893 resultados para Autistic children -- Treatment


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An (independent samples comparison) controlled study was conducted to assess the efficacy of a novel approach to social skills training for children in a local socialization group at Knippenberg, Patterson & Associates (KPA). The treatment condition involved the combination of a Structured Story (i.e., novel bibliotherapy technique for children with social skills deficits), and a behavioral rehearsal (or role-play) segment, where the children practiced the target social skill featured in the Structure Story. The control group did not receive the Structured Story nor the behavioral rehearsal. Children in both groups engaged in ten-minutes of free play that was videorecorded for later observation and scoring by the principal investigator. Two target behaviors were assessed; asking a friend to play, and duration of joint play between two or more peers. The results did not show significant differences for either target variable between the group that received the novel intervention and the control group. Limitations of the current study and implications for further research are discussed.


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The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) was developed in 2011 as analternative to the previous Comprehensive System. The goal was to improve the psychometrics,and particularly the validity, of this assessment method. The norms for children werequestionable in the Comprehensive system (e.g., outdated, low numbers of subjects) and validitystudies for children were sparse. One of the indicators included in the R-PAS system, theaggressive content indicator (AgC), is intended to reflect aggressive behavior, but few studieshave examined the validity of this indicator. This study examined the validity of AgC in asample of 32 children and adolescents receiving services at a residential treatment center.Subjects' AgC scores were analyzed in relation to demographics and diagnosis, as well as ratingsof aggression and conduct problems from the Behavioral Assessment System for Children-2(BASC-2) Parent and Teacher Reports. Correlations between the AgC score and BASC-2aggression and conduct problems scores were not statistically significant. None of thecorrelations between AgC score and a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder, Oppositional DefiantDisorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or Mood Disorders were significant either. Given thesmall sample size, null results may be a result of power concerns. The lack of significantcorrelations may however, indicate that operational definitions of aggression used in variousforms of measurement reflect different constructs.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine how child psychologists' specialized training inhuman development may make them more prone to stigmatize the parents of their young clients. The stigmatization of parents may lead to fewer parents seeking treatment for their children and to poorer treatment outcomes for those who work with a child psychologist. The process of stigmatization is summarized to provide context for the method through which parents receive stigma. A commonly used theory of child development, Erik Erikson's stages of ego development, is outlined to provide background on how child psychologists may interpret and evaluate a child'sdevelopment. Child psychologists' may identify parenting practices that seem to hinder or stunt children's emotional development, which would make the psychologist more aptto stigmatize and isolate parents from the treatment process. To demonstrate the unique ways in which a child psychologist may stigmatize parents of children at different developmental stages two case studies are included. Finally, a theoretical model of treatment is described that may be more inclusive, and less stigmatizing of parents. This model outlines how the parents' concerns about and observations of their children should be validated and reflected in the treatment process. This treatment modality would allow for child psychologists to more actively involve parents in treatment and provide more education and support around their children's unique emotional development needs. Through this treatment model and child psychologists' awareness of and attempts to reduce the stigmatization of parents, treatment outcomes for young clients may improve.


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Young children often harbor misconceptions about psychotherapy and the role of psychologists. These misconceptions are ignited by rumors and misinformation that are provided to the child by a variety of sources and can compromise both the effectiveness of therapy and the therapeutic dyad. In this paper we explore how recent trends in patient engagement in child psychotherapy, cultural dynamics between patients and practitioners, and children's lack of knowledge surrounding mental health services can negatively impact therapy. Wednesday Afternoons with Dr. J. (WADJ) is a whimsical fictional therapeutic narrative created to inform children about aspects of the therapeutic process while providing adults with tangible structure surrounding how to talk to children about mental healthcare. The advantages of utilizing this narrative to prime children for therapy are discussed, as are methods for promoting the narrative to the greater community.


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Objective: To document the course of psychological symptomology, mental health treatment, and unmet psychological needs using caregiver reports in the first 18 months following pediatric brain injury (BI). Method: Participants included 28 children (aged 1-18 years) who were hospitalized at a children's hospital's rehabilitation unit. Caregiver reports of children's psychological symptoms, receipt of mental health treatment, and unmet psychological needs were assessed at one month, six months, 12 months, and 18 months post-BI. Results: Caregivers reported a general increase in psychological symptoms and receipt of mental health treatment over the 18 months following BI; however, there was a substantial gap between the high rate of reported symptoms and low rate of reported treatment. Across all four follow-up time points there were substantial unmet psychological needs (at least 60% of sample). Conclusions: Findings suggest that there are substantial unmet psychological needs among children during the first 18 months after BI. Barriers to mental health treatment for this population need to be addressed.


