875 resultados para Arduino (Programmable controller)
This project aims to design and manufacture a mobile robot with two Universal Robot UR10 mainly used indoors. In order to obtain omni-directional maneuverability, the mobile robot is constructed with Mecanum wheels. The Mecanum wheel can move in any direction with a series of rollers attached to itself. These rollers are angled at 45º about the hub’s circumference. This type of wheels can be used in both driving and steering with their any-direction property. This paper is focused on the design of traction system and suspension system, and the velocity control of Mecanum wheels in the close-loop control system. The mechanical design includes selection of bearing housing, couplers which are act as connection between shafts, motor parts, and other needed components. The 3D design software SolidWorks is utilized to assemble all the components in order to get correct tolerance. The driving shaft is designed based on assembled structure via the software as well. The design of suspension system is to compensate the assembly error of Mecanum wheels to guarantee the stability of the robot. The control system of motor drivers is realized through the Robot Operating System (ROS) on Ubuntu Linux. The purpose of inverse kinematics is to obtain the relationship among the movements of all Mecanum wheels. Via programming and interacting with the computer, the robot could move with required speed and direction.
Currently, laser scribing is growing material processing method in the industry. Benefits of laser scribing technology are studied for example for improving an efficiency of solar cells. Due high-quality requirement of the fast scribing process, it is important to monitor the process in real time for detecting possible defects during the process. However, there is a lack of studies of laser scribing real time monitoring. Commonly used monitoring methods developed for other laser processes such a laser welding, are sufficient slow and existed applications cannot be implemented in fast laser scribing monitoring. The aim of this thesis is to find a method for laser scribing monitoring with a high-speed camera and evaluate reliability and performance of the developed monitoring system with experiments. The laser used in experiments is an IPG ytterbium pulsed fiber laser with 20 W maximum average power and Scan head optics used in the laser is Scanlab’s Hurryscan 14 II with an f100 tele-centric lens. The camera was connected to laser scanner using camera adapter to follow the laser process. A powerful fully programmable industrial computer was chosen for executing image processing and analysis. Algorithms for defect analysis, which are based on particle analysis, were developed using LabVIEW system design software. The performance of the algorithms was analyzed by analyzing a non-moving image from the scribing line with resolution 960x20 pixel. As a result, the maximum analysis speed was 560 frames per second. Reliability of the algorithm was evaluated by imaging scribing path with a variable number of defects 2000 mm/s when the laser was turned off and image analysis speed was 430 frames per second. The experiment was successful and as a result, the algorithms detected all defects from the scribing path. The final monitoring experiment was performed during a laser process. However, it was challenging to get active laser illumination work with the laser scanner due physical dimensions of the laser lens and the scanner. For reliable error detection, the illumination system is needed to be replaced.
Identifiointia voidaan käyttää erilaisten järjestelmien parametrointiin, ja tässä työssä kyseisellä operaatiolla mallinnettiin järjestelmäkameran vakauttamiseksi rakennettua kolmiakselista järjestelmää. Työn tavoitteena oli saada järjestelmästä matemaattinen malli niin, että sen avulla voitaisiin simuloida järjestelmän toimintaa säätävän PID-säätimen arvoja, minkä pohjalta koko järjestelmä pystyttäisiin virittämään paremmin. Tutkielmassa saatu malli muodostettiin matlab-ohjelmalla järjestelmän mittausdatan perusteella. Mittauksissa mitattiin manuaalisesti viritetyn järjestelmän tuloja sekä lähtöä, ja niiden perusteella muodostettiin ARX-mallit jokaiselle järjestelmän kolmelle akselille. Kirjainyhdistelmä ARX, viittaa nyt MISO-järjestelmään, sekä regressioon mallin tulon ja lähdön välillä. MISO- järjestelmällä on yksi lähtö ja useita tuloja, joita työssä tehdyssä mallissa oli kolme kappaletta. Mallien tarkkuudeksi saatiin 60-75%. Identifioinnista saadulle mallille muodostettiin simulointimalli, jonka avulla järjestelmä simuloitiin nopeammaksi. Simuloidut PID-arvot viritettiin järjestelmälle myös käytännössä, jonka jälkeen identifiointi toistettiin kahden identifioidun siirtofunktion vertailua varten. Järjestelmille tehtyjen askelvastekokeiden vertailun mukaan, eri identifioidusta saadut järjestelmät, jotka sisälsivät kuitenkin saman säätimen, erosivat toisistaan huomattavasti, vaikka teoriassa niiden pitäisi olla samat. Erot selittyivät mallin identifioinnin riittämättömällä tarkkuudella. Lopuksi virityksen onnistumista testattiin järjestelmällä käytännössä, tekemällä sille askelvastekokeet vanhoilla sekä simuloinnista saaduilla uusilla säätimen arvoilla. Testien mukaan järjestelmän kahden akselin asettumisaikaa saatiin muutettua 5,0 ja 0,8 sekuntia nopeammaksi, mutta kolmannesta akselista tuli epästabiili. Epästabiilius ei ole toivottua, mutta sen havaitseminen osoittaa, että stabiiliksi simuloitu järjestelmä voi todellisuudessa saada epästabiilin lopputuloksen, mikäli simulointimalli sisältää virhettä.
