898 resultados para Bacillus cereus MTCC 8372
Novel microbiocides 2-(hydroxymethyl)benzo[d)isothiazol-3(2H)-one (7) and (3-oxobenzo[d]isothiazol-2(3H)-yl)methyl benzencarboxylates (11a-c) were synthesized in good yields, and their structures were characterized by means of H-1 NMR, MS, and elemental analysis. The new compounds were tested preliminarily in laboratory assays against the aquicolous bacteria including Escherichia coli, Staphyloccus aurueus, Vibrio alginolyticus, Aeromonas hydrophila, and Bacillus subtilis. The results show all the synthesized compounds have good antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity of all the tested compounds against all test bacteria is >96.6% at the concentration of 10(-2) mg mL(-1). These compounds can be further developed for effective microbiocides in the future.
微生物与矿物间的相互作用是自然界中广泛发生的一种地质作用,微生物直接参与了自然界的物质循环,微生物对矿物风化作用的过程和机理与矿物种类、菌种及环境条件密切相关。目前还缺乏对矿物风化微观过程及风化过程中微生物生理生化特征的研究资料,随着分子生物学理论与技术的快速发展,用地球化学结合微生物学与分子生物学的理论和方法来综合研究微生物的矿物风化过程已成为可能。从分子水平和微观作用过程研究其风化过程与机理,理解微生物与矿物界面之间的相互作用及其反馈机制,是表生作用过程中生物地球化学的重要研究内容。 选用胶质芽孢杆菌(Bacillus mucilaginosus)、黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)和青霉(Penicillium sp.),以磷矿石和方解石为例,探讨实验条件下微生物对矿物的风化作用过程与机理。微生物对矿物风化作用具有能耗低、污染小和流程短等特点,充分利用这些特点是解决土壤中无效磷的有效利用、磷矿资源的开发以及减少环境污染等问题的有效途径,对矿产资源的可持续利用和建立健康的生态环境具有十分重要的意义。采用离子色谱、ICP-OES、XRD、TEM、EDS、2-DE、电子探针和MC-ICP-MS等分析测试手段,研究微生物对矿物的风化过程与机理,得到如下结果: (1) 在黑曲霉对磷矿石风化过程中,由黑曲霉生长引发的生物机械破坏作用和生物化学降解作用是对磷矿石风化的主要趋动力,包括菌丝生长对矿物的穿插作用以及机械剥蚀作用;此外,菌体及生物大分子形成生物膜覆盖在矿物表面形成易于发生生化降解的微环境,有机酸络合Ca生成次生矿物草酸钙促进了磷矿石的风化。磷矿石直接与菌体接触所发生的风化作用强于磷矿石装入透析袋中的间接风化作用。 (2) 在胶质芽孢杆菌对磷矿石的风化过程中,菌体及其胞外多糖类物质在矿粉表面形成生物膜、菌体生长、代谢产物及有机物的机械剥蚀破碎作用等是造成矿物风化的重要原因;磷矿石直接与菌体接触进行的风化作用强于磷矿石装入透析袋中的间接风化作用。 (3) 黑曲霉对磷矿石的风化作用强于胶质芽孢杆菌,两者对磷矿石进行风化时,生物物理风化作用是导致矿物风化的主要因素;胶质芽孢杆菌风化磷矿石的过程中没有草酸钙的产生。 (4) 胶质芽孢杆菌对磷矿石的风化过程中,菌体蛋白质的表达发生变化,蛋白质的量与质的变化与磷矿石的风化密切有关。磷矿石的加入导致菌体生理代谢途径改变以适应环境的变化,并分泌相关的蛋白质导致矿物的风化。 (5) 采用Sr同位素示踪研究黑曲霉与青霉对磷灰石和方解石混合物的风化差异。黑曲霉作用混合矿物的初期,培养液pH值相对较低,对其中方解石有风化作用;中后期由于pH值升高,对磷灰石有较强的风化作用,对磷灰石的风化是由黑曲霉产生的大分子有机物对磷灰石中Ca络合的结果。青霉与混合矿物发生相互作用时,在最初的很短时间内青霉对磷灰石有风化作用,但对方解石的风化作用却表现在整个风化作用时间段,相比而言,青霉对磷灰石的风化作用不明显。这种风化差异与真菌的生物学特性有关,并表现为微生物对矿物风化的选择性。 本项研究对进一步认识土壤植被生态系统中的磷循环规律和循环过程中微生物所起的作用,以及用微生物风化作用的方式促进磷矿资源开发利用具有重要理论和实际意义。
No município de Guaíra, SP identificou-se a necessidade de realizar uma pesquisa interdisciplinar para avaliar o efeito das práticas de manejo em sistemas de produção. Dessa forma, em áreas irrigadas de agricultores desse município e do município de Suzano, SP, foi realizado um estudo metodológico, comparando-se dois tratamentos: um sistema de manejo alternativo (SA) e outro convencional(SC), utilizado pelo produtor, em sistema de preparo convencional do solo (PC) ou em sistema de plantio direto (PD), tendo a mata nativa(M) como um sistema referência auto-sustentável. Para avaliação, foram selecionados diversos parâmetros: físicos e químicos (compactação do solo, velocidade de infiltração