916 resultados para Balneario de Sierra Alhamilla (Almeria).
AgentSpeak is a logic-based programming language, based on the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) paradigm, suitable for building complex agent-based systems. To limit the computational complexity, agents in AgentSpeak rely on a plan library to reduce the planning problem to the much simpler problem of plan selection. However, such a plan library is often inadequate when an agent is situated in an uncertain environment. In this paper, we propose the AgentSpeak+ framework, which extends AgentSpeak with a mechanism for probabilistic planning. The beliefs of an AgentSpeak+ agent are represented using epistemic states to allow an agent to reason about its uncertain observations and the uncertain effects of its actions. Each epistemic state consists of a POMDP, used to encode the agent’s knowledge of the environment, and its associated probability distribution (or belief state). In addition, the POMDP is used to select the optimal actions for achieving a given goal, even when facing uncertainty.
Non-specific factors play an important role in determining benefits from health-promoting activities. Previous studies have focussed on beneficial outcomes of motivation during engagement. There are two aims of this project. First, we investigated whether expectancy and intrinsic motivation influence people's decisions to engage with health-promoting activities in the first instance and then subsequently adhere to them. Second, we examined the effects of providing information on health-promoting activities as a method of influencing expectancy and intrinsic motivation.
In two studies, participants were informed about a health-promoting activity (Study 1: A breathing exercise for well-being; Study 2: A gratitude exercise for smoking cessation) and told that it has either a ‘known’ or ‘unknown’ effectiveness. Participants were then given the opportunity to engage with the activity over the following days. Expectancy and intrinsic motivation were measured after reading the information and prior to engagement with the activity. Adherence to the activity was measured at follow-up.
In both studies, intrinsic motivation positively predicted willingness to engage with the activities as well as subsequent adherence. Expectancy predicted adherence in Study 1 and choices to engage in Study 2, but not after controlling for intrinsic motivation. Describing the gratitude exercise as having a known effectiveness in Study 2 enhanced motivation and adherence to the activity.
The non-specific benefit brought by intrinsic motivation plays an important role in choosing to engage with health-promoting activities as well as subsequent adherence. Our results also show that simple statements about the potential benefits of a health-promoting activity can motivate engagement and adherence.
Los Awá -más conocidos por "los de afuera" como "Coaiqueres"- han surgido durante los últimos siglos a través de un proceso de etnogénesis y ocupan actualmente, en su gran mayoría (fuera de algunos asentamientos en el departamento del Putumayo), un territorio de aproximadamente 5.000 km/ que se encuentra en la Cordilera Occidental desde la estribaciones de la Sierra Nevada del Cumbal hasta cercanías de la Costa Pacifica. en el extremo suroccidental de Colombia y en el noroccidente del Ecuador. En los últimos años este grupo ha empezado a reunirse en torno a dos organizaciones regionales: la UNIPA (Unidad Indígena del Pueblo Awá), creada hace escasos tres años en Colombia y la FCA (Federación de Centros Awá) en el Ecuador con una trayectoria un poco más larga de aproximadamente ocho años. El Pueblo Awá está viviendo un momento importante en su historia: está pasando de una organización política descentralizada a una estructura con características de poder centralizado (con autori-dades institucionalizadas: gobernadores, presidentes y comisarios, entre otros). Es entonces importante, elegir como tema de estudio este cambio socio-politico a nivel de todo el grupo, o por los menos en lo que se refiere a Colombia, ya que para el caso de los Awá del Ecuador existe una valiosa investigación al respecto (cfr. Figueroa l99l). No obstante, el presente trabajo es un estudio de caso que describe la historia de un asentamiento Awá en el departamento de Nariño (Colombia); investiga la relación enrre la tradición y la modernidad en una comunidad particular: kankapi