The perovskite crystal structure is host to many different materials from insulating to superconducting providing a diverse range of intrinsic character and complexity. A better fundamental description of these materials in terms of their electronic, optical and magnetic properties undoubtedly precedes an effective realization of their application potential. SmTiOa, a distorted perovskite has a strongly localized electronic structure and undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at 50 K in its nominally stoichiometric form. Sr2Ru04 is a layered perovskite superconductor (ie. Tc % 1 K) bearing the same structure as the high-tem|>erature superconductor La2_xSrrCu04. Polarized reflectance measurements were carried out on both of these materials revealing several interesting features in the far-infrared range of the spectrum. In the case of SmTiOa, although insulating, evidence indicates the presence of a finite background optical conductivity. As the temperature is lowered through the ordering temperature a resonance feature appears to narrow and strengthen near 120 cm~^ A nearby phonon mode appears to also couple to this magnetic transition as revealed by a growing asymmetry in the optica] conductivity. Experiments on a doped sample with a greater itinerant character and lower Neel temperature = 40 K also indicate the presence of this strongly temperature dependent mode even at twice the ordering temperature. Although the mode appears to be sensitive to the magnetic transition it is unclear whether a magnon assignment is appropriate. At very least, evidence suggests an interesting interaction between magnetic and electronic excitations. Although Sr2Ru04 is highly anisotropic it is metallic in three-dimensions at low temperatures and reveals its coherent transport in an inter-plane Drude-like component to the highest temperatures measured (ie. 90 K). An extended Drude analysis is used to probe the frequency dependent scattering character revealing a peak in both the mass enhancement and scattering rate near 80 cm~* and 100 cm~* respectively. All of these experimental observations appear relatively consistent with a Fermi-liquid picture of charge transport. To supplement the optical measurements a resistivity station was set up with an event driven object oriented user interface. The program controls a Keithley Current Source, HP Nano-Voltmeter and Switching Unit as well as a LakeShore Temperature Controller in order to obtain a plot of the Resistivity as a function of temperature. The system allows for resistivity measurements ranging from 4 K to 290 K using an external probe or between 0.4 K to 295 K using a Helium - 3 Cryostat. Several materials of known resistivity have confirmed the system to be robust and capable of measuring metallic samples distinguishing features of several fiQ-cm.
Un nouveau contrôleur de EMCCD (Electron multiplying Charge Coupled Device) est présenté. Il permet de diminuer significativement le bruit qui domine lorsque la puce EMCCD est utilisé pour du comptage de photons: le bruit d'injection de charge. À l'aide de ce contrôleur, une caméra EMCCD scientifique a été construite, caractérisée en laboratoire et testée à l'observatoire du mont Mégantic. Cette nouvelle caméra permet, entre autres, de réaliser des observations de la cinématique des galaxies par spectroscopie de champ intégral par interférométrie de Fabry-Perot en lumière Ha beaucoup plus rapidement, ou de galaxies de plus faible luminosité, que les caméras à comptage de photon basées sur des tubes amplificateurs. Le temps d'intégration nécessaire à l'obtention d'un rapport signal sur bruit donné est environ 4 fois moindre qu'avec les anciennes caméras. Les applications d'un tel appareil d'imagerie sont nombreuses: photométrie rapide et faible flux, spectroscopie à haute résolution spectrale et temporelle, imagerie limitée par la diffraction à partir de télescopes terrestres (lucky imaging), etc. D'un point de vue technique, la caméra est dominée par le bruit de Poisson pour les flux lumineux supérieurs à 0.002 photon/pixel/image. D'un autre côté, la raie d'hydrogène neutre (HI) à 21 cm a souvent été utilisée pour étudier la cinématique des galaxies. L'hydrogène neutre a l'avantage de se retrouver en quantité détectable au-delà du disque optique des galaxies. Cependant, la résolution spatiale de ces observations est moindre que leurs équivalents réalisés en lumière visible. Lors de la comparaison des données HI, avec des données à plus haute résolution, certaines différences étaient simplement attribuées à la faible résolution des observations HI. Le projet THINGS (The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey a observé plusieurs galaxies de l'échantillon SINGS (Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey). Les données cinématiques du projet THIGNS seront comparées aux données cinématiques obtenues en lumière Ha, afin de déterminer si la seule différence de résolution spatiale peut expliquer les différences observées. Les résultats montrent que des différences intrinsèques aux traceurs utilisées (hydrogène neutre ou ionisé), sont responsables de dissemblances importantes. La compréhension de ces particularités est importante: la distribution de la matière sombre, dérivée de la rotation des galaxies, est un test de certains modèles cosmologiques.
