978 resultados para C. Infrared spectroscopy


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A biological system for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and uptake of copper from wastewater, using dead biomass of Hypocrea lixii was analyzed and described for the first time. The equilibrium and kinetics investigation of the biosorption of copper onto dead, dried and live biomass of fungus were performed as a function of initial metal concentration, pH, temperature, agitation and inoculum volume. The high biosorption capacity was observed for dead biomass, completed within 60 min of contact, at pH 5.0, temperature of 40 °C and agitation speed of 150 rpm with a maximum copper biosorption of 19.0 mg g(-1). The equilibrium data were better described using the Langmuir isotherm and kinetic analysis indicated that copper biosorption follows a pseudo-second-order model. The average size, morphology and location of NPs biosynthesized by the fungus were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). NPs were mainly spherical, with an average size of 24.5 nm, and were synthesized extracellularly. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis confirms the presence of metallic copper particles. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) study revealed that the amide groups interact with the particles, which was accountable for the stability of NPs. This method further confirmed the presence of proteins as stabilizing and capping agents surrounding the copper NPs. These studies demonstrate that dead biomass of Hypocrea lixii provides an economic and technically feasible option for bioremediation of wastewater and is a potential candidate for industrial-scale production of copper NPs.


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The process for obtaining polypyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (PPY-2-COOH) films in acetonitrile was investigated using cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical quartz crystal microgravimetry (EQCM), and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Different potential ranges were applied during cyclic voltammetry experiments with the aim of obtaining films without and with the presence of controlled amounts of water added in acetonitrile. The FTIR spectra of the films have evidenced that cations and anions from the electrolyte solution were incorporated into the PPY-2-COOH structure, with a preferential adsorption of cations. After chemically immobilizing polyphenoloxidase (tyrosinase, PPO), PPY-2-COOH/PPO films were build for amperometric detection of catechol, establishing a linear limit of concentrations ranging from 5.0 x 10-4 to 2.5 x 10-2 mol L-1.


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Oktaedrisch koordinierte Übergangsmetalle mit der Elektronenkonfiguration [Ar]3d4 - 3d7 können in zwei unterschiedlichen elektronischen Zuständen existieren: im High-Spin (HS) oder im Low-Spin (LS) Zustand. Zum Beispiel kann Fe(II) in 1A1g (LS) oder 5T2g (HS) Konfiguration auftreten.Besonderes Interesse besteht in der Aufklärung des Mechanismus der kooperativen Wechselwirkung, die den Spinübergang im Festkörper bestimmt. Hierzu müssen zunächst die internen Freiheitsgrade der molekularen Einheiten bekannt sein. Besonders der Beitrag der molekularen Schwingungen zur Entropiedifferenz, die die Triebkraft des Spinübergangs darstellt, ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Bisher existieren nur wenige detaillierte Untersuchungen zu den Schwingungseigenschaften der Spincrossovermoleküle.In Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Schwingungseigenschaften einiger Komplexverbindungen, die Spincrossover zeigen, im Detail untersucht. Dazu wurden temperaturabhängige Raman-, Fern- und Mittel-Infrarot-Spektroskopie, Isotopensubstitution und Normalkoordinatenanalysen (NKA) in Verbindung mit Dichtefunktional-Rechnungen (DFT) verwendet.Die gewonnenen Werte der zugeordneten Schwingungsfrequenzen und die bestimmten Kraftkonstantenänderungen können nun zur Verfeinerung von theoretischen Modellen zur Beschreibung des Spinübergangs verwendet werden.


