981 resultados para Carbon sequestration
Växtoljor som utgör en förnybar naturresurs används som sådana eller i modifierade former i många industriella processer, som är av stor betydelse för vårt vardagliga liv. Växtoljor används i livsmedel, i kemiska och farmaceutiska produkter, i textilindustrin, för framställning av färgämnen och beläggningsmaterial samt som miljövänliga bränslekomponenter. Fetter och oljor hör till de äldsta kemiska komponenterna som utnyttjas av människan. De består huvudsakligen av glycerolestrar och fettsyror. Fetter och oljor har typiskt en kolkedja med kol-koldubbelbindningar samt karboxyl- och estergrupper, som kan genom hydrering eller dekarboxylering konverteras till nyttiga och miljövänliga produkter med hjälp av ädelmetallkatalysatorer. Aktivt kol (C) används som bärare på katalysatorerna. Väteaddition, d.v.s. hydrering av växtoljor har varit föremål för omfattande forskning i över hundra års tid. Hydreringen är en viktig process, för den tillämpas på produktion av fetter och margarin. Omättade fettsyror hydreras traditionellt på nickelbaserade heterogena katalysatorer. Samtidigt med en partiell hydrering av fettsyrorna och fettsyraestrarna som har två dubbelbindningar pågår också isomeringsreaktioner, vilka ger cis- och transisomerer av reaktantmolekylerna. Den största nackdelen med nickelkatalysatorerna är deras giftighet samt bildning av ohälsosamma transisomerer i reaktionsprodukterna. Dessutom deaktiveras nickelkatalysatorn snabbt p.g.a. att nickeltvålar bildas i reaktionsblandningen. Platinabaserade katalysatorer lider däremot inte av dessa begränsningar. Metaller i platinagruppen i det periodiska systemet studerades i detalj för att avslöja kinetiska effekter i hydreringen av cis-metyloleat. Palladium, rutenium, rhodium, platina och iridium användes som katalytiska metaller. Metallhalten på aktivkolbärare var 1 vikt-%. De olika platinametallerna undersöktes för att kartlägga konkurrerande hydrerings- och isomeringsrutter på metallerna. Det visade sig att metallerna i andra raden av det periodiska systemet (Ru, Rh, Pd) är aktivare i isomeringsprocesserna, medan metallerna i tredje raden (Ir, Pt) har en lägre aktivitet. Pd/C valdes bland platinametallerna, för att den är attraktiv ur ekonomisk synvinkel och den är mycket aktiv och selektiv, speciellt jämfört med nickel. Tyngdpunkten i arbetet var utvecklingen av en alternativ, palladiumbaserad hydreringsteknologi som skulle ersätta den traditionella teknologin som är baserad på användningen av nickelkatalysatorer. Palladiumbaserade katalysatorer kan återcirkuleras, de är aktivare och mera resistenta mot syror och de bildar mindre mängder av skadliga transisomerer. För att denna teknologi skall bli ekonomiskt hållbar och konkurrenskraftig, måste den basera sig på de bästa möjliga katalysatorerna, vilket innebär att en optimal kombination av hög aktivitet och selektivitet samt en lång livstid för katalysatorn krävs. Därför inkluderades teknologiska aspekter kraftigt i forskningen. Mycket arbete satsades på design av palladium på en mesoporös kolbärare och undersökning av korrelationerna mellan katalysatorns egenskaper och dess aktivitet i isomeriseringsreaktionerna och i hydreringen av kol-koldubbelbindningarna i reaktantmolekylen. Katalysatorerna karakteriserades med många fysikaliska och kemiska metoder (transmissionselektronmikroskopi (TEM), röntgendiffraktion (XRD), röntgenfotoelektronspektroskopi (XPS), temperaturprogrammerad reduktion (TPR), temperaturprogrammerad desorption (TPD) av kolmonoxid, kemisorption av kolmonoxid, fysisorption av kväve). Temperaturens, vätetryckets och katalysatorkoncentrationens inverkan på fettsyra- och isomersammansättningen hos de hydrerade oljorna bestämdes under kinetiska betingelser, i frånvaro av massöverföringseffekter. Syreavspjälkning genom fullständig dekarboxylering av karboxylgruppen i fettsyramolekylen är det hittills bästa sättet att framställa miljövänlig dieselolja, eftersom linjära paraffiner fås som reaktionsprodukter och en tillsats av dyr vätgas undviks. Deoxygeneringen undersöktes systematiskt på en Pd/C-katalysator (Sibunit) genom att använda mättade fettsyror C16-C20 och C22 som