947 resultados para Business information services. Queensland Brisbane
Willow Run Village with bus that transported students to central campus
President Alexander Ruthven speaking at dedication ceremony.
Freshmen women attending President's tea at Ruthven House (President's House?) September 1949
Caption info from NIS: ISR in its 16th year has its own nationwide survey team of professional interviewers. Dr. Rensis Likert ISR Director seeks out research data in a bank of filing cabinets containing two million punch cards, less than a year's supply for ISR
Caption info from NIS: ISR in its 16th year has its own nationwide survey team of professional interviewers. Dr. Rensis Likert ISR Director seeks out research data in a bank of filing cabinets containing two million punch cards, less than a year's supply for ISR
First UM TV Show with Hazen Schumacher at Clements Library interviewing Homer Ferguson, October 1950
Ford Nuclear Reactor UM Nuclear engineering students attend class at the Ford Nuclear Reactor. Charles Ricker, instructor in Nuclear Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, and Reactor Operator, describes the oepration of the control panel. Michigan Memorial Phoenix project started in 1948 to find peacetime applications for atomic energy.
Ford Nuclear Reactor UM Nuclear engineering students attend class at the Ford Nuclear Reactor. Charles Ricker, instructor in Nuclear Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, and Reactor Operator, describes the oepration of the control panel. Michigan Memorial Phoenix project started in 1948 to find peacetime applications for atomic energy.