1000 resultados para Banana plant


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This study evaluated the chemical composition of peeled and unpeeled green banana Cavendish (AAA) flour obtained by drying in spouted bed, aiming at adding nutritional value to food products. The bananas were sliced and crushed to obtain a paste and fed to the spouted bed dryer (12 cm height and T = 80 ºC) in order to obtain flour. The flours obtained were subjected to analysis of moisture, protein, ash, carbohydrates, total starch, resistant starch, fiber. The green banana flours, mainly unpeeled, are good sources of fiber and resistant starch with an average of 21.91g/100g and 68.02g/100g respectively. The protein content was found in an average of 4.76g/100g, being classified as a low biological value protein with lysine as the first limiting amino acid. The results showed that unpeeled green banana flour obtained by spouted bed drying can be a valuable tool to add nutritional value to products in order to increase their non-digestible fraction.


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The epidermis on leaves protects plants from pathogen invasion and provides a waterproof barrier. It consists of a layer of cells that is surrounded by thick cell walls, which are partially impregnated by highly hydrophobic cuticular components. We show that the Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants of REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION 2 (rwa2), previously identified as having reduced O-acetylation of both pectins and hemicelluloses, exhibit pleiotrophic phenotype on the leaf surface. The cuticle layer appeared diffused and was significantly thicker and underneath cell wall layer was interspersed with electron-dense deposits. A large number of trichomes were collapsed and surface permeability of the leaves was enhanced in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. A massive reprogramming of the transcriptome was observed in rwa2 as compared to the wild type, including a coordinated up-regulation of genes involved in responses to abiotic stress, particularly detoxification of reactive oxygen species and defense against microbial pathogens (e.g., lipid transfer proteins, peroxidases). In accordance, peroxidase activities were found to be elevated in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. These results indicate that cell wall acetylation is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of leaf epidermis, and that reduction of cell wall acetylation leads to global stress responses in Arabidopsis.


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Estudou-se o efeito de quatro condições de manejo sobre a aceitação de banana 'Pacovan'. Os frutos foram colhidos no ponto de maturação fisiológica ideal para o armazenamento, em quatro propriedades rurais do município de Bananeiras - PB, seguindo-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos foram identificados como: P1: irrigação+adubação química e orgânica +controle químico de plantas invasoras; P2: controle manual de plantas invasoras; P3: irrigação+adubação química+controle manual de plantas invasoras; P4: controle manual e químico de plantas invasoras. Em cada propriedade, foram colhidos cinco cachos de banana que foram submetidos à climatização com carbureto de cálcio por 12 horas para uniformização da maturação. Após esse período, foram mantidos à temperatura ambiente até sua completa maturação. O painel sensorial foi composto por 62 julgadores não treinados, com idade média de 18 anos. Os atributos aroma, sabor, textura e cor da polpa foram avaliados por meio de teste de aceitação, utilizando-se de escala hedônica estruturada de 9 pontos. Para o teste de intenção de compra, foi utilizada escala estruturada de 5 pontos. As amostras foram apresentadas aos julgadores na forma de rodelas, com espessura aproximada de 1,5 cm. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA), e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Para todos os atributos avaliados,os valores situaram-se entre 7,34 e 7,68, posicionando-se na escala hedônica entre os termos 'gostei moderadamente' e 'gostei muito'. Para intenção de compra, o percentual de aceitação foi de 74,19; 72,58; 72,58 e 70,97%, respectivamente, para as amostras P1, P2, P3 e P4. O tipo de manejo não influenciou na aceitação da banana 'Pacovan', sendo os frutos considerados pelos julgadores como produto de boa aceitação.


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To survive and complete their life cycle, herbivorous insects face the difficult challenge of coping with the arsenal of plant defences. A new study reports that aphids secrete evolutionarily conserved cytokines in their saliva to suppress host immune responses.


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Pysyäkseen kilpailukykyisenä vapautuneilla sähkömarkkinoilla on voimalaitoksen energiantuotantokustannusten oltava mahdollisimman matalia, tinkimättä kuitenkaan korkeasta käytettävyydestä. Polttoaineen energiasisällön mahdollisimman hyvä hyödyntäminen on ratkaisevan tärkeää voimalaitoksen kannattavuudelle. Polttoainekustannusten osuus on konvektiivisilla laitoksilla yleensä yli puolet koko elinjakson kustannuksista. Kun vielä päästörajat tiukkenevat koko ajan, korostuu polttoaineen korkea hyötykäyttö entisestään. Korkea energiantuotannon luotettavuus ja käytettävyys ovat myös elintärkeitä pyrittäessä kustannusten minimointiin. Tässä työssä on käyty läpi voimalaitoksen kustannuksiin vaikuttavia käsitteitä, kuten hyötysuhdetta, käytettävyyttä, polttoaineen hintoja, ylös- ja alasajoja ja tärkeimpiä häviöitä. Ajostrategiassa ja poikkeamien hallinnassa pyritään hyvään hyötysuhteeseen ja alhaisiin päästöihin joka käyttötilanteessa. Lisäksi on tarkasteltu tiettyjen suureiden, eli höyryn lämpötilan ja paineen, savukaasun hapen pitoisuuden, savukaasun loppulämpötilan, sekä lauhduttimen paineen poikkeamien vaikutusta ohjearvostaan energiantuotantokustannuksiin. Happi / hiilimonoksidi optimoinnissa on otettu huomioon myös pohjatuhkan palamattomat.