råvara. Produktmolekylen blev en dieselliknande kolvätemolekyl, med en kolatom färre än i utgångsmolekylen. Lika stora dekarboxyleringshastigheter observerades för rena, mättade fettsyror. En jämförelse av deoxygenereringshastigheterna för stearin-, olein- och linolsyra som råvara vid 300oC i närvaro av 1-volymprocent väte på mesoporös Pd/C (Sibunit) avslöjade att katalysatorns aktivitet och selektivitet ökade med en ökande mättningsgrad av reaktantmolekylen. Då stearinsyra användes som utgångsmolekyl, bestod huvudprodukterna av önskade C17-kolväten, medan mängden av aromatiska C17-komponenter ökade, då olein- och linolsyra användes som utgångsmolekyler. Katalysatordeaktiveringen var relativt påfallande vid deoxygeneringen av linolsyra så att endast 3% av fettsyrorna omsattes till produkter i 330 min. Deaktiveringen orsakades av aromatiska C17-komponenter samt av fettsyradimerer, som bildades via en Diels-Alderreaktion. Hydreringen av omättade fettsyror kan därför rekommenderas som ett primärt kemiskt steg i framställningen av miljövänliga dieselprodukter. Målet var också att öka förståelsen av palladiummetallernas roll i nanoskala, speciellt effekten av metallpartiklarna i katalytisk hydrering och deoxygenering. Pd/C-katalysatorer med lika stora halter av Pd syntetiserades och metallens dispersion på bärarmaterialet varierades systematiskt genom en kontrollerad uppväxt av palladiumnanopartiklar på aktiv kolbärare. Metalldispersionens effekt på hydrerings-hastigheten och cis-transförhållandet undersöktes i detalj. En optimal metalldispersion som gav den högsta dekarboxyleringshastigheten hittades. Massöverföringens inverkan på reaktionens hastighet studerades experimentellt och temperaturprogrammerad desorption av kolmonoxid från katalysatorytan undersöktes ingående. Hydrering av växtoljor genomfördes under satsvisa och kontinuerliga betingelser. Både finfördelat Pd/C och katalysatorgranulat användes i experimenten. Ett av målen med arbetet var uppskalningen av hydreringsprocesserna. Med tanke på stora produktionsvolymer var det logiskt att undersöka kontinuerliga hydrerings- och dekarboxyleringsteknologier. En kontinuerlig packad bäddreaktor studerades i laboratorieskala, vilket gav viktig information om katalysatorns långtidsstabilitet och deaktivering. Effekten av rena fettsyror och triglycerider som råvara samt metallpartikelstorleken och palladiumhalten studerades med hjälp av den kontinuerliga reaktorn. Produktionskapaciteten som erhölls med satsvis och kontinuerlig drift jämfördes. Dekarboxyleringen av stearinsyra undersöktes också i en kontinuerlig packad bädd. Omsättningsgraden blev 15% för en stabil katalysator.
Eucalyptus plantations represent a short term and cost efficient alternative for sequestrating carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Despite the known potential of forest plantations of fast growing species to store carbon in the biomass, there are relatively few studies including precise estimates of the amount of carbon in these plantations. In this study it was determined the carbon content in the stems, branches, leaves and roots of a clonal Eucalyptus grandis plantation in the Southeast of Brazil. We developed allometric equations to estimate the total amount of carbon and total biomass, and produced an estimate of the carbon stock in the stand level. Altogether, 23 sample trees were selected for aboveground biomass assessment. The roots of 9 of the 23 sampled trees were partially excavated to assess the belowground biomass at a singletree level. Two models with DBH, H and DBH2H were tested. The average relative share of carbon content in the stem, branch, leaf and root compartments was 44.6%, 43.0%, 46.1% and 37.8%, respectively, which is smaller than the generic value commonly used (50%). The best-fit allometric equations to estimate the total amount of carbon and total biomass had DBH2H as independent variable. The root-to-shoot ratio was relatively stable (C.V. = 27.5%) probably because the sub-sample was composed of clones. Total stand carbon stock in the Eucalyptus plantation was estimated to be 73.38 MgC ha-1, which is within the carbon stock range for Eucalyptus plantations.
