943 resultados para Bacterial Protein Secretion


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Orally administered antigens induce a state of immunologic hyporesponsiveness termed oral tolerance. Different mechanisms are involved in mediating oral tolerance depending on the dose fed. Low doses of antigen generate cytokine-secreting regulatory cells, whereas high doses induce anergy or deletion. We used mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor (TCR) derived from an encephalitogenic T-cell clone specific for the acetylated N-terminal peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) Ac-1-11 plus I-Au to test whether a regulatory T cell could be generated from the same precursor cell as that of an encephalitogenic Th1 cell and whether the induction was dose dependent. The MBP TCR transgenic mice primarily have T cells of a precursor phenotype that produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) with little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). We fed transgenic animals a low-dose (1 mg x 5) or high-dose (25 mg x 1) regimen of mouse MBP and without further immunization spleen cells were tested for cytokine production. Low-dose feeding induced prominent secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta, whereas minimal secretion of these cytokines was observed with high-dose feeding. Little or no change was seen in proliferation or IL-2/IFN-gamma secretion in fed animals irrespective of the dose. To demonstrate in vivo functional activity of the cytokine-secreting cells generated by oral antigen, spleen cells from low-dose-fed animals were adoptively transferred into naive (PLJ x SJL)F1 mice that were then immunized for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Marked suppression of EAE was observed when T cells were transferred from MBP-fed transgenic animals but not from animals that were not fed. In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals with MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant induced IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells in vitro and experimental encephalomyelitis in vivo. Despite the large number of cells reactive to MBP in the transgenic animals, EAE was also suppressed by low-dose feeding of MBP prior to immunization. These results demonstrate that MBP-specific T cells can differentiate in vivo into encephalitogenic or regulatory T cells depending upon the context by which they are exposed to antigen.


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Pathogenic yersiniae secrete a set of antihost proteins, called Yops, by a type III secretion mechanism. Upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica translocate cytotoxin YopE across the host cell plasma membrane. Several lines of evidence suggest that tyrosine phosphatase YopH follows the same pathway. We analyzed internalization of YopE and YopH into murine PU5-1.8 macrophages by using recombinant Y. enterocolitica producing truncated YopE and YopH proteins fused to a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase. The YopE-cyclase and YopH-cyclase hybrids were readily secreted by Y. enterocolitica. The N-terminal domain required for secretion was not longer than 15 residues of YopE and 17 residues of YopH. Internalization into eukaryotic cells, revealed by cAMP production, only required the N-terminal 50 amino acid residues of YopE and the N-terminal 71 amino acid residues of YopH. YopE and YopH are thus modular proteins composed of a secretion domain, a translocation domain, and an effector domain. Translocation of YopE and YopH across host cell's membranes was also dependent on the secretion of YopB and YopD by the same bacterium. The cyclase fusion approach could be readily extended to study the fate of other proteins secreted by invasive bacterial pathogens.


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The Escherichia coli DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box protein DbpA is a putative RNA helicase and established RNA-dependent ATPase and is the only member of the DEAD box protein family for which a specific RNA substrate, bacterial 23S rRNA, has been identified. We have investigated the nature of this specificity in depth and have localized by deletion mutagenesis and PCR a single region of 93 bases (bases 2496-2588) in 23S rRNA that is both necessary and sufficient for complete activation of ATPase activity of DbpA. This target region forms part of the peptidyltransferase center and includes many bases involved in interaction with the 3' terminal adenosines of both A- and P-site tRNAs. Deletion of stem loops within the 93-base segment abolished ATPase activation. Similarly, point mutations that disrupt base pairing within stem structures ablated stimulation of ATPase activity. These data are consistent with roles for DbpA either in establishing and/or maintaining the correct three-dimensional structure of the peptidyltransferase center in 23S rRNA during ribosome assembly or in the peptidyltransferase reaction.


