929 resultados para Catiline, approximately 108 B.C.-62 B.C.


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In 1-cyclo-hexyl-6,6,8a-trimethyl-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro2, 3-b]pyrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C19H27NO3, (I), and the isomorphous compounds 6,6,8a-trimethyl-1-phenyl-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro2,3-b]p yrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C19H21NO3, (II), and 6,6,8a-trimethyl-1-(3-pyridyl)-3a,6,7,8a-tetra-hydro-1H-1-benzofuro2, 3-b]pyrrole-2,4(3H,5H)-dione, C18H20N2O3, (III), the tetra-hydro-benzo-dihydro-furo-pyrrolidine ring systems are folded at the cis junction of the five-membered rings, giving rise to a non-planar shape of the tricyclic cores. The dihydro-furan and pyrrolidine rings in (I) are puckered and adopt an envelope conformation. The cyclo-hexene rings adopt a half-chair conformation in all the mol-ecules, while the substituent N-cyclo-hexyl ring in (I) assumes a chair form. Short intra-molecular C-HcO contacts form S(5) and S(6) motifs. The isomorphous compounds (II) and (III) are effectively isostructural, and aggregate into chains via inter-molecular C-HcO hydrogen bonds.


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Sika- ja siipikarjatilojen määrä Suomessa on vähentynyt koko EU-jäsenyyden ajan tuotannon keskittyessä yhä suurempiin yksiköihin. Tuotantomäärät ovat kasvaneet, mutta viljelijöiden tulotaso on alentunut, joten maatalouden ulkopuoliset ammatit houkuttelevat luopumaan eläinten pidosta tai maataloudesta kokonaan. Sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoksen taloudellisena kannustimena otettiin vuonna 2009 käyttöön sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoskorvaus, jota maksetaan kompensaationa sika- ja siipikarjataloudesta luopuville viljelijöille. Tämän työn tarkastelukohteena on rakennemuutoskorvaus C-tukialueella, jossa yksinään on lähes yhtä paljon sika- ja siipikarjatiloja kuin A- ja B-alueilla yhteensä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaiset sika- ja siipikarjatilat sekä koko C-alueella että C-alueen eri osissa ovat hakeneet rakennemuutoskorvausta ja miten tilat ovat alueellisesti sijoittuneet. Maatalouden rakennepolitiikalla pyritään vaikuttamaan maatalouden yhteiskunnalliseen rakenteeseen. Rakennepoliittisilla toimilla pyritään vähentämään viljelijöiden ja tilojen määrää, jolloin maataloustulo jakaantuu pienemmälle viljelijämäärälle taaten heille suuremmat tulot. Maatalouden rakennemuutosta tapahtuu, kun maatalouden rakenteessa tapahtuu tietyllä aikavälillä muutos. Rakennemuutoksessa ja -kehityksessä on alueellisia eroja. Aluetaloustiede pyrkii selittämään, mistä alueelliset erot johtuvat ja miksi alueet erilaistuvat. Suomessa eri maakunnilla on eroja ja omia alueellisia ominaispiirteitään, joilla on suuri merkitys alueen työllisyyteen ja väestön sijoittumiseen alueella. Eri maakunnissa työllisyystilanne on vaihteleva, mutta joka maakunnassa on kuitenkin työvoimapulaa useissa sellaisissa ammateissa, joihin eläinten tai tilan pidon lopettavien viljelijöiden olisi mahdollista työllistyä. Sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoskorvaus on kansallinen kotieläintuki, jota maksetaan tilakohtaisen viitemäärän perusteella tiloille, jotka