Le succès commercial des jeux vidéo nous montre qu’ils sont devenus une alternative non négligeable en matière de loisir et de divertissement. En observant les tendances, on constate que les concepteurs de jeux vidéo cherchent à transposer ou adapter les loisirs comme la danse, l’interprétation de la musique ou la pratique d’un sport dans le contexte de jeux vidéo (l’univers virtuel) et ceci est devenu encore plus évident depuis l’apparition des nouvelles technologies intégrant le mouvement comme mode d'interaction. En rapport aux activités dont les jeux vidéo s’inspirent, ces tendances entraînent des changements considérables sur l’aspect formel de l’activité ludique et notamment l’interaction. Dans le cas particulier du tennis de table, ou ping-pong dans le langage courant, il semble y avoir des différences en terme de plaisir lors de la pratique de ce loisir de façon traditionnelle ou en mode virtuel dans ses différentes adaptations. Le but de cette recherche est de mettre en évidence les différences entre l’appréciation de l’interaction avec le contrôleur multifonctionnel Wiimote et une raquette traditionnelle de ping-pong et de découvrir les implications sur l’expérience du plaisir de la transposition du jeu ping-pong traditionnel comparé aux adaptations sur la console Wii. Ainsi, en regard du CLASSIC GAME MODEL de Juul (2005) et du modèle THE FOUR FUN KEYS de Lazzaro (2008) nous comparons les deux modes d’interaction, jeu traditionnel avec le jeu virtuel, sur le plan formel du jeu et sur les dimensions du plaisir que chacun procure. Les résultats obtenus par l’observation des tests de jeu et l’entremise des autres outils permettent de souligner le rôle déterminant des interfaces dans l’engagement des joueurs et de montrer les limites des interfaces digitales par rapport à celle des jeux traditionnels.
L’augmentation du nombre d’usagers de l’Internet a entraîné une croissance exponentielle dans les tables de routage. Cette taille prévoit l’atteinte d’un million de préfixes dans les prochaines années. De même, les routeurs au cœur de l’Internet peuvent facilement atteindre plusieurs centaines de connexions BGP simultanées avec des routeurs voisins. Dans une architecture classique des routeurs, le protocole BGP s’exécute comme une entité unique au sein du routeur. Cette architecture comporte deux inconvénients majeurs : l’extensibilité (scalabilité) et la fiabilité. D’un côté, la scalabilité de BGP est mesurable en termes de nombre de connexions et aussi par la taille maximale de la table de routage que l’interface de contrôle puisse supporter. De l’autre côté, la fiabilité est un sujet critique dans les routeurs au cœur de l’Internet. Si l’instance BGP s’arrête, toutes les connexions seront perdues et le nouvel état de la table de routage sera propagé tout au long de l’Internet dans un délai de convergence non trivial. Malgré la haute fiabilité des routeurs au cœur de l’Internet, leur résilience aux pannes est augmentée considérablement et celle-ci est implantée dans la majorité des cas via une redondance passive qui peut limiter la scalabilité du routeur. Dans cette thèse, on traite les deux inconvénients en proposant une nouvelle approche distribuée de BGP pour augmenter sa scalabilité ainsi que sa fiabilité sans changer la sémantique du protocole. L’architecture distribuée de BGP proposée dans la première contribution est faite pour satisfaire les deux contraintes : scalabilité et fiabilité. Ceci est accompli en exploitant adéquatement le parallélisme et la distribution des modules de BGP sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Dans cette contribution, les fonctionnalités de BGP sont divisées selon le paradigme « maître-esclave » et le RIB (Routing Information Base) est dupliqué sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Dans la deuxième contribution, on traite la tolérance aux pannes dans l’architecture élaborée dans la première contribution en proposant un mécanisme qui augmente la fiabilité. De plus, nous prouvons analytiquement dans cette contribution qu’en adoptant une telle architecture distribuée, la disponibilité de BGP sera augmentée considérablement versus une architecture monolithique. Dans la troisième contribution, on propose une méthode de partitionnement de la table de routage que nous avons appelé DRTP pour diviser la table de BGP sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Cette contribution vise à augmenter la scalabilité de la table de routage et la parallélisation de l’algorithme de recherche (Best Match Prefix) en partitionnant la table de routage sur plusieurs nœuds physiquement distribués.
