757 resultados para Chamberlain, Bud


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Wydział Prawa i Administracji: Katedra Prawa Finansowego


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Araucaria angustifolia apresenta redução da taxa de crescimento durante o ano, podendo ser resposta às condições ambientais desfavoráveis, como ocorre nas fruteiras de clima temperado, que apresentam dormência de gemas como forma de sobrevivência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica da atividade respiratória de meristemas apicais de ramos plagiotrópicos de Araucaria angustifolia. Foram coletadas amostras de 0,4 g de brotações terminais de ramos plagiotrópicos de plantas jovens e adultas, as quais foram mantidas em 5 mL de solução de cloreto de 2,3,5 trifeniltetrazólio (1,2%) em sala de crescimento a 25°C. Em seguida, foram mantidas em 4 mL de álcool etílico absoluto para leitura por espectrofotometria da absorbância a 560 nm. A atividade respiratória de meristemas apicais de ramos plagiotrópicos de Araucaria angustifolia é variável durante o ano. A maior atividade respiratória ocorre na metade da primavera e a menor atividade respiratória ocorre no inverno, em plantas jovens e adultas. Plantas adultas permanecem em alta atividade respiratória por um período maior, até o início do verão.


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Background: Analytical techniques such as methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism and high-performance liquid chromatography were used to detect variation in DNA methylation of mature Chrysanthemum leaves during the floral transition induced by short-day (SD) treatment. Results: For both early- and late-flowering cultivars, the time from the date of planting to the appearance of the capitulum bud and early blooming were significantly shorter than those of the control. The capitulum development of the early-flowering cultivar was significantly accelerated compared to the control, unlike the late-flowering cultivar. The DNA methylation percentage of leaves was significantly altered during flower development. For the early-flowering cultivar, DNA methylation was 42.2–51.3% before the capitulum bud appeared and 30.5–44.5% after. The respective DNA methylation percentages for the late-flowering cultivar were 43.5–56% and 37.2–44.9%. Conclusions: The DNA methylation percentage of Chrysanthemum leaves decreased significantly during floral development. The decline in DNA methylation was elevated in the early-flowering cultivar compared with the late-flowering cultivar.


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Considerando a gravação de 1947 The Bud Powell Trio como a gravação referência de trio de piano de jazz moderno, esta tese centra-se no surgimento e evolução do trio de jazz moderno cujo líder é pianista. Começando por apresentar, uma resenha dos estilos e técnicas para piano de da época pre-Powell, esta tese investiga a génese dos trios de piano jazz e examina três dos mais influeciais pianostas de jazz e lideres dos mais legendários trios de piano jazz modernos: Bud Powell, Bill Evans e Keith Jarrett. Esta tese também abordará o paradoxo inerente a um sistema democrático - a expressão própria do individuo, em justaposição com a responsabilidade para com o todo – e a sua inequivoca analogia com o gestalt do trio de piano de jazz moderno. Desde a primeira gravação de um trio de jazz com pianista como líder em 1935, o trio de jazz moderno, evoluiu tornando-se um exemplo de democracia – um contexto de igualdade em que as funções rítmicas, harmónicas, e melódicas estão igualmente distribuídas entre os três instrumentistas, que são ao mesmo tempo solistas e acompanhadores. Esta tese sublinha a eficácia do trio de jazz moderno – o seu início, e porque subsiste – baseado na sua força e beleza estética; ABSTRACT: THE TWENTIETH CENTURY JAZZ PIANO TRIO – The Rise of an Iconic Jazz Paradigm by Susan Muscarella Designating Bud Powell’s 1947 recording, The Bud Powell Trio, as the modern jazz piano trio benchmark, here, this thesis traces the emergence and evolution of the pianistled, piano-bass-drums-comprised modern jazz piano trio. Beginning with a general overview of pre-Powell jazz piano styles and techniques, this thesis investigates the earliest, most salient pre-Powell jazz piano trios, and examines three seminal modern jazz pianists and leaders of legendary modern jazz piano trios, Bud Powell, Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett. This thesis also brings to the fore the paradox inherent in a democratic system – individual self-expression juxtaposed with responsibility to the whole – and its unequivocal analogy to the modern jazz piano trio gestalt. From the earliest recording of a primarily piano-dominated piano-bass-drums-comprised jazz piano trio in 1935, the modern jazz piano trio has evolved to become a paragon of democracy – an egalitarian playing field in which rhythmic, harmonic and melodic roles are evenly distributed among all three instrumentalists who have come to serve as both soloists and accompanists.