ovat juuri lopettaneet sika- ja siipikarjatuotantonsa tai aikovat sen lopettaa. Korvausta on voitu maksaa tukiehdot täyttävälle tuenhakijalle joko vuosina 2009–2010 tai vuosina 2010–2011 ja sen maksimimäärä on tilaa kohden enintään 20000 euroa vuodessa. Kahden korvausvuoden jälkeen tilan viitemäärä lakkautetaan ja sen jälkeen tilalle ei enää makseta sika- ja siipikarjatalouden tukia. Tilan on kuitenkin edelleen mahdollista jatkaa sika- ja siipikarjatuotantoaan markkinaehtoisena. Tutkimuksen aineisto on 389 tilan tiedot sisältävä Tiken raportti tukityypin 1612 (sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoskorvaus, pohjoinen) tukihakutiedoista vuodelta 2010. Tutkimusote oli kvantitatiivinen ja koska havaintoaineisto kattaa kaikki C-alueen korvauksenhakijat, tehtiin tutkimus kokonaistutkimuksena. Tutkimustulosten mukaan 63 % korvausta hakeneista tiloista sijoittuu C1-alueelle ja 54 % Etelä-Pohjanmaalle ja Pohjanmaalle. Kuntatasolla eniten rakennemuutoskorvaustiloja oli Närpiössä. C-alueella tuenhakijat olivat iältään 20–71-vuotiaita. Hakijoista 62 % harjoitti päätuotantosuuntanaan viljanviljelyä ja peltoalaa kaikilla hakijoilla oli hallinnassaan lähes 16000 ha. Rakennemuutoskorvausta maksettiin C-alueella yhteensä yli 2,3 miljoonaa euroa. Kun rakennemuutoskorvauksen viitemäärät kahden korvausvuoden jälkeen lakkautetaan, poistuu tuo-tannosta yli 9600 ey. Sekä C-alueella että kaikki ELY-keskukset huomioiden oli korvauksenhakijoita kaikkia ikäluokkia tarkasteltaessa eniten 50–59-vuotiaissa. Eniten hakijoita oli viitemääräluokassa 10,01–20 ey ja viljelyalaluokassa 25,01–40 ha, vähiten luokissa 40,01–50 ey ja 50,01 ey tai enemmän sekä 150,01 ha tai enemmän. Yleisin maksuluokka oli 3000,01–4500 euroa, harvinaisin 15000,01–20000 euroa. Rakennemuutoskorvauksella saavutettuja hyötyjä ja kustannuksia on toistaiseksi vaikea määritellä, koska vuoden 2011 maksatus on vielä kesken.


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From electromotive force (emf) measurements using solid oxide galvanic cells incorporating ZrOz-CaO and ThOz-YO~.s electrolytes, the chemical potentials of oxygen over the systems Fe + FeCrzO 4 + Cr20 ~ and Fe + FeV204 + V203 were calculated. The values may be represented by the equations: 2Fe(s, I) + Oz(g) + 2Cr2Oa(s) -- 2FeCr204 (s)Akto2 = - 151,400 + 34.7T (• cal= -633,400 + 145.5T(• J (750 to 1536~ A~tO2 = -158,000 + 38.4T(• cal= -661,000 + 160.5T(*1250) J (1536 to 1700~2Fe (s, I) + O2 (g) + 2V203 (s) -- 2FeV204 (s) A/~Oz = - 138,000 + 29.8T(+300) cal= - 577,500 + 124.7T (• J (750 to 1536~A/IO2 = -144,600 + 33.45T(-300) cal = -605,100 + 140.0T(~-1250) J (1536 to 1700~At the oxygen potentials corresponding to Fe + FeCrzO a + Cr203 equilibria, the electronic contribution to the conductivity of ZrO2-CaO electrolyte was found to affect the measured emf. Application of a small 60 cycle A.C. voltage with an amplitude of 50 mv across the cell terminals reduced the time required to attain equilibrium at temperatures between 750 to 9500C by approximately a factor of two. The second law entropy of iron chromite obtained in this study is in good agreement with that calculated from thermal data. The entropies of formation of these spinel phases from the component oxides can be correlated to cation distribution and crystal field theory.