Les données sont analysées par le logiciel conçu par François Courtemanche et Féthi Guerdelli. L'expérimentation des jeux a eu lieu au Laboratoire de recherche en communication multimédia de l'Université de Montréal.
Depuis quelques années, plusieurs didacticiens du français se penchent sur l’enseignement et l’évaluation de l’oral, mais peu d’informations sont encore disponibles concernant les pratiques effectives des enseignants à cet égard. Notre recherche vise à décrire les croyances de deux enseignants de français au secondaire et leurs pratiques au sujet de l’évaluation de l’oral, plus particulièrement de l’oral dans une situation d’interaction entre pairs. Une entrevue dirigée a permis d’avoir accès à leurs croyances et à leurs pratiques déclarées, alors que le think-aloud a été employé pour observer leur pratique d’évaluation, à l’étape du jugement, d’une situation d’interaction entre pairs. Nos résultats montrent que, du point de vue de leurs croyances, les enseignants ont tous deux des préoccupations concernant les tâches et les instruments d’évaluation, et que leurs pratiques d’évaluation déclarées sont assez semblables en ce qui a trait aux tâches retenues, à leur fréquence et à l’intention poursuivie. Du côté de leurs pratiques d’évaluation observées à l’étape du jugement, nous exposons de façon détaillée les gestes d’enseignants en situation authentique, en identifiant les principaux processus cognitifs et métacognitifs impliqués dans cette tâche complexe. Des divergences entre les deux enseignants ont été observées relativement à leurs croyances, pratiques déclarées et pratiques observées durant le jugement. Tout d’abord, les critères retenus pour l’évaluation (pratique déclarée) ne tiennent pas toujours compte de ce qu’ils croient important d’enseigner en classe (croyance). De plus, malgré une pratique déclarée positive concernant l’autoévaluation, ces enseignants n’y ont peu ou pas eu recours durant leur jugement. Enfin, les gestes de l’un, durant le jugement, tendaient vers la posture d’instructeur-contrôleur, alors que ceux de l’autre s’inscrivaient davantage dans la posture de conseiller-didacticien. De façon générale, nous constatons que les pratiques de ces enseignants sont plus influencées par les situations rencontrées en tant qu’élèves et les traditions d’enseignement de la discipline que par le programme en vigueur.
OBJECTIF : Déterminer les principales solutions qui facilitent la pratique optimale des médecins dans le traitement de l’asthme, incluant la prescription d’un médicament de contrôle à long terme et l’utilisation de plans d’action écrits. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées ont été menées avec des médecins de différentes spécialités (médecins de famille, pédiatres, urgentologues, pneumologues et allergologues). Ces entrevues ont été transcrites puis analysées qualitativement de manière indépendante par deux chercheures qualifiées. RÉSULTATS : Quarante-deux médecins ont été interviewés. Un total de 867 facilitateurs et solutions ont été exprimés, répondant à trois de leurs besoins: (1) avoir du soutien dans la prestation de soins optimaux, (2) être habileté à aider et motiver les patients à suivre leurs recommandations et (3) avoir l’opportunité d’offrir des services efficients. À partir de ces données, une taxonomie de facilitateurs et de solutions comprenant dix catégories a également été développée. CONCLUSION : Les médecins ont proposé une multitude de facilitateurs et de solutions pour soutenir la pratique optimale. Ils varient essentiellement selon la spécialité et le comportement visé (prescription de médicaments de contrôle à long terme, utilisation de plans d’autogestion écrits et la gestion générale de l’asthme). Cela fait ressortir l’importance d’effectuer le choix des interventions en étroite collaboration avec les utilisateurs de connaissances afin d’obtenir des solutions qui soient perçues comme faisables et applicables, ayant ainsi potentiellement plus de chances de mener à un changement de pratique. La nouvelle taxonomie offre la possibilité d’utiliser un langage commun pour classifier les facilitateurs et les solutions.
