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Body size at gonadal maturity is described for females of the slipper lobster (Scyllarides squammosus) (Scyllaridae) and the endemic Hawaiian spiny lobster (Panulirus marginatus) (Palinuridae) based on microscopic examination of histological preparations of ovaries. These data are used to validate several morphological metrics (relative exopodite length, ovigerous condition) of functional sexual maturity. Relative exopodite length (“pleopod length”) produced consistent estimates of size at maturity when evaluated with a newly derived statistical application for estimating size at the morphometric maturation point (MMP) for the population, identified as the midpoint of a sigmoid function spanning the estimated boundaries of overlap between the largest immature and smallest adult animals. Estimates of the MMP were related to matched (same-year) characterizations of sexual maturity based on ovigerous condition — a more conventional measure of functional maturity previously used to characterize maturity for the two lobster species. Both measures of functional maturity were similar for the respective species and were within 5% and 2% of one another for slipper and spiny lobster, respectively. The precision observed for two shipboard collection series of pleopod-length data indicated that the method is reliable and not dependent on specialized expertise. Precision of maturity estimates for S. squammosus with the pleopod-length metric was similar to that for P. marginatus with any of the other measures (including conventional evidence of ovigerous condition) and greatly exceeded the precision of estimates for S. squammosus based on ovigerous condition alone. The two measures of functional maturity averaged within 8% of the estimated size at gonadal maturity for the respective species. Appendage-to-body size proportions, such as the pleopod length metric, hold great promise, particularly for species of slipper lobsters like S. squammosus for which there exist no other reliable conventional morphological measures of sexual maturity. Morphometric proportions also should be included among the factors evaluated when assessing size at sexual maturity in spiny lobster stocks; previously, these proportions have been obtained routinely only for brachyuran crabs within the Crustacea.


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In this study we present new information on seasonal variation in absolute growth rate in length of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the ocean off Oregon and Washington, and relate these changes in growth rate to concurrent changes in the spacing of scale circuli. Average spacing of scale circuli and average rate of circulus formation were significantly and positively correlated with average growth rate among groups of juvenile and maturing coho salmon and thus could provide estimates of growth between age groups and seasons. Regression analyses indicated that the spacing of circuli was proportional to the scale growth rate raised to the 0.4−0.6 power. Seasonal changes in the spacing of scale circuli reflected seasonal changes in apparent growth rates of fish. Spacing of circuli at the scale margin was greatest during the spring and early summer, decreased during the summer, and was lowest in winter or early spring. Changes over time in length of fish caught during research cruises indicated that the average growth rate of juvenile coho salmon between June and September was about 1.3 mm/d and then decreased during the fall and winter to about 0.6 mm/d. Average growth rate of maturing fish was about 2 mm/d between May and June, then decreased to about 1 mm/d between June and September. Average apparent growth rates of groups of maturing coded-wire−tagged coho salmon caught in the ocean hook-and-line fisheries also decreased between June and September. Our results indicate that seasonal change in the spacing of scale circuli is a useful indicator of seasonal change in growth rate of coho salmon in the ocean.


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Metal-framed traps covered with polyethylene mesh used in the fishery for the South African Cape rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) incidentally capture large numbers of undersize (<75 mm CL) specimens. Air-exposure, handling, and release procedures affect captured rock lobsters and reduce the productivity of the stock, which is heavily fished. Optimally, traps should retain legalsize rock lobsters and allow sublegal animals to escape before traps are hauled. Escapement, based on lobster morphometric measurements, through meshes of 62 mm, 75 mm, and 100 mm was investigated theoretically under controlled conditions in an aquarium, and during field trials. SELECT models were used to model escapement, wherever appropriate. Size-selectivity curves based on the logistic model fitted the aquarium and field data better than asymmetrical Richards curves. The lobster length at 50% retention (L50) on the escapement curve for 100-mm mesh in the aquarium (75.5 mm CL) approximated the minimum legal size (75 mm CL); however estimates of L50 increased to 77.4 mm in field trials where trapentrances were sealed, and to 82.2 mm where trap-entrances were open. Therfore, rock lobsters that cannot escape through the mesh of sealed field traps do so through the trap entrance of open traps. By contrast, the wider selection range and lower L25 of field, compared to aquarium, trials (SR = 8.2 mm vs. 2.6 mm; L25 =73.4 mm vs. 74.1 mm), indicate that small lobsters that should be able to escape from 100-mm mesh traps do not always do so. Escapement from 62-mm mesh traps with open entrance funnels increased by 40−60% over sealed traps. The findings of this study with a known size distribution, are related to those of a recent indirect (comparative) study for the same species, and implications for trap surveys, commercial catch rates, and ghost fishing are discussed.


