771 resultados para Business management education


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Today, approximately 29% of the world population use the Internet, against 38% in Brazil, which shows its importance in people's routine not only in Brazil, but also worldwide. Being the Internet a communication media, this research evaluates the influence of Interactivity as a factor to increase memorization of Internet sites. According to literature, multiway, immediacy and contingency factors increase Interactivity and sites that provide one or more of these factors influence memorization. 20 in-depth personal interviews were conducted to improve the understanding the issue, to identify leads and elaborate our hypothesis, followed by a quantitative survey of 300 people. Hypotheses were tested using Chi-square and a hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis. Results showed that the smaller the number of leads of a specific website, the larger are its memorization and access. The theoretical contribution of this investigation is that websites that offer fewer leads are more interactive, which causes them to be remembered. The managerial implication is that websites with a clear position and a small quantity of information or leads tend to be more remembered and accessed by internet users.


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This article is about how resources can be conceptualized as bundles of attributes for which one can assign economic property rights. Strategic considerations are deliberately incorporated into the analysis through the assessment of the activities of capture and protection of property rights, along with the examination of the institutional environment. These basic elements combine in order to design an approach to strategy. In developing this approach, the authors identify four key questions for structuring the strategy formulation process of the firm. The analytical framework is illustrated through a particular case: the collection of royalties on the genetically modified (GM) technology in soybean seeds.


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Managers know more about the performance of the organization than investors, which makes the disclosure of information a possible strategy for competitive differentiation, minimizing adverse selection. This paper's main goal is to analyze whether or not an entity's level of diclosure may affect the risk perception of individuals and the process of evaluating their shares. The survey was carried out in an experimental study with 456 subjects. In a stock market simulation, we investigated the pricing of the stocks of two companies with different levels of information disclosure at four separate stages. The results showed that, when other variables are constant, the level of disclosure of an entity can affect the expectations of individuals and the process of evaluating their shares. A higher level of disclosure by an entity affected the value of its share and the other company's.


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This article aims to develop and implement a search tool which, through the perception of its respondents, allows assessing how eco-efficient an organization is based on the identification of delivery levels of support competencies to organizational eco-efficiency. A mixed (qualitative and quantitative) exploratory-descriptive research was conducted, from a case study in an 'ISE Company'. A semi-structured interview and pictures of verification were used as data collection instruments. The data were analyzed via documentary analysis and triangulation of information collected. It was inferred that at the 'ISE Company' professionals at the high-level of the organizational hierarchy recognize, in part, the growth of organizational actions that contribute to sustainability, which is not fully consistent with national publications on the subject. The result of the research showed that organizational strategies addressing eco-efficiency are partially aligned with the professional performance of the organization.


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The service sector has acquired a growing importance in every country economy, which has stimulated research in the field of service innovation, a new field in management studies. This text aimed to state a research agenda upon service innovation, based on an articulated discussion of the results of several articles that compose the state of the art of this concept. 73 empirical articles were analyzed, 33% of them exploring the innovation strategies and technology; 18% of the articles describe research on economic performance and enterprise productivity; 16% are related to antecedents and determinants of innovation; another 16% about network capacity development, alliances and collaboration among organizations; 9% of the articles explore service quality, innovation taxonomy, flexible systems and regional systems of innovation; and another 8% are related to themes such as intensive knowledge, research and development. The researches were concentrated in the Engineering & Technology and Hospitality Industries, which accounted for 31% and 24% of the texts, respectively. The remaining 45% of the articles referred to sectors such as Telecommunications, Health, Retail, Financial & Insurance and Public Services. The main gaps identified in these texts refer to the difficulties on measuring service innovation, besides the small number of researches on the public sector. At the end, a research agenda in the subject is presented, including the development of a scale for orientating the innovation and identifying the determining factors of the innovation in the public environment.


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The fast and strong social and economic transformations in the economies of many countries has raised the competition for consumers. One of the elements required to adapt to such scenario is knowing customers and their perceptions about products or services, mainly regarding word of mouth recommendations. This study adapts, to the fast food business, a model originally designed to analyze the antecedents of the intent to recommend by clients of formal restaurants. Three constructs were considered: service quality, satisfaction, and social well-being, the latter comprised of positive and negative affections. Six hypotheses were considered, three of which relating to social well-being (that it influences satisfaction, service quality, and the intent to recommend), two relating to service quality (that in influences the intent to recommend and satisfaction), and one relating to the influence of satisfaction on the intent to recommend. None was rejected, indicating adherence and adjustment of the simplication and adaptation of the consolidated model. Through a successful empirical application, the main contribution made by this research is the simplification of a model through its application in a similar context, but with a different scope.


