865 resultados para Bioètica -- TFG


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This thesis presents a detailed numerical analysis, fabrication method and experimental investigation on 45º tilted fiber gratings (45º-TFGs) and excessively tilted fiber gratings (Ex-TFGs), and their applications in fiber laser and sensing systems. The one of the most significant contributions of the work reported in this thesis is that the 45º-TFGs with high polarization extinction ratio (PER) have been fabricated in single mode telecom and polarization maintaining (PM) fibers with spectral response covering three prominent optic communication and central wavelength ranges at 1060nm, 1310nm and 1550nm. The most achieved PERs for the 45º-TFGs are up to and greater than 35-50dB, which have reached and even exceeded many commercial in-fiber polarizers. It has been proposed that the 45º-TFGs of high PER can be used as ideal in-fiber polarizers for a wide range of fiber systems and applications. In addition, in-depth detailed theoretical models and analysis have been developed and systematic experimental evaluation has been conducted producing results in excellent agreement with theoretical modeling. Another important outcome of the research work is the proposal and demonstration of all fiber Lyot filters (AFLFs) implemented by utilizing two (for a single stage type) and more (for multi-stage) 45º-TFGs in PM fiber cavity structure. The detailed theoretical analysis and modelling of such AFLFs have also been carried out giving design guidance for the practical implementation. The unique function advantages of 45º-TFG based AFLFs have been revealed, showing high finesse multi-wavelength transmission of single polarization and wide range of tuneability. The temperature tuning results of AFLFs have shown that the AFLFs have 60 times higher thermal sensitivity than the normal FBGs, thus permitting thermal tuning rate of ~8nm/10ºC. By using an intra-cavity AFLF, an all fiber soliton mode locking laser with almost total suppression of siliton sidebands, single polarization output and single/multi-wavelength switchable operation has been demonstrated. The final significant contribution is the theoretical analysis and experimental verification on the design, fabrication and sensing application of Ex-TFGs. The Ex-TFG sensitivity model to the surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) has been developed for the first time, and the factors that affect the thermal and SRI sensitivity in relation to the wavelength range, tilt angle, and the size of cladding have been investigated. As a practical SRI sensor, an 81º-TFG UV-inscribed in the fiber with small (40μm) cladding radius has shown an SRI sensitivity up to 1180nm/RIU in the index of 1.345 range. Finally, to ensure single polarization detection in such an SRI sensor, a hybrid configuration by UV-inscribing a 45º-TFG and an 81º-TFG closely on the same piece of fiber has been demonstrated as a more advanced SRI sensing system.


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We report an efficient power tapping device working in near infra-red (800 nm) wavelength region based on UV-in- scribed 45° tilted fiber grating (45°-TFG) structure. Five 45°-TFGs were UV-inscribed in hydrogenated PS750 fiber using a custom-designed phase mask with different grating lengths of 3 mm, 5 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm and 15 mm, showing polarization dependent losses (PDLs) of 1 dB, 3 dB, 7 dB, 10 dB and 13 dB, respectively. The power side-tapping efficiency is clearly depending on the grating strength. It has been identified that the power tapping efficiency increases with the grating strength and deceases along the grating length. The side-tapped power profile has also been examined in azimuthal direction, showing a near-Gaussian distribution. These experimental results clearly demonstrated that 45°- TFGs may be used as in-fiber power tapping devices for applications requiring in-line signal monitoring.


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We report a refractive index (RI) and liquid level sensing system based on a hybrid grating structure comprising of a 45° and an 81° tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) that have been inscribed into a single mode fiber in series. In this structure, the 45°-TFG is used as a polarizer to filter out the transverse electric (TE) component and enable the 81°-TFG operating at single polarization for RI and level sensing. The experiment results show a lower temperature cross-sensitivity, only about 7.33 pm/°C, and a higher RI sensitivity, being around 180 nm/RIU at RI=1.345 and 926 nm/RIU at RI=1.412 region, which are significantly improved in comparison with long period fiber gratings. The hybrid grating structure has also been applied as a liquid level sensor, showing 3.06 dB/mm linear peak ratio sensitivity.


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We experimentally demonstrated a highly sensitive twist sensor system based on a 45° and an 81° tilted fibre grating (TFG). The 81°-TFG has a set of dual-peaks that are due to the birefringence induced by its extremely tilted structure. When the 81°-TFG subjected to twist, the coupling to the two peaks would interchange from each other, providing a mechanism to measure and monitor the twist. We have investigated the performance of the sensor system by three interrogation methods (spectral, power-measurement and voltage-measurement). The experimental results clearly show that the 81°-TFG and the 45°-TFG could be combined forming a full fibre twist sensor system capable of not just measuring the magnitude but also recognising the direction of the applied twist.


