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Background: A new commercially available device (IOLMaster, Zeiss Instruments) provides high resolution non-contact measurements of axial length (using partial coherent interferometry), anterior chamber depth, and corneal radius (using image analysis). The study evaluates the validity and repeatability of these measurements and compares the findings with those obtained from instrumentation currently used in clinical practice. Method: Measurements were taken on 52 subjects (104 eyes) aged 18-40 years with a range of mean spherical refractive error from +7.0 D to -9.50 D. IOLMaster measurements of anterior chamber depth and axial length were compared with A-scan applanation ultrasonography (Storz Omega) and those for corneal radius with a Javal-Schiötz keratometer (Topcon) and an EyeSys corneal videokeratoscope. Results: Axial length: the difference between IOLMaster and ultrasound measures was insignificant (0.02 (SD 0.32) mm, p = 0.47) with no bias across the range sampled (22.40-27.99 mm). Anterior chamber depth: significantly shorter depths than ultrasound were found with the IOLMaster (-0.06 (0.25) mm, p <0.02) with no bias across the range sampled (2.85-4.40 mm). Corneal radius: IOLMaster measurements matched more closely those of the keratometer than those of the videokeratoscope (mean difference -0.03 v -0.06 mm respectively), but were more variable (95% confidence 0.13 v 0.07 mm). The repeatability of all the above IOLMaster biometric measures was found to be of a high order with no significant bias across the measurement ranges sampled. Conclusions: The validity and repeatability of measurements provided by the IOLMaster will augment future studies in ocular biometry.


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Electrocardiography (ECG) has been recently proposed as biometric trait for identification purposes. Intra-individual variations of ECG might affect identification performance. These variations are mainly due to Heart Rate Variability (HRV). In particular, HRV causes changes in the QT intervals along the ECG waveforms. This work is aimed at analysing the influence of seven QT interval correction methods (based on population models) on the performance of ECG-fiducial-based identification systems. In addition, we have also considered the influence of training set size, classifier, classifier ensemble as well as the number of consecutive heartbeats in a majority voting scheme. The ECG signals used in this study were collected from thirty-nine subjects within the Physionet open access database. Public domain software was used for fiducial points detection. Results suggested that QT correction is indeed required to improve the performance. However, there is no clear choice among the seven explored approaches for QT correction (identification rate between 0.97 and 0.99). MultiLayer Perceptron and Support Vector Machine seemed to have better generalization capabilities, in terms of classification performance, with respect to Decision Tree-based classifiers. No such strong influence of the training-set size and the number of consecutive heartbeats has been observed on the majority voting scheme.


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The primary aim of this thesis was to investigate the in vivo ocular morphological and contractile changes occurring within the accommodative apparatus prior to the onset of presbyopia, with particular reference to ciliary muscle changes with age and the origin of a myopic shift in refraction during incipient presbyopia. Commissioned semi-automated software proved capable of extracting accurate and repeatable measurements from crystalline lens and ciliary muscle Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT) images and reduced the subjectivity of AS-OCT image analysis. AS-OCT was utilised to document longitudinal changes in ciliary muscle morphology within an incipient presbyopic population (n=51). A significant antero-inwards shift of ciliary muscle mass was observed after 2.5 years. Furthermore, in a subgroup study (n=20), an accommodative antero-inwards movement of ciliary muscle mass was evident. After 2.5 years, the centripetal response of the ciliary muscle significantly attenuated during accommodation, whereas the antero-posterior mobility of the ciliary muscle remained invariant. Additionally, longitudinal measurement of ocular biometry revealed a significant increase in crystalline lens thickness and a corresponding decrease in anterior chamber depth after 2.5 years (n=51). Lenticular changes appear to be determinant of changes in refraction during incipient presbyopia. During accommodation, a significant increase in crystalline lens thickness and axial length was observed, whereas anterior chamber depth decreased (n=20). The change in ocular biometry per dioptre of accommodation exerted remained invariant after 2.5 years. Cross-sectional ocular biometric data were collected to quantify accommodative axial length changes from early adulthood to advanced presbyopia (n=72). Accommodative axial length elongation significantly attenuated during presbyopia, which was consistent with a significant increase in ocular rigidity during presbyopia. The studies presented in this thesis support the Helmholtz theory of accommodation and despite the reduction in centripetal ciliary muscle contractile response with age, primarily implicate lenticular changes in the development of presbyopia.