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Neurodegenerative processes in Alzheimer disease (AD) are thought to be driven in part by the deposition of amyloid beta (A beta), a 39- to 43-amino acid peptide product resulting from an alternative cleavage of amyloid precursor protein. Recent descriptions of in vitro neurotoxic effects of A beta support this hypothesis and suggest toxicity might be mediated by A beta-induced neuronal calcium disregulation. In addition, it has been reported that "aging" A beta results in increased toxic potency due to peptide aggregation and formation of a beta-sheet secondary structure. In addition, A beta might also promote neuropathology indirectly by activating immune/inflammatory pathways in affected areas of the brain (e.g., cortex and hippocampus). Here we report that A beta can modulate cytokine secretion [interleukins 6 and 8 (IL-6 and IL-8)] from human astrocytoma cells (U-373 MG). Freshly prepared and aged A beta modestly stimulated IL-6 and IL-8 secretion from U-373 MG cells. However, in the presence of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), aged, but not fresh, A beta markedly potentiated (3- to 8-fold) cytokine release. In contrast, aged A beta did not potentiate substance P (NK-1)- or histamine (H1)-stimulated cytokine production. Further studies showed that IL-1 beta-induced cytokine release was potentiated by A beta-(25-35), while A beta-(1-16) was inactive. Calcium disregulation may be responsible for the effects of A beta on cytokine production, since the calcium ionophore A23187 similarly potentiated IL-1 beta-induced cytokine secretion and EGTA treatment blocked either A beta or A23187 activity. Thus, chronic neurodegeneration in AD-affected brain regions may be mediated in part by the ability of A beta to exacerbate inflammatory pathways in a conformation-dependent manner.


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Many of the molecules necessary for neurotransmission are homologous to proteins involved in the Golgi-to-plasma membrane stage of the yeast secretory pathway. Of 15 genes known to be essential for the later stages of vesicle trafficking in yeast, 7 have no identified mammalian homologs. These include the yeast SEC6, SEC8, and SEC15 genes, whose products are constituents of a 19.5S particle that interacts with the GTP-binding protein Sec4p. Here we report the sequences of rSec6 and rSec8, rat homologs of Sec6p and Sec8p. The rSec6 cDNA is predicted to encode an 87-kDa protein with 22% amino acid identity to Sec6p, and the rSec8 cDNA is predicted to encode a 110-kDa protein which is 20% identical to Sec8p. Northern blot analysis indicates that rSec6 and rSec8 are expressed in similar tissues. Immunodetection reveals that rSec8 is part of a soluble 17S particle in brain. COS cell cotransfection studies demonstrate that rSec8 colocalizes with the GTP-binding protein Rab3a and syntaxin 1a, two proteins involved in synaptic vesicle docking and fusion at the presynaptic terminal. These data suggest that rSec8 is a component of a high molecular weight complex which may participate in the regulation of vesicle docking and fusion in brain.


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Simultaneous measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration and insulin release, in mouse single pancreatic islets, revealed a direct correlation only initially after stimulation with glucose or K+. Later, there is an apparent dissociation between these two parameters, with translocation of alpha and epsilon isoenzymes of protein kinase C to membranes and simultaneous desensitization of insulin release in response to glucose. Recovery of insulin release, without any concomitant changes in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, after addition of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, okadaic acid, and forskolin supports the notion that the desensitization process is accounted for by dephosphorylation of key regulatory sites of the insulin exocytotic machinery.


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Secretion of inflammatory mediators by rat mast cells (line RBL-2H3) was earlier shown to be inhibited upon clustering a membrane glycoprotein by monoclonal antibody G63. This glycoprotein, named mast cell function-associated antigen (MAFA), was also shown to interfere with the coupling cascade of the type 1 Fc epsilon receptor upstream to phospholipase C gamma 1 activation by protein-tyrosine kinases. Here we report that the MAFA is expressed as both a monomer and a homodimer. Expression cloning of its cDNA shows that it contains a single open reading frame, encoding a 188-amino acid-long type II integral membrane protein. The 114 C-terminal amino acids display sequence homology with the carbohydrate-binding domain of calcium-dependent animal lectins, many of which have immunological functions. The cytoplasmic tail of MAFA contains a YXXL (YSTL) motif, which is conserved among related C-type lectins and is an essential element in the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs. Finally, changes in the MAFA tyrosyl- and seryl-phosphorylation levels are observed in response to monoclonal antibody G63 binding, antigenic stimulation, and a combination of both treatments.


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Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and single-cell Ca2+ measurements were used to study the control of Ca2+ entry through the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ influx pathway (ICRAC) in rat basophilic leukemia cells. When intracellular inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-sensitive stores were depleted by dialyzing cells with high concentrations of InsP3, ICRAC inactivated only slightly in the absence of ATP. Inclusion of ATP accelerated inactivation 2-fold. The inactivation was increased further by the ATP analogue adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate, which is readily used by protein kinases, but not by 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate, another ATP analogue that is not used by kinases. Neither cyclic nucleotides nor inhibition of calmodulin or tyrosine kinase prevented the inactivation. Staurosporine and bisindolylmaleimide, protein kinase C inhibitors, reduced inactivation of ICRAC, whereas phorbol ester accelerated inactivation of the current. These results demonstrate that a protein kinase-mediated phosphorylation, probably through protein kinase C, inactivates ICRAC. Activation of the adenosine receptor (A3 type) in RBL cells did not evoke much Ca2+ influx or systematic activation of ICRAC. After protein kinase C was blocked, however, large ICRAC was observed in all cells and this was accompanied by large Ca2+ influx. The ability of a receptor to evoke Ca2+ entry is determined, at least in part, by protein kinase C. Antigen stimulation, which triggers secretion through a process that requires Ca2+ influx, activated ICRAC. The regulation of ICRAC by protein kinase will therefore have important consequences on cell functioning.