ABSTRACT The soil carbon under Amazonian forests has an important roles in global changing, making information on the soil content and depths of these stocks are considerable interest in efforts to quantify soil carbon emissions to the atmosphere.This study quantified the content and soil organic carbon stock under primary forest up to 2 m depth, at different topographic positions, at Cuieiras Biological Reserve, Manaus/ ZF2, km 34, in the Central Amazon, evaluating the soil attributes that may influence the permanence of soil carbon. Soil samples were collected along a transect of 850 m on topographic gradient Oxisol (plateau), Ultisol (slope) and Spodosol (valley). The stocks of soil carbon were obtained by multiplying the carbon content, soil bulk density and trickiness of soil layers. The watershed was delimited by using STRM and IKONOS images and the carbon contend obtained in the transects was extrapolated as a way to evaluate the potential for carbon stocks in an area of 2678.68 ha. The total SOC was greater in Oxisol followed by Spodosol and Ultisol. It was found direct correlations between the SOC and soil physical attributes. Among the clay soils (Oxisol and Ultisol), the largest stocks of carbon were observed in Oxisol at both the transect (90 to 175.5 Mg C ha-1) as the level of watershed (100.2 to 195.2 Mg C ha-1). The carbon stocks under sandy soil (Spodosol) was greater to clay soils along the transect (160-241 Mg C ha-1) and near them in the Watershed (96.90 to 146.01 Mg C ha-1).
ABSTRACT Cocoa is an important commercial crop in the tropics; and estimating the carbon emissions in the producing-areas is a worthwhile effort. The main goal of the current paper was to evaluate the carbon footprint (CF) per kilogram of Colombian cocoa bean produced under conventional and agroforestry managements, following the methods proposed by PAS 2050. In this research, we compared our results to other worldwide researches, showing an overview of the current limitations and challenges involving the CF researches. Our results showed that all calculated environmental burdens were lower for the conventional management. In the agroforestry practice, composting of cocoa pod husks contributed with approximately 34.00E+00 g methane and 2.55E+00 g nitrous oxide emissions per kilogram of cocoa grain produced. Therefore, such practice could reduce CF by 6.00E+00 kg CO2 Eq kg-1, which is certainly a significant amount. These cocoa residues left on the ground have a strong impact on CF of both studied managements due to the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, which represents more than 85% of emissions. We concluded that both evaluated production processes can emit environmental burdens at the same magnitude. Definitely, there is a widespread need to improve cocoa production system by changing old and less productive plants to the so called clones to ensure cocoa yield and quality worldwide.
Climate change has given an impetus to research and developed new technologies to reduce significantly carbon dioxide emissions in energy production in the developed countries. The major pollution source, fossil fuels, will be used as an energy source for many decades, which provides the demand for carbon capture and storage technologies. Over recent years many new technologies has been developed and one of the most promising is calcium-looping in post-combustion carbon capture process, which use carbonation-calcination cycle to capture carbon dioxide from the flue gas of a combustion process. First pilot plant for calcium-looping process has been built in Oviedo, Spain. In this study, a three-dimensional model has been created for the calciner, which is one of the two fluidized bed reactors needed for the process. The calciner is a regenerator where the captured carbon dioxide is removed from the calcium material and then collected after the reactor. Thesis concentrates in creating the calciner 3D-model frame with CFB3D-program and testing the model with two different example cases. Used input parameters and calciner geometry are Oviedo pilot plant design parameters. The calculation results give information about the process and show that pilot plant calciner should perform as planned. This Master’s Thesis is done in participation to EU FP7 project CaOling.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness, recurrence rate, and complications of carbon-dioxide laser vaporization in the treatment of Bartholin's gland cysts. METHODS: A retrospective study including 127 patients with symptomatic Bartholin' gland cysts submitted to carbon-dioxide laser vaporization at our institution from January 2005 to June 2011. Patients with Bartholin's gland abscesses and those suspected of having neoplasia were excluded. All procedures were performed in an outpatient setting under local anaesthesia. Clinical records were reviewed for demographic characteristics, anatomic parameters, intraoperative and postoperative complications, and follow-up data. Data were stored and analyzed in Microsoft Excel® 2007 software. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed, and its results were expressed as frequency (percentage) or mean±standard deviation. Complication, recurrence, and cure rates were calculated. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 37.3±9.5 years-old (range from 18 to 61 years-old). Seventy percent (n=85) of them were multiparous. The most common symptom was pain and 47.2% (n=60) of patients had a history of previous medical and/or surgical treatment for Bartholin's gland abscesses. Mean cyst size was 2.7±0.9 cm. There were three (2.4%) cases of minor intraoperative bleeding. Overall, there were 17 (13.4%) recurrences within a mean of 14.6 months (range from 1 to 56 months): ten Bartholin's gland abscesses and seven recurrent cysts requiring reintervention. The cure rate after single laser treatment was 86.6%. Among the five patients with recurrent disease that had a second laser procedure, the cure rate was 100%. CONCLUSIONS: At this institution, carbon-dioxide laser vaporization seems to be a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of Bartholin's gland cysts.
