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In this article, we propose a new statistic to control the covariance matrix of bivariate processes. This new statistic is based on the sample vat-lances of the two quality characteristics, shortly VMAX statistic. The points plotted on the chart correspond to the maximum of the values of these two variances. The reasons to consider the VMAX statistic instead of the generalized variance vertical bar S vertical bar are faster detection of process changes and better diagnostic feature, that is, with the VMAX statistic It is easier to identify the out-of-control variable.
The VSS X chart, dedicated to the detection of small to moderate mean shifts in the process, has been investigated by several researchers under the assumption of known process parameters. In practice, the process parameters are rarely known and are usually estimated from an in-control Phase I data set. In this paper, we evaluate the (run length) performances of the VSS chart when the process parameters are estimated, we compare them in the case where the process parameters are assumed known and we propose specific optimal control chart parameters taking the number of Phase I samples into account.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A Fortran computer program is given for the computation of the adjusted average time to signal, or AATS, for adaptive X̄ charts with one, two, or all three design parameters variable: the sample size, n, the sampling interval, h, and the factor k used in determining the width of the action limits. The program calculates the threshold limit to switch the adaptive design parameters and also provides the in-control average time to signal, or ATS.
Recent studies have shown that the X̄ chart with variable sampling intervals (VSI) and/or with variable sample sizes (VSS) detects process shifts faster than the traditional X̄ chart. This article extends these studies for processes that are monitored by both the X̄ and R charts. A Markov chain model is used to determine the properties of the joint X and R charts with variable sample sizes and sampling intervals (VSSI). The VSSI scheme improves the joint X̄ and R control chart performance in terms of the speed with which shifts in the process mean and/or variance are detected.
We develop an economic model for X̄ control charts having all design parameters varying in an adaptive way, that is, in real time considering current sample information. In the proposed model, each of the design parameters can assume two values as a function of the most recent process information. The cost function is derived and it provides a device for optimal selection of the design parameters. Through a numerical example one can foresee the savings that the developed model possibly provides. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Throughout this article, it is assumed that the no-central chi-square chart with two stage samplings (TSS Chisquare chart) is employed to monitor a process where the observations from the quality characteristic of interest X are independent and identically normally distributed with mean μ and variance σ2. The process is considered to start with the mean and the variance on target (μ = μ0; σ2 = σ0 2), but at some random time in the future an assignable cause shifts the mean from μ0 to μ1 = μ0 ± δσ0, δ >0 and/or increases the variance from σ0 2 to σ1 2 = γ2σ0 2, γ > 1. Before the assignable cause occurrence, the process is considered to be in a state of statistical control (defined by the in-control state). Similar to the Shewhart charts, samples of size n 0+ 1 are taken from the process at regular time intervals. The samplings are performed in two stages. At the first stage, the first item of the i-th sample is inspected. If its X value, say Xil, is close to the target value (|Xil-μ0|< w0σ 0, w0>0), then the sampling is interrupted. Otherwise, at the second stage, the remaining n0 items are inspected and the following statistic is computed. Wt = Σj=2n 0+1(Xij - μ0 + ξiσ 0)2 i = 1,2 Let d be a positive constant then ξ, =d if Xil > 0 ; otherwise ξi =-d. A signal is given at sample i if |Xil-μ0| > w0σ 0 and W1 > knia:tl, where kChi is the factor used in determining the upper control limit for the non-central chi-square chart. If devices such as go and no-go gauges can be considered, then measurements are not required except when the sampling goes to the second stage. Let P be the probability of deciding that the process is in control and P 1, i=1,2, be the probability of deciding that the process is in control at stage / of the sampling procedure. Thus P = P1 + P 2 - P1P2, P1 = Pr[μ0 - w0σ0 ≤ X ≤ μ0+ w 0σ0] P2=Pr[W ≤ kChi σ0 2], (3) During the in-control period, W / σ0 2 is distributed as a non-central chi-square distribution with n0 degrees of freedom and a non-centrality parameter λ0 = n0d2, i.e. W / σ0 2 - xn0 22 (λ0) During the out-of-control period, W / σ1 2 is distributed as a non-central chi-square distribution with n0 degrees of freedom and a non-centrality parameter λ1 = n0(δ + ξ)2 / γ2 The effectiveness of a control chart in detecting a process change can be measured by the average run length (ARL), which is the speed with which a control chart detects process shifts. The ARL for the proposed chart is easily determined because in this case, the number of samples before a signal is a geometrically distributed random variable with parameter 1-P, that is, ARL = I /(1-P). It is shown that the performance of the proposed chart is better than the joint X̄ and R charts, Furthermore, if the TSS Chi-square chart is used for monitoring diameters, volumes, weights, etc., then appropriate devices, such as go-no-go gauges can be used to decide if the sampling should go to the second stage or not. When the process is stable, and the joint X̄ and R charts are in use, the monitoring becomes monotonous because rarely an X̄ or R value fall outside the control limits. The natural consequence is the user to pay less and less attention to the steps required to obtain the X̄ and R value. In some cases, this lack of attention can result in serious mistakes. The TSS Chi-square chart has the advantage that most of the samplings are interrupted, consequently, most of the time the user will be working with attributes. Our experience shows that the inspection of one item by attribute is much less monotonous than measuring four or five items at each sampling.