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Titanium-carbon (Ti-C) thin films of different compositions were prepared by a combination of pulsed DC (for Ti target) and normal DC (for graphite target) magnetron co-sputtering on oxidized silicon and fused quartz substrates. At 33.7 at.% of C content, pure hcp Ti transforms into fcc-TiC with a preferential orientation of (2 2 0) along with (1 1 1) and (2 0 0). A clear transformation in the preferential orientation from (2 2 0) to (1 1 1) has been observed when the C content was increased to 56 at.%. At 62.5 at.% of C, TiC precipitates in an amorphous carbon matrix whereas further increase in C leads to X-ray amorphous films. The cross-sectional scanning electron microscope images reveal that the films with low carbon content consists of columnar grains, whereas, randomly oriented grains are in an amorphous carbon matrix at higher carbon content. A dramatic variation was observed in the mechanical properties such as hardness, H, from 30 to 1 GPa and in modulus, E, from 255 to 25 GPa with varying carbon content in the films. Resistance to plastic deformation parameter was observed as 0.417 for films containing 62.5 at.% of C. Nanoscratch test reveals that the films are highly scratch resistant with a coefficient of friction ranging from 0.15 to 0.04. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trypanosomatids cause deadly diseases in humans. Of the various biochemical pathways in trypanosomatids, glycolysis, has received special attention because of being sequestered in peroxisome like organelles critical for the survival of the parasites. This study focuses on phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) from Leishmania spp. which, exists in two isoforms, the cytoplasmic PGKB and glycosomal PGKC differing in their biochemical properties. Computational analysis predicted the likelihood of a transmembrane helix only in the glycosomal isoform PGKC, of approximate length 20 residues in the 62-residue extension, ending at, arginine residues R471 and R472. From experimental studies using circular dichroism and NMR with deuterated sodium dodecyl sulfate, we find that the transmembrane helix spans residues 448 +/- 2 to 476 in Leishmania mexicana PGKC. The significance of this observation is discussed in the context of glycosomal transport and substrate tunneling. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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C-di-GMP Bis-(3'-5')-cyclic-dimeric-guanosine monophosphate], a second messenger is involved in intracellular communication in the bacterial species. As a result several multi-cellular behaviors in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are directly linked to the intracellular level of c-di-GMP. The cellular concentration of c-di-GMP is maintained by two opposing activities, diguanylate cyclase (DGC) and phosphodiesterase (PDE-A). In Mycobacterium smegmatis, a single bifunctional protein MSDGC-1 is responsible for the cellular concentration of c-di-GMP. A better understanding of the regulation of c-di-GMP at the genetic level is necessary to control the function of above two activities. In this work, we have characterized the promoter element present in msdgc-1 along with the + 1 transcription start site and identified the sigma factors that regulate the transcription of msdgc-1. Interestingly, msdgc-1 utilizes SigA during the initial phase of growth, whereas near the stationary phase SigB containing RNA polymerase takes over the expression of msdgc-1. We report here that the promoter activity of msdgc-1 increases during starvation or depletion of carbon source like glucose or glycerol. When msdgc-1 is deleted, the numbers of viable cells are similar to 10 times higher in the stationary phase in comparison to that of the wild type. We propose here that msdgc-1 is involved in the regulation of cell population density. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Persistent infection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) can lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which are currently diagnosed by invasive liver biopsy. Approximately 15-20% of cases of chronic liver diseases in India are caused by HCV infection. In North India, genotype 3 is predominant, whereas genotype 1 is predominant in southern parts of India. The aim of this study was to identify differentially regulated serum proteins in HCV-infected Indian patients (genotypes 1 and 3) using a two-dimensional electrophoresis approach. We identified eight differentially expressed proteins by MS. Expression levels of one of the highly upregulated proteins, retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), was validated by ELISA and Western blotting in two independent cohorts. We also confirmed our observation in the JFH1 infectious cell culture system. Interestingly, the HCV core protein enhanced RBP4 levels and partial knockdown of RBP4 had a positive impact on HCV replication, suggesting a possible role for this cellular protein in regulating HCV infection. Analysis of RBP4-interacting partners using a bioinformatic approach revealed novel insights into the possible involvement of RBP4 in HCV-induced pathogenesis. Taken together, this study provided information on the proteome profile of the HCV-infected Indian population, and revealed a link between HCV infection, RBP4 and insulin resistance.