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We experimentally demonstrate an all-fiber single-polarization dual-wavelength Yb-doped fiber laser passively mode-locked with a 45°-tilted fiber grating for the first time. Stable dual-wavelength operation exhibits double-rectangular spectral profile centered at 1033 and 1053 nm, respectively. The 3 dB bandwidth of each rectangular optical spectrum is estimated as 10 nm. The separation of two fundamental repetition rates is 6 kHz. By employing the 45° TFG with the polarization-dependent loss of 33 dB, output pulses with 27 dB polarization extinction ratio are implemented in the experiment. The single pulse centered at 1053 nm is researched by using a filter at the output port of the laser, and the experimental results denote that the output ps pulses are highly chirped. The formation mechanism of dual-wavelength operation is investigated.


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A hybrid structure comprising of a 45° and an 81° TFG based RI sensor has been demonstrated. The experiment results show a higher RI sensitivity, being around 180nm/RIU at RI=1.345 and 926nm/RIU at RI=1.412 region. © 2014 OSA.


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The formation and evolution of bound dissipative pulses in the all-normal dispersion Yb-fiber laser based on a novel 45° tilted fiber grating (TFG) are first investigated both numerically and experimentally. Based on the nonlinear polarization rotation technique, the TFG and two polarization controllers (PCs) are exploited for stable self-started passive mode locking. Numerical results show that the formation of bound-state pulses in the all-normal dispersion region is the progress of soliton shaping through the dispersive waves and follows the soliton energy quantization effect. Theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that the formation mechanism of bound-state pulses can be attributed to the high pump strength and effective filter bandwidth. The obtained bound-state dissipative pulses with quasi-rectangular spectral profile have fixed pulse separation as a function of pump power. © 2013 Astro Ltd.


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We experimentally demonstrate an all-fiber loading sensor system based on a 45° and an 81° tilted fiber grating (TFG). We have fabricated two TFGs adjacent to each other in a single fiber to form a hybrid structure. When the transverse load applied to the 81° TFG, the light coupling to the two orthogonally polarized modes will interchange the power according to the load applied to the fiber, which provides a solution to measure the load. For real applications, we further investigated the interrogation of this all-fiber loading sensor system using a low-cost and compact-size single wavelength source and a power meter. The experimental results have clearly shown that a low-cost high-sensitivity loading sensor system can be developed based on the proposed TFG configuration.


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We report a highly sensitive, high Q-factor, label free and selective glucose sensor by using excessively tilted fiber grating (Ex-TFG) inscribed in the thin-cladding optical fiber (TCOF). Glucose oxidase (GOD) was covalently immobilized on optical fiber surface and the effectiveness of GOD immobilization was investigated by the fluorescence microscopy and highly accurate spectral interrogation method. In contrast to the long period grating (LPG) and optical fiber (OF) surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) based glucose sensors, the Ex-TFG configuration has merits of nearly independent cross sensitivity of the environmental temperature, simple fabrication method (no noble metal deposition or cladding etching) and high detection accuracy (or Q-factor). Our experimental results have shown that Ex-TFG in TCOF based sensor has a reliable and fast detection for the glucose concentration as low as 0.1~2.5mg/ml and a high sensitivity of ~1.514nm·(mg/ml)−1, which the detection accuracy is ~0.2857nm−1 at pH 5.2, and the limit of detection (LOD) is 0.013~0.02mg/ml at the pH range of 5.2~7.4 by using an optical spectrum analyzer with a resolution of 0.02nm.


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We report on the generation of orthogonally polarized bright–dark pulse pair in a passively mode-locked fiber laser with a large-angle tilted fiber grating (LA-TFG). The unique polarization properties of the LA-TFG, i.e., polarization-dependent loss and polarization-mode splitting, enable dual-wavelength mode-locking operation. Besides dual-wavelength bright pulses with uniform polarization at two different wavelengths, the bright–dark pulse pair has also been achieved. It is found that the bright–dark pulse pair is formed due to the nonlinear couplings between lights with two orthogonal polarizations and two different wavelengths. Furthermore, harmonic mode-locking of bright–dark pulse pair has been observed. The obtained bright–dark pulse pair could find potential use in secure communication system. It also paves the way to manipulate the generation of dark pulse in terms of wavelength and polarization, using specially designed fiber grating for mode-locking.


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We have theoretically and experimentally investigated the dual-peak feature of tilted fiber gratings with excessively tilted structure (named as Ex-TFGs). We have explained the dual-peak feature by solving eigenvalue equations for TM0m and TE0m of a circular waveguide, in which the TE (transverse electric) and TM (transverse magnetic) core modes are coupled into TE and TM cladding modes, respectively. Meanwhile, in the experiment, we have verified that one of the dual peaks at the shorter wavelength is due to the TM mode coupling whereas the other one at the longer wavelength arises from TE mode coupling when a linearly polarized light launched into the Ex-TFG. We have also investigated the peak separation of TE and TM cladding mode for different surrounding medium refractive indexes (SRI), revealed that the dual peaks separation is decreasing as increasing of SRI, which agrees very well with the theoretical analysis results.