In this article, we evaluate the performance of the T2 chart based on the principal components (PC chart) and the simultaneous univariate control charts based on the original variables (SU X̄ charts) or based on the principal components (SUPC charts). The main reason to consider the PC chart lies on the dimensionality reduction. However, depending on the disturbance and on the way the original variables are related, the chart is very slow in signaling, except when all variables are negatively correlated and the principal component is wisely selected. Comparing the SU X̄, the SUPC and the T 2 charts we conclude that the SU X̄ charts (SUPC charts) have a better overall performance when the variables are positively (negatively) correlated. We also develop the expression to obtain the power of two S 2 charts designed for monitoring the covariance matrix. These joint S2 charts are, in the majority of the cases, more efficient than the generalized variance |S| chart.
In this paper we propose the Double Sampling X̄ control chart for monitoring processes in which the observations follow a first order autoregressive model. We consider sampling intervals that are sufficiently long to meet the rational subgroup concept. The Double Sampling X̄ chart is substantially more efficient than the Shewhart chart and the Variable Sample Size chart. To study the properties of these charts we derived closed-form expressions for the average run length (ARL) taking into account the within-subgroup correlation. Numerical results show that this correlation has a significant impact on the chart properties.
The VSS X- chart is known to perform better than the traditional X- control chart in detecting small to moderate mean shifts in the process. Many researchers have used this chart in order to detect a process mean shift under the assumption of known parameters. However, in practice, the process parameters are rarely known and are usually estimated from an in-control Phase I data set. In this paper, we evaluate the (run length) performances of the VSS X- control chart when the process parameters are estimated and we compare them in the case where the process parameters are assumed known. We draw the conclusion that these performances are quite different when the shift and the number of samples used during the phase I are small. ©2010 IEEE.
This article presents the enamel microabrasion protocol for removing intrinsic white stains of hard texture on the enamel surface, using a 37% phosphoric acid/pumice mixture associated with a carbamide peroxide-based bleaching agent in custom-made mouth trays. We observed that these clinical procedures were safe and effective, and solved our patient's esthetic problem. © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Objective: To analyze the effects of thermal cycling on the microtensile shear bond strength of a self-etching and a conventional pit and fissure sealants to dental enamel. Material and Method: Twenty-four healthy human molars extracted for orthodontic reasons, were sectioned in the mesio-distal direction and divided into two groups (n=24) according to the sealant to be applied: GI - conventional sealant Climpro (3M/ESPE) and GII - self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (Premier Dental). The sealants were applied on flattened enamel in matrixes 1 mm in diameter, in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. After this, half the samples of both groups were submitted to 500 thermal cycles in 30s baths at temperatures between 5 and 55°C. Forty-eight hours after the samples were made, the microtensile shear test was performed in an Instron 4411 test machine, with a stainless steel wire with a cylindrical cross section of 0.2mm in diameter at a constant speed of 0.5mm/s. The bond strength values were submitted to ANOVA for 2 factors and the fracture patterns were examined under an optical microscope at 65X magnification. Results: Thermal cycling did not influence the bond strength of the two sealants. The conventional sealant Climpro presented a statistically higher microtensile shear bond strength (11.72MPa, 11.34MPa with and without cycling, respectively) than the self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (5.92MPa, 5.02MPa with and without cycling, respectively). Fracture pattern analysis showed the occurrence of 100% of adhesive failures for Enamel Loc, while the conventional sealant Climpro presented 95% of adhesive failures and 5% of mixed failures. Conclusion: The conventional sealant presented higher microtensile shear bond strength to dental enamel in comparison with the self-etching sealant. Thermal cycling did not affect the bond strength of the sealants used in this study. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
The laminate veneers are great choice for rehabilitation for anterior segment of the mouth. Actually, due the employment of dental cements and bonding to dentin, the uses of laminate veneers is an effective and conservative treatment, showing a high rate success rate. This paper presents a clinical case of 50 years old male, J.C.H, who have a chief complaint of an unattractive smile. After the diagnosis and planning, 10 laminate veneers were placed from the second bicuspid (15) to the second bicuspid (25). The correct indication of laminate veneers allows restorations with appropriate esthetic and patient's satisfaction with immediate effect on quality of life. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Sugarcane is the most important crop for sugar industry and raw material for bioethanol. Here we present a quantitative analysis of the gene content from publicly available sugarcane ESTs. The current sugarcane EST collection sampled orthologs for ~58 % of the closely-related sorghum proteome, suggesting that more than 10,000 sugarcane coding-genes remain undiscovered. Moreover the existence of more than 2,000 ncRNAs conserved between sugarcane and sorghum was revealed, among which over 500 are also detected in rice, supporting the existence of hundreds of conserved ncRNAs in grasses. New efforts towards sugarcane transcriptome sequencing were needed to sample the missing coding-genes as well as to expand the catalog of ncRNAs. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Global economic conditions have been deteriorating sharply since mid- September 2008. Lending has dropped abruptly, credit spreads have widened sharply, stock markets have plunged and economies everywhere are stumbling. Governments around the world have undertaken unprecedented measures, including some coordinated intervention. However, global economic prospects remain troubled, and further policy action is required. In order to better understand the task before policy makers as they chart a new direction, this paper examines how the global economy arrived at its current predicament, looking back at the sequence of events that contributed to create havoc in financial markets, as well as the policy response they produced. In light of these events, we examine the impact on Latin American financial markets in particular. The global nature of the current crisis underscores the need for coordinating the policy response at the global level, as well as advancing towards a new international financial architecture that will make possible a more effective response to the build-up of systemic pressures.