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The interaction of transient electromagnetic field due to an NEMP with buried cables has been studied in this paper. The cables studied were of two types: shielded as well as unshielded cables. Using transmission line analysis, the induced voltage and current are computed at the load end of the cable for different soil conductivities, different depths of burial of cable and for different lengths of the cable. Effect of shielding on the induced voltage on the cable inner conductor as well as the dependence of the induced voltage on the shield thickness are also studied.


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For optimal treatment planning, a thorough assessment of the metastatic status of mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) is required. Current imaging methods do not allow the recognition of all patients with metastatic disease. Therefore, elective treatment of the cervical lymph nodes is usually given to patients in whom the risk of subclinical metastasis is estimated to exceed 15-20%. The objective of this study was to improve the pre-treatment evaluation of patients diagnosed with HNSCC. Particularly, we aimed at improving the identification of patients who will benefit from elective neck treatment. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest and abdomen was performed prospectively for 100 patients diagnosed with HNSCC. The findings were analysed to clarify the indications for this examination in this patient group. CT of the chest influenced the treatment approach in 3% of patients, while CT of the abdomen did not reveal any significant findings. Our results suggest that CT of the chest and abdomen is not indicated routinely for patients with newly diagnosed HNSCC but can be considered in selected cases. Retrospective analysis of 80 patients treated for early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue was performed to investigate the potential benefits of elective neck treatment and to examine whether histopathological features of the primary tumour could be used in the prediction of occult metastases, local recurrence, or/and poor survival. Patients who had received elective neck treatment had significantly fewer cervical recurrences during the follow-up when compared to those who only had close observation of the cervical lymph nodes. Elective neck treatment did not result in survival benefit, however. Of the histopathological parameters examined, depth of infiltration and pT-category (representing tumour diameter) predicted occult cervical metastasis, but only the pT-category predicted local recurrence. Depth of infiltration can be used in the identification of at risk patients but no clear cut-off value separating high-risk and low-risk patients was found. None of the histopathological parameters examined predicted survival. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy was studied as a means of diagnosing patients with subclinical cervical metastases. SLN biopsy was applied to 46 patients who underwent elective neck dissection for oral squamous cell carcinoma. In addition, SLN biopsy was applied to 13 patients with small oral cavity tumours who were not intended to undergo elective neck dissection because of low risk of occult metastasis. The sensitivity of SLN biopsy for finding subclinical cervical metastases was found to be 67%, when SLN status was compared to the metastatic status of the rest of the neck dissection specimen. Of the patients not planned to have elective neck dissection, SLN biopsy revealed cervical metastasis in 15% of the patients. Our results suggest that SLN biopsy can not yet entirely replace elective neck dissection in the treatment of oral cancer, but it seems beneficial for patients with low risk of metastasis who are not intended for elective neck treatment according to current treatment protocols.