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A process of laser cladding Ni-CF-C-CaF2 mixed powders to form a multifunctional composite coatingd on gamma-TiAl substrate was carried out. The microstructure of the coating was examined using XRD, SEM and EDS. The coating has a unique microstructure consisting of primary dendrite or short-stick TiC and block Al4C3 carbides reinforcement as well as fine isolated spherical CaF2 solid lubrication particles uniformly dispersed in the NiCrAlTi (gamma) matrix. The average microhardness of the composite coatings is approximately HV 650 and it is 2-factor greater than that of the TiAl substrate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel short neurotoxin, cobrotoxin c (CBT C) was isolated from the venom of monocellate cobra (Naja kaouthia) using a combination of ion-exchange chromatography and FPLC. Its primary structure was determined by Edman degradation. CBT C is composed of 61 amino acid residues. It differs from cobrotoxin b (CBT B) by only two amino acid substitutions, Thr/Ala11 and Arg/Thr56, which are not located on the functionally important regions by sequence similarity. However, the LD50 is 0.08 mg/g to mice, i.e. approximately five-fold higher than for CBT B. Strikingly, a structure-function relationship analysis suggests the existence of a functionally important domain on the outside of Loop III of CBT C. The functionally important basic residues on the outside of Loop III might have a pairwise interaction with alpha subunit, instead of gamma or delta subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we investigated non-ideal characteristics of a diamond Schottky barrier diode with Molybdenum (Mo) Schottky metal fabricated by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapour Deposition (MPCVD) technique. Extraction from forward bias I-V and reverse bias C- 2-V measurements yields ideality factor of 1.3, Schottky barrier height of 1.872 eV, and on-resistance of 32.63 mö·cm2. The deviation of extracted Schottky barrier height from an ideal value of 2.24 eV (considering Mo workfunction of 4.53 eV) indicates Fermi level pinning at the interface. We attributed such non-ideal behavior to the existence of thin interfacial layer and interface states between metal and diamond which forms Metal-Interfacial layer-Semiconductor (MIS) structure. Oxygen surface treatment during fabrication process might have induced them. From forward bias C-V characteristics, the minimum thickness of the interfacial layer is approximately 0.248 nm. Energy distribution profile of the interface state density is then evaluated from the forward bias I-V characteristics based on the MIS model. The interface state density is found to be uniformly distributed with values around 1013 eV - 1·cm- 2. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The cross-section ratios of double-, triple-, quadruple-, and the total multi-electron processes to the single electron capture process sigma(DE)/sigma(SC), sigma(TE)/sigma(SC), sigma(QE)/sigma(SC) and sigma(ME)/sigma(SC)) as well as the relative ratios among reaction channels in double-electron active, triple-electron active and quadruple- electron active are measured in C-13(6+) -Ne collision in the energy region of 4.15-11.08 keV/u by employing position-sensitive and time-of-flight coincident techniques. It is determined that the cross-section ratios sigma(DE)/sigma(SC), sigma(TE)/sigma(SC), sigma(QE)/sigma(SC) and sigma(ME)/sigma(SC) are approximately the constants of 0.20 +/- 0.03, 0.16 +/- 0.04, 0.06 +/- 0.02 and 0.42 +/- 0.05. These values are obviously smaller than the predictions of the molecular Coulomb over-the-barrier model (MCBM) [J. Phys. B 23 (1990) 4293], the extended classical over-the-barrier model (ECBM) [J. Phys. B 19 (1986) 2925] and the semiempirical scaling laws (SL) [Phys. Rev. A 54 (1996) 4127]. However, the relative ratios among partial processes of DE, TE and QE are found to depend on collision energy, which suggests that the collision dynamics depends on the collision velocity. The limitation of velocity-independent character of ECBM, MCBM and SL is undoubtedly shown.


