989 resultados para Borracha natural – Noroeste Paulista


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Tourism represents a socio-economic activity to generate local and regional development and at the same time contribute to the valuation and conservation of natural and cultural landscape. From this premise, we believe that the study area - PESM Núcleo Santa Virginia and surroundings - has a great tourism potential, which can be further explored through public policies that value and at the same time assist the conservation of the natural and cultural landscape of the region. Therefore, this project, which arises from a research project conducted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in partnership with the Forestry Institute (IF), analyzes the possibilities and limitations of the attractions and tourist activities in areas of intensive, extensive use and around this area. Through literature research and application of semi-structured questionnaires to the main agents of local tourism important information for the characterization of tourism activities in the study area were obtained, as well as to identify gaps in planning instruments and management about PESM - Núcleo Santa Virginia. Through this diagnosis, we intend to provide support for the development of tourism in Núcleo Santa Virginia and its surrounding area, seeking to conserve natural and cultural heritage and improving the quality of life of local people


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The disordered occupation in several cities in Brazil, is very common, especially during the rainy season, there are numerous cases of gravitational mass movements, with deads of human and builds destruction. The main objective of this work was to identify and map areas to mass movements, through the geo, the municipality of Várzea Paulista, the state of Sao Paulo. For the purpose, were prepared thematic maps of slope, geology, pedology, geomorphology and land use and occupation, which were overlaid using ArcGIS GIS Multicriteria Analysis. Each subject received a weight of influence to the outbreak of such processes and the final result was obtained map of susceptibility to mass movements of the city of Várzea Paulista. This survey found that there are many occupied areas within the city that require monitoring of the Government, especially in the rainy months, because they are in very fragile in terms of geological and geomorphological features. Considering that the data on the physical and natural aspects are scarce in the literature for this region, the results obtained in this study as well as the gathering of information of the physical and cartographic products developed, will greatly contribute to the administration of the municipality, subsidies they provide for the proper use planning and land tenure, pointing out the weak areas of the city geotechnical point of view


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The interventions in the environment performed by humans in recent decades have changed the landscape and the natural ecosystems were reduced to fragments, which are now considered to be a shelter for the biodiversity that still exists. The present work behind the data obtained from a study conducted in four corridors located in the municipality of Paulista, SP, which connect different forest fragments amidst an eucalyptus matrix. These corridors are linear strips of land that were part of the eucalyptus plantation, where since 2002, a natural regeneration process is in course. We conducted a rapid ecological survey in the central corridors, and individuals exhibiting height ≥ 1.30 m were sampled in 268 plots of 20 x 25 m, covering an area of 13.4 ha. In total 11,111 individuals were recorded, distributed in 154 species, 100 genera and 47 families. Fabaceae and Myrtaceae were the richest families. The proximity of forest remnants affected the composition, density and richness of the natural regenerated areas. There was mostly greater similarity inside each corridor, and the observed variations in similarity were gradual among contiguous plots


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This paper aimed to study the treatability of rainwater collected in Rio Claro, SP, using natural coagulant tannin based. The tannin was compared with other too primary coagulants, namely ferric chloride and corn starch. Assays were performed in laboratory scale using equipment known as Jarteste and aimed to study the conditions most suitable dosage and coagulation pH. First tests were conducted to compare the coagulating and determination of the conditions to be used in the following tests, taking as a criterion the greatest efficiency for water treatment. Also performed were performed tests to construct the tannin coagulation diagram, using the optimal concentration found in the previous phase, by varying the dosage of coagulant and the pH of clotting in order to determine the isoefficiency regions for apparent color and turbidity. Finally, tests were performed cyclically filtration with filter paper. Preliminary tests indicated that the vegetable tannin concentration 3% (m/m) from the commercial solution was presented the best set of results (84.3% removal of apparent color and 82.51% removal of turbidity) compared to ferric chloride (66.25% removal efficiency and apparent color of turbidity 67.82%) and starch (73.68% removal efficiency apparent color and turbidity to 67.19%). The coagulation diagrams indicate that the best region to work with vegetable tannin 3% is where the coagulant dosage ranges from 15 mg/L to about 37.5 mg/L and coagulation pH ranging from about 6.5 to 7.5. The cyclic filtration showed to be not efficient for the best dosage of coagulant, due to the process of clogging of the filter paper, but proved to be efficient for other dosages. Thus, for the waters studied, the results indicate that the natural coagulant based tannin is an alternative to conventional coagulants, possessing benefits of technical and environmental