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Välikorvaleikkauksiin usein liittyvän välikorvan ja kuuloluuketjun kirurgisen rekonstruktion tavoitteena on luoda olosuhteet, jotka mahdollistavat hyvän kuulon sekä välikorvan säilymisen tulehduksettomana ja ilmapitoisena. Välikorvan rekonstruktiossa on käytetty implanttimateriaaleina perinteisesti potilaan omia kudoksia sekä tarvittaessa erilaisia hajoamattomia biomateriaaleja, mm. titaania ja silikonia. Ongelmana biomateriaalien käytössä voi olla bakteerien adherenssi eli tarttuminen vieraan materiaalin pintaan, mikä saattaa johtaa biofilmin muodostumiseen. Tämä voi aiheuttaa kroonisen, huonosti antibiootteihin reagoivan infektion kudoksessa, mikä usein käytännössä johtaa uusintaleikkaukseen ja implantin poistoon. Maitohappo- ja glykolihappopohjaiset biologisesti hajoavat polymeerit ovat olleet kliinisessä käytössä jo vuosikymmeniä. Niitä on käytetty erityisesti tukimateriaaleina mm. ortopediassa sekä kasvo- ja leukakirurgiassa. Niitä ei ole toistaiseksi käytetty välikorvakirurgiassa. Korvan kuvantamiseen käytetään ensisijaisesti tietokonetomografiaa (TT). TT-tutkimuksen ongelmana on potilaan altistuminen suhteellisen korkealle sädeannokselle, joka kasvaa kumulatiivisesti, jos kuvaus joudutaan toistamaan. Väitöskirjatyö selvittää uuden, aiemmin kliinisessä työssä rutiinisti lähinnä hampaiston ja kasvojen alueen kuvantamiseen käytetyn rajoitetun kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Väitöskirjan kahdessa ensimmäisessä osatyössä tutkittiin ja verrattiin kahden kroonisia ja postoperatiivisia korvainfektioita aiheuttavan bakteerin, Staphylococcus aureuksen ja Pseudomonas aeruginosan, in vitro adherenssia titaanin, silikonin ja kahden eri biohajoavan polymeerin (PLGA) pintaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin materiaalien albumiinipinnoituksen vaikutusta adherenssiin. Kolmannessa osatyössä tutkittiin eläinmallissa PLGA:n biokompatibiliteettia eli kudosyhteensopivuutta kokeellisessa välikorvakirurgiassa. Chinchillojen välikorviin istutettiin PLGA-materiaalia, eläimiä seurattiin, ja ne lopetettiin 6 kk:n kuluttua operaatiosta. Biokompatibiliteetin arviointi perustui kliinisiin havaintoihin sekä kudosnäytteisiin. Neljännessä osatyössä tutkittiin kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen vertaamalla sen tarkkuutta perinteisen spiraali-TT:n tarkkuuteen. Molemmilla laitteilla kuvattiin ohimo- eli temporaaliluita korvan alueen kliinisesti ja kirurgisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden kuvantumisen tarkkuuden arvioimiseksi. Viidennessä osatyössä arvioitiin myös operoitujen temporaaliluiden kuvantumista kartiokeila-TT:ssa. Bakteeritutkimuksissa PLGA-materiaalin pintaan tarttui keskimäärin korkeintaan saman verran tai vähemmän bakteereita kuin silikonin tai titaanin. Albumiinipinnoitus vähensi bakteeriadherenssia merkitsevästi kaikilla materiaaleilla. Eläinkokeiden perusteella PLGA todettiin hyvin siedetyksi välikorvassa. Korvakäytävissä tai välikorvissa ei todettu infektioita, tärykalvon perforaatioita tai materiaalin esiin työntymistä. Kudosnäytteissä näkyi lievää tulehdusreaktiota ja fibroosia implantin ympärillä. Temporaaliluutöissä rajoitettu kartiokeila-TT todettiin vähintään yhtä tarkaksi menetelmäksi kuin spiraali-TT välikorvan ja sisäkorvan rakenteiden kuvantamisessa, ja sen aiheuttama kertasäderasitus todettiin spiraali-TT:n vastaavaa huomattavasti vähäisemmäksi. Kartiokeila-TT soveltui hyvin välikorvaimplanttien ja postoperatiivisen korvan kuvantamiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että PLGA on välikorvakirurgiaan soveltuva, turvallinen ja kudosyhteensopiva biomateriaali. Biomateriaalien pinnoittaminen albumiinilla vähentää merkittävästi bakteeriadherenssia niihin, mikä puoltaa pinnoituksen soveltamista implanttikirurgiassa. Kartiokeila-TT soveltuu korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Sen tarkkuus kliinisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden osoittamisessa on vähintään yhtä hyvä ja sen potilaalle aiheuttama sädeannos pienempi kuin nykyisen korva-spiraali-TT:n. Tämä tekee menetelmästä spiraali-TT:aa potilasturvallisemman vaihtoehdon erityisesti, jos potilaan tilanne vaatii seurantaa ja useampia kuvauksia, ja jos halutaan kuvata rajoitettuja alueita uni- tai bilateraalisesti.


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The angular-momentum flux from an inspiralling binary system of compact objects moving in quasi-elliptical orbits is computed at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order using the multipolar post-Minkowskian wave generation formalism. The 3PN angular-momentum flux involves the instantaneous, tail, and tail-of-tails contributions as for the 3PN energy flux, and in addition a contribution due to nonlinear memory. We average the angular-momentum flux over the binary's orbit using the 3PN quasi-Keplerian representation of elliptical orbits. The averaged angular-momentum flux provides the final input needed for gravitational-wave phasing of binaries moving in quasi-elliptical orbits. We obtain the evolution of orbital elements under 3PN gravitational radiation reaction in the quasi-elliptic case. For small eccentricities, we give simpler limiting expressions relevant for phasing up to order e(2). This work is important for the construction of templates for quasi-eccentric binaries, and for the comparison of post-Newtonian results with the numerical relativity simulations of the plunge and merger of eccentric binaries.


