914 resultados para CELLULAR IMMUNE RESPONSE


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Pestiviruses cause economically important diseases among domestic ruminants and pigs, but they may also infect a wide spectrum of wild species of even-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla). Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and Border disease virus of sheep infect their hosts either transiently or persistently. Cellular and humoral immunotolerance to the infecting strain is a unique feature of persistent infection (PI) by ruminant pestiviruses. Persistence, caused by transplacental infection early in fetal development, depends on virally encoded interferon antagonists that inactivate the host's innate immune response to the virus without globally interfering with its function against other viruses. At epidemiological equilibrium, approximately 1-2% of animals are PI. Successful BVDV control programs show that removal of PI animals results in viral extinction in the host population. The nucleotide sequences of ruminant pestiviruses change little during persistent infection. Nevertheless, they display large heterogeneity, pointing to a long history of virus-host coevolution in which avirulent strains are more successful.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Senescence prevents cellular transformation. We investigated whether vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling via its receptor, VEGFR2, regulates senescence and proliferation of tumor cells in mice with colitis-associated cancer (CAC). METHODS CAC was induced in VEGFR2(ΔIEC) mice, which do not express VEGFR2 in the intestinal epithelium, and VEGFR2(fl/fl) mice (controls) by administration of azoxymethane followed by dextran sodium sulfate. Tumor development and inflammation were determined by endoscopy. Colorectal tissues were collected for immunoblot, immunohistochemical, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses. Findings from mouse tissues were confirmed in human HCT116 colorectal cancer cells. We analyzed colorectal tumor samples from patients before and after treatment with bevacizumab. RESULTS After colitis induction, VEGFR2(ΔIEC) mice developed significantly fewer tumors than control mice. A greater number of intestinal tumor cells from VEGFR2(ΔIEC) mice were in senescence than tumor cells from control mice. We found VEGFR2 to activate phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate-3-kinase and AKT, resulting in inactivation of p21 in HCT116 cells. Inhibitors of VEGFR2 and AKT induced senescence in HCT116 cells. Tumor cell senescence promoted an anti-tumor immune response by CD8(+) T cells in mice. Patients whose tumor samples showed an increase in the proportion of senescent cells after treatment with bevacizumab had longer progression-free survival than patients in which the proportion of senescent tumor cells did not change before and after treatment. CONCLUSIONS Inhibition of VEGFR2 signaling leads to senescence of human and mouse colorectal cancer cells. VEGFR2 interacts with phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate-3-kinase and AKT to inactivate p21. Colorectal tumor senescence and p21 level correlate with patient survival during treatment with bevacizumab.


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Although platinum-based drugs are widely used chemotherapeutics for cancer treatment, the determinants of tumor cell responsiveness remain poorly understood. We show that the loss of subunits LRRC8A and LRRC8D of the heteromeric LRRC8 volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) increased resistance to clinically relevant cisplatin/carboplatin concentrations. Under isotonic conditions, about 50% of cisplatin uptake depended on LRRC8A and LRRC8D, but neither on LRRC8C nor on LRRC8E. Cell swelling strongly enhanced LRRC8-dependent cisplatin uptake, bolstering the notion that cisplatin enters cells through VRAC. LRRC8A disruption also suppressed drug-induced apoptosis independently from drug uptake, possibly by impairing VRAC-dependent apoptotic cell volume decrease. Hence, by mediating cisplatin uptake and facilitating apoptosis, VRAC plays a dual role in the cellular drug response. Incorporation of the LRRC8D subunit into VRAC substantially increased its permeability for cisplatin and the cellular osmolyte taurine, indicating that LRRC8 proteins form the channel pore. Our work suggests that LRRC8D-containing VRACs are crucial for cell volume regulation by an important organic osmolyte and may influence cisplatin/carboplatin responsiveness of tumors.