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A novel highly efficient, fiber-compatible spectrally encoded imaging (SEI) system using a 45° tilted fiber grating (TFG) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The TFG serves as an in-fiber lateral diffraction element, eliminating the need for bulky and lossy free-space diffraction gratings in conventional SEI systems. Under proper polarization control, due to the strong tilted reflection, the 45° TFG offers a diffraction efficiency as high as 93.5%. Our new design significantly reduces the volume of the SEI system and improves energy efficiency and system stability. As a proof-ofprinciple experiment, spectrally encoded imaging of a customer-designed sample (9.6 mm x 3.0 mm) using the TFG-based system is demonstrated. The lateral resolution of the SEI system is measured to be 42 μm in our experiment.


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Using excessively tilted fiber grating (Ex-TFG) inscribed in standard single mode fiber, we developed a novel label-free immunoassay for specific detection of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), which is a minim animal virus. Staphylococcal protein A (SPA) was used to modify the silanized fiber surface thus forming a SPA layer, which would greatly enhance the proportion of anti-PCV2 monoclonal antibody (MAb) bioactivity, thus improving the effectiveness of specific adsorption and binding events between anti-PCV2 MAbs and PCV2 antigens. Immunoassay experiments were carried out by monitoring the resonance wavelength shift of the proposed sensor under different PCV2 titer levels. Anti-PCV2 MAbs were thoroughly dissociated from the SPA layer by treatment with urea, and recombined to the SPA layer on the sensor surface for repeated immunoassay of PCV2. The specificity of the immunosensor was inspected by detecting porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) first, and PCV2 subsequently. The results showed a limit of detection (LOD) for the PCV2 immunosensor of ~9.371TCID50/mL, for a saturation value of ~4.801×103TCID50/mL, with good repeatability and excellent specificity.


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The present study had as goal to evaluate Rio Grande do Norte state’s medical residency programs (MRP) in Cardiology. It’s a descriptive study, including a documental analysis of the program’s accreditation processes (PAP) of cardiology’s medical residency in Rio Grande do Norte state in 2014 and the analysis of the resident’s perception about his professional education as a specialist in Cardiology. Beside the documental analysis of the PAPs, it was applied a semi-structured questionnaire with closed questions Likert style and open questions to all the current and former residents of the MRPs analyzed. Two MRPs in Cardiology were identified in Rio Grande do Norte state, one hosted in a public institution and the other in a private institution. The documental analysis showed a greater amount of preceptors with a good level of ownership on the public institution in comparison with the private one, as well as a bigger number of publications, participation in congresses and in book’s publications. The private institution presents a better Urgency’s infrastructure, with emergency room and cardiologic ICU. It IS clear that the residents are aware of how a good residency must work, as well as the strengths and fragilities of their own residences. Most of Onofre Lopes Universitary Hospital’s residents point out as a strength the organization, participation and quality of the preceptors, practice activities and scientific debates, great amount of patients and the visits and debates with the preceptors on the sickrooms. As the greatest fragilities, they emphasize the lack of a urgency service of their own and a specialized ICU. In Coração Hospital of Natal (HCor), it is listed as weak points the theoretic scheduling and the few ambulatory practices. As positive aspects, they report the preceptors, the agility on the execution of exams, a good number of serious patients and procedures. In both residences, it is seen a certain difficulty in accepting the important and mandatory items imposed by the rules of the Medical Residences’ National Committee, such as: biostatistics, bioethics, medical ethic, epidemiology and research methodology. Besides that, the residents recognize that both hospitals have a good infrastructure and technological support, especially in imaging methods. The evaluation of PRMCs identifies the strengths of each program and the aspects to be improved in both programs. It also allowed the observation of difficulties in accepting some regulations contained in the CNRM resolution by the resident, such as participation in activities such as biostatistics, epidemiology and research methodology as well as the improvement needs of specific technical training, such as in emergency care. Thus, our results make possible to develop strategies for continued improvement of PRMC in RN state. In addition, it enabled the preparation of the resident’s manual in cardiology, containing even a breakdown of resident evaluation system, which could serve as a model for other residency programs.


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Precise relative sea level (RSL) data are important for inferring regional ice sheet histories, as well as helping to validate numerical models of ice sheet evolution and glacial isostatic adjustment. Here we develop a new RSL curve for Fildes Peninsula, South Shetland Islands (SSIs), a sub-Antarctic archipelago peripheral to the northern Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet, by integrating sedimentary evidence from isolation basins with geomorphological evidence from raised beaches. This combined approach yields not only a Holocene RSL curve, but also the spatial pattern of how RSL change varied across the archipelago. The curve shows a mid-Holocene RSL highstand on Fildes Peninsula at 15.5 m above mean sea level between 8000 and 7000 cal a BP. Subsequently RSL gradually fell as a consequence of isostatic uplift in response to regional deglaciation. We propose that isostatic uplift occurred at a non-steady rate, with a temporary pause in ice retreat ca. 7200 cal a BP, leading to a short-lived RSL rise of ~1 m and forming a second peak to the mid-Holocene highstand. Two independent approaches were taken to constrain the long-term tectonic uplift rate of the SSIs at 0.22-0.48 m/ka, placing the tectonic contribution to the reconstructed RSL highstand between 1.4 and 2.9 m. Finally, we make comparisons to predictions from three global sea level models.