761 resultados para Bismuth


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The terrains in the South China Sea were apart of the Southeast China continent, and their rift-departing process dominated the formation and evolution of the South China Sea. The survey results of topography and paleoenvironment of the northern South China Sea during SO-49 cruise demonstrate that the terrains rift-departed from the South China continent before early Eocene.


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Processes of authigenic manganese ore formation in sediments of the North Equatorial Pacific are considered on the basis of a study of the surface layer (<2 mm) of a ferromanganese nodule and four micronodule size fractions from associated surface sediment (0-7 cm). Inhomogeneity of nodule composition is shown. Mn/Fe ratio is maximal in samples from lateral sectors of the nodule at the water-sediment interface. Compositional differences of nodules are related to preferential accumulation of trace elements in iron oxyhydroxides (P, Sr, Pb, U, Bi, Th, Y, and REE), manganese hydroxides (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mo, Tl, W), and lithogenic component trapped during nodule growth (Ga, Rb, Ba, and Cs). Ce accumulation in the REE composition is maximal in the upper and lower parts of the nodule characterized by minimal Mn/Fe values. A compositional comparison of manganese micronodules and surface layers of the nodule demonstrates that micronodule material was subjected to more intense reworking during diagenesis of sediments. The micronodules are characterized by higher Mn/Fe and P/Fe, but lower Ni/Cu and Co/Ni ratios. The micronodules and nodules do not differ in terms of contents of Ce and Th that are the least mobile elements during diagenesis. Differences in chemical composition of the micronodules and nodules are related not only to additional input of Mn in the process of diagenesis, but also to transformation of iron oxyhydroxides after removal of Mn from the close association with Fe formed in suspended matter during sedimentation.


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A key feature of Greece is the large amount of historical and archaeological records. The sedimentary record of the Etoliko Lagoon, Aetolia, Western Greece, offers an ideal opportunity to study human-environment interaction and to disentangle natural and anthropogenic imprints in the sedimentary record. By applying an interdisciplinary approach of combining geoscientific methods (XRF, LOI, grain size analysis) with archaeological and historical records, the 8.8 m long sedimentary sequence ETO1C reveals the palaeoenvironmental history of the lagoon and its catchment since 11,670 cal BP. With a thorough chronology based on 14C age-depth-modelling including varve counting, different evolutionary stages were put in a chronological context. These stages include a lake period (11,670-8310 cal BP) followed by a period of sporadic saltwater intrusion (8310-1350 cal BP) as a result of continuing transgression. Phases of limnic predominance associated with freshwater inflow of episodically activated distributaries (around 5230 cal BP) still occurred. By 1350 cal BP, ongoing sea level rise had connected the lagoons of Etoliko and Messolonghi and freshwater influence had ceased. With the onset of settlement activity in the Late Helladic (1700-1100 cal BC) humans took advantage of the prevailing environmental landscape. A sudden increase in coarse sedimentation correlates with the history of human occupation with its peak of prosperity from the Late Helladic until the end of the Hellenistic Period (30 cal BC).


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High-resolution records of Ca and Sr were obtained from shipboard XRF analyses of bulk sediments in five gravity cores from the southern Cape Basin, South Atlantic Ocean. Sr/Ca ratios display regular glacial/interglacial variations of 14-40% and reveal a close correlation with the SPECMAP record, minimum Sr/Ca ratios appearing during glacial (delta18 O) maxima, distinct increases during periods of deglaciation, and highest ratios in interstadials. Shifts in carbonate-producing phytoplankton and/or zooplankton assemblages over glacial/interglacial cycles are suggested to be the main cause for the observed variations in Sr/Ca patterns. Quick assessment of the relationship between Sr/Ca ratios and the SPECMAP record made it possible to easily transfer an age model to the newly collected cores already during the cruise.


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Snow samples collected from hand-dug pits at two sites in Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada were analysed for major and trace elements using the clean lab methods established for polar ice. Potentially toxic, chalcophile elements are highly enriched in snow, relative to their natural abundance in crustal rocks, with enrichment factor (EF) values (calculated using Sc) in the range 107 to 1081 for Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb, Te, and Zn. Relative to M/Sc ratios in snow, water samples collected at two artesian flows in this area are significantly depleted in Ag, Al, Be, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl, V, and Zn at both sites, and in Co, Th and Tl at one of the sites. The removal from the waters of these elements is presumably due to such processes as physical retention (filtration) of metal-bearing atmospheric aerosols by organic and mineral soil components as well as adsorption and surface complexation of ionic species onto organic, metal oxyhydroxide and clay mineral surfaces. In the case of Pb, the removal processes are so effective that apparently ''natural'' ratios of Pb to Sc are found in the groundwaters. Tritium measurements show that the groundwater at one of the sites is modern (ie not more than 30 years old) meaning that the inputs of Pb and other trace elements to the groundwaters may originally have been much higher than they are today; the M/Sc ratios measured in the groundwaters today, therefore, represent a conservative estimate of the extent of metal removal along the flow path. Lithogenic elements significantly enriched in the groundwaters at both sites include Ba, Ca, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, S, Si, Sr, and Ti. The abundance of these elements can largely be explained in terms of weathering of the dominant silicate (plagioclase, potassium feldspar, amphibole and biotite) and carbonate minerals (calcite, dolomite and ankerite) in the soils and sediments of the watershed. Arsenic, Mo, Te, and especially U are also highly enriched in the groundwaters, due to chemical weathering: these could easily be explained if there are small amounts of sulfides (As, Mo, Te) and apatite (U) in the soils of the source area. Elements neither significantly enriched nor depleted at both sites include Fe, Ga, Ge, and P.


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Mineralogical and chemical analyses performed on 67 ferromanganese nodules from widely varying locations and depths within the marine environment of the Pacific Ocean indicate that the minor element composition is controlled by the mineralogy and that the formation of the mineral phases is depth dependent. The pressure effect upon the thermodynamics or kinetics of mineral formation is suggested as the governing agent in the depth dependence of the mineralogy. The minor elements, Pb and Co, appear concentrated in the dMnO2 phase, whereas Cu and Ni are more or less excluded from this phase. In the manganites, Pb and Co are relatively low in concentration, whereas Cu and Ni are spread over a wide range of values. The oxidation of Pb and Co from divalent forms in sea water to higher states can explain their concentration in the dMnO2 phase.