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A formação de mosaicos de habitats em regiões de reflorestamento e outras atividades antrópicas acabam influenciando na comunidade de mamíferos silvestres, de diferentes formas. Os mamíferos de médio e grande porte têm importantes funções como dispersores de sementes, polinizadores e predadores. Concomitantemente, este grupo de animais vem se tornando cada vez mais ameaçado na Mata Atlântica, especialmente no estado de São Paulo. O presente estudo realizou a caracterização da comunidade de mamíferos silvestres de médio e grande porte, presente em dois ambientes: fragmentos de vegetação natural e talhões de eucalipto. Para tanto, foram utilizados métodos indiretos de registro: observação de pegadas em transectos lineares e em armadilhas de areia. De acordo com a curva acumulativa de espécies, o esforço amostral se mostrou suficiente para registrar as espécies que vivem no ambiente de mata e eucalipto. A riqueza de espécies na mata foi maior que a riqueza nos eucaliptos, sendo este último, um ambiente preferencialmente de passagem, enquanto a mata é um habitat natural para os mamíferos. Entretanto, o ambiente de eucalipto se mostra importante para diversas espécies de mamíferos, que utilizam este ambiente como abrigo e para busca de recursos


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The knowledge of the dynamics of soil seed bank and seed rain is fundamental to understand the forest succession process, as well as for its conservation and restoration. This paper aimed at studying the role of the soil seed bank and seed rain in the dynamics of a riparian tropical seasonal forest fragment located on the hinterland of São Paulo State. The seed rain was studied by 30 litter traps installed at 50 cm from the floor, with an area of 50 cm x 50 cm. Between November of 2008 and October of 2009, 11364 seeds of 82 species belonging to 33 different families were collected. The deposition density of seeds was 126.27 individuals.m². With the data obtained from this research, the two seasons couldn’t be differed from each other hence 2009 was an atypical year considering the precipitation, which was constantly elevated. For the soil seed bank, fifty superficial soil samples will be taken at the end of both the rainy and dry seasons. The germination method was applied for the data analysis. It was observed a predominance of herbaceous habit species, with an average of 71% of the germinations in both seasons. The Sφrensen similarity index between the seasons was low (0,27). The density and species diversity were higher after the rainy season, unlike other published researches


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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), situado na Serra de Paranapiacaba, região sudeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 37.000 ha e abriga um dos mais bem preservados remanescentes de Mata Ombrófila Densa. No trabalho em questão, foi relacionada a regeneração natural na presença e ausência de Calathea communis (Marantaceae), bem como avaliou-se a interferência dos ambientes de encosta e de fundo de vale sobre o número e diversidade de regenerantes. Para a escolha dos pontos de amostragem, cada um de 6 transectos (com cerca de 1 km de extensão) foi dividido em 20 frações de 50 metros, sendo então sorteados 10 pontos por ambiente topográfico. Das 120 parcelas que amostraram a regeneração (1X1m), 30 envolveram sítios de ocorrência com C. communis em ambiente de encosta, e 30 em fundo de vale. O mesmo se repetiu para as áreas com sua ausência (60 parcelas). Levantou-se os regenerantes, entre 10 e 150 cm de altura, divididos em três classes de tamanho: A (10-15cm), B (16-50cm) e C (51-150cm). Para a classe A, a amostragem foi feita, apenas, para a quantificação de regenerantes; para a classe B houve uma separação por morfoespécies; e para a classe C os regenerantes foram identificados em nível de espécie. Alguns parâmetros de estrutura de habitat foram avaliados para a caracterização dos microsítios: luminosidade, declividade, cobertura de dossel e porcentagem de cobertura de C. communis. Confirmou-se a interferência de C. communis sobre a diversidade e abundância de regenerantes, ficando as variações topográficas (encosta e fundo de vale) com influência secundária sobre sua distribuição.


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One of the most important strategies for biodiversity conservation is the establishment of protected areas, which protect areas important for the survival of several species. The park “Parque Natural Municipal Cachoeira da Marta”, located in Botucatu, São Paulo, is a unit of strictly protected area and aims to conserve the ecosystems and the biodiversity that exists in the area. The park has a management plan, but this does not include a survey of mammals present in the area, which is relevant as the group has a high degree of threat and a huge ecological importance. Thus, this study aimed to conduct a quick survey of terrestrial mammals of medium and large through the methodology of sand plots, with 25 plots distributed in five areas throughout the park. We recorded 4 orders, 6 families and 9 species (Nasua Nasua, Eira Barbara, Procyon cancrivorous, Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus sp., Dasypus novemcinctus, Tamandua tetradctyla, and Cavia aperea Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Most animals marked are generalist feeding habits, but it was also reported the presence of species more demanding regarding the quality of the habitat