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AbstractIn this thesis t-BOC and methacrylate functionalisedoligothiophenes with 3 – 5 thiophene units where synthesizedby Stille coupling. The material was structured by methodslike stamping and photolithography.The polymerizability of the methacrylates was proved by thepolymerization in solution with AIBN and subsequent analysisby gel permeation chromatography and differential scanningcalorimetry. The conductivities of the doped polymer filmswere in the range published for oligothiophenes.The optical and electrochemical properties of the compoundswere measured and compared to known compounds.The cleavage of the t-BOC groups was followed bythermogravimetry and infrared spectroscopy. The cleavagetemperature can be lowered by up to 100 °C by the use ofphoto acid generators. The cleavage is complete after 2hours annealing.The methacrylates were structured by microinjection mouldingin capillaries (MIMIC), stamping with soft silicone moulds,filling of patterned substrates and preperation of an opalreplica. By MIMIC line patterns with 5- 50 µm line widthswere obtained. The stamping succeeded in structures with 500nm line width only, on which liquid crystals wereorientated. This shows the possible application asorientation layers in LED’s with polarized emission. Withsilica opal templates the three-dimensional structuring ofthe oligomers succeeded.ZusammenfassungIn dieser Arbeit wurden neue funktionalisierteOligothiophene hergestellt und unter Anwendung verschiedenerVerfahren wie Stempeltechniken oder Photolithographiestrukturiert. Dazu wurden Oligothiophene mit drei bis fünfThiopheneinheiten durch Stille-Kupplung synthetisiert. Alsfunktionelle Gruppen wurden t-BOC-Ester undMethacrylsäureester eingeführt.Die Polymerisierbarkeit der Methacrylate wurde durch diePolymerisation mit AIBN in Lösung und anschließendeGelpermeationschromatographie und Differentialkalorimetrienachgewiesen. Die Leitfähigkeiten der dotierten Polymerfilmelagen im Bereich der für Oligothiophene bekannten Werte.Die optischen und elektrochemischen Eigenschaften derVerbindungen wurden untersucht und mit den Eigenschaftenbekannter Verbindungen verglichen. Die Abspaltung der t-BOC-Gruppen wurde thermogravimetrischund infrarotspektroskopisch verfolgt. Es wurde gezeigt, daßdie Abspaltungstemperatur durch den Zusatz einesPhotosäuregenerators um bis zu 100°C gesenkt wird und dieAbspaltung nach zweistündigem Tempern vollständig ist.Die methacrylatfunktionalisierten Verbindungen wurdenstrukturiert durch Micro Injection Moulding in Capillaries(MIMIC), Prägen mit weichen Silikonstempeln, Füllen vonstrukturierten Substraten und die Herstellung einerOpalreplika. Durch die Strukturierung mit MIMIC wurdenLinienstrukturen mit Linienbreiten von 5-50 µm erhalten.Durch Prägen wurden Strukturen mit Linienbreiten von nur 500nm erreicht, auf diesen gelang die Orientierung vonFlüssigkristallen. Dies zeigt die mögliche Anwendung alsOrientierungsschichten in Leuchtdioden mit polarisierterEmission. Durch die Verwendung von Siliziumoxidopalen alsTemplate gelang die dreidimensionale Strukturierung derOligomere.


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Analytical pyrolysis was used to investigate the formation of diketopiperazines (DKPs) which are cyclic dipeptides formed from the thermal degradation of proteins. A quali/quantitative procedure was developed combining microscale flash pyrolysis at 500 °C with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of DKPs trapped onto an adsorbent phase. Polar DKPs were silylated prior to GC-MS. Particular attention was paid to the identification of proline (Pro) containing DKPs due to their greater facility of formation. The GC-MS characteristics of more than 80 original and silylated DKPs were collected from the pyrolysis of sixteen linear dipeptides and four model proteins (e.g. bovine serum albumin, BSA). The structure of a novel DKP, cyclo(pyroglutamic-Pro) was established by NMR and ESI-MS analysis, while the structures of other novel DKPs remained tentative. DKPs resulted rather specific markers of amino acid sequence in proteins, even though the thermal degradation of DKPs should be taken into account. Structural information of DKPs gathered from the pyrolysis of model compounds was employed to the identification of these compounds in the pyrolysate of proteinaceous samples, including intrinsecally unfolded protein (IUP). Analysis of the liquid fraction (bio-oil) obtained from the pyrolysis of microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana, Scenedesmus spp with a bench scale reactor showed that DKPs constituted an important pool of nitrogen-containing compounds. Conversely, the level of DKPs was rather low in the bio-oil of Botryococcus braunii. The developed micropyrolysis procedure was applied in combination with thermogravimetry (TGA) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) to investigate surface interaction between BSA and synthetic chrysotile. The results showed that the thermal behavior of BSA (e.g. DKPs formation) was affected by the different form of doped synthetic chrysotile. The typical DKPs evolved from collagen were quantified in the pyrolysates of archaeological bones from Vicenne Necropolis in order to evaluate their conservation status in combination with TGA, FTIR and XRD analysis.