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The Gram-negative bacterial pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae is naturally competent for transformation with species-related DNA. We show here that two phase-variable pilus-associated proteins, the major pilus subunit (pilin, or PilE) and PilC, a factor known to function in the assembly and adherence of gonococcal pili, are essential for transformation competence. The PilE and PilC proteins are necessary for the conversion of linearized plasmid DNA carrying the Neisseria-specific DNA uptake signal into a DNase-resistant form. The biogenesis of typical pilus fibers is neither essential nor sufficient for this process. DNA uptake deficiency of defined piliated pilC1,2 double mutants can be complemented by expression of a cloned pilC2 gene in trans. The PilC defect can also be restored by the addition of purified PilC protein, or better, pili containing PilC protein, to the mutant gonococci. Our data suggest that the two phase-variable Pil proteins act on the bacterial cell surface and cooperate in DNA recognition and/or outer membrane translocation.


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To the breast-fed infant, human milk is more than a source of nutrients; it furnishes a wide array of molecules that restrict microbes, such as antibodies, bactericidins, and inhibitors of bacterial adherence. However, it has rarely been considered that human milk may also contain substances bioactive toward host cells. While investigating the effect of human milk on bacterial adherence to a human lung cancer cell line, we were surprised to discover that the milk killed the cells. Analysis of this effect revealed that a component of milk in a particular physical state--multimeric alpha-lact-albumin--is a potent Ca(2+)-elevating and apoptosis-inducing agent with broad, yet selective, cytotoxic activity. Multimeric alpha-lactalbumin killed all transformed, embryonic, and lymphoid cells tested but spared mature epithelial elements. These findings raise the possibility that milk contributes to mucosal immunity not only by furnishing antimicrobial molecules but also by policing the function of lymphocytes and epithelium. Finally, analysis of the mechanism by which multimeric alpha-lactalbumin induces apoptosis in transformed epithelial cells could lead to the design of antitumor agents.


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Shigella flexneri is a Gram-negative bacterial pathogen that can grow directly in the cytoplasm of infected host cells and uses a form of actin-based motility for intra- and intercellular spread. Moving intracellular bacteria are associated with a polarized "comet tail" composed of actin filaments. IcsA, a 120-kDa outer membrane protein necessary for actin-based motility, is located at a single pole on the surface of the organism, at the junction with the actin tail. Here, we demonstrate that stable expression of IcsA on the surface of Escherichia coli is sufficient to allow actin-dependent movement of E. coli in cytoplasmic extracts, at rates comparable to the movement of S. flexneri in infected cells. Thus, IcsA is the sole Shigella-specific factor required for actin-based motility. Continuous protein synthesis and polarized distribution of the protein are not necessary for actin tail formation or movement. Listeria monocytogenes is an unrelated bacterial pathogen that exhibits similar actin-based intracytoplasmic motility. Actin filament dynamics in the comet tails associated with the two different organisms are essentially identical, which indicates that they have independently evolved mechanisms to interact with the same components of the host cytoskeleton.


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We describe the full-length (72 kDa) myotonin protein kinase (Mt-PK) and demonstrate its kinase activity. The 72-kDa protein corresponds to the translation product from the first in-frame AUG codon. This protein was found in the cytoplasmic fraction, whereas the previously reported 55-kDa protein was observed in nuclear extracts. Only the 72-kDa protein was phosphorylated by [32P]phosphate in normal human fibroblasts. To investigate the putative kinase activity of Mt-PK, a construct containing the full-length open reading frame of Mt-PK was expressed in bacterial cells. The recombinant Mt-PK autophosphorylates a Ser residue and phosphorylates the synthetic peptide Gly-Arg-Gly-Leu-Ser-Leu-Ser-Arg, which contains a Ser residue in the phosphorylation site. We examined phosphorylation of the voltage-dependent Ca(2+)-release channel, or dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR), by recombinant Mt-PK. We observed that the beta subunit of DHPR was phosphorylated in vitro by Mt-PK. A beta-subunit DHPR peptide containing some of the Ser residues predicted to be phosphorylated was synthesized and found to be a substrate for Mt-PK in vitro. We conclude that the 72-kDa Mt-PK has a protein kinase activity specific for Ser residues.