básica da água, agregação de partículas do solo, pH, V%, CTC e teor de matéria orgânica), biológicos/bioquímicos (incidência de patógenos e pragas, grupos de microrganismos, atividade enzimática da desidrogenase, polissacarídeos e biomassa microbiana e de produtividade). Após três anos de aplicação dessa metodologia em Guaíra, os resultados mostraram que o PD reduziu em 50% a incidência de patógenos produtores de escleródios (Sclerotium rolfsii e Sclerotinia sclerotiorum). Também, melhoria das propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, verificadas pela maior quantidade de matéria orgânica incorporada, maior atividade microbiana e agregação de partículas do solo avaliadas pela quantificação de polissacarídeos, desidrogenase e biomassa em C e, por conseguinte, menor incidência dos patógenos. A análise dos custos de produção realizado de 1994- 97, ainda apresentaram vantagens do SC em relação ao SA em Guaíra, diferentemente de Suzano, que, após 6 anos, já mantém um sistema de produção equilibrado. No controle biológico, a bactéria Bacillus subtilis proporcionou uma redução de 50% de Fusarium solani, agente da podridão radicular do feijoeiro, um aumento de emergência de 20% em relação ao controle químico.
Página modelo; Simbologia empregada; Doenças causadas por fungos; Míldio da soja (Peronospora manshurica); Oídio da soja (Microsphaera diffusa); Ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi); Mancha parda da folha (Septoria glycines); Mancha alvo (Corynespora cassiicola); Mancha olho-de-rã (Cercospora sojina); Mancha púrpura (Cercospora kikuchi); Seca da haste e da vagem (Phomopsis spp.); Antracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum); Cancro da haste (Phomopsis phaseoli f. sp. meridionalis); Podridão parda da haste (Phialophora gregata); Podridão vermelha da raiz (Fusarium solani); Mofo branco da haste (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum); Murcha de esclerotium (Sclerotium rolfsii); Podridão da raiz e da haste (Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea); Mela da folha (Rhizoctonia solani); Tombamento (Rhizoctonia solani); Morte em reboleira (Rhizoctonia solani); Roseliniose (Dematophora necatrix); Podridão negra da raiz (Macrophomina phaseolina); Doenças causadas por nematóides; Nematóide de cisto (Heterodera glycines); Nematóide de galha (Meloidogyne incognita); Doenças causadas por vírus; Mosaico comum da soja; Queima do broto; Doenças causadas por bactérias; Pústula bacteriana (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines); Fogo selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci); Crestamento bacteriano (Pseudomonas savastonoi pv. glycinea); Microorganismos que frequentemente causam a morte das sementes a campo; Aspergillus spp.; Penicillium spp.; Bacillus subtilis; Créditos fotográficos; Estádios vegetativos da planta de soja; Estádios reprodutivos da planta de soja.