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A banana é a principal fruta no comércio internacional e a mais popular no mundo. A produção de sementes sintéticas vem destacando-se como uma importante técnica para a micropropagação e conservação in vitro de várias espécies. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da composição da matriz de encapsulamento na conversão de microbrotos de banana cv. Prata-Anã clone Gorutuba. Os microbrotos de banana cv. Prata- Anã clone Gorutuba foram encapsulados, empregando-se na matriz alginato de sódio: água destilada e MS (50% e 100%), acrescidos ou não com carvão ativado (1,5 g L-1) em duas épocas de avaliação (15 e 30 dias). Foram testados três níveis de BAP (0; 3; 6 mg L-1) adicionados ou não a 2,5 mg L-1 de ANA, em duas épocas de avaliação (15 e 30 dias). Os dois experimentos foram inteiramente casualizados, sendo um fatorial 3 x 2 x 2, com seis repetições e cinco unidades encapsuláveis por parcela. Aos quinze dias, avaliou-se a conversão, e aos 30 dias, avaliou-se conversão, altura e enraizamento das plantas. Aconstituição da cápsula quando se utilizaram diferentes concentrações de meio MS, com ou sem a presença de carvão ativado, não influenciou na taxa de conversão e na altura das plantas. As cápsulas sem adição de reguladores de crescimento resultaram em melhor conversão dos microbrotos; entretanto, a concentração de 3 mg L-1 de BAP+2,5 mg L-1 de ANA proporcionaram maior altura de plantas. A maior taxa de enraizamento ocorre nas cápsulas contendo MS 100% e carvão ativado, e nas cápsulas com 0 e 3 mg L-1 de BAP, independentemente da adição de ANA. Aos 30 dias, é obtida maior conversão das sementes sintéticas.


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In this paper we analyze the size and habitat partitioning of the vascular floras of five areas of the NE Iberian Peninsula, representing five distinct vegetation belts and three floristic regions: Mediterranean (basal belt), medio-European (submontane and montane belts) and Boreo-Alpine (subalpine and alpine belts). Each area covered over 1000 ha, and was fairly uniform in terms of potential vegetation, bedrock and bioclimate. They excluded large villages and field areas, the landscape being mainly natural or moderately anthropized.


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BACKGROUND: The historical orogenesis and associated climatic changes of mountain areas have been suggested to partly account for the occurrence of high levels of biodiversity and endemism. However, their effects on dispersal, differentiation and evolution of many groups of plants are still unknown. In this study, we examined the detailed diversification history of Primula sect. Armerina, and used biogeographic analysis and macro-evolutionary modeling to investigate a series of different questions concerning the evolution of the geographical and ecological distribution of the species in this section. RESULTS: We sequenced five chloroplast and one nuclear genes for species of Primula sect. Armerina. Neither chloroplast nor nuclear trees support the monophyly of the section. The major incongruences between the two trees occur among closely related species and may be explained by hybridization. Our dating analyses based on the chloroplast dataset suggest that this section began to diverge from its relatives around 3.55 million years ago, largely coinciding with the last major uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP). Biogeographic analysis supports the origin of the section in the Himalayan Mountains and dispersal from the Himalayas to Northeastern QTP, Western QTP and Hengduan Mountains. Furthermore, evolutionary models of ecological niches show that the two P. fasciculata clades have significantly different climatic niche optima and rates of niche evolution, indicating niche evolution under climatic changes and further providing evidence for explaining their biogeographic patterns. CONCLUSION: Our results support the hypothesis that geologic and climatic events play important roles in driving biological diversification of organisms in the QTP area. The Pliocene uplift of the QTP and following climatic changes most likely promoted both the inter- and intraspecific divergence of Primula sect. Armerina. This study also illustrates how niche evolution under climatic changes influences biogeographic patterns.


