983 resultados para Cayley-Dickson algebra


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In this paper,the traditional relational model is extended in order to express indefinite and maybe information. On the basis of the extended relational model.,the foundamental operations in relational algebra are defined again,and the policy and algorithm for updating relational database are given.


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The Second Round of Oil & Gas Exploration needs more precision imaging method, velocity vs. depth model and geometry description on Complicated Geological Mass. Prestack time migration on inhomogeneous media was the technical basic of velocity analysis, prestack time migration on Rugged surface, angle gather and multi-domain noise suppression. In order to realize this technique, several critical technical problems need to be solved, such as parallel computation, velocity algorithm on ununiform grid and visualization. The key problem is organic combination theories of migration and computational geometry. Based on technical problems of 3-D prestack time migration existing in inhomogeneous media and requirements from nonuniform grid, parallel process and visualization, the thesis was studied systematically on three aspects: Infrastructure of velocity varies laterally Green function traveltime computation on ununiform grid, parallel computational of kirchhoff integral migration and 3D visualization, by combining integral migration theory and Computational Geometry. The results will provide powerful technical support to the implement of prestack time migration and convenient compute infrastructure of wave number domain simulation in inhomogeneous media. The main results were obtained as follows: 1. Symbol of one way wave Lie algebra integral, phase and green function traveltime expressions were analyzed, and simple 2-D expression of Lie algebra integral symbol phase and green function traveltime in time domain were given in inhomogeneous media by using pseudo-differential operators’ exponential map and Lie group algorithm preserving geometry structure. Infrastructure calculation of five parts, including derivative, commutating operator, Lie algebra root tree, exponential map root tree and traveltime coefficients , was brought forward when calculating asymmetry traveltime equation containing lateral differential in 3-D by this method. 2. By studying the infrastructure calculation of asymmetry traveltime in 3-D based on lateral velocity differential and combining computational geometry, a method to build velocity library and interpolate on velocity library using triangulate was obtained, which fit traveltime calculate requirements of parallel time migration and velocity estimate. 3. Combining velocity library triangulate and computational geometry, a structure which was convenient to calculate differential in horizontal, commutating operator and integral in vertical was built. Furthermore, recursive algorithm, for calculating architecture on lie algebra integral and exponential map root tree (Magnus in Math), was build and asymmetry traveltime based on lateral differential algorithm was also realized. 4. Based on graph theory and computational geometry, a minimum cycle method to decompose area into polygon blocks, which can be used as topological representation of migration result was proposed, which provided a practical method to block representation and research to migration interpretation results. 5. Based on MPI library, a process of bringing parallel migration algorithm at arbitrary sequence traces into practical was realized by using asymmetry traveltime based on lateral differential calculation and Kirchhoff integral method. 6. Visualization of geological data and seismic data were studied by the tools of OpenGL and Open Inventor, based on computational geometry theory, and a 3D visualize system on seismic imaging data was designed.