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Background/aims - To determine which biometric parameters provide optimum predictive power for ocular volume. Methods - Sixty-seven adult subjects were scanned with a Siemens 3-T MRI scanner. Mean spherical error (MSE) (D) was measured with a Shin-Nippon autorefractor and a Zeiss IOLMaster used to measure (mm) axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and corneal radius (CR). Total ocular volume (TOV) was calculated from T2-weighted MRIs (voxel size 1.0 mm3) using an automatic voxel counting and shading algorithm. Each MR slice was subsequently edited manually in the axial, sagittal and coronal plane, the latter enabling location of the posterior pole of the crystalline lens and partitioning of TOV into anterior (AV) and posterior volume (PV) regions. Results - Mean values (±SD) for MSE (D), AL (mm), ACD (mm) and CR (mm) were −2.62±3.83, 24.51±1.47, 3.55±0.34 and 7.75±0.28, respectively. Mean values (±SD) for TOV, AV and PV (mm3) were 8168.21±1141.86, 1099.40±139.24 and 7068.82±1134.05, respectively. TOV showed significant correlation with MSE, AL, PV (all p<0.001), CR (p=0.043) and ACD (p=0.024). Bar CR, the correlations were shown to be wholly attributable to variation in PV. Multiple linear regression indicated that the combination of AL and CR provided optimum R2 values of 79.4% for TOV. Conclusion - Clinically useful estimations of ocular volume can be obtained from measurement of AL and CR.


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In a Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW) environment the provision, administration and management of the authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) policies and business services are provided by third-party AAA service providers (3P-AAA-SPs) who are independent of the wireless access network providers (ANPs). In this environment the consumer can freely choose any suitable ANP, based on his/her own preferences. This new AAA infrastructural arrangement necessitates assessing the impact and re-thinking the design, structure and location of ‘charging and billing’ (C&B) functions and services. This paper addresses C&B issues in UCWW, proposing potential architectural solutions for C&B realization. Implementation approaches of these novel solutions together with a software testbed for validation and performance evaluation are addressed.


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The use of electrocardiogram as biometric has raised attention in the last decade and a wide variety of ECG features were explored to verify the feasibility of such a signal. In this work the authors aim to describe a simple template based approach to the electrocardiographic biometric identification using the morphology of individual's heartbeat. The developed algorithm was tested on different recordings made available in the Physionet public database Fantasia: two different sets of heartbeats were extracted from individual recordings one was used for the template building while the second for the tests. The performances of the algorithm are encouraging with a true acceptance rate of 99.4%, however, the procedure needs to be tested on different recordings of the same individual, or during the course of a whole day or physical activity. © 2013 IEEE.


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Identification of humans via ECG is being increasingly studied because it can have several advantages over the traditional biometric identification techniques. However, difficulties arise because of the heartrate variability. In this study we analysed the influence of QT interval correction on the performance of an identification system based on temporal and amplitude features of ECG. In particular we tested MLP, Naive Bayes and 3-NN classifiers on the Fantasia database. Results indicate that QT correction can significantly improve the overall system performance. © 2013 IEEE.


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Distributed and/or composite web applications are driven by intercommunication via web services, which employ application-level protocols, such as SOAP. However, these protocols usually rely on the classic HTTP for transportation. HTTP is quite efficient for what it does — delivering web page content, but has never been intended to carry complex web service oriented communication. Today there exist modern protocols that are much better fit for the job. Such a candidate is XMPP. It is an XML-based, asynchronous, open protocol that has built-in security and authentication mechanisms and utilizes a network of federated servers. Sophisticated asynchronous multi-party communication patterns can be established, effectively aiding web service developers. This paper’s purpose is to prove by facts, comparisons, and practical examples that XMPP is not only better suited than HTTP to serve as middleware for web service protocols, but can also contribute to the overall development state of web services.


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Владимир Димитров - Целта на настоящия доклад е формалната спецификация на релационния модел на данни. Тази спецификация след това може да бъде разширена към Обектно-релационния модел на данни и към Потоците от данни.