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The recent development of the pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) has allowed the collection of information on a tagged animal, such as geolocation, pressure (depth), and ambient water temperature. The success of early studies, where PSATs were used on pelagic fishes, has spurred increasing interest in the use of these tags on a large variety of species and age groups. However, some species and age groups may not be suitable candidates for carrying a PSAT because of the relatively large size of the tag and the consequent energy cost to the study animal. We examined potential energetic costs to carrying a tag for the cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). Two forces act on an animal tagged with a PSAT: lift from the PSATs buoyancy and drag as the tag is moved through the water column. In a freshwater flume, a spring scale measured the total force exerted by a PSAT at flume velocities from 0.00 to 0.60 m/s. By measuring the angle of deflection of the PSAT at each velocity, we separated total force into its constituent forces — lift and drag. The power required to carry a PSAT horizontally through the water was then calculated from the drag force and velocity. Using published metabolic rates, we calculated the power for a ray of a given size to swim at a specified velocity (i.e., its swimming power). For each velocity, the power required to carry a PSAT was compared to the swimming power expressed as a percentage, %TAX (Tag Altered eXertion). A %TAX greater than 5% was felt to be energetically significant. Our analysis indicated that a ray larger than 14.8 kg can carry a PSAT without exceeding this criterion. This method of estimating swimming power can be applied to other species and would allow a researcher to decide the suitability of a given study animal for tagging with a PSAT.


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Fish bioenergetics models estimate relationships between energy budgets and environmental and physiological variables. This study presents a generic rockfish (Sebastes) bioenergetics model and estimates energy consumption by northern California blue rockf ish (S. mystinus) under average (baseline) and El Niño conditions. Compared to males, female S. mystinus required more energy because they were larger and had greater reproductive costs. When El Niño conditions (warmer temperatures; lower growth, condition, and fecundity) were experienced every 3−7 years, energy consumption decreased on an individual and a per-recruit basis in relation to baseline conditions, but the decrease was minor (<4% at the individual scale, <7% at the per-recruit scale) compared to decreases in female egg production (12−19% at the individual scale, 15−23% at the per-recruit scale). When mortality in per-recruit models was increased by adding fishing, energy consumption in El Niño models grew more similar to that seen in the baseline model. However, egg production decreased significantly — an effect exacerbated by the frequency of El Niño events. Sensitivity analyses showed that energy consumption estimates were most sensitive to respiration parameters, energy density, and female fecundity, and that estimated consumption increased as parameter uncertainty increased. This model provides a means of understanding rockfish trophic ecology in the context of community structure and environmental change by synthesizing metabolic, demographic, and environmental information. Future research should focus on acquiring such information so that models like the bioenergetics model can be used to estimate the effect of climate change, community shifts, and different harvesting strategies on rockfish energy demands.


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Short-duration (5- or 10-day) deployments of pop-up satellite archival tags were used to estimate survival of white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) released from the western North Atlantic recreational fishery. Forty-one tags, each recording temperature, pressure, and light level readings approximately every two minutes for 5-day tags (n= 5) or four minutes for 10-day tags (n= 36), were attached to white marlin caught with dead baits rigged on straight-shank (“J”) hooks (n =21) or circle hooks (n=20) in offshore waters of the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Venezuela. Forty tags (97.8%) transmitted data to the satellites of the Argos system, and 33 tags (82.5%) transmitted data consistent with survival of tagged animals over the deployment duration. Approximately 61% (range: 19−95%) of all archived data were successfully recovered from each tag. Survival was significantly (P<0.01) higher for white marlin caught on circle hooks (100%) than for those caught on straight-shank (“J”) hooks (65%). Time-to-death ranged from 10 minutes to 64 hours following release for the seven documented mortalities, and five animals died within the first six hours after release. These results indicate that a simple change in hook type can significantly increase the survival of white marlin released from recreational fis