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Since the middle of 1980's, the mechanisms of transfer of training between cognitive subskills rest on the same body of declarative knowledge has been highly concerned. The dominant theory is theory of common element (Singley & Anderson, 1989) which predict that there will be little or no transfer between subskills within the same domain when knowledge is used in different ways, even though the subskills might rest on a common body of declarative knowledge. This idea is termed as "principle of use specificity of knowledge" (Anderson, 1987). Although this principle has gained some empirical evidence from different domains such as elementary geometry (Neves & Anderson, 1981) and computer programming (McKendree & Anderson, 1987), it is challenged by some research (Pennington et al., 1991; 1995) in which substantially larger amounts of transfer of training was found between substills that rest on a shared declarative knowledge but share little procedures (production rules). Pennington et al. (1995) provided evidence that this larger amounts of transfer are due to the elaboration of declarative knowledge. Our research provide a test of these two different explanation, by considering transfer between two subskills within the domain of elementary geometry and elementary algebra respectively, and the inference of learning method ("learning from examples" and "learning from declarative-text") and subject ability (high, middle, low) on the amounts of transfer. Within the domain of elementary geometry, the two subskills of generating proofs" (GP) and "explaining proofs" (EP) which are rest on the declarative knowledge of "theorems on the characters of parallelogram" share little procedures. Within the domain of elementary algebra, the two subskills of "calculation" (C) and "simplification" (S) which are rest on the declarative knowledge of "multiplication of radical" share some more procedures. The results demonstrate that: 1. Within the domain of elementary geometry, although little transfer was found between the two subskills of GP and EP within the total subjects, different results occurred when considering the factor of subject's ability. Within the high level subjects, significant positive transfer was found from EP to GP, while little transfer was found on the opposite direction (i. e. from GP to EP). Within the low level subjects, significant positive transfer was found from EP to GP, while significant negative transfer was found on the opposite direction. For the middle level subject, little transfer was found between the two subskills. 2. Within the domain of elementary algebra, significant positive transfer was found from S to C, while significant negative transfer was found on the opposite direction (i. e. from C to S), when considering the total subjects. The same pattern of transfer occurred within the middle level subjects and low level subject. Within the high level subjects, no transfer was found between the two subskills. 3. Within theses two domains, different learning methods yield little influence on transfer of training between subskills. Apparently, these results can not be attributed to either common procedures or elaboration of declarative knowledge. A kind of synthetic inspection is essential to construct a reasonable explanation of these results which should take into account the following three elements: (1) relations between the procedures of subskills; (2) elaboration of declarative knowledge; (3) elaboration of procedural knowledge. 排Excluding the factor of subject, transfer of training between subskills can be predicted and explained by analyzing the relations between the procedures of two subskills. However, when considering some certain subjects, the explanation of transfer of training between subskills must include subjects' elaboration of declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, especially the influence of the elaboration on performing the other subskill. The fact that different learning methods yield little influence on transfer of training between subskills can be explained by the fact that these two methods did not effect the level of declarative knowledge. Protocol analysis provided evidence to support these hypothesis. From this research, we conclude that in order to expound the mechanisms of transfer of training between cognitive subskills rest on the same body of declarative knowledge, three elements must be considered synthetically which include: (1) relations between the procedures of subskills; (2) elaboration of declarative knowledge; (3) elaboration of procedural knowledge.


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The Bifurcation Interpreter is a computer program that autonomously explores the steady-state orbits of one-parameter families of periodically- driven oscillators. To report its findings, the Interpreter generates schematic diagrams and English text descriptions similar to those appearing in the science and engineering research literature. Given a system of equations as input, the Interpreter uses symbolic algebra to automatically generate numerical procedures that simulate the system. The Interpreter incorporates knowledge about dynamical systems theory, which it uses to guide the simulations, to interpret the results, and to minimize the effects of numerical error.


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The dynamical Lie algebraic approach developed by Alhassid and Levine combined with intermediate picture is applied to the study of translational-vibrational energy transfer in the collinear collision between an atom and an anharmonic oscillator. We find that the presence of the anharmonic terms indeed has an effect on the vibrational probabilities of the oscillator. The computed probabilities are in good agreement with those obtained using exact quantum method. It is shown that the approach of dynamical Lie algebra combining with intermediate picture is reasonable in the treating of atom-anharmonic oscillator scattering.


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With the push towards sub-micron technology, transistor models have become increasingly complex. The number of components in integrated circuits has forced designer's efforts and skills towards higher levels of design. This has created a gap between design expertise and the performance demands increasingly imposed by the technology. To alleviate this problem, software tools must be developed that provide the designer with expert advice on circuit performance and design. This requires a theory that links the intuitions of an expert circuit analyst with the corresponding principles of formal theory (i.e. algebra, calculus, feedback analysis, network theory, and electrodynamics), and that makes each underlying assumption explicit.


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The STUDENT problem solving system, programmed in LISP, accepts as input a comfortable but restricted subset of English which can express a wide variety of algebra story problems. STUDENT finds the solution to a large class of these problems. STUDENT can utilize a store of global information not specific to any one problem, and may make assumptions about the interpretation of ambiguities in the wording of the problem being solved. If it uses such information or makes any assumptions, STUDENT communicates this fact to the user. The thesis includes a summary of other English language questions-answering systems. All these systems, and STUDENT, are evaluated according to four standard criteria. The linguistic analysis in STUDENT is a first approximation to the analytic portion of a semantic theory of discourse outlined in the thesis. STUDENT finds the set of kernel sentences which are the base of the input discourse, and transforms this sequence of kernel sentences into a set of simultaneous equations which form the semantic base of the STUDENT system. STUDENT then tries to solve this set of equations for the values of requested unknowns. If it is successful it gives the answers in English. If not, STUDENT asks the user for more information, and indicates the nature of the desired information. The STUDENT system is a first step toward natural language communication with computers. Further work on the semantic theory proposed should result in much more sophisticated systems.


