780 resultados para Children’s views of divorce


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This report was prepared with the support of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Contract Number 06-G550-02. It has been prepared for use by the IDNR for the specific purposes identified in the report. Use of the report and its contents for other purposes is prohibited without prior approval from the IDNR. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the IDNR. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) commissioned the completion of a statewide waste characterization study in 2005.


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As áreas marinhas protegidas (AMPs), enquanto instrumentos de conservação da natureza, contribuem para a conservação, preservação e gestão dos ecossistemas costeiros e marinhos a nível mundial. Na Província Biogeográfica da Macaronésia, as AMPs existentes desempenham este papel de forma preponderante, principalmente no que diz respeito às espécies com impacte económico local. A governança consiste nas interacções entre estruturas, processos e tradições, as quais determinam como são exercidas as responsabilidades, como as decisões são tomadas e como é que a opinião dos cidadãos e grupos de interesse (stakeholders) é integrada no processo de decisão. Assim, a governança das AMPs é um factor determinante para o seu sucesso. Foi estudada a governança das AMPs na Província Biogeográfica da Macaronésia (arquipélagos dos Açores, Madeira, Canárias e Cabo Verde), com a finalidade de verificar se o actual estado de estabelecimento e gestão de AMPs nos quatro arquipélagos é ou não favorável a uma governança conjunta do meio marinho nesta província biogeográfica, tendo em vista os objectivos de conservação da natureza à escala global. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia própria baseada na análise do quadro legal nacional e internacional e das estruturas governativas das AMPs, e ainda em entrevistas no arquipélago com menor disponibilidade de informação (Cabo Verde). Conclui-se que os três países que fazem parte da área de estudo detêm os quadros legais (internacional, regional e nacional) e institucional considerados suficientes para a conservação dos ecossistemas costeiros e marinhos. Esta análise permitiu a definição de acções que poderão ser desenvolvidas pelos quatro arquipélagos, visando uma gestão conjunta integrada das AMPs na área de estudo. Apesar de existirem vários diplomas e regulamentos jurídicos a nível nacional/regional sobre a conservação marinha, há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer no que diz respeito aos planos de gestão destinados a promover uma abordagem integrada da conservação à escala biogeográfica


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OBJECTIVE: We aim to explore how health surrogates of patients with dementia proceed in decision making, which considerations are decisive, and whether family surrogates and professional guardians decide differently. METHODS: We conducted an experimental vignette study using think aloud protocol analysis. Thirty-two family surrogates and professional guardians were asked to decide on two hypothetical case vignettes, concerning a feeding tube placement and a cardiac pacemaker implantation in patients with end-stage dementia. They had to verbalize their thoughts while deciding. Verbalizations were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed according to content analysis. By experimentally changing variables in the vignettes, the impact of these variables on the outcome of decision making was calculated. RESULTS: Although only 25% and 31% of the relatives gave their consent to the feeding tube and pacemaker placement, respectively, 56% and 81% of the professional guardians consented to these life-sustaining measures. Relatives decided intuitively, referred to their own preferences, and focused on the patient's age, state of wellbeing, and suffering. Professional guardians showed a deliberative approach, relied on medical and legal authorities, and emphasized patient autonomy. Situational variables such as the patient's current behavior and the views of health care professionals and family members had higher impacts on decisions than the patient's prior statements or life attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Both the process and outcome of surrogate decision making depend heavily on whether the surrogate is a relative or not. These findings have implications for the physician-surrogate relationship and legal frameworks regarding surrogacy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The ability to discriminate conspecific vocalizations is observed across species and early during development. However, its neurophysiologic mechanism remains controversial, particularly regarding whether it involves specialized processes with dedicated neural machinery. We identified spatiotemporal brain mechanisms for conspecific vocalization discrimination in humans by applying electrical neuroimaging analyses to auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) in response to acoustically and psychophysically controlled nonverbal human and animal vocalizations as well as sounds of man-made objects. AEP strength modulations in the absence of topographic modulations are suggestive of statistically indistinguishable brain networks. First, responses were significantly stronger, but topographically indistinguishable to human versus animal vocalizations starting at 169-219 ms after stimulus onset and within regions of the right superior temporal sulcus and superior temporal gyrus. This effect correlated with another AEP strength modulation occurring at 291-357 ms that was localized within the left inferior prefrontal and precentral gyri. Temporally segregated and spatially distributed stages of vocalization discrimination are thus functionally coupled and demonstrate how conventional views of functional specialization must incorporate network dynamics. Second, vocalization discrimination is not subject to facilitated processing in time, but instead lags more general categorization by approximately 100 ms, indicative of hierarchical processing during object discrimination. Third, although differences between human and animal vocalizations persisted when analyses were performed at a single-object level or extended to include additional (man-made) sound categories, at no latency were responses to human vocalizations stronger than those to all other categories. Vocalization discrimination transpires at times synchronous with that of face discrimination but is not functionally specialized.