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The Asteraceae family is spread worldwide. In Portugal, there are more than 300 species, standing out as one of the botanical families with largest representation in the Portuguese flora. Coleostephus myconis (L.) Rchb.f. is a scarcely studied Asteraceae species, characterized as having ruderal growth and persistence in abandoned soils (an expanding problem due to the desertification phenomena in rural areas). In this work, the flowers of C. myconis were collected in three different flowering stages (i: flower bud; ii: flower in anthesis; iii: senescent flower) from the Northwestern area of the Portuguese territory. Powdered samples (1 g) were extracted twice with ethanol:water 50:50 (v/v). After removing solvents, the combined extracts were re-dissolved, filtered through 0.22-μm disposable LC filter disks and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS). The phenolic compounds were characterized according to their UV and mass spectra, and retention times. For the quantitative analysis, calibration curves of standard compounds were used. According to the UV spectra (λmax = 314-330 nm) and pseudomolecular ions ([M-H]-) at m/z 353 and 515, all producing an m/z 191 ion, four compounds derived from quinic acid were detected: 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1A), 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1B), 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1C) and 4,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid (Figure 1D), as also supported by the literature [1,2]. A fifth phenolic acid was identified as protocatechuic acid. The detected flavonoid were quercetin-O-glucuronide, quercetin-3-Oglucoside, myricetin-O-methyl-hexoside and a second glycosylated myricetin (not possible to identify completely). Some statistically significant changes were detected among the different assayed flowering stages; nevertheless, 3,5-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid was the major compound, independently of the phenologic stage. According to the previous results, C. myconis might be considered as a potential natural source of these valuable bioactive compounds, especially considering the high botanical representativeness of this plant and its inexpensiveness.


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Tem sido relatado que as estacas de Camellia sinensis possuem baixa capacidade de emitir raízes, motivando assim a realização de estudos básicos para otimização do processo de propagação por estacas. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho objetivou quantificar o potencial rizogênico de diferentes genótipos e o efeito da posição da estaca no ramo e incisão na base, do substrato, tamanho do recipiente e ácido indolbutírico no enraizamento de estacas semi-lenhosas dessa espécie. Para tal, foram coletados ramos dos genótipos IAC 259, F15 e Comum, em Pariquera-Açu-SP, no inverno de 2010. em seguida, preparadas as estacas, contendo uma gema e uma folha, foram mantidas em viveiro com 70% de sombreamento. Estacas da posição basal e mediana dos ramos são as mais adequadas para estaquia devido a menor mortalidade e maior enraizamento. A injúria na base da estaca não afeta a mortalidade e o enraizamento das estacas, porém induz à formação de calo. Também não houve diferenças na mortalidade e no enraizamento das estacas quando as mesmas foram mantidas em recipiente de 50, 90 e 120 cm³. Comparado com vermiculita, areia e casca de arroz carbonizada, o solo foi o melhor substrato para estaquia, que na presença do ferimento, juntamente com o tratamento das estacas com 10 g L-1 de AIB promoveu a maior porcentagem de enraizamento. Todavia, ainda nessa condição a mortalidade média das estacas foi de 42%. O potencial de enraizamento do genótipo Comum foi superior ao do IAC 259 e F15.


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Bibliography: p.431-452.