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Das Protein Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO) ist ein Enzym der mitochondrialen Atmungskette. Als letzter Komplex (Komplex IV) einer Elektronentransportkette katalysiert sie die Reduktion von molekularem Sauerstoff zu Wasser. Hierbei werden Elektronen von Cytochrom c (Cc) in das Enzym geleitet. Die durch den Redoxprozess freiwerdende freie Enthalpie wird dazu genutzt, einen Protonengradienten über die innere Mitochondrien-Membran aufzubauen. Die zurückwandernden Protonen treiben in der ATP-Synthase die Produktion von Adenosintriphosphat (ATP) an, dem universellen Energieträger in lebenden Organismen. Gegenstand dieser Dissertation sind zeitaufgelöste ATR-FTIR-Messungen des direkten Elektronentransfers in die CcO. Das Protein wird hierzu orientiert auf einer Goldelektrode immobilisiert und in eine künstliche Membran rekonstituiert (Protein-tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane, ptBLM). Das ptBLM-System wird hinsichtlich einer möglichst hohen Protein-Aktivität optimiert. Elektronen werden durch elektrochemische Anregung von der Elektrode in die CcO injiziert. Die Goldoberfläche wird auf die reflektierende Oberfläche eines Silizium-ATR-Kristalls aufgebracht. Durch die Präparation einer rauen Oberfläche (RMS-Rauigkeit ca. 5 nm) wird eine Verstärkung der IR-Absorption erreicht. Die mit den Ladungstransferprozessen einhergehenden Konformationsänderungen der die Redoxzentren umgebenden Gruppen (CONH-Gerüst und Aminosäure-Seitenketten) können durch Infrarot-Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Phasensensitive Detektion (PSD) wird zur Rauschminderung eingesetzt, um Geschwindigkeitskonstanten für die Redox-Übergänge zu bestimmen. Im Bereich der Amid-I-Bande werden etliche Peaks identifiziert, die sich mit dem Redoxzustand des Proteins ändern. Für das CuA-Zentrum, welches als erstes der vier Redoxzentren der CcO reduziert wird, wird die schnellste Geschwindigkeitskonstante ks=4870/s ermittelt. Für das Häm a3-Zentrum wird eine Geschwindigkeitskonstante von ks=13,8/s ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse sind konsistent zu elektrochemischen und Raman-Spektroskopie-Experimenten, welche ebenfalls in unserer Gruppe durchgeführt wurden. Weitere Themen dieser Dissertation sind der Nachweis der Anwendbarkeit des ptBLM-Systems für andere Membranproteine (Beispiel: bakterielles photosynthetisches Reaktionszentrum) und der Einsatz des ATR-FTIR-Setups für verschiedene künstliche Membransysteme (Aktivitätsnachweis des OR5-Geruchsrezeptors in einer peptidgestützten Membran, Eigenschaften eines Oligoethylenglycol-Spacers).