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O mercado de milho possui importante participação no cenário agropecuário nacional, pela relevância dentro da indústria de carnes. Destacam-se as estratégias de comercialização do grão, em especial as relacionadas à mitigação do risco de preço com o uso de contratos futuros. Objetiva-se identificar e interpretar os efeitos causados pela modificação no contrato futuro do milho negociado na BM&F-Bovespa, que em setembro de 2008 passou de entrega física para liquidação financeira, sobre o desempenho do mercado futuro do grão comercializado. Avaliam-se a liquidez dos contratos, a volatilidade dos preços futuros e físico do milho, bem como a convergência da base. Identificaram-se como possíveis efeitos da alteração contratual o aumento da liquidez do contrato futuro de milho e a redução da volatilidade dos preços, além da melhoria na convergência da base. Os resultados alinham-se com a teoria e evidenciam impacto positivo da implementação da liquidação financeira no contrato futuro de milho.


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Diese Studie untersucht die Einstellung von Lehrkräften zum Qualitätsmanagement an berufsbildenden Schulen sowie Prädiktoren dieser Einstellung. Bei der Einstellung zum Qualitätsmanagement finden sich eine kleine Gruppe von Lehrkräften mit sehr positiver Einstel-lung und eine etwas größere Gruppe von Lehrkräften mit sehr negativer Einstellung. Der größte Teil der Lehrkräfte zeigt eine indifferente Einstellung; der Mittelwert und der Median liegen knapp im positiven Bereich. Als größter Einfluss nehmender Faktor kann die Reform-bereitschaft der Lehrer identifiziert werden. Starke Effekte zeigen sich auch für den Informationsstand der Lehrkräfte zum Qualitätsmanagement, das Selbstverständnis der Lehrkraft (paidotrop/logotrop), das empfundene Führungshandeln der Schulleitung sowie die empfundene Autonomie der Lehrkraft.


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Sustainable development is one of the biggest challenges of the twenty fist-century. Various university has begun the debate about the content of this concept and the ways in which to integrate it into their policy, organization and activities. Universities have a special responsibility to take over a leading position by demonstrating best practices that sustain and educate a sustainable society. For that reason universities have the opportunity to create the culture of sustainability for today’s student, and to set their expectations for how the world should be. This thesis aim at analyzing how Delft University of Technology and University of Bologna face the challenge of becoming a sustainable campus. In this context, both universities have been studied and analyzed following the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) methodology that provides a common framework to formalize commitments and goals at campus level. In particular this work has been aimed to highlight which key performance indicators are essential to reach sustainability as a consequence the following aspects has been taken into consideration: energy use, water use, solid waste and recycling, carbon emission. Subsequently, in order to provide a better understanding of the current state of sustainability on University of Bologna and Delft University of Technology, and potential strategies to achieve the stated objective, a SWOT Analysis has been undertaken. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have been shown to understand how the two universities can implement a synergy to improve each other. In the direction of framing a “Sustainable SWOT” has been considered the model proposed by People and Planet, so it has been necessary to evaluate important matters as for instance policy, investment, management, education and engagement. Regarding this, it has been fundamental to involve the main sustainability coordinators of the two universities, this has been achieved through a brainstorming session. Partnerships are key to the achievement of sustainability. The creation of a bridge between two universities aims to join forces and to create a new generation of talent. As a result, people can become able to support universities in the exchange of information, ideas, and best practices for achieving sustainable campus operations and integrating sustainability in research and teaching. For this purpose the project "SUCCESS" has been presented, the project aims to create an interactive European campus network that can be considered a strategic key player for sustainable campus innovation in Europe. Specifically, the main key performance indicators have been analyzed and the importance they have for the two universities and their strategic impact have been highlighted. For this reason, a survey was conducted with people who play crucial roles for sustainability within the two universities and they were asked to evaluate the KPIs of the project. This assessment has been relevant because has represented the foundation to develop a strategy to create a true collaboration.


