737 resultados para Biscayne aquifer


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This study evaluates the spatial variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the soil in an area of 51,850 ha at the headwaters of the Araguaia River MT/GO. This area is highly vulnerable because it is a location of recharging through natural water infiltration of the Guarani Aquifer System and an area of intense increases in agriculture since its adoption by growers in the last 30 years. Soil samples were collected at 383 points, geographically located by GPS. The samples were collected from depths of 0 - 20 cm and 60 - 80 cm. Exploratory statistics and box-plot were used in the descriptive analysis and semivariogram were constructed to determine the spatial model. The exploratory analysis showed that the mean hydraulic conductivity in the superficial layer was less than at the level of 60-80 cm; however, the greatest variability evaluated with a coefficient of variation also was from this layer. Data tended towards a normal distribution. These results can be explained by the greater soil compaction in the superficial layer. The semivariogram models, adjusted for the two layers, were exponential and demonstrated moderate and strong dependence, with ranges of 5000 and 3000 utm respectively. It was concluded that soil use is influencing the spatial distribution model of the hydraulic conductivity in the region.


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Resumen Este trabajo estudia la historia de las implicaciones ecológico-ambientales del azúcar en Cuba durante la etapa del auge de la plantación esclavista entre 1800 y 1870 aproximadamente. En primer lugar, analiza las dos problemáticas que más llamaron la atención de los contemporáneos por sus implicaciones para el mantenimiento de la propia economía plantacionista, a saber: la creciente escasez de combustible y la pérdida de la fertilidad de los suelos. En segundo lugar, se exploran algunas manifestaciones del impacto sobre la biodiversidad a partir de la llegada de las plantaciones esclavistas a distintos territorios. Por último, se ofrece una primera aproximación a las implicaciones de este proceso para los regímenes hidrológicos locales y la contaminación de los acuíferos por la industria azucarera, un tema que cuenta con escasas referencias en la bibliografía existente. Abstract This paper studies the history of ecological-environmental consequences of cane sugar plantation in Cuba between 1800 and 1870. First, it analyzes two major problems for the existence of cane sugar plantation: the increasing lack of fuel and fertility loss. Second, it explores some impacts on biodiversity produced by the slavery plantation extension to different lands. Finally, it offers a first look at the implications of this extension on hydrologic local regimes and aquifer contamination by sugar cane industry.