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BACKGROUND: Root-colonizing fluorescent pseudomonads are known for their excellent abilities to protect plants against soil-borne fungal pathogens. Some of these bacteria produce an insecticidal toxin (Fit) suggesting that they may exploit insect hosts as a secondary niche. However, the ecological relevance of insect toxicity and the mechanisms driving the evolution of toxin production remain puzzling. RESULTS: Screening a large collection of plant-associated pseudomonads for insecticidal activity and presence of the Fit toxin revealed that Fit is highly indicative of insecticidal activity and predicts that Pseudomonas protegens and P. chlororaphis are exclusive Fit producers. A comparative evolutionary analysis of Fit toxin-producing Pseudomonas including the insect-pathogenic bacteria Photorhabdus and Xenorhadus, which produce the Fit related Mcf toxin, showed that fit genes are part of a dynamic genomic region with substantial presence/absence polymorphism and local variation in GC base composition. The patchy distribution and phylogenetic incongruence of fit genes indicate that the Fit cluster evolved via horizontal transfer, followed by functional integration of vertically transmitted genes, generating a unique Pseudomonas-specific insect toxin cluster. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that multiple independent evolutionary events led to formation of at least three versions of the Mcf/Fit toxin highlighting the dynamic nature of insect toxin evolution.


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RESUMO Banana, Musa sp,. é uma das frutas mais consumidas em todo o mundo, e o Brasil é um dos maiores produtores mundiais. A farinha de banana verde apresenta os maiores teores de amido resistente, quando comparada à banana madura. Estas características tornam a farinha de banana verde (FBV) e purê de banana verde (PBV) excelentes matérias-primas, capazes de aumentar o conteúdo de fibra alimentar (FA) nos alimentos adicionados, aumentando o apelo funcional. No presente estudo, pães foram preparados com diferentes percentuais de farinha e purê de banana verde (10%, 20% e 30%), em substituição à farinha de trigo e avaliada a qualidade do pão em função da altura, volume, rendimento, tempo de fermentação, a percentagem de umidade, cor da crosta/miolo e reologia do produto final. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativaentre o rendimento e o teor de umidade das formulações. Pães que foram preparados com FBV e PBV resultaram em produtos mais escuros em relação ao padrão, e a luminosidade (L*) diminuiu com o aumento do nível de substituição. Pães com 10% de FBV e até 20% de PBV não diferiram estatisticamente do padrão em relação à dureza. Estes resultados sugerem a viabilidade da aplicação dessas matérias-primas (FBV e PBV) em pães, o que, em função das caracteristicas já demonstradas em pesquisas, poderá elevar o valor nutricional desse tradicional alimento.


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RESUMO A antracnose é uma das principais doenças pós-colheita em bananas. O trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar, durante dez meses, a intensidade da antracnose e o efeito da lavagem e sanitização das frutas no controle da doença em pós-colheita de bananas. O experimento foi realizado de setembro de 2013 a junho de 2014. As coletas dos frutos foram realizadas, mensalmente, em cinco propriedades comerciais localizadas nos municípios de Jaíba, Janaúba e Nova Porteirinha, cultivadas com banana ‘Prata-Anã’. As pencas foram subdivididas em buquês de três frutos, o delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial e submetidos aos tratamentos: frutos sem a realização da lavagem (testemunha); frutos lavados na propriedade; frutos lavados no laboratório com hipoclorito de sódio a 2%; frutos lavados no laboratório com hipoclorito de sódio a 2% seguido de aplicação com fungicida Imazalil. As avaliações foram realizadas em 10 épocas e os tratamentos repetidos cinco vezes. Calculou-se área abaixo da curva de progresso da intensidade (AACPI) e área abaixo da curva de progresso da severidade (AACPS). Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas através do teste de Scott-Knott, a 5% de probabilidade. A maior intensidade de antracnose em bananas no Norte de Minas ocorre nos meses de novembro de 2013 a março de 2014. A menor intensidade ocorre nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2013 e abril a junho de 2014. Nos meses de novembro a março, época de maior intensidade de doença, a lavagem dos frutos com detergente neutro e hipoclorito de sódio a 2% seguida de aplicação do fungicida Imazalil é a técnica mais eficiente de controle. A lavagem dos frutos, apenas com detergente neutro pode favorecer o aparecimento de antracnose, pela degradação da cutícula.