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Viewing sports on television is a very different experience than viewing a game in-person. Sports commentators on television are seemingly able to pull up random statistics as soon as something unexpected happens during a game. Because these statistics are discussed on television, any sports fan who wants to watch a game in-person misses out on the opportunity to hear them during the game. This study identifies what statistics, both common and uncommon, are considered important or interesting by avid sports fans who watch a particular sport at least two times per week. In addition, it considers the rise of mobile technology and the effects that this change of trend will have on business opportunities and experiences. The purpose of the project is to find a way to mimic the television viewing experience for fans who are watching in-person through the use of mobile technology, and in particular through the use of iPhone applications.


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Ante un contexto signado por reformas educativas, demandas de pluralismo y atención a la diversidad, nos enfrentamos al cambio paradigmático de lo organizacional, lo que implica una revisión profunda del modo de gestión de las instituciones en los distintos niveles educativos. La escuela, inmersa en un contexto de cambios acelerados tanto científicos como tecnológicos, y continuamente demandada por una sociedad cada vez más heterogénea y pluralista, debe adaptarse a estos cambios y dar una respuesta efectiva. La escuela inclusiva es una alternativa válida tanto desde sus principios como en sus procedimientos, hacia la apertura a la diversidad de la población en edad escolar. En tal sentido, el desarrollo de una gestión educativa basada en la descentralización; la sustitución de la programación de detalle por la orientación estratégica; el “achatamiento" de la jerarquía; la desburocratización; el trabajo en equipo y la democratización en la toma de decisiones. Desde tal perspectiva, en este trabajo se plantean una serie de consideraciones a tener en cuenta en todo proyecto de inclusión escolar desde la gestión, que podrían contribuir al análisis de la capacidad de inclusión de la escuela actual, en sus diversas dimensiones: pedagógica, administrativa, organizativa y comunitaria, y para la puesta en práctica de un modelo Curricular, desde una gestión participativa.


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El sector del vino experimenta, en las últimas décadas, un vertiginoso proceso de cambio y nuevas dinámicas, que están afectando el desempeño y estrategias de las empresas del sector: internacionalización creciente, caída de los mercados internos de los países tradicionalmente productores, entrada de capital exógeno, etc. La pericia que muestre la organización para adecuarse a la nueva situación se reflejará en la rentabilidad, indicador básico para juzgar la eficiencia en la gestión empresarial. En este estudio, a partir de una muestra representativa de empresas de Castilla-La Mancha, región española con la mayor dimensión vinícola mundial, se ha planteado un modelo econométrico novedoso integrado por variables de desempeño, definidas con la técnica de componentes principales. De los resultados obtenidos se infiere que la rentabilidad de las empresas proviene de: a) su estructura societaria (mayor si son empresas capitalistas que sociedades cooperativas), b) de su tamaño (mejor desempeño a mayor tamaño, aprovechando economías de escala), y c) estructura financiera (mayor rentabilidad si en la composición de la misma priman los recursos propios y liquidez). Por el contrario, la falta de financiación permanente para hacer frente al activo fijo y una dinámica comercial más orientada hacia las ventas de vino a granel a bajo precio, reducen significativamente los ratios de rentabilidad.


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La práctica de la actividad física, según K. Zimman, se define como la forma sistemática y regular y como elemento significativo en la prevención, desarrollo y rehabilitación en la salud del ser humano. Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación de corte cuantitativo, en la ciudad de Veracruz y Boca del Río, y tiene por objeto de estudio las actividades físicas en espacios públicos y privados. Además busca apoyar acciones del estado, del sector empresarial y educativo con el objetivo de ejecutar un programa integral de actividades físicas que cuente con mayor índice de instalaciones propias, recursos económicos, humanos y materiales, para promover mayor participación de la ciudadanía en actividades físicas


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La práctica de la actividad física, según K. Zimman, se define como la forma sistemática y regular y como elemento significativo en la prevención, desarrollo y rehabilitación en la salud del ser humano. Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación de corte cuantitativo, en la ciudad de Veracruz y Boca del Río, y tiene por objeto de estudio las actividades físicas en espacios públicos y privados. Además busca apoyar acciones del estado, del sector empresarial y educativo con el objetivo de ejecutar un programa integral de actividades físicas que cuente con mayor índice de instalaciones propias, recursos económicos, humanos y materiales, para promover mayor participación de la ciudadanía en actividades físicas