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi magistrale sono stati depositati e caratterizzati film sottili (circa 10 nm) di silicio amorfo idrogenato (a-Si:H), studiando in particolare leghe a basso contenuto di ossigeno e carbonio. Tali layer andranno ad essere implementati come strati di passivazione per wafer di Si monocristallino in celle solari ad eterogiunzione HIT (heterojunctions with intrinsic thin layer), con le quali recentemente è stato raggiunto il record di efficienza pari a 24.7% . La deposizione è avvenuta mediante PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition). Tecniche di spettroscopia ottica, come FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) e SE (spettroscopic ellipsometry) sono state utilizzate per analizzare le configurazioni di legami eteronucleari (Si-H, Si-O, Si-C) e le proprietà strutturali dei film sottili: un nuovo metodo è stato implementato per calcolare i contenuti atomici di H, O e C da misure ottiche. In tal modo è stato possibile osservare come una bassa incorporazione (< 10%) di ossigeno e carbonio sia sufficiente ad aumentare la porosità ed il grado di disordine a lungo raggio del materiale: relativamente a quest’ultimo aspetto, è stata sviluppata una nuova tecnica per determinare dagli spettri ellisometrici l’energia di Urbach, che esprime la coda esponenziale interna al gap in semiconduttori amorfi e fornisce una stima degli stati elettronici in presenza di disordine reticolare. Nella seconda parte della tesi sono stati sviluppati esperimenti di annealing isocrono, in modo da studiare i processi di cristallizzazione e di effusione dell’idrogeno, correlandoli con la degradazione delle proprietà optoelettroniche. L’analisi dei differenti risultati ottenuti studiando queste particolari leghe (a-SiOx e a-SiCy) ha permesso di concludere che solo con una bassa percentuale di ossigeno o carbonio, i.e. < 3.5 %, è possibile migliorare la risposta termica dello specifico layer, ritardando i fenomeni di degradazione di circa 50°C.


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Mehr als hundert Jahre archäologischer Forschung haben gezeigt, dass in Mayen in römischer und mittelalterlicher Zeit eines der wichtigsten europäischen Produktionszentren für die Herstellung qualitätsvoller Gebrauchskeramik bestand. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden vier Befundkomplexe aus Töpfereisiedlungen vom 4. bis in das 14. Jahrhundert untersucht. Genauer handelt es sich um Keramik aus zwei spätantiken Brennanlagen des 4. Jahrhunderts im Bereich der Flur „Auf der Eich“ an den Straßen „Am Sonnenhang“ und „Frankenstraße“. Weiterhin konnte Material aus zwei Töpferofenfüllungen des 5. bis 9. Jahrhunderts analysiert werden, das 1975 auf dem Grundstück 55 an der „Siegfriedstraße“ in Brennanlagen entdeckt wurde. Hinzu kam Brenngut aus elf Töpferöfen des späten 8. bis 14. Jahrhunderts, welches in den so genannten „Burggärten“ der Genovevaburg von Mayen in den Jahren 1986/87 durch die archäologische Denkmalpflege in Koblenz geborgen wurde. Die mineralogischen Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung der „Mayener Keramik“ wurden systematisch an den Keramikmaterialien aus diesen Fundstellen durchgeführt. Mittelalterliche Keramik aus Bornheim-Walberberg, Brühl-Eckdorf, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Langerwehe, Frechen, Brühl-Pingsdorf, Paffrath, Raeren, Ratingen-Breitscheid, Siegburg-Seehofstraße, Siegburg-Scherbenhügel, Fredelsloh und Brühl-Badorf konnte für diese Arbeit als Referenzmaterialien ebenfalls untersucht werden. Provenienzanalysen wurden an Keramikproben aus 27 Fundorten, die makroskopisch nach Mayener Ware aussehen, mit mineralogischen Methoden durchgeführt, um sie der Fundregion Mayen eindeutig zuordnen zu können.rnPhasenanalyse, chemische Analyse und thermische Analyse wurden an Keramik sowie Ton durchgeführt. Die Phasenanalyse wurde zur Bestimmung der mineralischen Zusammensetzung von Grundmasse und Magerungsmittel (Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD), Polarisationsmikroskop, Mikro-Raman-Spektroskopie) verwendet. Die chemische Zusammensetzung wurde durch Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA) ermittelt. Elektronenstrahlmikroanalyse (ESMA) und Laser-Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (LA-ICP-MS) wurden bei den Proben, bei denen weniger als 2g Material zur Verfügung standen, eingesetzt. Brennexperimente wurden am originalen Rohstoff der Keramik aus den „Burggärten“ der Genovevaburg durchgeführt. Gebrannter Ton wurde durch Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD), Infrarotspektroskopie (IR) und Differential-Thermoanalyse (DTA) analysiert. rnAnhand der Messergebnisse lässt sich die Mayener Keramik aus den vier Fundplätzen in zwei Typen zusammenzufassen: der mit Feldspat-reichem Sand gemagerte römische Typ und der mit Quarz-reichem Sand gemagerte mittelalterliche Typ. Die Änderung des Magerungsmittels von Feldspat- zu Quarzsand weist eine technische Entwicklung zu höheren Brenntemperaturen von der Römerzeit bis in das Mittelalter nach. Nach der Untersuchung und dem Vergleich mit den Referenzkeramikgruppen ist festzustellen, dass durch multivariate Statistikanalysen der chemischen Komponenten die Charakterisierung der Keramik und eine Differenzierung zwischen den Keramikgruppen gelingt. Diese Erkenntnisse bildeten die Basis für Provenienzanalysen. 16 Fundorte können durch Provenienzanalyse sicher als Exportregionen der Mayener Ware festgestellt werden. Gemäß den Brennexperimenten lassen sich die chemischen Reaktionen während des Brandprozesses nachvollziehen. Zwei Methoden wurden mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie (XRD) und Differential-Thermoanalyse (DTA) zur Bestimmung der Brenntemperaturen der Keramik modelliert. Die Töpferöfen der „Burggärten“ können nach der Brenntemperatur in zwei Typen zusammengefasst werden: solche mit einer Brenntemperatur unter 1050°C und solche mit einer Brenntemperatur über 1050°C.rn