À travers la littérature théorique sur le sujet, nous avons pu remarquer que pendant les dernières années, le processus migratoire a subi des changements : le nombre de migrations internationales a augmenté et les flux migratoires ont privilegié des directions nouvelles. En même temps, grâce au développement accélére des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) et à la baisse de leurs coûts, les caractéristiques de la migration ont été modifiées : les pratiques de communication transnationales sont devenues facilement accessibles et plus fréquentes. Les TIC ont mis au service des migrants de nouveaux circuits pour communiquer et ont introduit des changements dans la façon de le faire. Le discours transmis au moyen des TIC n'est pas limité au récit d'événements : il est composé par des expressions d'émotions, d'états d'âme récents, des sensations, qui permettent de rapprocher les territoires, et même de les unifier, donnant l'image d'une présence connectée. Ce lointain devenu accessible par les TIC crée un espace social de présences simultanées, ou plutôt de coprésences, défini par une forte interaction qui a remplacé aujourd'hui le sentiment ancien de double absence (n'être plus là et pas encore ici). L'ancienne image du migrant déraciné s'est vue remplacée par celle d'un migrant qui circule en gardant le contact avec son pays d'origine. Ce nouveau modèle, celui du migrant connecté, est caracterisé par l'hypermobilité et la multiappartenance qui l'installent dans une mobilité perçue, de nos jours, comme positive. L'usage répandu des nouvelles technologies a permis l'expression d'une culture du lien (jusqu'ici existante à l'état latent et peu développée), axée sur la création de réseaux. Les réseaux pourraient occuper une importance majeure dans le processus d'intégration à un nouveau territoire, dans la participation à la vie associative ainsi que dans la conservation de la mémoire identitaire. Notre cadre théorique est constitué par la littérature sur le sujet et nous allons nous appuyer sur une recherche de terrain pour constater à quel degré un groupe précis, celui des immigrants argentins à Sherbrooke, se sert des TIC dans son vécu migratoire et de quelle manière cet usage peut avoir une influence sur son intégration au pays d'accueil.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História da Expansão e dos Descobrimentos Portugueses
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Statins display anti-inflammatory and anti-epileptogenic properties in animal models, and may reduce the epilepsy risk in elderly humans; however, a possible modulating role on outcome in patients with status epilepticus (SE) has not been assessed. METHODS: This cohort study was based on a prospective registry including all consecutive adults with incident SE treated in our center between April 2006 and September 2012. SE outcome was categorized at hospital discharge into 'return to baseline', 'new disability' and 'mortality'. The role of potential predictors, including statins treatment on admission, was evaluated using a multinomial logistic regression model. RESULTS: Amongst 427 patients identified, information on statins was available in 413 (97%). Mean age was 60.9 (±17.8) years; 201 (49%) were women; 211 (51%) had a potentially fatal SE etiology; and 191 (46%) experienced generalized-convulsive or non-convulsive SE in coma. Statins (simvastatin, atorvastatin or pravastatin) were prescribed prior to admission in 76 (18%) subjects, mostly elderly. Whilst 208 (50.4%) patients returned to baseline, 58 (14%) died. After adjustment for established SE outcome predictors (age, etiology, SE severity score), statins correlated significantly with lower mortality (relative risk ratio 0.38, P = 0.046). CONCLUSION: This study suggests for the first time that exposure to statins before an SE episode is related to its outcome, involving a possible anti-epileptogenic role. Other studies are needed to confirm this intriguing finding.
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This thesis explored early literacy development in young vulnerable readers. More specifically, this thesis examined an emergent literacy program called Reading Rocks Junior offered by the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region to children four- to six-years of age living in low socioeconomic status communities. Three methodologies were combined to create a rich and complete picture of an effective and accessible literacy program. First of all, a description of the Reading Rocks Junior program is outlined. Secondly, quantitative data that was collected pre- and post- program was analyzed to demonstrate achievement gains made as a result of participating in the program. Finally, qualitative interviews with the program coordinator, the convener of the agency that funded Reading Rocks Junior and three parents whose children participated in the program were analyzed to determine the contextual factors that make Reading Rocks Junior a success.
Tesis (Maestría en Salud Pública) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Enfasis en Aministración de Servicios) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Inmunolobiología) UANL, 2011.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Odontopediatría) UANL, 2012.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Periodoncia con Implantología) UANL, 2012.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Salud Pública) UANL, 2012.