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PURPOSE: To profile accommodative biometric changes longitudinally and to determine the influence of age-related ocular structural changes on the accommodative response prior to the onset of presbyopia. METHODS: Twenty participants (aged 34-41 years) were reviewed at six-monthly intervals over two and a half years. At each visit, ocular biometry was measured with the LenStar biometer (www.Haag-Streit.com) in response to 0.00, 3.00 and 4.50 D stimuli. Accommodative responses were measured by the WAM 5500 Auto Ref/Keratometer (www.grandseiko.com). RESULTS: During accommodation, anterior chamber depth reduced (F = 29, p < 0.001), whereas crystalline lens thickness (F = 39, p < 0.001) and axial length (F = 5.4, p = 0.009) increased. The accommodative response (F = 5.5, p = 0.001) and the change in anterior chamber depth (F = 3.1, p = 0.039), crystalline lens thickness (F = 3.0, p = 0.042) and axial length (F = 2.5, p = 0.038) in response to the 4.50 D accommodative target reduced after 2.5 years. However, the change in anterior chamber depth (F = 2.2, p = 0.097), crystalline lens thickness (F = 1.7, p = 0.18) and axial length (F = 1.0, p = 0.40) per dioptre of accommodation exerted remained invariant after 2.5 years. The increase in disaccommodated crystalline lens thickness with age was not significantly associated with the reduction in accommodative response (R = 0.32, p = 0.17). CONCLUSION: Despite significant age-related structural changes in disaccommodated biometry, the change in biometry per dioptre of accommodation exerted remained invariant with age. The present study supports the Helmholtz theory of accommodation and suggests an increase in lenticular stiffness is primarily responsible for the onset of presbyopia.


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Purpose: This work investigates how short-term changes in blood glucose concentration affect the refractive components of the diabetic eye in patients with long-term Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Methods: Blood glucose concentration, refractive error components (mean spherical equivalent MSE, J0, J45), central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), crystalline lens thickness (LT), axial length (AL) and ocular aberrations were monitored at two-hourly intervals over a 12-hour period in: 20 T1DM patients (mean age ± SD) 38±14 years, baseline HbA1c 8.6±1.9%; 21 T2DM patients (mean age ± SD) 56±11 years, HbA1c 7.5±1.8%; and in 20 control subjects (mean age ± SD) 49±23 years, HbA1c 5.5±0.5%. The refractive and biometric results were compared with the corresponding changes in blood glucose concentration. Results: Blood glucose concentration at different times was found to vary significantly within (p<0.0005) and between groups (p<0.0005). However, the refractive error components and ocular aberrations were not found to alter significantly over the day in either the diabetic patients or the control subjects (p>0.05). Minor changes of marginal statistical or optical significance were observed in some biometric parameters. Similarly there were some marginally significant differences between the baseline biometric parameters of well-controlled and poorly-controlled diabetic subjects. Conclusion: This work suggests that normal, short-term fluctuations (of up to about 6 mM/l on a timescale of a few hours) in the blood glucose levels of diabetics are not usually associated with acute changes in refractive error or ocular wavefront aberrations. It is therefore possible that factors other than refractive error fluctuations are sometimes responsible for the transient visual problems often reported by diabetic patients. © 2012 Huntjens et al.


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A személyazonosság-menedzsment napjaink fontos kutatási területe mind elméleti, mind gyakorlati szempontból. A szakterületen megvalósuló együttműködés, elektronikus tudásáramoltatás és csere hosszú távon csak úgy képzelhető el, hogy az azonos módon történő értelmezést automatikus eszközök támogatják. A szerző cikkében azokat a kutatási tevékenységeket foglalja össze, amelyeket - felhasználva a tudásmenedzsment, a mesterséges intelligencia és az információtechnológia eszközeit - a személyazonosság-menedzsment terület fogalmi leképezésére, leírására használt fel. Kutatási célja olyan közös fogalmi bázis kialakítása volt személyazonosság-menedzsment területre, amely lehetővé teszi az őt körülvevő multidimenzionális környezet kezelését. A kutatás kapcsolódik a GUIDE kutatási projekthez is, amelynek a szerző résztvevője. ______________ Identity management is an important research field from theoretical and practical aspects as well. The task itself is not new, identification and authentication was necessary always in public administration and business life. Information Society offers new services for citizens, which dramatically change the way of administration and results additional risks and opportunities. The goal of the demonstrated research was to formulate a common basis for the identity management domain in order to support the management of the surrounding multidimensional environment. There is a need for capturing, mapping, processing knowledge concerning identity management in order to support reusability, interoperability; to help common sharing and understanding the domain and to avoid inconsistency. The paper summarizes research activities for the identification, conceptualisation and representation of domain knowledge related to identity management, using the results of knowledge management, artificial intelligence and information technology. I utilized the experiences of Guide project, in which I participate. The paper demonstrates, that domain ontologies could offer a proper solution for identity management domain conceptualisation.


