968 resultados para Charge separations


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The equilibrium for formation of the intramolecular hydrogen bond (KHB) in a series of substituted salicylate monoanions was investigated as a function of ΔpKa, the difference between the pKa values of the hydrogen bond donor and acceptor, in both water and dimethyl sulfoxide. The dependence of log KHB upon ΔpKa is linear in both solvents, but is steeper in dimethyl sulfoxide (slope = 0.73) than in water (slope = 0.05). Thus, hydrogen bond strength can undergo substantially larger increases in nonaqueous media than aqueous solutions as the charge density on the donor or acceptor atom increases. These results support a general mechanism for enzymatic catalysis, in which hydrogen bonding to a substrate is strengthened as charge rearranges in going from the ground state to the transition state; the strengthening of the hydrogen bond would be greater in a nonaqueous enzymatic active site than in water, thus providing a rate enhancement for an enzymatic reaction relative to the solution reaction. We suggest that binding energy of an enzyme is used to fix the substrate in the low-dielectric active site, where the strengthening of the hydrogen bond in the course of a reaction is increased.


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The generalized master equations (GMEs) that contain multiple time scales have been derived quantum mechanically. The GME method has then been applied to a model of charge migration in proteins that invokes the hole hopping between local amino acid sites driven by the torsional motions of the floppy backbones. This model is then applied to analyze the experimental results for sequence-dependent long-range hole transport in DNA reported by Meggers et al. [Meggers, E., Michel-Beyerle, M. E., & Giese, B. (1998) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 12950–12955]. The model has also been applied to analyze the experimental results of femtosecond dynamics of DNA-mediated electron transfer reported by Zewail and co-workers [Wan, C., Fiebig, T., Kelley, S. O., Treadway, C. R., Barton, J. K. & Zewail, A. H. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 6014–6019]. The initial events in the dynamics of protein folding have begun to attract attention. The GME obtained in this paper will be applicable to this problem.


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The content of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) (Et; EC measured in different-aged leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and other plants grown under different light intensities, varied from 2 to 75 μmol active sites m−2. Mesophyll conductance (μ) was measured under 1.5% O2, as well as postillumination CO2 uptake (assimilatory charge, a gas-exchange measure of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate pool). The dependence of μ on Et saturated at Et = 30 μmol active sites m−2 and μ = 11 mm s−1 in high-light-grown leaves. In low-light-grown leaves the dependence tended toward saturation at similar Et but reached a μ of only 6 to 8 mm s−1. μ was proportional to the assimilatory charge, with the proportionality constant (specific carboxylation efficiency) between 0.04 and 0.075 μm−1 s−1. Our data show that the saturation of the relationship between Et and μ is caused by three limiting components: (a) the physical diffusion resistance (a minor limitation), (b) less than full activation of Rubisco (related to Rubisco activase and the slower diffusibility of Rubisco at high protein concentrations in the stroma), and (c) chloroplast metabolites, especially 3-phosphoglyceric acid and free inorganic phosphate, which control the reaction kinetics of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylation by competitive binding to active sites.


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To investigate the molecular basis of the voltage sensor that triggers excitation–contraction (EC) coupling, the four-domain pore subunit of the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) was cut in the cytoplasmic linker between domains II and III. cDNAs for the I-II domain (α1S 1–670) and the III-IV domain (α1S 701-1873) were expressed in dysgenic α1S-null myotubes. Coexpression of the two fragments resulted in complete recovery of DHPR intramembrane charge movement and voltage-evoked Ca2+ transients. When fragments were expressed separately, EC coupling was not recovered. However, charge movement was detected in the I-II domain expressed alone. Compared with I-II and III-IV together, the charge movement in the I-II domain accounted for about half of the total charge (Qmax = 3 ± 0.23 vs. 5.4 ± 0.76 fC/pF, respectively), and the half-activation potential for charge movement was significantly more negative (V1/2 = 0.2 ± 3.5 vs. 22 ± 3.4 mV, respectively). Thus, interactions between the four internal domains of the pore subunit in the assembled DHPR profoundly affect the voltage dependence of intramembrane charge movement. We also tested a two-domain I-II construct of the neuronal α1A Ca2+ channel. The neuronal I-II domain recovered charge movements like those of the skeletal I-II domain but could not assist the skeletal III-IV domain in the recovery of EC coupling. The results demonstrate that a functional voltage sensor capable of triggering EC coupling in skeletal myotubes can be recovered by the expression of complementary fragments of the DHPR pore subunit. Furthermore, the intrinsic voltage-sensing properties of the α1A I-II domain suggest that this hemi-Ca2+ channel could be relevant to neuronal function.