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The bonding nature of metallocene acetylene complexes Cp2M(eta(2)-H3SiC2SiH3) 1M and CP2M (eta(2)- HC2H) 1M' (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) wits studied by density functional theory method. It is found that this acetylene complex has indeed it metallacyclopropene moiety with two in-plane M-C sigma-bonds and one out-of-plane pi-bond interacting with the metal center, resulting in the formation of it delocalized three-center and two-electron (3c-2e) system. Along with its delocalized out-of-plane bonding, this complex has been characterized its aromatic on the basis of the computed stabilizing energy and negative nucleus-independent chemical shifts (NICS). The aromatic stabilization increases from Ti to Zr and Hf, and this is because of the increased charge separation between the CP2M fragment and the H3SiC2SiH3 (also HC2H) unit. The decrease of the M-C bond length from Zr to Hf is ttributed to the increased s character of both M and C hybridization of the M-C a-bonds.


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The isobaric heat capacity of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) was measured from 300 to 1100 K using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results were verified using drop calorimetric measurement of enthalpy increment (H-T - H-298.15) at T= 973 and 1073 K. The samples were dropped from room temperature into a calorimeter maintained at high temperature. The results show small negative deviation from Neumann-Kopp rule. The enthalpy and entropy increments are computed as a function of temperature and compared with values available in the literature. The results obtained in this study are consistent with available information on enthalpy and Gibbs energy of formation of CCTO.


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Background Expenditure on dental and oral health services in Australia is $3.4 billion AUD annually. This is the sixth highest health cost and accounts for 7 % of total national health expenditure. Approximately 49 % of Australian children aged 6 years have caries experience in their deciduous teeth and this is rising. The aetiology of dental caries involves a complex interplay of individual, behavioural, social, economic, political and environmental conditions, and there is increasing interest in genetic predisposition and epigenetic modification. Methods The Oral Health Sub-study; a cross sectional study of a birth cohort began in November 2012 by examining mothers and their children who were six years old by the time of initiation of the study, which is ongoing. Data from detailed questionnaires of families from birth onwards and data on mothers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards oral health collected at the time of clinical examination are used. Subjects’ height, weight and mid-waist circumference are taken and Body Mass Index (BMI) computed, using an electronic Bio-Impedance balance. Dental caries experience is scored using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Saliva is collected for physiological measures. Salivary Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) is extracted for genetic studies including epigenetics using the SeqCap Epi Enrichment Kit. Targets of interest are being confirmed by pyrosequencing to identify potential epigenetic markers of caries risk. Discussion This study will examine a wide range of potential determinants for childhood dental caries and evaluate inter-relationships amongst them. The findings will provide an evidence base to plan and implement improved preventive strategies.


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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of low-intensity ultrasound on bioabsorbable self-reinforced poly-L-lactide (SR-PLLA) screws and on fracture healing after SR-PLLA device fixation in experimental and clinical cancellous bone fracture. In the first experimental study, the assessment of the mechanical strengths of the SR-PLLA screws was performed after 12 weeks of daily 20-minute ultrasound exposure in vitro. In the second experimental study, 32 male Wistar rats with an experimental distal femur osteotomy fixed with an SR-PLLA rod were exposed for daily low-intensity ultrasound treatment for 21 days. The effects on the healing bone were assessed. The clinical studies consist of three prospective, randomized, and placebo-controlled series of dislocated lateral malleolar fractures fixed with one SR-PLLA screw. The total number of the patients in these series was 52. Half of the patients were provided randomly with a sham ultrasound device. The patients underwent ultrasound therapy 20 minutes daily for six weeks. Radiological bone healing was assessed both by radiographs at two, six, nine, and 12 weeks and by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scans at two weeks, nine weeks, and 18 months. Bone mineral density was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The clinical outcome was assessed by both Olerud-Molander scoring and clinical examination of the ankle. Low-intensity ultrasound had no effects on the mechanical properties and degradation behaviour of the SR-PLLA screws in vitro. There were no obvious signs of low-intensity ultrasound-induced enhancement in the bone healing in SR-PLLA-rod-fixed metaphyseal distal femur osteotomy in rats. The biocompatibility of low-intensity ultrasound treatment and SR-PLLA was found to be good. In the clinical series low-intensity ultrasound was observed to have no obvious effects on the bone mineral density of the fractured lateral malleolus. There were no obvious differences in the radiological bone healing times of the SR-PLLA-screw-fixed lateral malleolar fractures after low-intensity ultrasound treatment. Low-intensity ultrasound did not have any effects on radiological bone morphology, bone mineral density or clinical outcome 18 months after the injury. There were no obvious findings in the present study to support the hypothesis that low-intensity pulsed ultrasound enhances bone healing in SR-PLLA-rod-fixed experimental metaphyseal distal femur osteotomy in rats or in clinical SR-PLLA-screw-fixed lateral malleolar fractures. It is important to limit the conclusions of the present set of studies only to lateral malleolar fractures fixed with an SR-PLLA screw.


