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In this work, the different adsorption properties of H and alkali metal atoms on the basal plane of graphite are studied and compared using a density functional method on the same model chemistry level. The results show that H prefers the on-top site while alkali metals favor the middle hollow site of graphite basal plane due to the unique electronic structures of H, alkali metals, and graphite. H has a higher electronegativity than carbon, preferring to form a covalent bond with C atoms, whereas alkaline metals have lower electronegativity, tending to adsorb on the highest electrostatic potential sites. During adsorption, there are more charges transferred from alkali metal to graphite than from H to graphite.
Water-sampler equilibrium partitioning coefficients and aqueous boundary layer mass transfer coefficients for atrazine, diuron, hexazionone and fluometuron onto C18 and SDB-RPS Empore disk-based aquatic passive samplers have been determined experimentally under a laminar flow regime (Re = 5400). The method involved accelerating the time to equilibrium of the samplers by exposing them to three water concentrations, decreasing stepwise to 50% and then 25% of the original concentration. Assuming first-order Fickian kinetics across a rate-limiting aqueous boundary layer, both parameters are determined computationally by unconstrained nonlinear optimization. In addition, a method of estimation of mass transfer coefficients-therefore sampling rates-using the dimensionless Sherwood correlation developed for laminar flow over a flat plate is applied. For each of the herbicides, this correlation is validated to within 40% of the experimental data. The study demonstrates that for trace concentrations (sub 0.1 mu g/L) and these flow conditions, a naked Empore disk performs well as an integrative sampler over short deployments (up to 7 days) for the range of polar herbicides investigated. The SDB-RPS disk allows a longer integrative period than the C18 disk due to its higher sorbent mass and/or its more polar sorbent chemistry. This work also suggests that for certain passive sampler designs, empirical estimation of sampling rates may be possible using correlations that have been available in the chemical engineering literature for some time.
Adsorption of argon at its boiling point infinite cylindrical pores is considered by means of the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) with a reference to MCM-41 silica. The NLDFT was adjusted to amorphous solids, which allowed us to quantitatively describe argon adsorption isotherm on nonporous reference silica in the entire bulk pressure range. In contrast to the conventional NLDFT technique, application of the model to cylindrical pores does not show any layering before the phase transition in conformity with experimental data. The finite pore is modeled as a cylindrical cavity bounded from its mouth by an infinite flat surface perpendicular to the pore axis. The adsorption of argon in pores of 4 and 5 nm diameters is analyzed in canonical and grand canonical ensembles using a two-dimensional version of NLDFT, which accounts for the radial and longitudinal fluid density distributions. The simulation results did not show any unusual features associated with accounting for the outer surface and support the conclusions obtained from the classical analysis of capillary condensation and evaporation. That is, the spontaneous condensation occurs at the vapor-like spinodal point, which is the upper limit of mechanical stability of the liquid-like film wetting the pore wall, while the evaporation occurs via a mechanism of receding of the semispherical meniscus from the pore mouth and the complete evaporation of the core occurs at the equilibrium transition pressure. Visualization of the pore filling and empting in the form of contour lines is presented.