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Accurate quantum mechanical simulations of the primary charge transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers are reported. The process is modeled by three coupled electronic states corresponding to the photoexcited chlorophyll special pair (donor), the reduced bacteriopheophytin (acceptor), and the reduced accessory chlorophyll (bridge) that interact with a dissipative medium of protein and solvent degrees of freedom. The time evolution of the excited special pair is followed over 17 ps by using a fully quantum mechanical path integral scheme. We find that a free energy of the reduced accessory chlorophyll state approximately equal to 400 cm(-1) lower than that of the excited special pair state yields state populations in agreement with experimental results on wild-type and modified reaction centers. For this energetic configuration electron transfer is a two-step process.


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Ações na Justiça Eleitoral contra blogs geram protestos até do exterior.


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This thesis is devoted to the investigation of inter and intramolecular charge transfer (CT) in molecular functional materials and specifically organic dyes and CT crystals. An integrated approach encompassing quantum-chemical calculations, semiempirical tools, theoretical models and spectroscopic measurements is applied to understand structure-property relationships governing the low-energy physics of these materials. Four main topics were addressed: 1) Spectral properties of organic dyes. Charge-transfer dyes are constituted by electron donor (D) and electron acceptor (A) units linked through bridge(s) to form molecules with different symmetry and dimensionality. Their low-energy physics is governed by the charge resonance between D and A groups and is effectively described by a family of parametric Hamiltonians known as essential-state models. These models account for few electronic states, corresponding to the main resonance structures of the relevant dye, leading to a simple picture that is completed introducing the coupling of the electronic system to molecular vibrations, treated in a non-adiabatic way, and an effective classical coordinate, describing polar solvation. In this work a specific essential-state model was proposed and parametrized for the dye Brilliant Green. The central issue in this work has been the definition of the diabatic states, a not trivial task for a multi-branched chromophore. In a second effort, we have used essential-state models for the description of the early-stage dynamics of excited states after ultrafast excitation. Crucial to this work is the fully non-adiabatic treatment of the coupled electronic and vibrational motion, allowing for a reliable description of the dynamics of systems showing a multistable, broken-symmetry excited state. 2) Mixed-stack CT salts. Mixed-stack (MS) CT crystals are an interesting class of multifunctional molecular materials, where D and A molecules arrange themselves to form stacks, leading to delocalized electrons in one dimension. The interplay between the intermolecular CT, electrostatic interactions, lattice phonons and molecular vibrations leads to intriguing physical properties that include (photoinduced) phase transitions, multistability, antiferromagnetism, ferroelectricity and potential multiferroicity. The standard microscopic model to describe this family of materials is the Modified Hubbard model accounting for electron-phonon coupling (Peierls coupling), electron-molecular vibrations coupling (Holstein coupling) and electrostatic interactions. We adopt and validate a method, based on DFT calculations on dimeric DA structures, to extract relevant model parameters. The approach offers a powerful tool to shed light on the complex physics of MS-CT salts. 3) Charge transfer in organic radical dipolar dyes. In collaboration with the group of Prof. Jaume Veciana (ICMAB- Barcellona), we have studied spectral properties of a special class of CT dyes with D-bridge-A structure where the acceptor group is a stable radical (of the perchlorotriphenylmethyl, PTM, family), leading to an open-shell CT dyes. These materials are of interest since they associate the electronic and optical properties of CT dyes with magnetic properties from the unpaired electron. The first effort was devoted to the parametrization of the relevant essential-state model. Two strategies were adopted, one based on the calculation of the low-energy spectral properties, the other based on the variation of ground state properties with an applied electric field. 4) The spectral properties of organic nanoparticles based on radical species are investigated in collaboration with Dr. I. Ratera (ICMAB- Barcellona). Intriguing spectroscopic behavior was observed pointing to the presence of excimer states. In an attempt to rationalize these findings, extensive calculations (TD-DFT and ZINDO) were performed. The results for the isolated dyes are validated against experimental spectra in solution. To address intermolecular interactions we studied dimeric structures in the gas phase, but the preliminary results obtained do not support excimer formation.