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A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. Os foram consolidados por município e dão origem a esse boletim de pesquisa. No município de Aquidauana, as terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam cerca de 870 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 23% da área total do município, sendo que, destas, 92% apresentam declividade inferior a 8%. As áreas recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 54% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial a aproximadamente 8% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 294 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar-se criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 40% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais e/ou recuperação ambiental equivalem a menos de 475 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 112 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. Desconsiderando as terras de Pantanal, a área do município de Aquidauana apresenta um alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde mais de 75% das terras sendo utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 25% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação.


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A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. Os resultados foram consolidados por município e dão origem a esse boletim de pesquisa. No município de Anastácio, as terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam 1.425 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 50% da área total do município, enquanto que as recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 26,5% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial ou cultivo de arroz correspondem a cerca de 20% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 578 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 20% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais equivalem a menos de 80 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 80 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. A área do município de Anastácio apresenta alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde mais de 75% das terras sendo utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 25% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação.


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A Embrapa Solos, em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Agrário, da Produção, da Indústria, do Comércio e do Turismo - SEPROTUR, realizou o Zoneamento Agroecológico do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul - Fase II - com objetivo de contribuir na indicação de áreas passíveis de exploração agrícola sustentável. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho foram considerados aspectos legais, restrições ambientais, potencial das culturas, aspectos do clima, de geomorfologia e dos solos, todos integrados em ambiente de sistema de informação geográfica com apoio de algebra de mapas, no intuito de avaliar a adequabilidade de uso das terras e apresentar uma proposição de planejamento de uso e ocupação das terras. As terras indicadas para o uso com lavouras somam cerca de 1.040 km², o que equivale a aproximadamente 16% da área total zoneada. As áreas recomendadas para pastagem equivalem a 47% e as áreas recomendadas para pastagem especial a menos de 1,5% da área do município que corresponde a algo como 80 km². Nestas unidades é fundamental avaliar criteriosamente a utilização de pastagens nestas terras quando essas ainda se encontram sob cobertura vegetal, visto que, praticamente 82% destas terras ainda permanecem com vegetação natural em seus diversos graus de conservação. As terras recomendadas para conservação dos recursos naturais e/ou recuperação ambiental equivalem a 210 km², as quais constituem áreas de alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou apresentam restrições legais de uso como áreas de preservação permanente. As áreas identificadas como zonas recomendadas para recuperação ambiental equivalem a 123 km² e constituem áreas de moderada a alta fragilidade ambiental e/ou que apresentam restrições legais de uso e que já foram desmatadas para o uso com pastagens/agricultura. O do município de Coxim apresenta um alto grau de ação antrópica das terras, onde cerca de 60% das terras são utilizadas com pastagens e/ou com agricultura, enquanto que apenas 40% ainda apresentam certo grau de preservação. O município de Coxim apresenta um bom potencial para o desenvolvimento da agropecuária, porém, devidos às características edafoclimáticas e de topografia, a recomendação preferencial é a utilização com pastagens.


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Gohm, Rolf, (2003) 'A probabilistic index for completely positive maps and an application', Journal of Operator Theory 54(2) pp.339-361 RAE2008


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Formal correctness of complex multi-party network protocols can be difficult to verify. While models of specific fixed compositions of agents can be checked against design constraints, protocols which lend themselves to arbitrarily many compositions of agents-such as the chaining of proxies or the peering of routers-are more difficult to verify because they represent potentially infinite state spaces and may exhibit emergent behaviors which may not materialize under particular fixed compositions. We address this challenge by developing an algebraic approach that enables us to reduce arbitrary compositions of network agents into a behaviorally-equivalent (with respect to some correctness property) compact, canonical representation, which is amenable to mechanical verification. Our approach consists of an algebra and a set of property-preserving rewrite rules for the Canonical Homomorphic Abstraction of Infinite Network protocol compositions (CHAIN). Using CHAIN, an expression over our algebra (i.e., a set of configurations of network protocol agents) can be reduced to another behaviorally-equivalent expression (i.e., a smaller set of configurations). Repeated applications of such rewrite rules produces a canonical expression which can be checked mechanically. We demonstrate our approach by characterizing deadlock-prone configurations of HTTP agents, as well as establishing useful properties of an overlay protocol for scheduling MPEG frames, and of a protocol for Web intra-cache consistency.