Despite decades of experimental and theoretical investigation on thin films, considerable uncertainty exists in the prediction of their critical rupture thickness. According to the spontaneous rupture mechanism, common thin films become unstable when capillary waves. at the interfaces begin to grow. In a horizontal film with symmetry at the midplane. unstable waves from adjacent interfaces grow towards the center of the film. As the film drains and becomes thinner, unstable waves osculate and cause the film to rupture, Uncertainty sterns from a number of sources including the theories used to predict film drainage and corrugation growth dynamics. In the early studies, (lie linear stability of small amplitude waves was investigated in the Context of the quasi-static approximation in which the dynamics of wave growth and film thinning are separated. The zeroth order wave growth equation of Vrij predicts faster wave growth rates than the first order equation derived by Sharma and Ruckenstein. It has been demonstrated in an accompanying paper that film drainage rates and times measured by numerous investigations are bounded by the predictions of the Reynolds equation and the more recent theory of Manev, Tsekov, and Radoev. Solutions to combinations of these equations yield simple scaling laws which should bound the critical rupture thickness of foam and emulsion films, In this paper, critical thickness measurements reported in the literature are compared to predictions from the bounding scaling equations and it is shown that the retarded Hamaker constants derived from approximate Lifshitz theory underestimate the critical thickness of foam and emulsion films, The non-retarded Hamaker constant more adequately bounds the critical thickness measurements over the entire range of film radii reported in the literature. This result reinforces observations made by other independent researchers that interfacial interactions in flexible liquid films are not adequately represented by the retarded Hamaker constant obtained from Lifshitz theory and that the interactions become significant at much greater separations than previously thought. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A review of thin film drainage models is presented in which the predictions of thinning velocities and drainage times are compared to reported values on foam and emulsion films found in the literature. Free standing films with tangentially immobile interfaces and suppressed electrostatic repulsion are considered, such as those studied in capillary cells. The experimental thinning velocities and drainage times of foams and emulsions are shown to be bounded by predictions from the Reynolds and the theoretical MTsR equations. The semi-empirical MTsR and the surface wave equations were the most consistently accurate with all of the films considered. These results are used in an accompanying paper to develop scaling laws that bound the critical film thickness of foam and emulsion films. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of TPU nanocomposites were prepared by incorporating organically modified layered silicates with controlled particle size. To our knowledge, this is the first study into the effects of layered silicate diameter in polymer nanocomposites utilizing the same mineral for each size fraction. The tensile properties of these materials were found to be highly dependent upon the size of the layered silicates. A decrease in disk diameter was associated with a sharp upturn in the stress-strain curve and a pronounced increase in tensile strength. Results from SAXS/SANS experiments showed that the layered silicates did not affect the bulk TPU microphase structure and the morphological response of the host TPU to deformation or promote/hinder strain-induced soft segment crystallization. The improved tensile properties of the nanocomposites containing the smaller nanofillers resulted from the layered silicates aligning in the direction of strain and interacting with the TPU sequences via secondary bonding. This phenomenon contributes predominantly above 400% strain once the microdomain architecture has largely been disassembled. Large tactoids that are unable to align in the strain direction lead to concentrated tensile stresses between the polymer and filler, instead of desirable shear stresses, resulting in void formation and reduced tensile properties. In severe cases, such as that observed for the composite containing the largest silicate, these voids manifest visually as stress whitening.
An analysis of thermal degradation products evolved during the melt processing of organo-layered silicates (OLS) was carried out via the use of a solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique. Two commerical OLSs and one produced in-house were prepared for comparision. The solid phase microextraction technique proved to be a very effective technique for investigating the degradation of the OLS at a specific processing temperature. The results showed that most available OLSs will degrade under typical conditions required for the melt processing of many polymers, including thermoplastic polyurethanes. It is suggested that these degradation products may lead to changes in the structure and properties of the final polymer, particularly in thermoplastic polyurethanes, which seem significantly succeptable to the presence of these products. It is also suggested that many commercially available OLSs are produced in such a way that results in an excess of unbound organic modifier, giving rise to a greater quantity of degradation products. All OLSs where compared and characterised by TGA and GC-MS. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The formation of MgA1 layered double hydroxide (LDH) from physically mixed MgO and Al2O3 oxides upon hydrothermal treatment has been extensively investigated, and a formation mechanism has been proposed. We observed that the formation of LDH from the oxide mixture occurs upon heating at 110 degreesC. In general, LDH is the major component while the minor phases are mainly determined by the initial pH of the oxide suspension as well as the MgO/Al2O3 ratio. The neutrality in the initial suspension results in a minor Mg(OH)(2) as the impure phase, while the alkalinity in the suspension keeps some MgO unreacted throughout the whole hydrothermal treatment. We suggest that MgO and Al2O3 be hydrated into Mg(OH)(2) and Al(OH)(3), respectively, in the initial stage for all samples. We further Suggest that in the neutral condition Mg(OH)2 be quickly dissociated to Mg2+ and OH- which then deposit on the surface of Al(OH)(3)/Al2O3 to form a M-Al pre-LDH material. Al(OH)(4)(-), ionized from Al(OH)(3) in the basic solution, deposits on the surface of Mg(OH)(2)/MgO to result in a similar MgAl pre-LDH material. Such a pre-LDH material is then well crystallized upon continuous heating via the diffusion of metal ions in the solid lattice. Such a dissociation-deposition-diffusion mechanism via two pathways has been supported by the phase composition, morphological features of crystallites, and [Mg]/[Al] ratios on the crystallite surface. and presumably applied to the general formation of LDHs with various synthetic methods. Such as coprecipitation, homogeneous preparation, and reconstruction.