Estatuto Social. Programação. Resumos: Roadmapping da comercialização de inoculantes no Brasil: novas estratégias, articulações e demandas da ANPII. Evaluación de la sobrevida bacteriana en un pre-inoculante para soja. Utilização de um inoculante padrão como referência para a determinação de qualidade de produtos comerciais. Comparação e adequação de metodologias para controle de qualidade de inoculantes comerciais para leguminosas. Avaliação da produtividade da cultura do milho com diferentes doses de fósforo e inoculação com Penicillium bilaiae. Testes de eficiência agronômica da tecnologia de co-inoculação de rizóbios e azospirillum em soja e feijoeiro. Eficiência simbiótica de estirpes isoladas de áreas cultivadas com soja em Roraima. Interação entre cultivares de arroz irrigado com bactérias diazotrófricas associativas. A construção de uma rede de promoção do benefício da FBN através dos inoculantes: uma proposta metodológica em busca de uma Agricultura de Baixo Carbono. Efeitos da fertilização nas características de promoção de crescimento vegetal: direcionando a prospecção de inoculantes. Potencial de expansão da FBN para a produção de grãos no Brasil pela agricultura familiar. Promoção do crescimento inicial do milho estimulado por Bacillus sp. Validação e demandas de estirpes de rizóbio para a inoculação de espécies arbóreas, adubos verdes e forrageiras visando metas do programa ABC e novo código florestal. Tecnologia de bioprocessos aplicada ao desenvolvimento de inoculantes e novos insumos biológicos. A construção de uma rede de promoção do benefício da FBN através dos inoculantes: uma proposta metodológica em busca de uma Agricultura de Baixo Carbono. A pesquisa em Fixação Biológica do Nitrogênio na Embrapa Soja: passado, presente e perspectivas futuras. Embrapa Cerrados: 37 anos de contribuições para o avanço da FBN no Brasil. Especificidade de rizóbios em ervilha. Ata técnica da assembleia geral ordinária da XVI RELARE. Ata da eleição da diretoria da RELARE para o biênio 2012-2014. Relação de participantes da XVI RELARE.
Mildio da soja (Peronospera manshurica); Oidio da soja (Microsphaera diffusa); Mancha parda da folha (Septoria glycines); Mancha alvo (Corynespora cassiicola); Mancha de alternaria (Alternaria spp.); Mancha olho-de-rã (Cercospora sojina); Mancha purpura (Cercospora kikuchii); Seca da haste e da vagem (Phomopsis spp.); Antracnose (Colletotrichum truncatum); Cancro da haste (Phomopsis phaseoli f. sp. meridionalis); Podridão parda da haste (Phialophora gregata); Podridão vermelha da raiz (Fusarium solani); Mofo branco da haste (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum); Murcha de esclerotium (Sclerotium rolfsii); Podridão da raiz e da haste (Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea); Mela da folha (Rhizoctonia solani); Tombamento (Rhizoctonia solani); Morte em reboleira (Rhizoctonia solani); Roseliniose (Dematophora necatrix); Podridão negra da raiz (Macrophomina phaseolina); Nematoide de cisto (Heterodera glycines); Nematoide de galha (Meloidogyne incognita); Mosaico comum da soja; Queima do broto; Pustula bacteriana (Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines); Fogo selvagem (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci); Crestamento bacteriano (Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea); Aspergillus spp.; Penicillium spp.; Bacillus subtilis; Créditos fotográficos; Estádios vegetativos da planta de soja; Estádios produtivos da planta de soja.
Situação atual do marco regulatório sobre o acesso ao patrimônio genético frente às atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de produtos biológicos. Principais atividades da coordenação de fertilizantes, inoculantes e corretivos no biênio 2012-2014. Resultados das análises da fiscalização de produtos inoculantes para leguminosas nos anos de 2012-2013 e estabelecimento de um ensaio interlaboratorial. Perspectivas de uso de inoculantes microbianos no Brasil: a visão da ANPII. A rede ?FBN_ABC?: compromisso com a promoção dos benefícios da Fixação Biológica do Nitrogênio ( FBN) através dos inoculantes. Método alternativo para contagem e viabilidade celular para inoculantes: novo horizonte baseado em citometria de fluxo. Alternativa metodológica para contagem de Azospirillum em inoculantes. Sugestão para alterações nos meios de cultura e análises de Azospirillum nas instruções normativas Nº 30 e Nº 13 do MAPA. Análise de nodulação de soja e uso de um inoculante padrão em casa de vegetação para determinar a qualidade de produtos comerciais. Eficiência simbiótica de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium para a produção de mudas de Centrolobium paraense. Avaliação da eficiência agronômica de novas estirpes de rizóbio para a cultura do feijoeiro. Caracterização e avaliação agronômica de novos isolados de rizóbio obtidos de nódulos de genótipos silvestes de feijoeiro-comum. Resposta do feijoeiro irrigado à inoculação em fazendas do GTEC-feijão em Unaí-MG: safras 2012 e 2013. Recomendação de nova estirpe de Rhizobium para feijão-comum. Sobrevida en semillas de soja de esporas de Penicillium bilaiae. Uso y sistema de aplicación de promotores del crecimiento em semilla de soja. Novas tecnologias na cultura da soja: métodos de inoculação, densidades de plantas e novas estirpes de Bradyrhizobium. Relato dos resultados de ensaios de adubação nitrogenada na cultura da soja pelo CESB (Comitê Estratégico Soja Brasil). Resposta do amendoinzeiro à inoculação. Efeito de biofertilizante na promoção de crescimento e aumento de produtividade de arroz. Alterações de germinação e vigor de sementes da cultivar de arroz BRS pampa tratadas com indutores de crescimento. Promoção do crescimento de milho por novas estirpes de bactérias associativas: resultados de ensaios em rede conduzidos pelo instituto nacional de ciência e tecnologia da Fixação Biológica do Nitrogênio (INCT-FBN) Metodologias de inoculação de Azospirillum brasilense na cultura de milho. O conteúdo de exopolissacarídeos e polihidroxibutirato influenciam a sobrevivência de Azospirillum brasilense e o desenvolvimento de raízes de plântulas de milho. Reclassificação de espécies de estirpes autorizadas para as culturas da soja e do feijoeiro e revelações obtidas no sequenciamento dos seus genomas. Coinoculaçâo da soja e do feijoeiro com rizóbios e Azospirillum brasilense. Validação de estirpes de rizóbio para a inoculação de espécies arbóreas, adubos verdes e forrageiras visando metas do programa ABC e do novo código florestal. Evaluación de un inoculante formulado con cepas de Bacillus amyloliquefaciens para el control biológico de hongos fitopatógenos. Relação de membros credenciados na Relare. Ata técnica da assembleia geral ordinária da XVII Relare. Ata da eleição da diretoria da Relare para o biênio 2014 ? 2016. Relação dos participantes da XVII Relare.
The ptsH gene, encoding the phosphotransferase protein HPr, from Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was identified from the genome sequence, cloned and shown to complement a ptsH mutant of Escherichia coli. The deduced protein sequence shares significant homology with HPr proteins from other low-GC gram-positive bacteria, although the highly conserved sequence surrounding the Ser-46 phosphorylation site is not well preserved in the clostridial protein. Nevertheless, the HPr was phosphorylated in an ATP-dependent manner in cell-free extracts of C. acetobutylicum. Furthermore, purified His-tagged HPr from Bacillus subtilis was also a substrate for the clostridial HPr kinase/phosphorylase. This phosphorylation reaction is a key step in the mechanism of carbon catabolite repression proposed to operate in B. subtilis and other low-GC gram-positive bacteria. Putative genes encoding the HPr kinase/phosphorylase and the other element of this model, namely the catabolite control protein CcpA, were identified from the C. acetobutylicum genome sequence, suggesting that a similar mechanism of carbon catabolite repression may operate in this industrially important organism.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Petrochemical plastics/polymers are a common feature of day to day living as they occur in packaging, furniture, mobile phones, computers, construction equipment etc. However, these materials are produced from non-renewable materials and are resistant to microbial degradation in the environment. Considerable research has therefore been carried out into the production of sustainable, biodegradable polymers, amenable to microbial catabolism to CO2 and H2O. A key group of microbial polyesters, widely considered as optimal replacement polymers, are the Polyhydroxyalkaonates (PHAs). Primary research in this area has focused on using recombinant pure cultures to optimise PHA yields, however, despite considerable success, the high costs of pure culture fermentation have thus far hindered the commercial viability of PHAs thus produced. In more recent years work has begun to focus on mixed cultures for the optimisation of PHA production, with waste incorporations offering optimal production cost reductions. The scale of dairy processing in Ireland, and the high organic load wastewaters generated, represent an excellent