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La hipótesis básica de esta investigación es valorar si el programa AUGIE es una herramienta tecnológica que ayuda a las personas con autismo a comunicarse y a implementar aprendizajes. Partiendo de la base de que, en el trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA), existen cuatro aspectos básicos característicos: las deficiencias en comunicación, socialización e imaginación, y los patrones de actividad e intereses restringidos y repetitivos, este trabajo se ha centrado fundamentalmente en una de las áreas afectadas: la comunicación. Todas las personas con TEA muestran alteraciones en la comunicación y en el lenguaje de forma muy heterogénea: desde la persona con mutismo pasando por la ecolálica, que repite frases sin cesar, hasta los que tienen lenguaje verbal pero carecen de habilidades a nivel pragmático. Dada la importancia del desarrollo comunicativo como mecanismo de control del entorno, de autodeterminación y de relación social, este trabajo pretende demostrar cómo la intervención de las nuevas tecnologías, en este caso del iPad a través de un programa específico como el AUGIE, maximiza las posibilidades comunicativas por encima de métodos clásicos, como sistema de comunicación por intercambio de imágenes (Picture Exchange Communication System PECS). Tras realizar una búsqueda bibliográfica, en primer lugar, se describen las hipótesis explicativas de las causas del autismo desde diferentes perspectivas como el psicoanálisis, conductismo y el cognitivismo pasando por las explicaciones biológicas o la hiper o hiposensibilidad a diferentes estímulos. A continuación, se explican las características del trastorno y se hace un especial énfasis en el aspecto comunicativo como se ha explicado anteriormente. Seguidamente, se abordan las necesidades educativas de las personas con TEA desde las necesidades de interacción social y de comunicación. Posteriormente, se explica cómo las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) constituyen un área de rápido desarrollo e implementación en el ámbito educativo. Las TIC son un medio tecnológico de intervención educativa para las personas con discapacidad y, en concreto, para las personas con TEA. Son un potente recurso para varios ámbitos de su vida: educación, comunicación, ocio y tiempo libre. Un objetivo de las TIC es proporcionar un modelo de comunicación válido a una persona que no es capaz de verbalizar. Una de las principales ventajas de las TIC es que se erigen como un poderoso aliado a la hora de potenciar y mejorar la comunicación de las personas con TEA. Dentro de las TIC, destaca el uso del iPad ya que proporciona inmediatez, movilidad y autonomía; proporciona una enseñanza individualizada. Los objetivos específicos de este trabajo son: 1. Comprobar que, si se usa el iPad con el AUGIE, se facilita que las personas con TEA realicen intercambios comunicativos, peticiones y transmitan necesidades. 2. Valorar que, si se utiliza el iPad con el AUGIE, se facilitan aprendizajes a través de la secuenciación visual mediante imágenes de pasos para lograr ejecutar una tarea (Método TEACCH, Treatment and Education of Autistic related Communication Handicapped Children) como, por ejemplo, poner la mesa, vestirse, ir al baño, etc. (autonomía personal), comprar en el supermercado siguiendo los pasos de la lista de la compra, desplazarse y tener una conducta adecuada en un lugar público como una cafetería (habilidades sociocomunitarias). 3. Verificar que, si se usa el iPad con el AUGIE, se puede favorecer el aprendizaje de los tiempos de espera. 4. Cotejar que, si se emplea el iPad con el AUGIE, se puede facilitar el juego y el entretenimiento (ocio) de las personas con TEA. A continuación se describen diferentes programas informáticos como el AZHAR, e-Mitnza, Sc@out, Picaa y el AUGIE, analizando las ventajas y las desventajas de cada uno de ellos. Durante los últimos años, el iPad se ha convertido en una tecnología popular para la educación de las personas con TEA. La popularidad del iPad en la educación de estudiantes con TEA puede relacionarse con su portabilidad (Shah, 2011; VanLaarhoven, Johnson, VanLaarhoven-Myles, Grider y Grider, 2009), el diseño de gran pantalla táctil (Shah, 2011), la facilidad en la individualización de la presentación de materiales educativos y una multitud de aplicaciones educativas (Kagohara, Sigafoos, Acmadi, Van der Meer, O´Reilly y Lancioni, 2011; Kagohara, Van der Meer, et al., 2013; Shah, 2011). Aunque los iPads son ampliamente utilizados, hay poca investigación para apoyar sus beneficios de aprendizaje (Kagohara, Sigafoos, et al., 2011; Kagohara et al., 2013). Se ha escogido el programa americano AUGIE para la investigación puesto que se trata de un programa muy completo y sólo se puede utilizar con el iPad. Este programa, AUGIE AAC Aumentative and Alternative Communication; (Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa), fue creado por Víctor Morris (2010) en Illinois (Estados Unidos). De la población de 80 usuarios que posee un Centro de Educación Especial de la Comunidad Valenciana, se ha seleccionado una muestra de forma incidental que consiste en seis personas con autismo de entre 18 y 30 años de edad, los cuales, se han dividido en dos grupos de tres sujetos. Un grupo (experimental) ha utilizado el iPad con el AUGIE y el otro grupo (convencional) ha utilizado un sistema de comunicación más tradicional con pictogramas utilizando el sistema PECS. Se ha creado una hoja de registro para la observación participante realizada. Esta hoja de registro es una plantilla en donde se registra a mano toda la información sobre cómo utilizan las personas con TEA el programa. Del mismo modo, se han registrado los avances comunicativos y las diferentes características asociadas al grupo de sujetos que no trabajan con el AUGIE y utilizan el sistema PECS. El programa se ha probado con las personas con autismo de manera individualizada en sala y con un ambiente estructurado. El tipo observación por parte del investigador principal ha sido de observación participante. En total se han realizado 12 sesiones de trabajo con cada sujeto (6 sujetos) dando a lugar 72 registros realizados de forma cualitativa. Así mismo, a cada sujeto se le ha aplicado un total de 28 variables relacionas con las peticiones, pasos a seguir realizando tareas, elecciones, juegos, etc. Los resultados muestran que el AUGIE en el iPad consigue mejorar la comunicación de las personas con TEA por encima del método tradicional PECS ya que, en la primera sesión, consiguen alcanzar una media de 13 habilidades siendo estadísticamente significativo dicho resultado y cumpliendo la hipótesis alternativa de que existe diferencia en la consecución de habilidades comunicativas entre ambos grupos (uso del iPad y uso de PECS). De esta forma, el programa AUGIE en formato iPad aparece como una herramienta muchísimo más ventajosa que los medios tradicionales como el PECS ya que los sujetos aprenden en menor tiempo a pedir de forma espontánea, piden más cantidad de cosas, solicitan más información, aprenden antes a rechazar cosas, piden acciones como, por ejemplo, descansar o beber agua, reduce estereotipias, centra la atención, favorece el desapego hacia objetos, no hay conductas disruptivas y les hace comprender antes y de forma más adecuada la espera y el paso del tiempo.