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Waddlia chondrophila is a known bovine abortigenic Chlamydia-related bacterium that has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes in human. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding how W. chondrophila infection spreads, its ability to elicit an immune response and induce pathology. A murine model of genital infection was developed to investigate the pathogenicity and immune response associated with a W. chondrophila infection. Genital inoculation of the bacterial agent resulted in a dose-dependent infection that spread to lumbar lymph nodes and successively to spleen and liver. Bacterial-induced pathology peaked on day 14, characterized by leukocyte infiltration (uterine horn, liver, and spleen), necrosis (liver) and extramedullary hematopoiesis (spleen). Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the presence of a large number of W. chondrophila in the spleen on day 14. Robust IgG titers were detected by day 14 and remained high until day 52. IgG isotypes consisted of high IgG2a, moderate IgG3 and no detectable IgG1, indicating a Th1-associated immune response. This study provides the first evidence that W. chondrophila genital infection is capable of inducing a systemic infection that spreads to major organs, induces uterus, spleen, and liver pathology and elicits a Th1-skewed humoral response. This new animal model will help our understanding of the mechanisms related to intracellular bacteria-induced miscarriages, the most frequent complication of pregnancy that affects one in four women.


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After the development of the viral-based prostate cancer vaccine, Ad5-PSA, much research has been orientated to help enhance the induced immune response by combining the vaccine with physical and chemical modulating agents, more specifically the polymers polyethylenimine (PEI), chitosan, and chitosan coated with CD3 complex antibodies; all previously shown to stimulate an immune response as isolated gene carriers. To compare the vaccine-induced immune responses between the naked vaccine and the polymer-vaccine combinations, a mouse model using the ovalbumin- specific Ad-OVA vaccine was tested using intracellular cytokine staining (ICS), tetramer staining, and cytotoxic T-cell lymphocyte assays to measure the activation of CD8+ T-cells, interferon gamma proteins (INFƒ×), and the induced cytotoxicity to ovalbumin. The Ad-OVA vaccine combined with both chitosan and chitosan with CD3 complex antibodies, both natural polymers, were found to induce similar immune responses to the naked vaccine while the vaccine combined with the synthetic polymer, PEI, diminished the immune response.


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Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that is a major health threat in the clinical and community settings. An interesting hallmark of patients infected with S. aureus is that they do not usually develop a protective immune response and are susceptible to reinfection, in part because of the ability of S. aureus to modulate host immunity. The ability to evade host immune responses is a key contributor to the infection process and is critical in S. aureus survival and pathogenesis. This study investigates the immunomodulatory effects of two secreted proteins produced by S. aureus, the MHC class II analog protein (Map) and the extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein (Efb). Map has been demonstrated to modulate host immunity by interfering with T cell function. Map has been shown to significantly reduce T cell proliferative responses and significantly reduce delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to challenge antigen. In addition, the effects of Map on the infection process were tested in a mouse model of infection. Mice infected with Map− S. aureus (Map deficient strain) presented with significantly reduced levels of arthritis, osteomyelitis and abscess formation compared to mice infected with the wild-type Map+S. aureus strain suggesting that Map−S. aureus is much less virulent than Map+S. aureus. Furthermore, Map−S. aureus-infected nude mice developed arthritis and osteomyelitis to a severity similar to Map +S. aureus-infected controls, suggesting that T cells can affect disease outcome following S. aureus infection and Map may attenuate cellular immunity against S. aureus. The extracellular fibrinogen-binding protein (Efb) was identified when cultured S. aureus supernatants were probed with the complement component C3. The binding of C3 to Efb resulted in studies investigating the effects of Efb on complement activation. We have demonstrated that Efb can inhibit both the classical and alternative complement pathways. Moreover, we have shown that Efb can inhibit complement mediated opsonophagocytosis. Further studies have characterized the Efb-C3 binding interaction and localized the C3-binding domain to the C-terminal region of Efb. In addition, we demonstrate that Efb binds specifically to a region within the C3d fragment of C3. This study demonstrates that Map and Efb can interfere with both the acquired and innate host immune pathways and that these proteins contribute to the success of S. aureus in evading host immunity and in establishing disease. ^