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Perylene bisimides (PBIs) are n-type semiconducting and photogenerating materials widely used in a variety of optoelectronic devices. Particularly interesting are PBIs that are simultaneously water-soluble and liquid-crystalline (PBI-W+LC) and, thus, attractive for the development of high-performing easily processable applications in biology and “green” organic electronics. In this work, singular temperatures connected to charge transport mechanism transitions in a PBI-W+LC derivative are determined with high accuracy by means of temperature-dependent photocurrent studies. These singular temperatures include not only the ones observed at 60 and 110 °C, corresponding to phase transition temperatures from crystalline to liquid-crystalline (LC) and from LC to the isotropic phase, respectively, as confirmed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), but also a transition at 45 °C, not observed by DSC. By analyzing the photocurrent dependence simultaneously on temperature and on light intensity, this transition is interpreted as a change from monomolecular to bimolecular recombination. These results might be useful for other semiconducting photogenerating materials, not necessarily PBIs or even organic semiconductors, which also show transport behavior changes at singular temperatures not connected with structural or phase transitions.


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In this work, the influence of carbon-, sulfur-, and phosphorus-based charge transfer reactions on the emission signal of 34 elements (Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, I, In, Ir, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Pd, Pt, S, Sb, Se, Sr, Te, and Zn) in axially viewed inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry has been investigated. To this end, atomic and ionic emission signals for diluted glycerol, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid solutions were registered and results were compared to those obtained for a 1% w w− 1 nitric acid solution. Experimental results show that the emission intensities of As, Se, and Te atomic lines are enhanced by charge transfer from carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus ions. Iodine and P atomic emission is enhanced by carbon- and sulfur-based charge transfer whereas the Hg atomic emission signal is enhanced only by carbon. Though signal enhancement due to charge transfer reactions is also expected for ionic emission lines of the above-mentioned elements, no experimental evidence has been found with the exception of Hg ionic lines operating carbon solutions. The effect of carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus charge transfer reactions on atomic emission depends on (i) wavelength characteristics. In general, signal enhancement is more pronounced for electronic transitions involving the highest upper energy levels; (ii) plasma experimental conditions. The use of robust conditions (i.e. high r.f. power and lower nebulizer gas flow rates) improves carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus ionization in the plasma and, hence, signal enhancement; and (iii) the presence of other concomitants (e.g. K or Ca). Easily ionizable elements reduce ionization in the plasma and consequently reduce signal enhancement due to charge transfer reactions.


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We have studied the role played by cyclic topology on charge-transfer properties of recently synthesized π -conjugated molecules, namely the set of [n]cycloparaphenylene compounds, with n the number of phenylene rings forming the curved nanoring. We estimate the charge-transfer rates for holes and electrons migration within the array of molecules in their crystalline state. The theoretical calculations suggest that increasing the size of the system would help to obtain higher hole and electron charge-transfer rates and that these materials might show an ambipolar behavior in real samples, independently of the different mode of packing followed by the [6]cycloparaphenylene and [12]cycloparaphenylene cases studied.

Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the common organization of the market in wine; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down special provisions relating to quality wines produced in specified regions; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for fixing the reference price and levying the countervailing charge for wine; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) defining certain products falling within headings Nos 20.07, 22.04 and 22.05 of the Common Customs Tariff and originating in non-member countries; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on general rules for the classification of vine varieties; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) concerning the addition of alcohol to products in the wine sector; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for the description and presentation of wines and grape musts; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on sparkling wines produced in the Community and defined in item 13 of Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No --- ; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on measures designed to adjust wine-growing potential to market requirements; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the granting of a conversion premium in the wine sector; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules for the import of wines, grape juice and grape must; Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) laying down general rules governing the distillation of wines provided for in Articles 11,12, 39 and 40 of Regulation (EEC) (submitted to the Council by the Commission). COM (78) 387 final, 2 October 1979


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