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The aim of this work is to study the thermal behavior of geopolymers derived from kaolinite (clay). The geopolymers were characterized by various technics: Thermal analysis (DTA, TGA and dilatometer), X-ray diffractography (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Certain physical properties of the products were equally determined: linear shrinkage of curing, percentage of water absorption and compressive strength. The results obtained after drying and thermal treatment showed that the products preserved their initial forms, but showed variable colours based on the temperatures they were treated at. The products obtained at 90, 300 and 500 °C contained hydroxysodalite. The synthesis of geopolymers is not complete at 300 °C (presence of kaolinite in the material) but the products obtained are quite consolidated. The geopolymers obtained have weak values of linear shrinkage of curing (less than 0.6 %) and the compressive strength increases from room temperature (4.9 Mpa) up to 400 °C (8.9 MPa) then becomes constant between 400 and 500 °C. The combination of results demonstrates the efficiency of the temperature parameter during the synthesis of geopolymers based on kaolinite. // L’objet de ce travail est l’étude du comportement thermique des géopolymères à base d’une argile kaolinite. Les produits obtenus ont été caractérisés au moyen de plusieurs techniques : analyses thermiques (ATD, ATG et dilatométrie), microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB), analyse par diffraction de rayons X (DRX), analyse infrarouge par transformée de Fourier (IRTF). Certaines propriétés physiques des produits obtenus ont également été déterminées : retrait linéaire de cuisson, pourcentage d’absorption d’eau et résistance à la compression. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’après le séchage et à la fin du traitement thermique, les éprouvettes des produits conservent leur forme initiale mais présentent une variation de couleur en fonction de la température de traitement. Les produits obtenus à 90, 300 et 500 °C contiennent de l’hydroxysodalite. La réaction de synthèse géopolymère n’est pas encore terminée au moins à 300 °C (présence de kaolinite dans le matériau) mais les produits obtenus sont assez consolidés. Les géopolymères obtenus présentent de faibles valeurs de retrait linéaire de cuisson (inférieure à 0,6 %) et une résistance à la compression qui augmente de la température ambiante (4,9 MPa) jusqu’à 400 °C (8,9 MPa) puis devient constante entre 400 et 500 °C. L’ensemble de ces résultats permet de mettre en exergue l’efficacité du paramètre « température » au cours de la synthèse des géopolymères à base de kaolinite.