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This paper addresses the participation of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in main- stream schools. There are different benefits for ASD students to be educated in an inclusive environment (Gena, 2006; Whitaker, 2004). They challenge the school community by presenting difficulties in essential domains for school activi- ties (Chamberlain, Kasari and Rotheram-Fuller, 2006; Eman and Farrell, 2009; Humphrey and Symes, 2010). Thus, these are students with increased difficulties participating in inclusive environments, reinforcing the need of an ade- quate inclusion process (Gena, 2006; Hall and McGregor, 2000; Hestenes and Carroll, 2000). We characterised this students ’ participation with a questionnaire to the students from mainstream classes in which ASD students were included, a questionnaire applied to each class teacher/head teacher and an interview to four of the school educational assistants. The location of the ASD student in mainstream classroom was also ana- lysed, trying to understand if it influences the quality of ASD students ’ participation, hypothesis- ing that there is an influence. Results showed a good perception of the students with ASD and their behaviour, low frequency of behaviours involving interaction with these students, good feelings about their presence at the school/class and an overall acceptance of them in the peer groups of typical development students. Results are mostly consistent across the different infor- mation sources. We found a significant effect of the location on the quality of participation. Results are mainly consistent with the literature reviewed and enlighten the need to keep making progress on inclusion practices related to ASD students in mainstream schools.


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En la actualidad, la población mundial ha adquirido mayor conciencia sobre la importancia de los bosques y su relación con la calidad de vida de las personas. A pesar de lo anterior, la tala indiscriminada continúa y se siguen realizando proyectos que afectan la flora y la fauna de las selvas, sobre todo, en los países menos desarrollados que explotan estos recursos como materia prima.En Costa Rica se ha tratado de mantener cierto control sobre los bosques. Por ejemplo, el 16 de abril de 1996 se publicó en el Diario Oficial La Gaceta, la Ley Forestal No.7575. Dicha Ley dispone una serie de medidas para la conservación de las áreas de protección y de reserva forestal. En el primer caso, se estipulan las distancias requeridas para la protección de las nacientes permanentes, las riberas de ríos, las quebradas o arroyos, las riberas de los lagos y los embalses naturales, las áreas de recarga acuífera y otros. En estas áreas, por ejemplo, no se podrá realizar ningún tipo de construcción ni autorizarse la tala de árboles.


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The Spanish elm programme began in 1986 in response to the devastating impact of Dutch elm disease on natural elm stands and urban trees. Its main objectives were to conserve remaining genetic resources and select and breed tolerant native elm genotypes. After 27 years of work conducting susceptibility trials on thousands of elm genotypes, the first seven tolerant Ulmus minor trees are now being registered by the Spanish Environmental Administration. This paper presents the results of the susceptibility tests on these clones and their distinctive genetic, morphological and phenological features. In all susceptibility trials the commercial ?Sapporo Autumn Gold? clone, which is highly tolerant to O. novo-ulmi, was used as a control. The registered clones were named ?Ademuz?, ?Dehesa de la Villa?, ?Majadahonda?, ?Toledo?, ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, ?Retiro? and ?Fuente Umbría?. The most tolerant clone was ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, as its wilting values were below 5% during the two consecutive inoculation trials performed in Madrid. ?Fuente Umbría?, tested over four consecutive years in Guadalajara and Palencia, was the Spanish clone with the most reliable tolerance level to O. novo-ulmi. The ?Ademuz? and ?Majadahonda? clones had the highest ornamental scores and are promising trees for use in urban environments and tree breeding for ornamental quality. These two genotypes showed a later bud burst phenology than the other U. minor clones, demonstrating suitability to areas with late frost events. The Spanish programme aims to substantially increase the range of tolerant native elms through new selections and crossings to gain a better understanding of the genetic basis of resistance.


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This report examines the Genesis II irradiator made by Gray*Star Incorporated, Mississippi Department of Health radiation safety regulations, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection guidelines for irradiators. The purpose for this report is to evaluate any hazards which may lead to a catastrophic water loss, evaluate protective action distances during a reduced shielding situation, and evaluate the safety engineering measures incorporated by Mississippi and Federal regulations to ensure the mitigation of risk for pool irradiators. Due to safeguard controls prohibiting release of precise data on emergency response measures and radioactivity of the isotopes utilized this report will be focused on regulations mandating specific engineering controls and manufacturer recommended guidelines for best practices.