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Esophageal and gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma is rapidly increasing disease with a pathophysiology connected to oxidative stress. Exact pre-treatment clinical staging is essential for optimal care of this lethal malignancy. The cost-effectiviness of treatment is increasingly important. We measured oxidative metabolism in the distal and proximal esophagus by myeloperoxidase activity (MPA), glutathione content (GSH), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in 20 patients operated on with Nissen fundoplication and 9 controls during a 4-year follow-up. Further, we assessed the oxidative damage of DNA by 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in esophageal samples of subjects (13 Barrett s metaplasia, 6 Barrett s esophagus with high-grade dysplasia, 18 adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus/GEJ, and 14 normal controls). We estimated the accuracy (42 patients) and preoperative prognostic value (55 patients) of PET compared with computed tomography (CT) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) in patients with adenocarcinoma of the esophagus/GEJ. Finally, we clarified the specialty-related costs and the utility of either radical (30 patients) or palliative (23 patients) treatment of esophageal/GEJ carcinoma by the 15 D health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) questionnaire and the survival rate. The cost-utility of radical treatment of esophageal/GEJ carcinoma was investigated using a decision tree analysis model comparing radical, palliative, and hypothetical new treatment. We found elevated oxidative stress ( measured by MPA) and decreased antioxidant defense (measured by GSH) after antireflux surgery. This indicates that antireflux surgery is not a perfect solution for oxidative stress of the esophageal mucosa. Elevated oxidative stress in turn may partly explain why adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus is found even after successful fundoplication. In GERD patients, proximal esophageal mucosal anti-oxidative defense seems to be defective before and even years after successful antireflux surgery. In addition, antireflux surgery apparently does not change the level of oxidative stress in the proximal esophagus, suggesting that defective mucosal anti-oxidative capacity plays a role in development of oxidative damage to the esophageal mucosa in GERD. In the malignant transformation of Barrett s esophagus an important component appears to be oxidative stress. DNA damage may be mediated by 8-OHdG, which we found to be increased in Barrett s epithelium and in high-grade dysplasia as well as in adenocarcinoma of the esophagus/GEJ compared with controls. The entire esophagus of Barrett s patients suffers from increased oxidative stress ( measured by 8-OhdG). PET is a useful tool in the staging and prognostication of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus/GEJ detecting organ metastases better than CT, although its accuracy in staging of paratumoral and distant lymph nodes is limited. Radical surgery for esophageal/GEJ carcinoma provides the greatest benefit in terms of survival, and its cost-utility appears to be the best of currently available treatments.


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Security in a mobile communication environment is always a matter for concern, even after deploying many security techniques at device, network, and application levels. The end-to-end security for mobile applications can be made robust by developing dynamic schemes at application level which makes use of the existing security techniques varying in terms of space, time, and attacks complexities. In this paper we present a security techniques selection scheme for mobile transactions, called the Transactions-Based Security Scheme (TBSS). The TBSS uses intelligence to study, and analyzes the security implications of transactions under execution based on certain criterion such as user behaviors, transaction sensitivity levels, and credibility factors computed over the previous transactions by the users, network vulnerability, and device characteristics. The TBSS identifies a suitable level of security techniques from the repository, which consists of symmetric, and asymmetric types of security algorithms arranged in three complexity levels, covering various encryption/decryption techniques, digital signature schemes, andhashing techniques. From this identified level, one of the techniques is deployed randomly. The results shows that, there is a considerable reduction in security cost compared to static schemes, which employ pre-fixed security techniques to secure the transactions data.