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The ultraviolet radiation (UVR) present in sunlight is the primary cause of nonmelanoma skin cancer and has been implicated in the development of cutaneous malignant melanoma. Ultraviolet radiation also suppresses the immune response. In the majority of studies investigating the mechanisms regulating UV-induced immune suppression, UV is used to suppress the induction of immune responses. Equally important, is the ability of UVR to suppress established immune responses, such as the recall reaction in humans, which protects against microbial infections. We established a murine model to help elucidate the immunological mechanisms governing UV-induced suppression of the elicitation of immune responses. 80 kJ/m2 of UVR nine days after sensitization consistently suppressed the elicitation of delayed type hypersensitivity reaction to C. albicans . We found ultraviolet A (320±400 nm) radiation was as effective as solar-simulated ultraviolet A + B (290±400 nm) in suppressing the elicitation of an established immune response. The mechanisms involved in UV-induced suppression of the induction & elicitation of the immune response are similar. For example, mice irradiated with UV after immunization generated antigen-specific T suppressor cells. Injection of monoclonal antibodies to IL-10 or recombinant IL-12 immediately after exposure to UVR blocked immune suppression. Liposomes containing bacteriophage T4N5 to the skin of mice also prevented immune suppression, demonstrating an essential role for ultraviolet-induced DNA damage in the suppression of established immune reactions. ^ In addition to damaging DNA, UV initiates immune suppression through the isomerization of urocanic acid in the epidermis. Here we provide evidence that cis-UCA induces systemic immunosuppression via the serotonin (5-hydroxyyryptamine; 5-HT) receptor. Biochemical and immunological analysis indicate that cis-UCA binds to, and activates, the serotonin receptor. Moreover, serotonin specific antibodies block UV- and/or cis-UCA-induced immune suppression. Our findings identify cis-UCA as novel serotonin receptor ligand and indicate that serotonin receptor engagement can activate immune suppression. Cumulatively, our data suggest that similar immune regulatory mechanisms are activated regardless of whether we expose mice to solar-simulated UV (UVA + UVB) radiation or UVA only, and that ultraviolet radiation activates similar immunologic pathways to suppress the induction or the elicitation of the immune response. ^


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Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection requires an effective cell mediated immune response leading to granuloma formation and organism containment. Trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM), a glycolipid present on the mycobacterial cell wall, has been implicated as a key component in establishment of the granulomatous response. TDM has potent immunoregulatory and inflammatory properties; the acute response to TDM produces pathology resembling early Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. We have further developed this model to study TDM-specific cell mediated immune responses that may play a role in the later stages of infection and pathology. Lungs from mice immunized with TDM in the form of a water-oil-water (w/o/w) emulsion demonstrate heightened histological damage, inflammation, lymphocytic infiltration, and vascular endothelial cell damage upon subsequent challenge with TDM. This exacerbated response can be adoptively transferred to naïve mice via transfer of non-adherent lymphocytes from TDM immunized mice. To identify the cell phenotype(s) regulating this response, purified non-adherent cell populations (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; CD19 + B cells) were isolated from TDM immunized mice, adoptively transferred into naive mice, and subsequently challenged with TDM. Lung histopathology and cytokine production identified CD4+ cells as the critical cell phenotype regulating the TDM-specific hypersensitive response. The role of CD1d in presentation of TDM was examined. CD1d, a molecule known to present lipids to T cells, was identified as critical in development of the hypersensitive response. CD4+ cells were isolated from TDM-immunized CD1d -/- mice and adoptively transferred into naive wild type mice, followed by TDM challenge. These mice were deficient in development of the hypersensitive granulomatous response, signifying the importance of CD1d in the generation of TDM-specific CD4+ cells. The experiments presented in this dissertation provide further evidence for involvement of TDM-specific cell mediated immune response in elicitation of pathological damage during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. ^