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The age at which school children begin instruction in the foreign language has been brought forward on two main grounds: (1) young children are better language learners than older children, and (2) bilingualism brings cognitive advantages to children. Both statements are critically analysed in this paper. First of all, recent research findings show that the advantage that younger learners show in a naturalistic language learning situation (or through school immersion) disappears in a formal language learning situation with very limited exposure to the target language. Secondly, the positive effects on cognitive development that have been revealed through research correspond to situations of balanced bilingualism, that is, situations in which children have a high command of the two languages. In contrast, children¿s command of the foreign language in our context is very limited and hence far from the situation of balanced bilingualism (or trilingualism) that is said to bring positive cognitive effects.


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Summary: Russia abroad : the ideological and political views of Russian émigrés in European Russian newspapers between 1918 and 1940


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There are currently few studies exploring doctors' personal perspectives on integrating sexuality into medical consultations. This study focuses on the views of gynaecologists on introducing, or not introducing, sexuality into their work. A total of 30 semistructured interviews were conducted with gynaecologists in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. The thematic content analysis and computer-assisted lexical analysis (Alceste) on the interview transcripts highlighted four categories: perceptions and description of sexuality, patient's sexological history, training in sexology and perceived difficulties. It is observed that, above all, the 'medical dimension' characterises gynaecologists' perceptions. Of greater interest is our observation of disparities in gynaecologists' discussion of their practice, which is often the product of lay knowledge based on common sense and/or personal experience. Finally, the decision to integrate questions relating to sexuality seems to depend on non-medical factors such as the personal experience, interest or gender of the doctor.