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Two types of volcanic ashes referenced as ZD (volcanic ashes from Djoungo) and ZG (volcanic ashes from Galim) were collected from two Cameroonian localities. They were characterized (chemical and mineralogical compositions, amorphous phase content, particle size distribution and specific surface area) and used as raw materials for the synthesis of geopolymer cements at ambient temperature of laboratory (24 ± 3 °C). The synthesized products were characterized by determining their setting time, linear shrinkage and compressive strength, X-ray Diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The mineralogical composition, the amorphous phase content, the particle size distribution, the specific surface area of the volcanic ashes as well as the mass ratio of the alkaline solution (sodium silicate / sodium hydroxide) were the main parameters which influenced the synthesis of geopolymers with interesting characteristics at ambient temperature (24 ± 3 °C). The volcanic ashes (ZD) whose mineralogical composition contained anhydrite, low amorphous phase content and low specific surface area led to long setting times. Moreover, its products swelled and presented cracks due to the formation of ettringite and these resulted in low compressive strengths (7 to 19 MPa). The volcanic ashes (ZG) containing high amounts of amorphous phase and high specific surface area led geopolymers with setting times between 490 and 180 minutes and compressive strength between 7 and 50 MPa at ambient temperature of laboratory. The properties of geopolymers were improved when elaborated with a mixture of volcanic ashes and metakaolin (ZD–MK and ZG–MK). For geopolymers obtained from ZD–MK, the setting time was between 500 and 160 minutes while it was between 220 and 125 minutes for geopolymers obtained from ZG–MK. The compressive strength greatly increased between 23 and 68 MPa and 39 and 64 MPa for geopolymers obtained from ZG –MK and ZD–MK respectively. A comparative study of the properties of mixtures of metakaolin–alumina and volcanic ash–alumina based geopolymers shows that metakaolin is a good source of Al2O3 and SiO2 and which highly reactive with alkaline solution and produces geopolymers with better characteristics compared to volcanic ash based–geopolymer. The properties of volcanic ash–based geopolymer were also improved when amorphous alumina was incorporated into the volcanic ash. This additive is used to compensate the deficiencies in Al2O3 content in the volcanic ash. Compare to when volcanic ash is used alone 20 to 40 % incorporation of this additive corresponded to increases of the compressive strength by 18.1 % for metakaolin-alumina based-geopolymers and by 32.4 % for volcanic ash-based geopolymers.


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Biological homochirality on earth and its tremendous consequences for pharmaceutical science and technology has led to an ever increasing interest in the selective production, the resolution and the detection of enantiomers of a chiral compound. Chiral surfaces and interfaces that can distinguish between enantiomers play a key role in this respect as enantioselective catalysts as well as for separation purposes. Despite the impressive progress in these areas in the last decade, molecular-level understanding of the interactions that are at the origin of enantiodiscrimination are lagging behind due to the lack of powerful experimental techniques to spot these interactions selectively with high sensitivity. In this article, techniques based on infrared spectroscopy are highlighted that are able to selectively target the chiral properties of interfaces. In particular, these methods are the combination of Attenuated Total Reflection InfraRed (ATR-IR) with Modulation Excitation Spectroscopy (MES) to probe enantiodiscriminating interactions at chiral solid-liquid interfaces and Vibrational Circular Dichroism (VCD), which is used to probe the structure of chirally-modified metal nanoparticles. The former technique aims at suppressing signals arising from non-selective interactions, which may completely hide the signals of interest due to enantiodiscriminating interactions. Recently, this method was successfully applied to investigate enantiodiscrimination at self-assembled monolayers of chiral thiols on gold surfaces. The nanometer size analogues of the latter--gold nanoparticles protected by a monolayer of a chiral thiol--are amenable to VCD spectroscopy. It is shown that this technique yields detailed structural information on the adsorption mode and the conformation of the adsorbed thiol. This may also turn out to be useful to clarify how chirality can be bestowed onto the metal core itself and the nature of the chirality of the latter, which is manifested in the metal-based circular dichroism activity of these nanoparticles.