The free-ion model (FIM) describes iron ( Fe) uptake by barley [ Hordeum vulgare ( L.) 'Grammett'] as being controlled by the activity of the buffered, free, uncomplexed Fe3+ in solution. Chelators' effect on Fe uptake by barley was evaluated and the rate of exchange of Fe between chelators was examined. Barley was grown for two weeks in a low-Fe nutrient solution and transferred to solutions varying in Fe and chelators for 6 h assays. Shoot Fe-59 was higher in barley grown in citrate (7743 and 1928 Fe-59 Bq g(-1)) than in NTA(3220 and 1113 Fe-59 Bq g(-1); P = 0.045) despite similar free-Fe3+ activities. A comparison of Fe uptake by barley from solutions with pFe(3+) activities of 17.1 and 24.6 showed < 5% was from indiscriminate apoplastic-flow uptake (3250 Fe-59 Bq g(-1) vs. 160 Fe-59 Bq g(-1)). Using nutrient solutions from the barley studies but without plants, Fe exchange between chelators and a simulant for the barley phytosiderophore occurred within hours ( for NTA and citrate), or days ( EDTA and HEDTA). Results were similar between the barley and Fe-exchange experiments for the two nutrient-solution treatments where the same Fe3+ activities but different total-Fe concentrations were used: the higher total-Fe treatment resulted in six-fold higher shoot Fe-59, while in the Fe-exchange study that treatment had six-fold more Fe bound to the phytosiderophore simulant after 2 d. Results indicated deviations from the FIM were not explained by indiscriminate-flow uptake, and that sluggish Fe-exchange reactions between chelate and phytosiderophoresimulant, not FIM guidelines, may be more important in explaining Fe uptake from synthetic chelates by Fe-deficient barley.
A volume-of-fluid numerical method is used to predict the dynamics of drop formation in an axi-symmetric microfluidic flow-focusing geometry for a liquid-liquid system. The Reynolds numbers and Weber numbers approximate those of a three-dimensional flow in recently published experiments. We compare the predicted drop formation with the experimental results at various flow rates, and discuss the mechanisms of drop formation in this context. Despite the differences in geometry, we find qualitative correspondence between the numerical and experimental results. Both end-pinching and capillary-wave instability are important for droplet break-up at the higher flow rates.
In this paper we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the effect of contact angle on droplet shape as it moves through a contraction. A new non-dimensional number is proposed in order to predict situations where the deformed droplet will form a slug in the contraction and thus have the opportunity to interact with the channel wall. It is proposed that droplet flow into a contraction is a useful method to ensure that a droplet will wet a channel surface without a trapped lubrication film, and thus help ensure that a slug will remain attached to the wall downstream of the contraction. We demonstrate that when a droplet is larger than a contraction, capillary and Reynolds numbers, and fluid properties may not be sufficient to fully describe the droplet dynamics through a contraction. We show that, with everything else constant, droplet shape and breakup can be controlled simply by changing the wetting properties of the channel wall. CFD simulations with contact angles ranging from 30 degrees to 150 degrees show that lower contact angles can induce droplet breakup while higher contact angles can form slugs with contact angle dependent shape. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Virus-like particles (VLPs) are of interest in vaccination, gene therapy and drug delivery, but their potential has yet to be fully realized. This is because existing laboratory processes, when scaled, do not easily give a compositionally and architecturally consistent product. Research suggests that new process routes might ultimately be based on chemical processing by self-assembly, involving the precision manufacture of precursor capsomeres followed by in vitro VLP self-assembly and scale-up to required levels. A synergistic interaction of biomolecular design and bioprocess engineering (i.e. biomolecular engineering) is required if these alternative process routes and, thus, the promise of new VLP products, are to be realized.