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Background: Carboxyl/cholinesterases (CCEs) are highly diversified in insects. These enzymes have a broad range of proposed functions, in neuro/developmental processes, dietary detoxification, insecticide resistance or hormone/pheromone degradation. As few functional data are available on purified or recombinant CCEs, the physiological role of most of these enzymes is unknown. Concerning their role in olfaction, only two CCEs able to metabolize sex pheromones have been functionally characterized in insects. These enzymes are only expressed in the male antennae, and secreted into the lumen of the pheromone-sensitive sensilla. CCEs able to hydrolyze other odorants than sex pheromones, such as plant volatiles, have not been identified. Methodology: In Spodoptera littoralis, a major crop pest, a diversity of antennal CCEs has been previously identified. We have employed here a combination of molecular biology, biochemistry and electrophysiology approaches to functionally characterize an intracellular CCE, SlCXE10, whose predominant expression in the olfactory sensilla suggested a role in olfaction. A recombinant protein was produced using the baculovirus system and we tested its catabolic properties towards a plant volatile and the sex pheromone components. Conclusion: We showed that SlCXE10 could efficiently hydrolyze a green leaf volatile and to a lesser extent the sex pheromone components. The transcript level in male antennae was also strongly induced by exposure to this plant odorant. In antennae, SlCXE10 expression was associated with sensilla responding to the sex pheromones and to plant odours. These results suggest that a CCE-based intracellular metabolism of odorants could occur in insect antennae, in addition to the extracellular metabolism occurring within the sensillar lumen. This is the first functional characterization of an Odorant- Degrading Enzyme active towards a host plant volatile.


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Dioxins and furans, PCDD/Fs, are highly toxic substances formed in post combustion zones in furnaces. PCDD/F emissions are regulated by a waste incineration directive which relates also to co-incineration plants. Several observations of dioxin and furan enhancements in wet scrub- bers have been reported previously. This is thought to be due to the so-called "memory effect" which occurs when dioxins and furans absorb into plastic material in scrubbers and desorb when ambient circumstances alter significantly. At the co-incineration plant involved, dioxins and furans are controlled with a wet scrubber, the tower packing of which is made of plastic in which activated carbon particles are dispersed. This should avoid the memory effect and act as a dioxin and furan sink since dioxins and furans are absorbed irreversibly into the packing ma- terial. In this case, the tower packing in the scrubber is covered with a white layer that has been found to be mainly aluminium. The aim of this thesis was to determine the aluminium balance and the dioxin and furan behaviour in the scrubber and, thus, the impacts that the foul- ing has on dioxin and furan removal. The source of aluminium, reasons for fouling and further actions to minimize its impacts on dioxin and furan removal were also to be discovered. Measurements in various media around the scrubber and in fuels were made and a profile analysis of PCDD/F and mass balance calculations were carried out. PCDD/F content de- creased in the scrubber. The reduced PCDD/F was not discharged into scrubbing water. The removal mechanism seems to work in spite of the fouling, at least with low PCDD/F loads. Most of the PCDD/F in excess water originates from the Kymijoki River which is used as feeding water in the scrubber. Fouling turned out to consist mainly of aluminium hydroxides. Sludge combusted in the furnace was found to be a significant source of aluminium. Ways to minimize the fouling would be adjustment of pH to a proper lever, installation of a mechanical filter to catch the loose material from the scrubbing water and affecting the aluminium content of the sludge.


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Several possible methods of increasing the efficiency and power of hydro power plants by improving the flow passages are investigated in this stydy. The theoretical background of diffuser design and its application to the optimisation of hydraulic turbine draft tubes is presented in the first part of this study. Several draft tube modernisation projects that have been carried out recently are discussed. Also, a method of increasing the efficiency of the draft tube by injecting a high velocity jet into the boundary layer is presented. Methods of increasing the head of a hydro power plant by using an ejector or a jet pump are discussed in the second part of this work. The theoretical principles of various ejector and jet pump types are presented and four different methods of calculating them are examined in more detail. A self-made computer code is used to calculate the gain in the head for two example power plants. Suitable ejector installations for the example plants are also discussed. The efficiency of the ejector power was found to be in the range 6 - 15 % for conventional head increasers, and 30 % for the jet pump at its optimum operating point. In practice, it is impossible to install an optimised jet pump with a 30 % efficiency into the draft tube as this would considerabely reduce the efficiency of the draft tube at normal operating conditions. This demonstrates, however, the potential for improvement which lies in conventional head increaser technology. This study is based on previous publications and on published test results. No actual laboratory measurements were made for this study. Certain aspects of modelling the flow in the draft tube using computational fluid dynamics are discussed in the final part of this work. The draft tube inlet velocity field is a vital boundary condition for such a calculation. Several previously measured velocity fields that have successfully been utilised in such flow calculations are presented herein.


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To survive and complete their life cycle, herbivorous insects face the difficult challenge of coping with the arsenal of plant defences. A new study reports that aphids secrete evolutionarily conserved cytokines in their saliva to suppress host immune responses.