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Secretion of anionic endo- and xenobiotics is essential for the survival of animal and plant cells; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain uncertain. To better understand one such model system--i.e., secretion of bile acids by the liver--we utilized a strategy analogous to that employed to identify the multidrug resistance (mdr) genes. We synthesized the methyl ester of glycocholic acid (GCE), which readily enters cells, where it is hydrolyzed to yield glycocholic acid, a naturally occurring bile acid. The rat hepatoma-derived HTC cell line gradually acquired resistance to GCE concentrations 20-fold higher than those which inhibited growth of naive cells, yet intracellular accumulation of radiolabel in resistant cells exposed to [14C]GCE averaged approximately 25% of that in nonresistant cells. As compared with nonresistant cells, resistant cells also exhibited (i) cross-resistance to colchicine, a known mdr substrate, but not to other noxious substances transported by hepatocytes; (ii) increased abundance on Northern blot of mRNA species up to 7-10 kb recognized by a probe for highly conserved nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) sequences of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins; (iii) increased abundance, as measured by RNase protection assay, of mRNA fragments homologous to a NBD cRNA probe; and (iv) dramatic overexpression, as measured by Western blotting and immunofluorescence, of a group of 150- to 200-kDa plasma membrane proteins recognized by a monoclonal antibody against a region flanking the highly conserved NBD of mdr/P-glycoproteins. Finally, Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with mRNA from resistant cells and incubated with [14C]GCE secreted radiolabel more rapidly than did control oocytes. Enhanced secretion of glycocholic acid in this cell line is associated with overexpression of ABC/mdr-related proteins, some of which are apparently novel and are likely to include a bile acid transport protein.


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Structural evidence has accumulated suggesting that fusion and/or translocation factors are involved in plastid membrane biogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we have developed an in vitro system in which the extent of fusion and/or translocation is monitored by the conversion of the xanthophyll epoxide (antheraxanthin) into the red ketocarotenoid (capsanthin). Only chromoplast membrane vesicles from red pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum) contain the required enzyme. Vesicles prepared from the mutant yellow cultivar are devoid of this enzyme and accumulate antheraxanthin. The fusion and/or translocation activity is characterized by complementation due to the synthesis of capsanthin and the parallel decrease of antheraxanthin when the two types of vesicles are incubated together in the presence of plastid stroma. We show that the extent of conversion is dependent upon an ATP-requiring protein that is sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide. Further purification and immunological analysis have revealed that the active factor, designated plastid fusion and/or translocation factor (Pftf), resides in a protein of 72 kDa. cDNA cloning revealed that mature Pftf has significant homology to yeast and animal (NSF) or bacterial (Ftsh) proteins involved in vesicle fusion or membrane protein translocation.


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Inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase, inositol monophosphate phosphatase, and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase share a sequence motif, Asp-Pro-(Ile or Leu)-Asp-(Gly or Ser)-(Thr or Ser), that has been shown by crystallographic and mutagenesis studies to bind metal ions and participate in catalysis. We compared the six alpha-carbon coordinates of this motif from the crystal structures of these three phosphatases and found that they are superimposable with rms deviations ranging from 0.27 to 0.60 A. Remarkably, when these proteins were aligned by this motif a common core structure emerged, defined by five alpha-helices and 11 beta-strands comprising 155 residues having rms deviations ranging from 1.48 to 2.66 A. We used the superimposed structures to align the sequences within the common core, and a distant relationship was observed suggesting a common ancestor. The common core was used to align the sequences of several other proteins that share significant similarity to inositol monophosphate phosphatase, including proteins encoded by fungal qa-X and qutG, bacterial suhB and cysQ (identical to amtA), and yeast met22 (identical to hal2). Evolutionary comparison of the core sequences indicate that five distinct branches exist within this family. These proteins share metal-dependent/Li(+)-sensitive phosphomonoesterase activity, and each predicted tree branch exhibits unique substrate specificity. Thus, these proteins define an ancient structurally conserved family involved in diverse metabolic pathways including inositol signaling, gluconeogenesis, sulfate assimilation, and possibly quinone metabolism. Furthermore, we suggest that this protein family identifies candidate enzymes to account for both the therapeutic and toxic actions of Li+ as it is used in patients treated for manic depressive disease.