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L'épreuve « factuelle » et physique de la brûlure grave des grands brûlés de la face fait l'objet d'une analyse sociologique systématique : alors qu'un accident peut, en quelques secondes, provoquer une véritable rupture biographique, l'acceptation du nouveau statut et la « reconstruction » d'un rapport à soi et aux autres prend beaucoup de temps. Les modalités de cette reconstruction et les tentatives pour retrouver une impossible « apparence normale » dans la vie publique sont ici analysées. Tout en étant attentive aux modalités de l'interaction, la présente étude relève d'une démarche sociologique compréhensive menée à partir d'observations et d'entretiens conduits avec ces personnes, amenant dans le giron de la sociologie une expérience éprouvanteencore peu connue, celle des grands brûlés de la face. Le registre discursif adossé à cette dernière vient compléter certaines représentations véhiculées par les médias, les fictions et qui influent sur la perception et la visibilité de ceux-ci. A l'aune du concept d'épreuve issu de la « sociologie pragmatique », le parcours du grand brûlé peut être examiné en prêtant une attention particulière au moment initial du parcours post¬brûlure : l'accident. La mise en récit de cette première épreuve est révélatrice des tentatives pour le grand brûlé de maintenir un lien entre un avant et un après l'accident. S'ensuit un continuum d'épreuves intervenant dès le moment où les grands brûlés se présentent physiquement face à autrui dans l'espace public suscitant des réactions de gêne et de malaise. Dans le prolongement des travaux d'Erving Goffman, on peut les concevoir comme des motifs d'« inconfort interactionnel ». Cette mise en évidence de l'inconfort interactionnel montre la nécessité de ne pas se limiter à une sociologie de la brûlure grave qui s'attarderait seulement sur les ajustements des interactions. A partir des travaux d'Axel Honneth sur la reconnaissance, il est possible de lire cette gestion des situations d'interaction dans une autre optique, celle qui, pour le grand brûlé, consiste à se préserver du mépris. Ce travail met l'accent sur des habiletés interactionnelles, des compétences qui fonctionnent comme des ressorts et permettent au grand brûlé de gérer des situations susceptibles de conduire au mépris. En s'appuyant sur des situations d'interaction racontées, deux formes de lutte individuelle, de quête de reconnaissance, peuvent être dégagées : d'une part, la « lutte contre » la trop grande visibilité et contre la prégnance de certains préjugés et, d'autre part, la « lutte pour » faire connaître des aspects invisibles ou moins visibles de la brûlure grave. - This thesis analyzes the "factual" and physical ordeal of a severe burn as experienced by victims of severe facial burns. In a few seconds, an accident provokes a biographical rupture and persons involved need time to integrate their new status. This thesis concentrates on the "reconstruction" modes of the relationship with oneself and with others, and on attempts to find an impossible "normal appearance" in public life. While being attentive to the modalities of interaction, the study uses comprehensive sociology based on observations and interviews. This thesis brings into sociology litde known views of those suffering severe facial burns. These views supplement certain media representations that influence perceptions and visibility of the people involved. Applying the concept of test, a key concept of pragmatic sociology, the progression of a severely burned person can be described by focusing on the initial moment: the accident. The recounting of this first challenge reveals the severely burned person's efforts to link the "before" and "after" the accident. A continuum of challenges follows. These tests occur when the severely burned person physically faces others in a public space and when visible discomfort and embarrassment show, reactions which we consider, following Erving Goffman's works, as situations of "interactional discomfort." Emphasis on interactional discomfort shows the necessity of expanding the sociology of severe burns to more than just adjustments to interactions. Based on Axel Honneth's works, we can read the management of interactions from another point of view, in which the severely burned person tries to avoid contempt. This work emphasizes interactional aptitudes, skills that act like rebounding springs, and allow the severely burned person to manage situations that might lead to contempt. Starting with descriptions of interactions, we have determined two forms of individual struggle that appear to be a search for recognition: on one hand, the "struggle against" too much visibility and against the strength of certain prejudices, and, on the other hand, a "struggle for" making known rtain invisible or less visible aspects of a severe burn.


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The age at which school children begin instruction in the foreign language has been brought forward on two main grounds: (1) young children are better language learners than older children, and (2) bilingualism brings cognitive advantages to children. Both statements are critically analysed in this paper. First of all, recent research findings show that the advantage that younger learners show in a naturalistic language learning situation (or through school immersion) disappears in a formal language learning situation with very limited exposure to the target language. Secondly, the positive effects on cognitive development that have been revealed through research correspond to situations of balanced bilingualism, that is, situations in which children have a high command of the two languages. In contrast, children¿s command of the foreign language in our context is very limited and hence far from the situation of balanced bilingualism (or trilingualism) that is said to bring positive cognitive effects.


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Trust in public institutions and public policies are generally perceived as a precondition for economic recovery in times of recession. Recent empirical evidence tends to find a positive link between decentralization and trust. But our knowledge about whether decentralization – through increased trust – improves the perception of the delivery and effectiveness of public policies is still limited. In this paper we estimate the impact of fiscal and political decentralization on the perception of the state of the education system and of health services, by using the 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 waves of the European social survey. The analysis of the views of 160,000 individuals in 31 European countries indicates that while the effect of fiscal decentralization on the perception of the state of the health and education system is limited, political decentralization clearly affects citizen’s satisfaction with education and health delivery. The influence of political decentralization, however, is highly contingent on whether we consider the capacity of the local or regional government to exercise authority over its citizens (self-rule) or to influence policy at the national level (shared-rule). Keywords: Education, health, satisfaction, fiscal and political decentralization, Europe. JEL codes: H11, H77


