976 resultados para Becker, Philipp August, 1862-1947.


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The Center for the Study of Free-Reed Instruments Collection is an archival collection at the City University of New York Graduate Center’s Mina Rees Library which contains materials donated by Professor Allan W. Atlas, related to free-reed instruments and the International Concertina Association.


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Denna historieuppsats (15hp) handlar om aga- och skoldisciplinsfrågorna i den svenska folkskolan. Undersökningens syfte är att granska hur disciplinsfrågorna i folkskolan hanterades före och efter agaförbudet på både nationell och lokal nivå. För att uppnå detta mål har i första hand tre olika källor använts, nämligen 1947 års skoldisciplinutredning, protokoll från Tunabygdens lärarklubb och dess studiecirkel samt Skolöverstyrelsens anvisningar till folkskolelärarna efter att agan hade förbjudits i folkskolan. Skoldisciplinutredningen kom som en följd av protesterna från lärarkåren och Skolöverstyrelsen till ett agaförbud. Disciplinutredningen kom inte fram till något agaförbud utan snarare fram till flera disciplinsfrämjande förslag. I Tunabygdens lärarklubb och dess studiecirkel bedrevs diskussioner som berörde aga, disciplin och fostran överhuvudtaget. Lärarklubben och folkskolestyrelserna i landet var emot ett agaförbud, men inte enbart för rätten i sig att få aga elever, utan också för att de var emot en stark centralstyrning som de upplevde fanns och som ifrågasatte lärarnas yrkesprofession. Skolöverstyrelsens anvisningar kom 1959, året efter agaförbudet och den handlade mycket om skolans och lärarnas fostrande uppgifter. Fungerande disciplin i klassen ansågs vara lika viktig som innan agaförbudet och det handlade om att ändra formerna för denna disciplin. För att upprätthålla ett fungerande disciplin ansåg Skolöverstyrelsen att det var oerhört viktigt att lära känna igen skolbarnet och dess hemförhållanden. För att kontrollera detta hade bl.a. lärare och skolläkare viktiga roller i hemmens hjälp att fostra barnen rätt, då tilltron till barnens föräldrar och uppväxtmiljö var låg från Skolöverstyrelsens sida.


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Participation as observer at the meeting of Task 14 of IEA's Solar Heating and Cooling Projects held in Hameln, Germany has led to greater understanding of interesting developments underway in several countries. This will be of use during the development of small scale systems suitable for Swedish conditions. A summary of the work carried out by the working groups within Task 14 is given, with emphasis on the Domestic Hot Water group. Experiences of low-flow systems from several countries are related, and the conclusion is drawn that the maximum theoretical possible increase in performance of 20% has not been achieved due to poor heat exchangers and poor stratification in the storage tanks. Positive developments in connecting tubes and pumps is noted. Further participation as observer in Task 14 meetings is desired, and is looked on favourably by the members of the group. Another conclusion is that SERC should carry on with work on Swedish storage tanks, with emphasis on better stratification and heat exchangers, and possible modelling of system components. Finally a German Do-it-Vourself kit is described and judged in comparison with prefabricated models and Swedish Do-it-Yourself kits.


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Distance teaching is now-a-days used in different shapes. However, it is something different from traditional campus organised education as it systematically uses Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a key element. When the distance teacher education started in Sweden many teacher educators doubted the wisdom of this. They expressed that the educational process to become a teacher would be deteriorated. For instance, they feared for high drop out rates and difficulties to examine in a proper way. The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education has recently edited a report that showed that this form of teacher education was well adapted to the labour market, but the possibilities for the teacher students to shape their education were relatively limited. However, we still know quite little about the effects of this way to educate teacher students. This paper explores the possibility of using distance teacher education.In a case study 20 students, who were the first to finish a complete a distance teacher education at Högskolan Dalarna, were asked in a questionnaire how they had apprehended their education. We also interviewed four of these students, as well as five teacher educators.One of our findings were that the distance teacher education reached new target groups, who not had been able to participate in university studies if it not had been offered in this form. Especially, this was valid for the middle-aged women, living a long distance away from a university, with social responsibilities for children or old parents. Other findings were that these students in general were target oriented and ambitious, wrote more than the campus students and developed that kind of skill better. Marratech, an ICT system for small groups, e-mail and chat were used for the communication. Marratech was considered to permit free and spontaneous communication, both of the teacher educators and the students. Initially the teacher educators were sceptical to distance teacher education, but afterwards they were surprised of how well it had worked. They declared that they had better and nearer contact with their students and more control over the students´ performance, but some parts of the teacher education were better suitable for campus education, for example, power of creating characters. Distance teacher education was considered time consuming and demanded much activity from the teacher educators as the students wanted rapid responses. This study indicates that distance teacher education works well for mature individuals with high motivation. However, it demands more time from the teacher educators, but it gives in general good results. Still, there are pedagogical challenges to overcome. Maybe we should reflect on a mix of distance teacher education and campus based teacher education, instead of separated ways of accomplishing teacher education?


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Volume 5, Number 6 Fiorello's Flute is the official student newspaper of LaGuardia Community College. It is published by an independent student staff and financed by student activity funds. Opinions expressed in the paper are not necessarily those of the College administration, faculty, or the student body. Editorial opinion expressed herein is determined by a majority vote of the Flute staff.


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Using national accounts data for the revenue-GDP and expenditure GDP ratios from 1947 to 1992, we examine two central issues in public finance. First, was the path of public debt sustainable during this period? Second, if debt is sustainable, how has the government historically balanced the budget after hocks to either revenues or expenditures? The results show that (i) public deficit is stationary (bounded asymptotic variance), with the budget in Brazil being balanced almost entirely through changes in taxes, regardless of the cause of the initial imbalance. Expenditures are weakly exogenous, but tax revenues are not;(ii) a rational Brazilian consumer can have a behavior consistent with Ricardian Equivalence (iii) seignorage revenues are critical to restore intertemporal budget equilibrium, since, when we exclude them from total revenues, debt is not sustainable in econometric tests.


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Este artigo atualiza, atÈ 2003, a sÈrie 1947-1992 de imposto in- áacion·rio, transferÍncias ináacion·rias para os bancos comerciais e transferÍncia ináacion·rias totais, anteriormente publicada em Cysne (1994) e Simonsen e Cysne (1995).


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O trabalho analisa a evolução do campo de conhecimento em Administração Pública no Brasil com base em trabalho empírico realizado junto a duas revistas especializadas: Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE) - (1961-1992) e Revista de Administração (RAE) - (1947-1992). Os artigos nelas publicados foram classificados de acordo com seu locus (objeto empírico analisado) e seu focus (instrumental teórico utilizado).