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Irradiation effect in C-60 films induced by 170 keV B ion was investigated by means of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopies. The damage cross section sigma and the effective damage radius R are deduced from the experimental data of all four IR active modes and evident four Raman active modes of C-60 molecule. The differences on irradiation sensitivity and structural stability of the different active modes of C-60 molecule are compared. The results indicate that T-1u (4) of infrared active mode and A(g) (1) of Raman active mode are most sensitive for B ion irradiation. On the other hand T-1u (2) of infrared active mode and H-g (3) of Raman active mode are comparatively stable under B ion irradiation. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3512968]


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The electrochemistry of disulfide in cytochrome c on gold electrodes was reported. The observed electrochemical response was used to explain why the electrochemical reaction of cytochrome c is irreversible at gold electrodes. Disulfide bonds in cytochrome c were strongly adsorbed onto the surface of gold electrodes and caused slow rate of electron transfer of the heme group. It was found that the presence of disulfides in cytochrome c was responsible for the lack of electrochemical response of the heme group on a gold electrode. The mechanisms for this effect were studied using electrochemistry and photoelectron spectroscopy. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reactions of [Cp2Mo2(CO)4] (1) with 2,2'-dipyridyl disulphide (C5H4NS-)2, 8,8'-diquinolyl disulphide (C9H6NS-)2 and tetramethyl thiuram disulphide (Me2NC(S)S-)2 in toluene solution resulted in the cleavage of the Mo-Mo triple bond to yield molybdenum complexes [CpMo(CO)2(C5H4NS)] (2), [CpMo(CO)2(C9H6NS)] (3) and [CpMo(CO)2(S2CNMe2)] (4), respectively. The molecular structures of 2, 3 . O=PPh3 and 4 were determined by X-ray diffraction studies. Crystals of 2 are monoclinic, space group P2(1)/n, with Z = 4, in a unit cell of dimensions a = 6.448(1), b = 12.616(2), c = 14.772(2) angstrom, beta = 92.85(1)-degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.028 and R(w) = 0.039 for 1357 observed reflections. Crystals of 3 . O=PPh3 are triclinic, space group P1BAR, with Z = 2, in a unit cell of dimensions a = 11.351(3), b = 13.409(3), c = 9.895(2) angstrom, alpha = 94.59(2), beta = 90.35(2), gamma = 78.07(2)-degrees. The structure was refined to R = 