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La teràpia aquàtica o hidroteràpia és una de les tècniques de fisioteràpia poc valorades pels beneficis que aporten. En aquest estudi analitzem com aquest tractament en el medi aquàtic pot beneficiar als pacients afectats de un accident vascular cerebral (AVC). Els participants d’aquest estudi son pacients els quals han patit un AVC en els últims dos anys. Aquest estudi serà dut a terme ha l’Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Palma de Mallorca. La investigació consisteix en una combinació entre el mètode qualitatiu i el mètode quantitatiu, cada mètode aporta diferents visions de l’estudi amb la finalitat d’obtenir resultats més complets, arribant als objectius marcats. Per una banda, l’aspecte bio-psico-social serà avaluat utilitzant el mètode qualitatiu, realitzant entrevistes semi-estructures abans i després del tractament amb la finalitat d’obtenir la sensació que percep el pacient en cada moment. Per l’altre banda, l’espasticitat la valorarem mitjançant l’escala de Ashworth amb el mètode quantitatiu abans i després del tractament. Tenint en compte que poden sorgir varis limitacions com el temps de durada de l’estudi, la planificació o limitacions entre els participants, és un estudi interessant per valorar els canvis en la qualitat de vida d’aquestes persones.


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La pregunta inicial d’aquesta investigació rau en si el patrimoni proper és un recurs que facilita l’aprenentatge de les ciències socials als nens i nenes. Per tal de donar resposta a aquesta qüestió, s’ha estudiat la relació entre el patrimoni local i l’interès que genera. Per realitzar-ho, es van concretar uns ítems que han estat analitzats a partir d’un estudi de casos. Els participants d’aquesta investigació han estat un grup d’alumnes d’Educació Primària, els quals van realitzar una proposta didàctica on s’utilitzava el patrimoni proper com a eix vertebrador. També, han participat en aquesta investigació mestres d’escoles de Sant Celoni, els quals han expressat les vivències viscudes amb els seus alumnes en activitats que impliquen el patrimoni local. Finalment, s’ha analitzat la informació aportada per tots els participants i s’ha arribat a unes conclusions.


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En aquest article s’ofereix un perfil del pensament de Rousseau a partir de la seva relació amb la filosofia estoica i la seva dependència respecte de les idees de Montaigne, alhora que es remarca —atenint-se a la Professió de fe del vicari savoià— la dimensió religiosa i espiritual de la seva cosmovisió. Sobre la base d’aquests supòsits es revisa l’impacte de les idees de Rousseau en el Romanticisme del segle xix, sense perdre de vista les crítiques que la seva pedagogia va merèixer dels ideòlegs del Noucentisme (Eugeni d’Ors, Joaquim Xirau). Finalment, es conclou que la presència de la pedagogia de Rousseau en el Moviment de Renovació Pedagògica, viscut durant les primeres dècades del segle xx a Catalunya, constitueix més un horitzó que no pas una realitat bastida sistemàticament i sòlidament.


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The 1935 Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge is being documented at this time to fulfill the requirements of the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the removal of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge and the Iowana Farms Milk Company Building for the proposed improvements to Interstate 7 4 in Bettendorf, Iowa, and Moline, Illinois.1 The 1959 twin suspension bridge will be removed as well, but it was determined to be ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Discussion of the history of the 1959 twin span is included, however, in the current report as part of the overall history of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. Fieldwork for the documentation occurred in November 2009 and October 2010 (Fig. 1). Limitations on photography included limited shoreline access on the Illinois side, making good views of the bridge from the south somewhat challenging. Also, photographs on the bridge deck were not possible because of interstate traffic and prohibitions on pedestrian traffic. Within the last few years, online primary sources have proliferated, along with historical materials regarding the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. Sources available online for this report included numerous historical photographs, as well as historical Davenport, Iowa, and U.S. newspapers that document the bridge planning and construction. Additional primary source material was found at the University of Iowa Libraries, the State Historical Society of Iowa in Iowa City, the Bettendorf Public Library, the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center at the Davenport Public Library, and the Iowa State University Special Collections in Ames.


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Summary: The transition to and postponing of institutional long-term care of the elderly according to the views of the relatives