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Dermal exposure to jet fuel suppresses the immune response. Immune regulatory cytokines, and biological modifiers, including platelet activating factor, prostaglandin E2, and interleukin-10 have all been implicated in the pathway leading to immunosuppression. It is estimated that approximately 260 different hydrocarbons are found in JP-8 (jet propulsion-8) jet fuel, and the identity of the immunotoxic compound is not known. The recent availability of synthetic jet fuel (S-8), which is devoid of aromatic hydrocarbons, made it feasible to design experiments to test the hypothesis that the aromatic hydrocarbons are responsible for jet fuel induced immune suppression. Applying S-8 to the skin of mice does not up-regulate the expression of epidermal cyclooxygenase-2 nor does it induce immune suppression. Adding back a cocktail of 7 of the most prevalent aromatic hydrocarbons found in jet fuel to S-8 up-regulated cyclooxygenase-2 expression and induced immune suppression. Cyclooxygenase-2 induction can be initiated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). JP-8 treated keratinocytes increased ROS production, S-8 did not. Antioxidant pre-treatment blocked jet fuel induced immune suppression and cyclooxygenase-2 up-regulation. Accumulation of reactive oxygen species induces oxidant stress and affects activity of ROS sensitive transcription factors. JP-8 induced activation of NFκB while S-8 did not. Pre-treatment with antioxidants blocked activation of NFκB and parthenolide, an NFκB inhibitor, blocked jet fuel induced immune suppression and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in skin of treated mice. p65 siRNA transfected keratinocytes demonstrated NFκB is critically involved in jet fuel induced COX-2 expression. These findings clearly implicate the aromatic hydrocarbons found in jet fuel as the agents responsible for inducing immune suppression, in part by the production of reaction oxygen species, NFκB dependent up-regulation of cyclooxygenase-2, and the production of immune regulatory factors and cytokines. ^


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Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen of global health significance, whose frequency is increasing and whose persistence and versatility allow it to remain established in communities worldwide. An observed significant increase in infections, particularly in children with no predisposing risk factors or medical conditions, led to an investigation into pediatric humoral immune response to Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) and to other antigens expressed by S. aureus that represent the important classes of virulence activities. Patients who were diagnosed with staphylococcal infections were enrolled (n=60), and serum samples collected at the time of admission were analyzed using ELISA and Western blot to screen for immune response to the panel of recombinant proteins. The dominant circulating immunoglobulin titers in this pediatric population were primarily IgG, were specific, and were directed against LukF and LukS, while suppression of other important virulence factors in the presence of PVL was suggested. Patients with invasive infections (osteomyelitis, pneumonia or myositis) had higher titers against LukF and LukS compared to patients with non-invasive infections (abscesses, cellulitis or lymphadenitis). In patients with osteomyelitis, antibody responses to LukF and LukS were higher than antibody responses to any other virulence factor examined. This description of immune response to selected virulence factors of S. aureus caused by isolates of the USA300 lineage in children is novel. Antibody titers also correlated with markers of inflammation. The significance of these correlations remains to be understood.^


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Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Glomerulonephritis (anti-GBM GM) is one of the earliest described autoimmune disorders. Patients present with proteinuria, anti-GBM antibodies, and renal failure. Studies have implicated a T Helper 1 (TH1) response in disease induction and a T Helper 2 (TH2) response for disease progression. A 13 amino acid long peptide sequence spanning residues 28 through 40 [pCol(28–40)] of the Collagen IV α3 non-collagen domain (Col IV α3 NCD) is immunogenic and induces anti-GBM GN. In order to fully understand disease initiation, this peptide was further characterized. Peptides were created containing one amino acid substitution for the entire length of pCol(28–40) and induction of anti-GBM GN was monitored. When residues 31, 33, or 34 contained the substitution, anti-GBM GN was unable to be induced. Thus, residues 31, 33, and 34 of pCol(28–40) are required for induction of anti-GBM. Glomerular injury is observed as early as 14 days post anti-GBM GN induction. However, the presence of anti-GBM antibodies is not observed until 20 days post immunization. An enlarged lymph node adjacent to the diseased kidney exhibits B cell activation after renal injury and produces antibodies toward GBM. Thus, anti-GBM antibodies are a consequence of the initial renal injury. Differences between disease susceptible and disease resistant rat strains exist in the expression of IL-4Rα, a major player in the TH2 response. IL-4Rα signaling is regulated by soluble IL-4Rα (sIL-4Rα). Low expression levels of sIL-4Rα result in the stabilization of IL-4 binding, while elevated expression sequesters IL-4. Quantitative PCR experiments noted low siL-4Rα expression levels in disease susceptible rats. Induction of an immune response toward sIL-4Rα in this strain was responsible for delayed disease progression in 15 out of the 17 experimental animals. Antibody transfer and in vivo biological activity experiments confirmed that delayed disease development was due to anti-sIL-4Rα antibodies. Together these experiments indicate that a T-cell epitope is required for activation of a TH1 autoimmune response and anti-GBM antibodies are a consequence of renal injury. More importantly, a role for IL-4Rα signaling is implicated in the progression of anti-GBM GN. ^