This study investigated the surface hardening of steels via experimental tests using a multi-kilowatt fiber laser as the laser source. The influence of laser power and laser power density on the hardening effect was investigated. The microhardness analysis of various laser hardened steels was done. A thermodynamic model was developed to evaluate the thermal process of the surface treatment of a wide thin steel plate with a Gaussian laser beam. The effect of laser linear oscillation hardening (LLOS) of steel was examined. An as-rolled ferritic-pearlitic steel and a tempered martensitic steel with 0.37 wt% C content were hardened under various laser power levels and laser power densities. The optimum power density that produced the maximum hardness was found to be dependent on the laser power. The effect of laser power density on the produced hardness was revealed. The surface hardness, hardened depth and required laser power density were compared between the samples. Fiber laser was briefly compared with high power diode laser in hardening medium-carbon steel. Microhardness (HV0.01) test was done on seven different laser hardened steels, including rolled steel, quenched and tempered steel, soft annealed alloyed steel and conventionally through-hardened steel consisting of different carbon and alloy contents. The surface hardness and hardened depth were compared among the samples. The effect of grain size on surface hardness of ferritic-pearlitic steel and pearlitic-cementite steel was evaluated. In-grain indentation was done to measure the hardness of pearlitic and cementite structures. The macrohardness of the base material was found to be related to the microhardness of the softer phase structure. The measured microhardness values were compared with the conventional macrohardness (HV5) results. A thermodynamic model was developed to calculate the temperature cycle, Ac1 and Ac3 boundaries, homogenization time and cooling rate. The equations were numerically solved with an error of less than 10-8. The temperature distributions for various thicknesses were compared under different laser traverse speed. The lag of the was verified by experiments done on six different steels. The calculated thermal cycle and hardened depth were compared with measured data. Correction coefficients were applied to the model for AISI 4340 steel. AISI 4340 steel was hardened by laser linear oscillation hardening (LLOS). Equations were derived to calculate the overlapped width of adjacent tracks and the number of overlapped scans in the center of the scanned track. The effect of oscillation frequency on the hardened depth was investigated by microscopic evaluation and hardness measurement. The homogeneity of hardness and hardened depth with different processing parameters were investigated. The hardness profiles were compared with the results obtained with conventional single-track hardening. LLOS was proved to be well suitable for surface hardening in a relatively large rectangular area with considerable depth of hardening. Compared with conventional single-track scanning, LLOS produced notably smaller hardened depths while at 40 and 100 Hz LLOS resulted in higher hardness within a depth of about 0.6 mm.
Electrochemical double-layer supercapacitors have an intermediate position between rechargeable batteries, which can store high amounts of energy, and dielectric capacitors, which have high output power. Supercapacitors are widely suggested to be used in automobiles (recuperation during braking, facilitate engine starting, electric stabilization of the system), industry (forklifts, elevators), hybrid off-road machinery and also in consumer electronics. Supercapacitor electrodes require highly porous material. Typically, activated carbon is used. Specific surface area of activated carbon is approximately 1000 m2 per gram. Carbon nanotubes represent one of prospective materials. According to numerous studies this material allows to improve the properties of supercapacitors. The task of this Master‘s Thesis was to test multiwalled carbon nanotubes and become confident with the testing methods.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is an important tool in designing new combustion systems. By using CFD modeling, entire combustion systems can be modeled and the emissions and the performance can be predicted. CFD modeling can also be used to develop new and better combustion systems from an economical and environmental point of view. In CFD modeling of solid fuel combustion, the combustible fuel is generally treated as single fuel particles. One of the limitations with the CFD modeling concerns the sub-models describing the combustion of single fuel particles. Available models in the scientific literature are in many cases not suitable as submodels for CFD modeling since they depend on a large number of input parameters and are computationally heavy. In this thesis CFD-applicable models are developed for the combustion of single fuel particles. The single particle models can be used to improve the combustion performance in various combustion devices or develop completely new technologies. The investigated fields are oxidation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in char residues from solid fuels. Modeled char-C oxidation rates are compared to experimental oxidation rates for a large number of pulverized solid fuel chars under relevant combustion conditions. The experiments have been performed in an isothermal plug flow reactor operating at 1123-1673 K and 3-15 vol.