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Mature berries of Pinot Noir grapevines were sampled across a latitudinal gradient in Europe, from southern Spain to central Germany. Our aim was to study the influence of latitude-dependent environmental factors on the metabolite composition (mainly phenolic compounds) of berry skins. Solar radiation variables were positively correlated with flavonols and flavanonols and, to a lesser extent, with stilbenes and cinnamic acids. The daily means of global and erythematic UV solar radiation over long periods (bud break-veraison, bud break-harvest, and veraison-harvest), and the doses and daily means in shorter development periods (5–10 days before veraison and harvest) were the variables best correlated with the phenolic profile. The ratio between trihydroxylated and monohydroxylated flavonols, which was positively correlated with antioxidant capacity, was the berry skin variable best correlated with those radiation variables. Total flavanols and total anthocyanins did not show any correlation with radiation variables. Air temperature, degree days, rainfall, and aridity indices showed fewer correlations with metabolite contents than radiation. Moreover, the latter correlations were restricted to the period veraison-harvest, where radiation, temperature, and water availability variables were correlated, making it difficult to separate the possible individual effects of each type of variable. The data show that managing environmental factors, in particular global and UV radiation, through cultural practices during specific development periods, can be useful to promote the synthesis of valuable nutraceuticals and metabolites that influence wine quality.


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As estruturas dentárias são revestidas pelo esmalte dentário. O esmalte é um tecido de alta dureza, avascular e predominantemente branco. No entanto, distingue-se dos outros tecidos mineralizados do corpo pela sua incapacidade de remodelação. Devido a esse facto qualquer alteração que ocorra, quer ao longo da vida, quer no seu desenvolvimento fica, permanentemente, registada (Seow, 1997). Procurou-se nesta monografia aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os mais comuns defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte existentes, assim como o respetivo tratamento. Para a realização desta monografia foram utilizados os seguintes motores de busca B-on, PubMed, Science Direct e Sci-elo, para a realização da pesquisa de informação, aplicando-se um critério de seleção temporal dos últimos 10 anos. As palavras-chaves e combinações de palavras utilizadas nos motores de busca referidos para a realização da pesquisa foram “Enamel”, “Enamel Development”, “Enamel Defects”, “Amelogenisis Imperfecta”, “Hypoplasia”. Dos 300 artigos encontrados nesta pesquisa, foram selecionados 68. O desenvolvimento dos tecidos dentários é um processo complexo conhecido por odontogénese, podendo ser simplisticamente dividido em três fases Fase de Botão, Fase de Capuz e por último a Fase de Campânula (Thesleff et al.,2009) Existem inúmeros defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte registados na literatura, não sendo mesmo possível em muitos casos enquadrar indubitavelmente o referido defeito numa categoria, ou até atribuir-lhe uma designação (Seow, 1997). Optou-se pela sua relevância e epidemiologia abordar nesta monografia os seguintes defeitos: Defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte; Opacidades; Opacidade difusa; Hipoplasia; Amelogenese imperfeita e todas as suas categorias; Fluorose e manchas por tetraciclinas assim como os seus respectivos tratamentos. Os defeitos de desenvolvimento de esmalte apresentam diversas características próprias e outras semelhantes entre si, verificando-se assim diversas possibilidades de tratamentos a realizar, uns mais invasivos e outros menos, que vão desde microabrasões na superfície do esmalte, à colocação de cerâmicas, dependendo sempre da preferência do paciente e do seu poder socioeconómico (Azevedo DT et al., 2011). Conclui-se que apesar de todos os problemas que acarretam quer a nível estético quer a nível funcional para os indivíduos nos quais não existe uma grande gravidade das lesões esses casos podem ser resolvidos por um Médico Dentista generalista desde que este tenha o conhecimento adequado dos protocolos de atuação.


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Annually, the association publishes a journal, The Proceedings, which consists of papers presented at the annual meeting. Wade Hampton and the Rise of One Party Radical Orthodoxy in South Carolina by Richard Mark Gergel Governor Chamberlain and the End of Reconstruction by Robert J. Moore The Calhoun Papers Project: One Editor’s Valedictory (An Address to the South Carolina Historical Association, April 2, 1977) by W. Edwin Hemphill The Laurens Paper — Half-Way by George C. Rodgers, Jr. Fateful Legacy: White Southerners and the Dilemma of Emancipation by Dan T. Carter The South Carolina Bangers: A Forgotten Loyalist Regiment by Robert D. Bass