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Natural history studies aim to know where the organisms live, what they do, and their relationships within the environment, including the other organisms. The anurans, among other vertebrates, exhibits the greatest variety of reproductive modes as well as a high complexity of social organization, that may enable a lot of naturalist studies. Anurans modes of organization are direct related to parental care, vocalization of chorus organization, and with males territoriality. In general, the social organization is influenced by species reproductive pattern. This study aim to get information about the natural history of Hypsiboas albopunctatus (perereca-cabrinha) a species of the family Hylidae, on the region of Rio Claro Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. The major aspects discussed were: seasonality, spatial distribution, acoustic and visual communication, reproductive mode, reproductive site, abiotic factors influences, territoriality, courtship behaviour, satellite male behavior, embrace and defensive behavior. To obtain this data, nocturnal field excursions were realized monthly. Two sites of Rio Claro county where chosen as studies sites, the sítio Cantaclaro (22o19’36’’S; 47o42’57’’O), on the District of Itapé and Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA) (22o24’58’’S; 47o31’26’’O).


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O presente trabalho discute a relação sociedade e natureza a partir do estudo de caso dos processos erosivos identificados em um recorte espacial, localizado no Noroeste do município de Regente Feijó/SP. As dinâmicas socioeconômicas que se processaram no Oeste Paulista e, consequentemente, no município de Regente Feijó, ao longo das décadas de ocupação, são evidências das lógicas de apropriação ancoradas em pressupostos de exploração massiva dos recursos naturais, tendo em vista a produção de gêneros agrícolas valorizados no mercado internacional, tais como o café, o algodão e a cana-de-açúcar. Além disso, a pecuária também se constituiu como importante base econômica regional e, somada aos demais usos agrícolas, contribuiu para o depauperamento dos solos, o assoreamento dos cursos d’água e o surgimento de erosões (laminares e lineares) nas áreas rurais e urbanas. Neste sentido, além da discussão envolvendo os problemas desencadeados pelo agravamento dos processos erosivos aos pequenos produtores rurais e aos moradores do Distrito de Espigão, é evidenciada a importância das práticas conservacionistas como forma de contingenciamento de tais fenômenos


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The Atlantic Rainforest biome has been going through fragmentation processes caused by agriculture and urbanization in green areas. Structural studies associated with the silvigenetic approach allow the understanding of what the past has caused in the present structure and predict future conditions of disturbed fragments. The objective of this study was to compare the composition and diversity of arboreous natural regeneration of steady-state and reorganization ecounits in two Seasonal Semideciduous Forest fragments. The hypothesis was that specific composition varies in these two different ecounits due to differential adaptation of species in canopy gaps and closed canopy. The survey was made in three areas with different perturbation backgrounds of 0,5 ha each. 60 permanent plots of 4m² each (2m x 2m) were stablished along the studied fragments following the proportion of ecounits presented in a previous mapping. Each plot was divided in 4 sub-plots of 1m² and arboreous individuals between 0,20m and 1,30m height were sampled and posteriorly separated in two height classes: I) individuals between 0,20m and 0,50m height (2m² sampling) and II) individuals between 0,51m and 1,30m height (4m² sampling). It was sampled 338 individuals from 53 families and 23 species. The Shannon index was 3,26 (Area A), 2,27 (Area B) and 2,42 (Area C) whereas Areas B and C values are considered low in our state Semidecidous Forests. Steady-state ecounits presented the highest values for abundance and species richness. Chi-square test pointed out species’ selection for determined ecounits in the studied community. Rarefaction method analysis showed diversity increase in steady-state ecounits and a stablishment in species richness curves for reorganization ecounits


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This study aims to identify the environmental and social elements that should underpin the creation of a Municipal Natural Park in accordance with Law 9985/2000, establishing the SISTEMA NACIONAL DE UNIDADES DE CONSERVAÇÃO ( SNUC ) . The northeast sector of the city of Rio Claro - SP , envolving, among others , the neighborhood Mãe Preta, the most significant of the site is consolidated as an area of significant environmental value for the consolidation of a conservation area . The proposed establishment of this unit has been discussed since the beginning of this year by Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente de Rio Claro- SP (SEPLADEMA ) and meets the Municipal Director Plan that provides for the establishment of several protected areas in the City . The study area suffers severe pressure due to peripheral urbanization and characterized environmental fragility according to numerous studies by researchers at UNESP, Rio Claro - SP and research in situ. Stand out in soils susceptible to sheet erosion area, the presence of a large proportion of gully area subject to flooding and significant breeding capitation water for public supply