% O2. In the single particle model, the char oxidation is based on apparent kinetics and depends on three fuel specific parameters: apparent pre-exponential factor, apparent activation energy, and apparent reaction order. The single particle model can be incorporated as a sub-model into a CFD code. The results show that the modeled char oxidation rates are in good agreement with experimental char oxidation rates up to around 70% of burnout. Moreover, the results show that the activation energy and the reaction order can be assumed to be constant for a large number of bituminous coal chars under conditions limited by the combined effects of chemical kinetics and pore diffusion. Based on this, a new model based on only one fuel specific parameter is developed (Paper III). The results also show that reaction orders of bituminous coal chars and anthracite chars differ under similar conditions (Paper I and Paper II); reaction orders of bituminous coal chars were found to be one, while reaction orders of anthracite chars were determined to be zero. This difference in reaction orders has not previously been observed in the literature and should be considered in future char oxidation models. One of the most frequently used comprehensive char oxidation models could not explain the difference in the reaction orders. In the thesis (Paper II), a modification to the model is suggested in order to explain the difference in reaction orders between anthracite chars and bituminous coal chars. Two single particle models are also developed for the NO formation and reduction during the oxidation of single biomass char particles. In the models the char-N is assumed to be oxidized to NO and the NO is partly reduced inside the particle. The first model (Paper IV) is based on the concentration gradients of NO inside and outside the particle and the second model is simplified to such an extent that it is based on apparent kinetics and can be incorporated as a sub-model into a CFD code (Paper V). Modeled NO release rates from both models were in good agreement with experimental measurements from a single particle reactor of quartz glass operating at 1173-1323 K and 3-19 vol.% O2. In the future, the models can be used to reduce NO emissions in new combustion systems.
Lamium album accumulates starch, sucrose and raffinose-family oligosaccharides (RFO) as the major products of photosynthesis. These products were measured in leaves throughout a sixteen-hour photoperiod and under various irradiance conditions. There was continuous accumulation of sucrose and starch. The rate of gas exchange was higher at 500 µEm² s-1 and 900 µEm²s-1 than at 300 µEm² s-1. The rate of photosynthesis did not decline over the sixteen-hour photoperiod, which suggested that there was no short-term feed back inhibition due to sucrose accumulation in this plant. When the products of photosynthesis were compared at the end of the photoperiod, only sucrose increased in abundance at high irradiance. The RFO pool in leaves was shown to contain raffinose, stachyose and verbascose; galactinol was also present. 14CO2 feeding demonstrated that roots and flowers were the major sinks. The middle leaves were major source leaves whilst young leaves acted as both sources and sinks.
Demand for increased energy efficiency has put an immense need for novel energy efficient systems. Electrical machines are considered as a much matured technology. Further improvement in this technology needs of finding new material to incorporate in electrical machines. Progress of carbon nanotubes research over the latest decade can open a new horizon in this aspect. Commonly known as ‘magic material’, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have promising material properties that can change considerably the course of electrical machine design. It is believed that winding material based on carbon nanotubes create the biggest hope for a giant leap of modern technology and energy efficient systems. Though carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have shown amazing properties theoretically and practically during the latest 20 years, to the best knowledge of the author, no research has been carried out to find the future possibilities of utilizing carbon nanotubes as conductors in rotating electrical machines. In this thesis, the possibilities of utilizing carbon nanotubes in electrical machines have been studied. The design changes of electrical machine upon using carbon nanotubes instead of copper have been discussed vividly. A roadmap for this carbon nanotube winding machine has been discussed from synthesis, manufacturing and operational points of view.
In this study we evaluated photosynthetic characteristics and patterns of biomass accumulation in seedlings of two tree species from a Semideciduous Tropical Forest of Brazil. Seedlings of Trema micrantha (L.) Blum. (pioneer) and Hymenaea courbaril (L.) var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee & Langenh. (climax) were grown for 4 months under low light (LL) (5%-8% of sunlight) and high light (HL) (100% of sunlight). Under HL, T. micrantha showed higher CO2 assimilation rates (A CO2) and light saturation than H. courbaril. Under LL, A CO2 were higher in H. courbaril. Under LL, total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents per unit leaf area were higher in H. courbaril. Chlorophyll a/b ratio was higher in T. micrantha under both light regimes. A CO2 and Fv/Fm ratio at both pre-dawn and midday in H. coubaril were lower in HL indicating chronic photoinhibition. Thus, the climax species was more susceptible to photoinhibition than the pioneer. However, H. courbaril produced higher total biomass under both treatments showing high efficiency in the maintenance of a positive carbon balance. Thus, both species expressed characteristics that favor growth under conditions that resemble their natural microenvironments, but H. courbaril also grew under HL. The ecophysiological range of responses to contrasting light levels of this climax plant seems to be broader than generally observed for other rainforest climax species. We propose that this could be related to the particular spatio-temporal light regime of the semideciduous forests.