866 resultados para Barr, James - Views on fundamentalism


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"References": p. [209]-210.


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10. Internet Governance Forum, João Pessoa - PB


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Este estudo objetiva compreender como a Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro pode se valer das redes sociais para potencializar a interlocução com a sociedade e aprimorar seu trabalho e gerando valor público. O referencial teórico buscou contextualizar um panorama privilegiado nesse estudo, considerando o ambiente potencializador de interações propiciado pelas redes sociais e a visão da aplicação no campo da segurança. Foram considerados fatores como a evolução da visão sobre o trabalho policial voltado para a área de segurança, evolução esta motivada pela inserção de conceitos voltados para o pleno exercício da cidadania, para a necessidade de colaboração social nas atividades estatais como caminho para atingir as necessidades das pessoas e realização do trabalho dos órgãos estatais, bem como a forma que este envolvimento social tem se dado no contexto recente na Polícia Militar do Estado, analisada a partir de seus exemplos operacionais observados no campo da segurança, a indicação de uma terminologia própria para o momento de envolvimento desses conceitos no campo da segurança, agregando ferramentas e conceitos voltados a Governança Pública e a utilização das redes sociais através do aplicativo WhatsApp, visto ser este aplicativo um dos de maior alcance no contexto nacional e que reúne características próprias ao escopo da pesquisa. Adicionalmente e buscando entender as práticas organizacionais vivenciadas pela utilização das redes sociais através do WhatsApp, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com empresas de comunicação e Unidades Policiais com experiência no assunto, o que propiciou um mapeamento das motivações para utilização das redes sociais, suas formas de operação, bem como dificuldades enfrentadas nesta utilização e resultados para os propósitos das organizações. Além dos resultados apresentados neste estudo, as revelações do campo e suas correlações, propiciaram a elaboração de linha mestra para emprego da ferramenta no contexto da Polícia Militar como parte das implicações do estudo. O estudo demonstrou que as redes sociais são úteis como ferramenta para a interlocução social, entre a Polícia Militar e a sociedade, destacando sua capacidade no campo da prevenção e melhoria da capacidade governamental na segurança.


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Walzer examines the laws, the histories, the prophecies, and the wisdom of the ancient biblical writers and discusses their views on such central political questions as justice, hierarchy, war, the authority of kings and priests, and the experience of exile. Because there are many biblical writers with differing views, pluralism is a central feature of biblical politics.


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The death of a child with a disability presents unique challenges for individual family members. Whereas parents have received much attention in terms of their needs and challenges, siblings have received less attention. Growing up with a child with a disability who subsequently dies has a profound impact. This paper used in-depth interviews to illuminate the experiences and perceptions of siblings in one family in which a child with cerebral palsy died. The 5 siblings were interviewed about their experiences of family life and their methods of coping during the terminal phases of illness and after their sister's death. Their views on friendships, growing up, vocational choices, their sister's contribution to their lives, and their adjustment to her death are illustrated. Implications for health professionals working with siblings and families are drawn in terms of adult siblings' coping responses and their need for mutual support.


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Recent philosophers, political scientists and cultural theorists have suggested that the concept of cosmopolitanism is useful to theorize an ideal relationship between different nations, and to confront the problems faced by asylum-seekers and refugees. Here, La Caze discusses Immanuel Kant's view of cosmopolitanism which occurs in the context of his teleological philosophy of history and his views on politics.


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Background and Aim: The Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Children (DOTCA-Ch), recently developed in Israel, assesses the cognitive areas: orientation, spatial perception, praxis, visuomotor construction and thinking operations of 6- to 12-year-old children. The dynamic aspect, which incorporates mediation and prompting, has been presented as a valuable clinical feature of this new assessment. This study investigated the cultural suitability, dynamic nature and comprehensiveness of the DOTCA-Ch as a single cognitive assessment for occupational therapy practice in Australia. Methods: Twenty-three paediatric occupational therapists participated in three tutorial and video demonstrations, which were then followed by a group interview. Results and Conclusion: Thematic analysis of transcripts identified four main themes: appropriateness of assessment tasks, language, mediation and clinical utility. Within each theme, the participants raised both positive and negative features. This paper highlights occupational therapists' mixed views on the clinical utility of this assessment in Australia. Limitations of this study and areas for further research are suggested


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This paper aims to present findings from a pilot study on understanding gambling within the Greek and Vietnamese communities in Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland State. It explores gambling behaviour among gamblers and views of workers from their own communities. Rich data were obtained by conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews. Three themes that emerged are the causes of gambling, the impact of gambling, and participants' views on existing delivery of gambling services. It appears that a more culturally appropriate gambling service is necessary to address the needs and problems of gamblers from non-English speaking backgrounds.


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The hypothesis that lipid rafts exist in plasma membranes and have crucial biological functions remains controversial. The lateral heterogeneity of proteins in the plasma membrane is undisputed, but the contribution of cholesterol-dependent lipid assemblies to this complex, non-random organization promotes vigorous debate. In the light of recent studies with model membranes, computational modelling and innovative cell biology, I propose an updated model of lipid rafts that readily accommodates diverse views on plasma-membrane micro-organization.


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This article examines the seventeenth-century debate between the Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza and the British scientist Robert Boyle, with a view to explicating what the twentieth-century French philosopher Gilles Deleuze considers to be the difference between science and philosophy. The two main themes that are usually drawn from the correspondence of Boyle and Spinoza, and used to polarize the exchange, are the different views on scientific methodology and on the nature of matter that are attributed to each correspondent. Commentators have tended to focus on one or the other of these themes in order to champion either Boyle or Spinoza in their assessment of the exchange. This paper draws upon the resources made available by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their major work What is Philosophy?, in order to offer a more balanced account of the exchange, which in its turn contributes to our understanding of Deleuze and Guattari's conception of the difference between science and philosophy.