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Because of its high electrical conductivity and good diffusion barrier properties ruthenium dioxide (RuO2) is a good electrode material for use with ferroelectric lead zirconate-titanate (PZT) solid solutions. Under certain conditions, RuO2 can react with PZT to form lead ruthenate (Pb2Ru2O6.5) during processing at elevated temperatures resulting in lead depletion from PZT. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of RuO2 and Pb2Ru2O6.5 and activities of components of the PZT solid solution have been determined recently. Using this data along with older thermodynamic information on PbZrO3 and PbTiO3, the stability domain of Pb2Ru2O6.5 is computed as a function of PZT composition, temperature and oxygen partial pressure in the gas phase. The results show PbZrO3-rich compositions are more prone to react with RuO2 at all temperatures. Increasing temperature and decreasing oxygen partial pressure suppress the reaction. Graphically displayed are the reaction zones as a function of oxygen partial pressure and PZT composition at temperatures 973, 1173 and 1373 K.


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Boron Nitride Nanotubes (BNNTs) have alternating boron and nitrogen atoms in graphite like network and are strongly polar in nature due to a large charge on boron and nitrogen atoms. Hence electrostatic interactions are expected to play an important role in determining the elastic properties of BNNTs. In the absence of specific partial atomic charge information for boron and nitrogen, we have studied the elastic properties BNNTs varying the partial atomic charges on boron and nitrogen. We have computed Young modulus (Y) and Shear modulus (G) of BNNT as a function of the tube radius and number of walls using molecular mechanics calculation. Our calculation shows that Young modulus of BNNTs increases with increase in magnitude of the partial atomic charge on B and N and can be larger than the Young modulus of CNTs of same radius. This is in contrast to the earlier finding that CNTs has the largest tensile strength (PRL, 80, 4502, 1998). Shear modulus, on the other hand depends weakly on the magnitude of partial atomic charge and is less than the shear modulus of the CNT. The values obtained for Young modulus and Shear modulus are in excellent agreement with the available experimental results.


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In conventional analysis and design procedures of reinforced concrete structures, the ability of concrete to resist tension is neglected. Under cyclic loading, the tension-softening behavior of concrete influences its residual strength and subsequent crack propagation. The stability and the residual strength of a cracked reinforced concrete member under fatigue loading, depends on a number of factors such as, reinforcement ratio, specimen size, grade of concrete, and the fracture properties, and also on the tension-softening behavior of concrete. In the present work, a method is proposed to assess the residual strength of a reinforced concrete member subjected to cyclic loading. The crack extension resistance based approach is used for determining the condition for unstable crack propagation. Three different idealization of tension softening models are considered to study the effect of post-peak response of concrete. The effect of reinforcement is modeled as a closing force counteracting the effect of crack opening produced by the external moment. The effect of reinforcement percentage and specimen size on the failure of reinforced beams is studied. Finally, the residual strength of the beams are computed by including the softening behavior of concrete.


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The flow around a 120 degrees blunt cone model with a base radius of 60mm has been visualised at Mach 14.8 and 9.1 using argon as the test gas, at the newly established high speed schlieren facility in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST2. The experimental shock stand off distance around the blunt cone is compared with that obtained using a commercial CFD package. The computed values of shock stand off distance of the blunt cone is found to agree reasonably well with the experimental data.


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In our earlier work [1], we employed MVDR (minimum variance distortionless response) based spectral estimation instead of modified-linear prediction method [2] in pitch modification. Here, we use the Bauer method of MVDR spectral factorization, leading to a causal inverse filter rather than a noncausal filter setup with MVDR spectral estimation [1]. Further, this is employed to obtain source (or residual) signal from pitch synchronous speech frames. The residual signal is resampled using DCT/IDCT depending on the target pitch scale factor. Finally, forward filters realized from the above factorization are used to get pitch modified speech. The modified speech is evaluated subjectively by 10 listeners and mean opinion scores (MOS) are tabulated. Further, modified bark spectral distortion measure is also computed for objective evaluation of performance. We find that the proposed algorithm performs better compared to time domain pitch synchronous overlap [3] and modified-LP method [2]. A good MOS score is achieved with the proposed algorithm compared to [1] with a causal inverse and forward filter setup.