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Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) support one of the most economically important f isheries of the Pacific Northwest and it is essential for sustainable management that age estimation procedures be validated for these species. Atmospheric testing of thermonuclear devices during the 1950s and 1960s created a global radiocarbon (14C) signal in the ocean environment that scientists have identified as a useful tracer and chronological marker in natural systems. In this study, we first demonstrated that fewer samples are necessary for age validation using the bomb-generated 14C signal by emphasizing the utility of the time-specific marker created by the initial rise of bomb-14C. Second, the bomb-generated 14C signal retained in fish otoliths was used to validate the age and age estimation method of the quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in the waters of southeast Alaska. Radiocarbon values from the first year’s growth of quillback rockfish otoliths were plotted against estimated birth year to produce a 14C time series spanning 1950 to 1985. The initial rise in bomb-14C from prebomb levels (~ –90‰) occurred in 1959 [±1 year] and 14C levels rose relatively rapidly to peak Δ14C values in 1967 (+105.4‰) and subsequently declined through the end of the time series in 1985 (+15.4‰). The agreement between the year of initial rise of 14C levels from the quillback rockfish time series and the chronology determined for the waters of southeast Alaska from yelloweye rockfish (S. ruberrimus) otoliths validated the aging method for the quillback rockfish. The concordance of the entire quillback rockfish 14C time series with the yelloweye rockfish time series demonstrated the effectiveness of this age validation technique, confirmed the longevity of the quillback rockfish up to a minimum of 43 years, and strongly confirms higher age estimates of up


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Seasonal and cross-shelf patterns were investigated in larval fish assemblages on the continental shelf off the coast of Georgia. The influence of environmental factors on larval distributions also was examined, and larval transport processes on the shelf were considered. Ichthyoplankton and environmental data were collected approximately every other month from spring 2000 to winter 2002. Ten stations were repeatedly sampled along a 110-km cross-shelf transect, including four stations in the vicinity of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary. Correspondence analysis (CA) on untransformed community data identified two seasonal (warm weather [spring, summer, and fall] and winter) and three cross-shelf larval assemblages (inner-, mid-, and outer-shelf ). Five environmental factors (temperature, salinity, density, depth of the water column, and stratification) were related to larval cross-shelf distribution. Specifically, increased water column stratification was associated with the outer-shelf assemblage in spring, summer, and fall. The inner shelf assemblage was associated with generally lower temperatures and lower salinities in the spring and summer and higher salinities in the winter. The three cross-shelf regions indicated by the three assemblages coincided with the location of three primary water masses on the shelf. However, taxa occurring together within an assemblage were transported to different parts of the shelf; thus, transport across the continental shelf off the coast of Georgia cannot be explained solely by twodimensional physical factors.


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Inter and intra-annual variation in year-class strength was analyzed for San Francisco Bay Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) by using otoliths of juveniles. Juvenile herring were collected from March through June in 1999 and 2000 and otoliths from subsamples of these collections were aged by daily otolith increment analysis. The composition of the year classes in 1999 and 2000 were determined by back-calculating the birth date distribution for surviving juvenile herring. In 2000, 729% more juveniles were captured than in 1999, even though an estimated 12% fewer eggs were spawned in 2000. Spawning-date distributions show that survival for the 2000 year class was exceptionally good for a short (approximately 1 month) period of spawning, resulting in a large abundance of juvenile recruits. Analysis of age at size shows that growth rate increased significantly as the spawning season progressed both in 1999 and 2000. However, only in 2000 were the bulk of surviving juveniles a product of the fast growth period. In the two years examined, year-class strength was not predicted by the estimated number of eggs spawned, but rather appeared to depend on survival of eggs or larvae (or both) through the juvenile stage. Fast growth through the larval stage may have little effect on year-class strength if mortality during the egg stage is high and few larvae are available.


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Diet analysis of 52 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) collected as bycatch from 1990 to 1992 in the high-seas driftnet fishery operating between lat. 29.5°N and 43°N and between long. 150°E and 154°W demonstrated that these turtles fed predominately at the surface; few deeper water prey items were present in their stomachs. The turtles ranged in size from 13.5 to 74.0 cm curved carapace length. Whole turtles (n =10) and excised stomachs (n= 42) were frozen and transported to a laboratory for analysis of major faunal components. Neustonic species accounted for four of the five most common prey taxa. The most common prey items were Janthina spp. (Gastropoda); Carinaria cithara Benson 1835 (Heteropoda); a chondrophore, Velella velella (Hydrodia); Lepas spp. (Cirripedia), Planes spp. (Decapoda: Grapsidae), and pyrosomas (Pyrosoma spp.).


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Two examples of indirect validation are described for age-reading methods of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). Aging criteria that exclude faint translucent zones (checks) in counts of annuli and criteria that include faint zones were both tested. Otoliths from marked and recaptured fish were used to back-calculate the length of each fish at the time of its release by using measurements of the area of annuli. Estimated fish size at time of release and actual observed fish size were similar, supporting the assumption that translucent zones are laid down on an annual basis. A second method for validating reading criteria used otolith age and von Bertalanffy parameters, estimated from the tagging data, to predict how much each fish grew in length after tagging. We found that otolith aging criteria applied to otoliths from tagged and recovered Pacific cod predicted quite accurately the growth increments that we observed in these specimens. These results provide further evidence that the current aging criteria are not underestimating the age of the fish and support our current interpretation of checks (i.e., as subannual marks). We expect these indirect validations to advance age determination for Pacific cod, which in turn would enhance development of stock assessment methods based on age structure for this species in the eastern Bering Sea.