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A survey was conducted to investigate secondary school support teachers' perceptions of speech-language pathology services to students experiencing language difficulties. Information was sought regarding support teachers' understanding of language disorder, their experience with students who have language difficulties and their involvement with speech-language pathologists with regard to these students. Support teachers' views on supporting adolescents who are experiencing language difficulties were also sought as well as information regarding their satisfaction with speech-language pathology services to adolescents. Findings indicated variations in support teachers' perceptions, including mixed views regarding how speech-language pathologists should offer assistance to students. The need for support teachers and speech-language pathologists to offer each other professional training was indicated.


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O trabalho reflete sobre os processos comunicacionais das 30 primeiras rádios comunitárias legalizadas do sertão do Piauí. Procura traçar o panorama dessas emissoras, identificar as rádios que têm mais vínculos e atuação comunitária e também analisar seus papéis sociais e diferenças. Objetiva-se ainda seus processos comunicativos, além de mapear e fornecer visão do funcionamento de cada emissora, entender como ocorre a participação das comunidades, a visão do fazer radialismo e o significado das emissoras consideradas emblemáticas no fazer comunitário. Metodologicamente adota-se o método qualitativo, o qual foi desenvolvido com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, estudo documental e pesquisa de campo, cujas técnicas usadas foram: estudos de produção bibliográfica e de documentos virtuais e hemerográficos e realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas presenciais com membros das emissoras. As rádios comunitárias pesquisadas têm ampla importância nos espaços em que estão instaladas porque contribuem difundindo informação local e favorecendo o debate sobre novas demandas de cidadania e novos rumos para a região sertaneja piauiense.(AU)


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A arte e a atividade criativa são alguns dos ingredientes essenciais para o crescimento individual, social e cultural do ser humano e, em consequência, da humanidade. Contudo, desde o século XVI vivemos fortemente influenciados pelos parâmetros da racionalidade cognitivo-instrumental. Particularmente na cultura ocidental tem sido predominante a supervalorização da objetividade, da racionalidade e das ciências duras em detrimento da criação artística. Esta pesquisa examina a ocupação racional da arte e sua influência na limitação da criatividade no ambiente escolar. Assim, analisa as diversas concepções de criatividade, à luz da evolução histórica e as influências herdadas do contexto sóciocultural. Considera ainda o conceito de Arte/Educação em sua relação com as condições históricas da inserção da educação formal no Brasil. Finalmente, esta dissertação identifica as marcas da racionalidade em processos educacionais correntes no Brasil, tendo como referência teorias contemporâneas. As conclusões deste trabalho poderão servir como base para fornecer subsídios à reflexão sobre a necessidade de renovação dos olhares sobre a criatividade, como instrumento de formação intelectual, no ensino de artes no contexto escolar.


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On behalf of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave Macmillan and the editorial team, I am pleased to welcome readers to this, the first issue of Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP). The aim of KMRP is to provide an outlet for rigorous, high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of managing knowledge, organisational learning, intellectual capital and knowledge economics. The Editorial Board intends that there be a particular emphasis on cross-disciplinary approaches, and on the mixing of 'hard' (e.g. technological) and 'soft' (e.g. cultural or motivational) issues. This issue features four regular papers and an editorial paper; in addition, there are two book reviews. KMRP is intended as a truly international journal. The papers in this issue feature authors based in five different countries on three continents; eight different countries and four continents if the editorial paper is included. The first of the regular papers is 'The Knowledge-Creating Theory Revisited: Knowledge Creation as Synthesizing Process', by Ikujiro Nonaka and Ryoko Toyama. There can be few readers who are unaware of the work on knowledge creation by Nonaka and his co-workers such as Takeuchi, and this paper seeks to revisit and extend some of the earlier ideas. The second paper is 'Knowledge Sharing in a Multi-Cultural Setting: A Case Study' by Dianne Ford and Yolande Chan. They present a case study that explores the extent to which knowledge sharing is dependent on national culture. The third paper is 'R&D Collaboration: The Role of bain Knowledge-creating Networks' by Malin Brännback. She also draws upon Nonaka and Takeuchi's work on knowledge creation, using the case of knowledge-creating networks in biopharmaceutical R&D involving both universities and industry as an example. The fourth regular paper is 'The Critical Role of Leadership in Nurturing a Knowledge Supporting Culture' by Vincent Ribière and Alea Saa Sitar. They examine the role of leaders in knowledge management generally, and especially in knowledge organisations, from the viewpoint of 'leading through a knowledge lens'. In addition, this issue includes an 'editorial paper', 'Knowledge Management Research & Practice: Visions and Directions' by the editorial team of John Edwards, Meliha Handzic, Sven Carlsson, and Mark Nissen. This paper presents a small survey of academics and practitioners, outlines key directions for knowledge management research and practice, and gives the editorial team's views on how KMRP can help promote scholarly inquiry in the field. We trust that you will both enjoy reading this first issue and be stimulated by it, and cordially invite you to contribute your own paper(s) to future issues of KMRP.


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This editorial paper outlines key directions for knowledge management research and practice. The editorial team presents the results from a small survey of academics and practitioners about the present and future of knowledge management, and the editors include their own informed views on how this journal can help promote scholarly inquiry in the field.