potential substrate for bioconversion to PHAs in a mixed culture system. The current study sought to investigate the potential for such bioconversion in a laboratory scale biological system and to establish key operational and microbial characteristics of same. Two sequencing batch reactors were set up and operated along the lines of an enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) system, which has PHA accumulation as a key step within repeated rounds of anaerobic/aerobic cycling. Influents to the reactors varied only in the carbon sources provided. Reactor 1 received artificial wastewater with acetate alone, which is known to be readily converted to PHA in the anaerobic step of EBPR. Reactor 2 wastewater influent contained acetate and skim milk to imitate a dairy processing effluent. Chemical monitoring of nutrient remediation within the reactors as continuously applied and EBPR consistent performances observed. Qualitative analysis of the sludge was carried out using fluorescence microscopy with Nile Blue A lipophillic stain and PHA production was confirmed in both reactors. Quantitative analysis via HPLC detection of crotonic acid derivatives revealed the fluorescence to be short chain length Polyhydroxybutyrate, with biomass dry weight accumulations of 11% and 13% being observed in reactors 1 and 2, respectively. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for medium chain length methyl ester derivatives revealed the presence of hydroxyoctanoic, -decanoic and -dodecanoic acids in reactor 1. Similar analyses in reactor 2 revealed monomers of 3-hydroxydodecenoic and 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acids. Investigation of the microbial ecology of both reactors as conducted in an attempt to identify key species potentially contributing to reactor performance. Culture dependent investigations indicated that quite different communities were present in both reactors. Reactor 1 isolates demonstrated the following species distributions Pseudomonas (82%), Delftia acidovorans (3%), Acinetobacter sp. (5%) Aminobacter sp., (3%) Bacillus sp. (3%), Thauera sp., (3%) and Cytophaga sp. (3%). Relative species distributions among reactor 2 profiled isolates were more evenly distributed between Pseudoxanthomonas (32%), Thauera sp (24%), Acinetobacter (24%), Citrobacter sp (8%), Lactococcus lactis (5%), Lysinibacillus (5%) and Elizabethkingia (2%). In both reactors Gammaproteobacteria dominated the cultured isolates. Culture independent 16S rRNA gene analyses revealed differing profiles for both reactors. Reactor 1 clone distribution was as follows; Zooglea resiniphila (83%), Zooglea oryzae (2%), Pedobacter composti (5%), Neissericeae sp. (2%) Rhodobacter sp. (2%), Runella defluvii (3%) and Streptococcus sp. (3%). RFLP based species distribution among the reactor 2 clones was as follows; Runella defluvii (50%), Zoogloea oryzae (20%), Flavobacterium sp. (9%), Simplicispira sp. (6%), Uncultured Sphingobacteria sp. (6%), Arcicella (6%) and Leadbetterella bysophila (3%). Betaproteobacteria dominated the 16S rRNA gene clones identified in both reactors. FISH analysis with Nile Blue dual staining resolved these divergent findings, identifying the Betaproteobacteria as dominant PHA accumulators within the reactor sludges, although species/strain specific allocations could not be made. GC analysis of the sludge had indicated the presence of both medium chain length as well short chain length PHAs accumulating in both reactors. In addition the cultured isolates from the reactors had been identified previously as mcl and scl PHA producers, respectively. Characterisations of the PHA monomer profiles of the individual isolates were therefore performed to screen for potential novel scl-mcl PHAs. Nitrogen limitation driven PHA accumulation in E2 minimal media revealed a greater propensity among isoates for mcl-pHA production. HPLC analysis indicated that PHB production was not a major feature of the reactor isolates and this was supported by the low presence of scl phaC1 genes among PCR screened isolates. A high percentage distribution of phaC2 mcl-PHA synthase genes was recorded, with the majority sharing high percentage homology with class II synthases from Pseudomonas sp. The common presence of a phaC2 homologue was not reflected in the production of a common polymer. Considerable variation was noted in both the monomer composition and ratios following GC analysis. While co-polymer production could not be demonstrated, potentially novel synthase substrate specificities were noted which could be exploited further in the future.