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Historically, grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf characterisation has been a driving force in the identification of cultivars. In this study, ampelometric (foliometric) analysis was done on leaf samples collected from hand-pruned, mechanically pruned and minimally pruned ‘Sauvignon blanc’ and ‘Syrah’ vines to estimate the impact of within-vineyard variability and a change in bud load on the stability of leaf properties. The results showed that within-vineyard variability of ampelometric characteristics was high within a cultivar, irrespective of bud load. In terms of the O.I.V. coding system, zero to four class differences were observed between minimum and maximum values of each characteristic. The value of variability of each characteristic was different between the three levels of bud load and the two cultivars. With respect to bud load, the number of shoots per vine had a significant effect on the characteristics of the leaf laminae. Single leaf area and lengths of veins changed significantly for both cultivars, irrespective of treatment, while angle between veins proved to be a stable characteristic. A large number of biometric data can be recorded on a single leaf; the data measured on several leaves, however, are not necessarily unique for a specific cultivar. The leaf characteristics analysed in this study can be divided into two groups according to the response to a change in bud load, i.e. stable (angles between the veins, depths of sinuses) and variable (length of the veins, length of the petiole, single leaf area). The variable characteristics are not recommended to be used in cultivar identification, unless the pruning method/bud load is known.


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Raster graphic ampelometric software was not exclusively developed for the estimation of leaf area, but also for the characterization of grapevine (Viti vinifera L.) leaves. The software was written in C-Hprogramming language, using the C-1-1- Builder 2007 for Windows 95-XP and Linux operation systems. It handles desktop-scanned images. On the image analysed with the GRA.LE.D., the user has to determine 11 points. These points are then connected and the distances between them calculated. The GRA.LE.D. software supports standard ampelometric measurements such as leaf area, angles between the veins and lengths of the veins. These measurements are recorded by the software and exported into plain ASCII text files for single or multiple samples. Twenty-two biometric data points of each leaf are identified by the GRA.LE.D. It presents the opportunity to statistically analyse experimental data, allows comparison of cultivars and enables graphic reconstruction of leaves using the Microsoft Excel Chart Wizard. The GRA. LE.D. was thoroughly calibrated and compared to other widely used instruments and methods such as photo-gravimetry, LiCor L0100, WinDIAS2.0 and ImageTool. By comparison, the GRA.LE.D. presented the most accurate measurements of leaf area, but the LiCor L0100 and the WinDIAS2.0 were faster, while the photo-gravimetric method proved to be the most time-consuming. The WinDIAS2.0 instrument was the least reliable. The GRA.LE.D. is uncomplicated, user-friendly, accurate, consistent, reliable and has wide practical application.


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Mediation techniques provide interoperability and support integrated query processing among heterogeneous databases. While such techniques help data sharing among different sources, they increase the risk for data security, such as violating access control rules. Successful protection of information by an effective access control mechanism is a basic requirement for interoperation among heterogeneous data sources. ^ This dissertation first identified the challenges in the mediation system in order to achieve both interoperability and security in the interconnected and collaborative computing environment, which includes: (1) context-awareness, (2) semantic heterogeneity, and (3) multiple security policy specification. Currently few existing approaches address all three security challenges in mediation system. This dissertation provides a modeling and architectural solution to the problem of mediation security that addresses the aforementioned security challenges. A context-aware flexible authorization framework was developed in the dissertation to deal with security challenges faced by mediation system. The authorization framework consists of two major tasks, specifying security policies and enforcing security policies. Firstly, the security policy specification provides a generic and extensible method to model the security policies with respect to the challenges posed by the mediation system. The security policies in this study are specified by 5-tuples followed by a series of authorization constraints, which are identified based on the relationship of the different security components in the mediation system. Two essential features of mediation systems, i. e., relationship among authorization components and interoperability among heterogeneous data sources, are the focus of this investigation. Secondly, this dissertation supports effective access control on mediation systems while providing uniform access for heterogeneous data sources. The dynamic security constraints are handled in the authorization phase instead of the authentication phase, thus the maintenance cost of security specification can be reduced compared with related solutions. ^