0.033 and R(w) = 0.037 for 3260 observed reflections. Crystals of 4 are monoclinic, space group P2(1)/a and Z = 4 with a = 12.468(5), b = 7.637(2), c = 13.135(4) angstrom, beta = 96.62(3). The structure was refined to R = 0.032 and R(w) = 0.042 for 1698 observed reflections. Each of complexes 2-4 contains a cyclopentadienyl ligand, a cis pair of carbonyls and a chelate ligand (S,N donor or S,S donor). All the compounds have distorted square-pyramid structures.


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在自然界中存在一套由硅质岩、泥质岩/页岩或板岩、碳酸盐岩和粉砂岩组成的沉积建造,并以富含有机质和菌藻微生物等为特征,沉积厚度较大,岩石类型以硅岩为主,称之为“硅岩建造”。硅岩建造中的硅质岩不仅是许多重要矿种(如金、硒、铀、钒、磷、锰、铂族元素、重晶石和黄铁矿等)的赋存层和含矿岩系的重要岩类,而且由于它形成于特定的地球化学条件下,能够反映出某些沉积相带特殊的地质背景,另外,硅质岩本身就是一种生物岩,对探讨生物成岩、成矿作用有重要意义。所以对硅岩建造及其内硅质岩研究具有十分重要的理论意义和实用价值。因此,本论文选择扬子地块周边寒武系(南秦岭紫阳硒富集区)、二叠系(湖北恩施双河渔塘坝硒矿床)富硒硅岩建造为研究对象。通过岩石地球化学、同位素地球化学、矿物学以及流体包裹体等方法从含硒规律、岩石成因、沉积环境、成矿流体性质等方面,分别对对两个不同时代或不同层位的富硒硅岩建造开展了系统的地球化学对比研究;并从矿物学、包裹体成分及物理化学条件等方面对渔塘坝硒矿床的成因作了探讨。通过研究,取得了以下主要认识:1渔塘坝硒矿区和紫阳硒富集区富硒硅岩建造岩石以硅质岩为主,硅质岩中5102含量范围分别为64.2%-95.84%和63.62%-95.24%。同时包括部分碳质硅质岩丫碳质页岩 和碳、硅板岩及含腐泥层的石煤;渔塘坝硒矿床硅质岩中Se含量大于80ug/g的样品均采自下二叠统茅口组的硅质岩段内,紫阳下寒武统硒富集体中硅质岩中硒的含量最高(可达278ppm)。2微量元素研究表明,两地区富硒硅质岩中均含有较高的Cu,Ni、V、As、Sb、Cr,且U/Th>1。在U-Th、Zr-Cr和P2O5-Y相关图以及Fe-Mn-(Cu+Co+Ni)三角图上,两研究区内硅质岩样品点均落于热水沉积区。渔塘坝硒矿区硅质岩的REE总量较低,平均为38.9×10-6,紫阳硒富集区硅质岩REE总量除个别较高(达110×10-6以上)外,总体也较低(12.0-37.6)×l0-6;另外,从稀土元素配分模式看,两地区硅质岩均有较明显的Ce负异常,且Eu从无明显Eu异常到出现正Eu异常。都反映出热水沉积硅质岩的特征。从si和O同位素组成来看,两个地区硅质岩的δ3051和δ18O值也总体位于热水成因硅质岩区域内。根据隧石一水的氧同位素分馏方程计算得知,两研究区硅质岩的形成温度分别为46℃-72℃和78.6℃-126.20℃。地球化学特征表明,两地区富硒硅质岩均来自热水沉积作用。另外,渔塘坝硒矿区硅质岩中Cr含量较高,且存在腕足类生物化石;紫阳硒富集区硅质岩中Ba及有机质含量较高,且存在叶琳生物标志化合物。结合两地区碳同位素组成特征(渔塘坝地区δ13c为正值,可能和上扬子区早、晚二叠世之间多期次喷发的火山活动,造成地球史上二叠纪生物大灭绝有关;紫阳地区δ13C为负值,说明碳同位素来源于沉积有机物质),暗示两地区硅质岩的成因可能与火山沉积作用有关,且在成岩过程中有部分生物的参与。3渔塘坝赋矿硅质岩硫同位素组成具有较高的负值,表明矿床形成于缺氧的海盆内:紫阳硒富集区形成黄铁矿的硫主要来自海水硫酸盐。4系统研究了渔塘坝硒矿区硒的矿物学,显示硒以自然硒、独立矿物、类质同像及有机吸附四种形式赋存于矿床中。废弃石煤堆中的自然硒矿物,是自然因素和人为活动共同干预的结果,并非石煤的缓慢自燃的结果。5对研究区成矿流体中包裹体均一温度、盐度和密度进行了系统研究,结果显示:两地区的流体包裹体以原生包裹体为主,数量较多且形态复杂;研究区(渔塘坝硒矿和紫阳硒富集区)成矿流体处于中一低温( 190-250)℃和(120-155)℃条件。渔塘坝硒矿区石英和方解石包裹体内的流体盐度分别为(5.9-10.l)B%和(3.9-4.5)WB%,紫阳硒富集区流体盐度为(1.2-2.8)WB%,后者流体盐度明显低于前者。流体密度经计算分别为0.79-0.79/cm3和0.69-0.969/cm3。重点对渔塘坝硒矿区的石英和方解石包裹体进行了拉曼光谱成分测试,结果显示:包裹体成分以H2O和N2为主,含少量 CH4、C2H4、C2H6、C3H5、C4H6、C4H4和C6H6等成分,说明成矿溶液介质主要为具有还原性质的水溶液,其成矿条件具还原性的特点。6渔塘坝硒矿区成矿物理化学条件的研究表明,即富硒成矿流体为中低温(190-250)℃、压力平均为60Mpa。成矿早期02、eZ相对较低,乃较高,且fS2/fSe2>l,有利于硫化物沉淀在成矿主阶段,随着硫化物的沉淀,fS2和fSe2相应增大,且fO2较高。高的fO2阻止了硒进入硫化物,而有利于硒化物的形成。 7系统研究了富硒硅岩建造的沉积环境和构造环境特征,认为渔塘坝硒矿床中富硒硅质岩主要形成于浅海滞留的盆地沉积环境,紫阳下寒武统硅质岩沉积环境属于深水滞留沉积环境;渔塘坝硒矿床主要形成于拉张的断陷盆地中,紫阳硒富集体则形成于拉张的裂谷环境。