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The northwest Atlantic population of thorny skates (Amblyraja radiata) inhabits an area that ranges from Greenland and Hudson Bay, Canada, to South Carolina. Despite such a wide range, very little is known about most aspects of the biology of this species. Recent stock assessment studies in the northeast United States indicate that the biomass of the thorny skate is below the threshold levels mandated by the Sustainable Fisheries Act. In order to gain insight into the life history of this skate, we estimated age and growth for thorny skates, using vertebral band counts from 224 individuals ranging in size from 29 to 105 cm total length (TL). Age bias plots and the coefficient of variation indicated that our aging method represents a nonbiased and precise approach for the age assessment of A. radiata. Marginal increments were significantly different between months (Kruskal-Wallis P<0.001); a distinct trend of increasing monthly increment growth began in August. Age-at-length data were used to determine the von Bertalanffy growth parameters for this population: L∞ = 127 cm (TL) and k= 0.11 for males; L∞ = 120 cm (TL) and k= 0.13 for females. The oldest age estimates obtained for the thorny skate were 16 years for both males and females, which corresponded to total lengths of 103 cm and 105 cm, respectively.


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Age estimates for striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) from Tasmanian waters were produced by counting annuli on the transverse section of sagittal otoliths and were validated by comparison of growth with known-age individuals and modal progression of a strong recruitment pulse. Estimated ages ranged from one to 43 years; fast growth rates were observed for the first five years. Minimal sexual dimorphism was shown to exist between length, weight, and growth characteristics of striped trumpeter. Seasonal growth variability was strong in individuals up to at least age four, and growth rates peaked approximately one month after the observed peak in sea surface temperature. A modified two-phase von Bertalanffy growth function was fitted to the length-at-age data, and the transition between growth phases was linked to apparent changes in physiological and life history traits, including offshore movement as fish approach maturity. The two-phase curve was found to represent the mean length at age in the data better than the standard von Bertalanffy growth function. Total mortality was estimated by using catch curve analysis based on the standard and two-phase von Bertalanffy growth functions, and estimates of natural mortality were calculated by using two empirical models, one based on longevity and the other based on the parameters L∞ and k from both growth functions. The interactions between an inshore gillnet fishery targeting predominately juveniles and an offshore hook fishery targeting predominately adults highlight the need to use a precautionary approach when developing harvest strategies.


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Morphological development of the larvae and small juveniles of estuary perch (Macquaria colonorum) (17 specimens, 4.8−13.5 mm body length) and Australian bass (M. novemaculeata) (38 specimens, 3.3−14.1 mm) (Family Percichthyidae) is described from channel-net and beach-seine collections of both species, and from reared larvae of M. novemaculeata. The larvae of both are characterized by having 24−25 myomeres, a large triangular gut (54−67% of BL) in postflexion larvae, small spines on the preopercle and interopercle, a smooth supraocular ridge, a small to moderate gap between the anus and the origin of the anal fin, and distinctive pigment patterns. The two species can be distinguished most easily by the different distribution of their melanophores. The adults spawn in estuaries and larvae are presumed to remain in estuaries before migrating to adult freshwater habitat. However, larvae of both species were collected as they entered a central New South Wales estuary from the ocean on flood tides; such transport may have consequences for the dispersal of larvae among estuaries. Larval morphology and published genetic evidence supports a reconsideration of the generic arrangement of the four species currently placed in the genus Macquaria.


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The Argentine sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata (Pinguipedidae) sustains an important commercial and recreational fishery in the northern Patagonian gulfs of Argentina. We describe the morphological features of larvae and posttransition juveniles of P. semifasciata and analyze the abundance and distribution of early life-history stages obtained from 19 research cruises conducted on the Argentine shelf between 1978 and 2001. Pseudopercis semifasciata larvae were distinguished from other larvae by the modal number of myomeres (between 36 and 38), their elongated body, the size of their gut, and by osteological features of the neuro- and branchiocranium. Pseudopercis semifasciata and Pinguipes brasilianus (the other sympatric species of pinguipedid fishes) posttransition juveniles were distinguished by their head shape, pigmentation pattern, and by the number of spines of the dorsal fin (five in P. semifasciata and seven in P. brasilianus). The abundance and distribution of P. semifasciata at early stages indicate the existence of at least three offshore reproductive grounds between 42−43°S, 43−44°S, and 44−45°S, and a delayed spawning pulse in the southern stocks.