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Periodontal diseases (PD) are infectious, inflammatory, and tissue destructive events which affect the periodontal ligament that surround and support the teeth. Periodontal diseases are the major cause of tooth loss after age 35, with gingivitis and periodontitis affecting 75% of the adult population. A select group of bacterial organisms are associated with periodontal pathogenesis. There is a direct association between oral hygiene and prevention of PD. The importance of genetic differences and host immune response capabilities in determining host, susceptibility or resistance to PD has not been established. This study examined the risk factors and serum (humoral) immune response to periodontal diseased-associated pathogens in a 55 to 80+ year old South Texas study sample with PD. This study sample was described by: age, sex, ethnicity, the socioeconomic factors marital status, income and occupation, IgG, IgA, IgM immunoglobulin status, and the autoimmune response markers rheumatoid factor (RF) and antinuclear antibody (ANA). These variables were used to determine the risk factors associated with development of PD. Serum IgG, IgA, IgM antibodies to bacterial antigens provided evidence for disease exposure.^ A causal model for PD was constructed from associations for risk factors (ethnicity, marital status, income, and occupation) with dental exam and periodontitis. The multiple correlation between PD and ethnicity, income and dental exam was significant. Hispanics of low income were least likely to have had a dental exam in the last year and most likely to have PD. The etiologic agents for PD, as evidenced by elevated humoral antibody responses, were the Gram negative microorganisms Bacteroides gingivalis, serotypes FDC381 and SUNYaBA7A1-28, and Wolinella recta. Recommendation for a PD prevention and control program are provided. ^


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Candida albicans causes opportunistic fungal infections in humans and is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in immune-compromised individuals. Dectin-2, a C-type lectin receptor, is required for recognition of C. albicans by innate immune cells and is required for initiation of the anti-fungal immune response. We set out to identify components of the intracellular signaling cascade downstream of Dectin-2 activation in macrophages and to understand their importance in mediating the immune response to C. albicans in vivo. Using macrophages derived from Phospholipase-C-gamma 1 and 2 (PLCγ1and PLCγ2) knockout mice, we demonstrate that PLCγ2, but not PLCγ1, is required for activation of NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways after C. albicans stimulation, resulting in impaired production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species. PLCγ2-deficient mice are highly susceptible to infections with C. albicans, indicating the importance of this pathway to the anti-fungal immune response. TAK1 and TRAF6 are critical nodes in NF-κB and MAPK activation downstream of immune surveillance and may be critical to the signaling cascade initiated by C-type lectin receptors in response to C. albicans. Macrophages derived from both TAK1 and TRAF6-deficient mice were unable to activate NF-κB and MAPK and consequently failed to produce inflammatory cytokines characteristic of the response to C. albicans. In this work we have identified PLCγ2, TAK1 and TRAF6 as components of a signaling cascade downstream of C. albicans recognition by C-type lectin receptors and as critical mediators of the anti-fungal immune response. A mechanistic understanding of the host immune response to C. albicans is important for the development of anti-fungal therapeutics and in understanding risk-factors determining susceptibility to C. albicans infection.