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This systematic review discusses data on the dietary intake of preschool children living in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union, including the comparison with a Mediterranean-like diet and the association with nutritional status. Specifically, data from the multinational European Identification and Prevention on Dietary and life style induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) study and national studies, such as the Estudo do Padrão Alimentar e de Crescimento Infantil (EPACI) study and Geração XXI cohort in Portugal, ALimentando la SAlud del MAñana (ALSALMA) study in Spain, Étude des Déterminants pré-et postnatals précoces du développement et de la santé de l'ENfant (EDEN) cohort in France, Nutrintake 636 study in Italy, and Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS) cohort in Greece, were analyzed. In the majority of countries, young children consumed fruit and vegetables quite frequently, but also consumed sugared beverages and snacks. High energy and high protein intakes mainly from dairy products were found in the majority of countries. The majority of children also consumed excessive sodium intake. Early high prevalence of overweight and obesity was found, and both early consumption of energy-dense foods and overweight seemed to track across toddler and preschool ages. Most children living in the analyzed countries showed low adherence to a Mediterranean-like diet, which in turn was associated with being overweight/obese. Unhealthier diets were associated with lower maternal educational level and parental unemployment. Programs promoting adherence of young children to the traditional Mediterranean diet should be part of a multi-intervention strategy for the prevention and treatment of pediatric overweight and obesity.


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OBJECTIVE: Acute bronchiolitis is a common disorder of infants that often results in hospitalization. Apart from supportive care, no therapy has been shown to influence the course of the disease, except for a possible effect of nebulized hypertonic saline (HS). To determine whether this does have beneficial effects on length of stay in hospital or on severity scores, we undertook a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in a pediatric department of a Portuguese hospital. METHODS: Previously healthy infants, younger than 12 months, hospitalized with mild-to-moderate acute viral bronchiolitis were randomized to receive either nebulized 3% (hypertonic, HS) or 0.9% (normal, NS) saline during their entire hospital stay. Primary endpoints were: length of hospital stay and severity scores on each day of hospitalization. Need for supplemental oxygen, further add-on medications and adverse effects were also analyzed. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients completed the study (HS: 33; NS: 35). The median length of hospital stay did not differ between groups: HS: 5.6 ± 2.3 days; NS: 5.4 ± 2.1 days (P = 0.747). We found no difference between groups in severity scores from day 1 to day 4. There were no differences in need for supplemental oxygen or add-on medications. Patients in HS group had significantly more cough (46% vs. 20%, P = 0.025) and rhinorrhoe (58% vs. 31%, P = 0.30). CONCLUSION: This study does not support the use of nebulized HS over NS in therapy of hospitalized children with mild-to-moderate acute viral bronchiolitis


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By Frank E. Wing, superintendent.


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Includes bibliography.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06