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OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of this nationwide survey carried out in department of cardiac anesthesia in Germany was to identify current practice with regard to neuromonitoring und neuroprotection. METHODOLOGY: The data are based on a questionnaire sent out to all departments of cardiac anesthesia in Germany between October 2007 und January 2008. The anonymized questionnaire contained 26 questions about the practice of preoperative evaluation of cerebral vessels, intra-operative use of neuromonitoring, the nature und application of cerebral protective measures, perfusion management during cardiopulmonary bypass, postoperative evaluation of neurological status, and training in the field of cerebral monitoring. RESULTS: Of the 80 mailed questionnaires 55% were returned and 90% of department evaluated cerebral vessels preoperatively with duplex ultrasound. The methods used for intra-operative neuromonitoring are electroencephalography (EEG, 60%) for type A dissections (38.1%), for elective surgery on the thoracic and thoraco-abdominal aorta (34.1% and 31.6%, respectively) and in carotid surgery (43.2%) near infrared spectroscopy (40%), evoked potentials (30%) and transcranial Doppler sonography (17.5%), with some centers using combined methods. In most departments the central nervous system is not subjected to monitoring during bypass surgery, heart valve surgery, or minimally invasive surgery. Cerebral protective measures used comprise patient cooling on cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB 100%), extracorporeal cooling of the head (65%) and the administration of corticosteroids (58%), barbiturates (50%) and antiepileptic drugs (10%). Neuroprotective anesthesia consists of administering inhalation anesthetics (32.5%; sevoflurane 76.5%) and intravenous anesthesia (20%; propofol and barbiturates each accounting for 46.2%). Of the departments 72.5% cool patients as a standard procedure for surgery involving cardiovascular arrest and 37.5% during all surgery using CPB. In 84.6% of department CPB flow equals calculated cardiac output (CO) under normothermia, while the desired mean arterial pressure (MAP) varies between 60 and 70 mmHg (43.9%) and between 50 and 60 mmHg (41.5%), respectively. At body temperatures less than 18 degrees C CPB flow is reduced below the calculated CO (70%) while 27% of departments use normothermic flow rates. The preferred MAP under hypothermia is between 50 and 60 mmHg (59%). The results of intra-operative neuromonitoring are documented on the anesthesia record (77%). In 42.5% of the departments postoperative neurological function is estimated by the anesthesiologist. Continuing education sessions pertaining to neuromonitoring are organized on a regular basis in 32.5% of the departments and in 37.5% individual physicians are responsible for their own neuromonitoring education. CONCLUSION: The present survey data indicate that neuromonitoring and neuroprotective therapy during CPB is not standardized in cardiac anesthesiology departments in Germany. The systemic use of available methods to implement multimodal neuromonitoring would be desirable.


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We report on oxygenation changes noninvasively recorded by multichannel continuous-wave near infrared spectroscopy (CW-NIRS) during endovascular neuroradiologic interventions requiring temporary balloon occlusion of arteries supplying the cerebral circulation. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) provides reference data on the site, timing, and effectiveness of the flow stagnation as well as on the amount and direction of collateral circulation. This setting allows us to relate CW-NIRS findings to brain specific perfusion changes. We focused our analysis on the transition from normal perfusion to vessel occlusion, i.e., before hypoxia becomes clinically apparent. The localization of the maximal response correlated either with the core (occlusion of the middle cerebral artery) or with the watershed areas (occlusion of the internal carotid artery) of the respective vascular territories. In one patient with clinically and angiographically confirmed insufficient collateral flow during carotid artery occlusion, the total hemoglobin concentration became significantly asymmetric, with decreased values in the ipsilateral watershed area and contralaterally increased values. Multichannel CW-NIRS monitoring might serve as an objective and early predictive marker of critical perfusion changes during interventions-to prevent hypoxic damage of the brain. It also might provide valuable human reference data on oxygenation changes as they typically occur during acute stroke.