereby to gain insight into the mechanism of chiral selectivity. The CFS results show several trends for different proline selector/amino acid combinations and indicate that the binding characteristics of amino acid to the proline surface is strongly dependent on the amino acid side chain where hydrophilic side chain amino acids exhibit a selectivity opposite to that seen for those with hydrophobic side chains. The CFT studies also provide valuable insights into interactions between the proline selector and the amino acids under a wide range of pH conditions, indicating that protonated amine groups of alanine and serine are closely involved in the binding mechanism to proline surfaces. On the other hand, the presence of the second carboxylic group in aspartic acid plays an important role while interacting with proline.


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This thesis explores the potential of chiral plasmonic nanostructures for the ultrasensitive detection of protein structure. These nanostructures support the generation of fields with enhanced chirality relative to circularly polarised light and are an extremely incisive probe of protein structure. In chapter 4 we introduce a nanopatterned Au film (Templated Plasmonic Substrate, TPS) fabricated using a high through-put injection moulding technique which is a viable alternative to expensive lithographically fabricated nanostructures. The optical and chiroptical properties of TPS nanostructures are found to be highly dependent on the coupling between the electric and magnetic modes of the constituent solid and inverse structures. Significantly, refractive index based measurements of strongly coupled TPSs display a similar sensitivity to protein structure as previous lithographic nanostructures. We subsequently endeavour to improve the sensing properties of TPS nanostructures by developing a high through-put nanoscale chemical functionalisation technique. This process involves a chemical protection/deprotection strategy. The protection step generates a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of a thermally responsive polymer on the TPS surface which inhibits protein binding. The deprotection step exploits the presence of nanolocalised thermal gradients in the water surrounding the TPS upon irradiation with an 8ns pulsed laser to modify the SAM conformation on surfaces with high net chirality. This allows binding of biomaterial in these regions and subsequently enhances the TPS sensitivity levels. In chapter 6 an alternative method for the detection of protein structure using TPS nanostructures is introduced. This technique relies on mediation of the electric/magnetic coupling in the TPS by the adsorbed protein. This phenomenon is probed through both linear reflectance and nonlinear second harmonic generation (SHG) measurements. Detection of protein structure using this method does not require the presence of fields of enhanced chirality whilst it is also sensitive to a larger array of secondary structure motifs than the measurements in chapters 4 and 5. Finally, a preliminary investigation into the detection of mesoscale biological structure is presented. Sensitivity to the mesoscale helical pitch of insulin amyloid fibrils is displayed through the asymmetry in the circular dichroism (CD) of lithographic gammadions of varying thickness upon adsorption of insulin amyloid fibril spherulites and fragmented fibrils. The proposed model for this sensitivity to the helical pitch relies on the vertical height of the nanostructures relative to this structural property as well as the binding orientation of the fibrils.


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We propose a model for the quark-antiquark interaction in Minkowski space using the Covariant Spectator Theory. We show that with an equal-weighted scalar-pseudoscalar structure for the confining part of our interaction kernel the axial-vector Ward-Takahashi identity is preserved and our model complies with the Adler-zero constraint for π-π-scattering imposed by chiral symmetry.


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We introduce a covariant approach in Minkowski space for the description of quarks and mesons that exhibits both chiral-symmetry breaking and confinement. In a simple model for the interquark interaction, the quark mass function is obtained and used in the calculation of the pion form factor. We study the effects of the mass function and the different quark pole contributions on the pion form factor.


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Integrins are α/β-heterodimeric transmembrane adhesion receptors that mediate cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions. Integrins are bidirectional signalling receptors that respond to external signals (“outside-in” signalling) and in parallel, transduce internal signals to the matrix (“inside-out” signalling), to regulate vital cellular functions including migration, survival, growth and differentiation. Therefore, dysregulation of these tightly regulated processes often results in uncontrolled integrin activation and abnormal tissue expression that is responsible for many diseases. Because of their important roles in physiological and pathological events, they represent a validated target for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. The aim of the present Thesis was focused on the development of peptidic ligands for α4β1 and αvβ3 integrin subtypes, involved in inflammatory responses (leukocytes recruitment and extravasation) and cancer progression (angiogenesis, tumor growth, metastasis), respectively. Following the peptidomimetic strategy, we designed and synthesized a small library of linear and cyclic hybrid α/β-peptidomimetics based on the phenylureido-LDV scaffolds for the treatment of chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases. In order to implement a fast and non-invasive diagnostic method for monitoring the course of the inflammatory processes, a flat glass-surface of dye-loaded Zeolite L-crystal nanoparticles was coated with bioactive α4β1-peptidomimetics to detect specific integrin-expressing cells as biomarkers of inflammatory diseases. Targeted drug delivery has been considered a promising alternative to overcome the pharmacokinetic limitations of conventional anticancer drugs. Thus, a novel Small-Molecule Drug Conjugate was synthesized by connecting the highly cytotoxic Cryptophycin to the tumor-targeting RGDfK-peptide through a protease-cleavable linker. Finally, in view to making the peptide synthesis more sustainable and greener, we developed an alternative method for peptide bonds formation employing solvent-free mechanochemistry and ultra-mild minimal solvent-grinding conditions in common, inexpensive laboratory equipment. To this purpose, standard amino acids, coupling agents and organic-green solvents were used in the presence of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite as a reusable, bio-compatible inorganic basic catalyst.