Endospore-forming bacteria are often isolated from different marine sponges, but their abundance varies, and they are frequently missed by culture-independent studies. Within endospore-formers, Bacillus are renowned for the production of antimicrobials and other compounds of medical and industrial importance. Although this group has been well studied in many different environments, very little is known about the actual diversity and properties of sporeformers associated with marine sponges. Identification of the endospore-forming bacteria associated with the marine sponges; Haliclona simulans, Amphilectus fucorum and Cliona celata, has uncovered an abundant and diverse microbial population composed of Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Solibacillus, Halobacillus and Viridibacillus species. This diversity appears to be overlooked by other non-targeted approaches where spore-formers are masked by more dominant species within the ecosystem. In addition to the identification of two antibiotic resistant plasmids, this bank of sporeformers produce a range of bioactive compounds. New antimicrobial compounds are urgently needed to combat the spread of multidrug resistant pathogens, as few new options are entering the drug discovery pipelines for clinical trials. Based on the results of this project, endospore-formers associated with marine sponges may hold the answer. The power of coupling functional based assays with genomic approaches has enabled us to identify a novel class 1 lantibiotic, subtilomycin, which is active against several clinically relevant pathogens. Subtilomycin is encoded in the genomes of all the marine sponge B. subtilis isolates analysed. They cluster together phylogenetically and form a distinct group from other sequenced B. subtilis strains. Regardless of its potential clinical relevance, subtilomycin may be providing these strains with a specific competitive advantage(s) within the stringent confines of the marine sponge environment. This work has outlined the industrial and biotechnological potential of marine sponge endospore-formers which appear to produce a cocktail of bioactive compounds. Genome sequencing of specific marine sponge isolates highlighted the importance of mining extreme environments and habitats for new lead compounds with potential therapeutic applications.
Clostridium difficile is mainly a nosocomial pathogen and is a significant cause of antibioticassociated diarrhea. It is also implicated in the majority of cases of pseudomembranous colitis. The main etiological agent of C. difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) is perturbations to the gut microbiota by broad-spectrum antibiotics. Recently, thuricin CD, a two-peptide narrow spectrum sactibiotic bacteriocin with potent activity against C. difficile has been discovered. It is produced by Bacillus thuringiensis DPC6431. The efficacy of thuricin CD against a range of C. difficile clinical isolates has been determined in the form of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values and compared to metronidazole, vancomycin, ramoplanin and actagardine in this thesis. Furthermore, by assessing paired combinations of the above-mentioned antimicrobials, it was determined that ramoplanin and actagardine function in a synergistic manner against the majority of C. difficile isolates. The functions of the genes in the thuricin CD gene cluster have also been elucidated by cloning the cluster and expressing thuricin CD in a heterologous Bacillus subtilis host and are described herein. In addition, the immunity mechanisms employed by the B. thuringiensis DPC6431 producer to protect itself from the antimicrobial actions of thuricin CD have also been elucidated. It has been shown that a small immunity peptide, TrnI, is involved in thuricin CD immunity, most likely by intercepting the thuricin CD peptides and/or blocking their access to the thuricin CD receptor. This immunity peptide and also the ABC-transporter system TrnFG serve to protect the B. thuringiensis host against thuricin CD.
Three bacterial isolates, SB13 (Acinetobacter sp.), SB14 (Arthrobacter sp.) and SB15 (Bacillus sp.), were previously isolated from the rhizosphere of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) plants and shown to increase hatch of potato cyst nematodes in vitro. In this study, the three isolates were assayed for rhizosphere competence. Each isolate was applied to seeds at each of four concentrations (105-108 CFU ml−1) and the inoculated seeds were planted in plastic microcosms containing coarse sand. All three isolates were shown to colonise the rhizosphere, although to differing degrees, with the higher inoculation densities providing significantly better colonisation. The isolates increased sugar beet root and shoot dry weight. Isolates SB14 and SB15 were analysed for their ability to induce in vivo hatch of Globodera pallida in non-sterile soil planted with sugar beet. After 4 and 6 weeks, both isolates had induced significantly greater percentage hatch compared to controls.
Understanding the interconversion between thermodynamically distinguishable states present in a protein folding pathway provides not only the kinetics and energetics of protein folding but also insights into the functional roles of these states in biological systems. The protein component of the bacterial RNase P holoenzyme from Bacillus subtilis (P protein) was previously shown to be unfolded in the absence of its cognate RNA or other anionic ligands. P protein was used in this study as a model system to explore general features of intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) folding mechanisms. The use of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), an osmolyte that stabilizes the unliganded folded form of the protein, enabled us to study the folding process of P protein in the absence of ligand. Transient stopped-flow kinetic traces at various final TMAO concentrations exhibited multiphasic kinetics. Equilibrium "cotitration" experiments were performed using both TMAO and urea during the titration to produce a urea-TMAO titration surface of P protein. Both kinetic and equilibrium studies show evidence of a previously undetected intermediate state in the P protein folding process. The intermediate state is significantly populated, and the folding rate constants are relatively slow compared to those of intrinsically folded proteins similar in size and topology. The experiments and analysis described serve as a useful example for mechanistic folding studies of other IDPs.