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NKG2D (natural killer group 2, member D) and its ligands interaction in tumor microenvironment directs tumor infiltrating immune cells to recognize tumor cells, stimulate cytotoxic effector immune cells, and therefore eradicate tumor cells. IL-12, a cytokine produced by antigen presenting cells, has remarkable antitumor effect by activating innate and adaptive immunity. Doxorubicin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic agent also boosts the host antitumor immune response to cause tumor cell death. Our previous publication suggests that IL-12 plus doxorubicin enhances NKG2D function-dependent inhibition of tumor progression and promotes CD8+T cells infiltrating into tumors. The purpose of this study is to determine the underlying mechanism. Our study reveals a novel function of doxorubicin, which is to augment IL-12–induced NKG2D expression in CD8+T cells but not in NK or CD4+T cells. This observation was further validated by NK and CD8+T cell-depletion studies, in which only depletion of CD8+T cells abolished the expression of NKG2D in lymphocytes. The induced NKG2D expression in CD8+T cells is tightly associated with tumor-specific localization of CD8+T cells and improved antitumor efficacy. The IL-12 plus doxorubicin treatment-induced antitumor efficacy is also due to NKG2D ligand Rae-1 induction in tumors. Rae-1 induction in tumors is a long term effect in multiple tumor models, but not in normal tissues. A novel CD8+T cell direct contact dependent mechanism accounts for Rae-1 induction in vivo and in vitro, and CD80 is the receptor through which CD8+T cells interplay with tumor cells to upregulate Rae-1 on tumor cells. In summary, increased NKG2D expression in CD8+T cells in response to IL-12 plus doxorubicin was closely associated with tumor-specific localization of CD8+T cells and greater antitumor efficacy of the combined regimen than either agent alone. NKG2D ligand Rae-1 induction is triggered by the interaction of CD80 on tumor cells with tumor infiltrating CD+8 T cells.


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Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of neoplasia, with over one million newcases diagnosed this year. UV radiation is a ubiquitous environmental agent that induces skin cancer. In addition to its carcinogenic effect, UV radiation also suppresses cell-mediated immune responses. This immune suppression is not only observed at the site of irradiation, but UV radiation also induces systemic immune suppression. Since UV radiation has a limited ability to penetrate the skin, the question of the mechanism of this systemic immune suppression arises. A number of studies have suggested that UV radiation induce systemic effects through the production of immunoregulatory cytokines, such as IL-4 and IL-10. These cytokines affect the immune response by altering systemic antigen presentation, specifically by suppressing the activation of Th1 cells while allowing the activation of Th2 cells. Because IL-12 is an important regulator of Th1 cell activation, we tested the hypothesis that administration of IL-12 could overcome UV-induced immune suppression. ^ The studies presented here are divided into dime specific aims. In the first specific aim, the ability of IL-12 to overcome UV-induced immune suppression was examined. IL-12 could overcome UV-induced immune suppression as well as prevent the generation of and neutralize the activity of preformed suppressor cells induced by UV radiation. In the second specific aim, the mechanism by which IL-12 overcomes UV-induced immune suppression was examined. IL-12 overcame UV-induced immune suppression by blocking the production of immunoregulatory cytokines such as IL-4, IL-10 and TNF-α. In the third specific aim, the effect of UV radiation on antigen presentation was investigated. UV radiation was found to decrease the production of biologically active IL-12. In addition, UV also increased the production of IL-12p40 homodimer, an antagonist of IL-12p70 heterodimer. This result suggests that IL-12 may have a dual role in the immune suppression induced by, UV radiation. On one hand the biologically active IL-12p70 heterodimer blocks UV-induced immune suppression. In contrast, IL-12p40 homodimer may mediate the suppressive effect of UV radiation. This paradox indicates that IL-12 may have a greater regulatory role in the immune response than was previously suspected. ^