One of the fastest expanding areas of computer exploitation is in embedded systems, whose prime function is not that of computing, but which nevertheless require information processing in order to carry out their prime function. Advances in hardware technology have made multi microprocessor systems a viable alternative to uniprocessor systems in many embedded application areas. This thesis reports the results of investigations carried out on multi microprocessors oriented towards embedded applications, with a view to enhancing throughput and reliability. An ideal controller for multiprocessor operation is developed which would smoothen sharing of routines and enable more powerful and efficient code I data interchange. Results of performance evaluation are appended.A typical application scenario is presented, which calls for classifying tasks based on characteristic features that were identified. The different classes are introduced along with a partitioned storage scheme. Theoretical analysis is also given. A review of schemes available for reducing disc access time is carried out and a new scheme presented. This is found to speed up data base transactions in embedded systems. The significance of software maintenance and adaptation in such applications is highlighted. A novel scheme of prov1d1ng a maintenance folio to system firmware is presented, alongwith experimental results. Processing reliability can be enhanced if facility exists to check if a particular instruction in a stream is appropriate. Likelihood of occurrence of a particular instruction would be more prudent if number of instructions in the set is less. A new organisation is derived to form the basement for further work. Some early results that would help steer the course of the work are presented.
Photoconductivity (PC) processes may be the most suitable technique for obtaining information about the states in the gap. It finds applications in photovoItaics, photo detection and radiation measurements. The main task in the area of photovoltaics, is to increase the efficiency of the device and also to develop new materials with good optoelectronic properties useful for energy conversion, keeping the idea of cost effectiveness. Photoconduction includes generation and recombination of carriers and their transport to the electrodes. So thermal relaxation process, charge carrier statistics, effects of electrodes and several mechanisms of recombination are involved in photoconductivity.A major effect of trapping is to make the experimentally observed decay time of photocurrent, longer than carrier lifetime. If no trapping centers are present, then observed photocurrent will decay in the same way as the density of free carriers and the observed decay time will be equal to carrier lifetime. If the density of free carriers is much less than density of trapped carriers, the entire decay of photocurrent is effectively dominated by the rate of trap emptying rather than by the rate of recombination.In the present study, the decay time of carriers was measured using photoconductive decay (PCD) technique. For the measurements, the film was loaded in a liquid Helium cryostat and the temperature was controlled using Lakshore Auto tuning temperature controller (Model 321). White light was used to illuminate the required area of the sample. Heat radiation from the light source was avoided by passing the light beam through a water filter. The decay current. after switching off the illumination. was measured using a Kiethely 2000 multi meter. Sets of PCD measurements were taken varying sample temperature, sample preparation temperature, thickness of the film, partial pressure of Oxygen and concentration of a particular element in a compound. Decay times were calculated using the rate window technique, which is a decay sampling technique particularly suited to computerized analysis. For PCD curves with two well-defined regions, two windows were chosen, one at the fast decay region and the other at the slow decay region. The curves in a particular window were exponentially fitted using Microsoft Excel 2000 programme. These decay times were plotted against sample temperature and sample preparation temperature to study the effect of various defects in the film. These studies were done in order to optimize conditions of preparation technique so as to get good photosensitive samples. useful for photovoltaic applications.Materials selected for the study were CdS, In2Se3, CuIn2Se3 and CuInS2• Photoconductivity studies done on these samples are organised in six chapters including introduction and conclusion.
One major component of power system operation is generation scheduling. The objective of the work is to develop efficient control strategies to the power scheduling problems through Reinforcement Learning approaches. The three important active power scheduling problems are Unit Commitment, Economic Dispatch and Automatic Generation Control. Numerical solution methods proposed for solution of power scheduling are insufficient in handling large and complex systems. Soft Computing methods like Simulated Annealing, Evolutionary Programming etc., are efficient in handling complex cost functions, but find limitation in handling stochastic data existing in a practical system. Also the learning steps are to be repeated for each load demand which increases the computation time.Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a method of learning through interactions with environment. The main advantage of this approach is it does not require a precise mathematical formulation. It can learn either by interacting with the environment or interacting with a simulation model. Several optimization and control problems have been solved through Reinforcement Learning approach. The application of Reinforcement Learning in the field of Power system has been a few. The objective is to introduce and extend Reinforcement Learning approaches for the active power scheduling problems in an implementable manner. The main objectives can be enumerated as:(i) Evolve Reinforcement Learning based solutions to the Unit Commitment Problem.(ii) Find suitable solution strategies through Reinforcement Learning approach for Economic Dispatch. (iii) Extend the Reinforcement Learning solution to Automatic Generation Control with a different perspective. (iv) Check the suitability of the scheduling solutions to one of the existing power systems.First part of the thesis is concerned with the Reinforcement Learning approach to Unit Commitment problem. Unit Commitment Problem is formulated as a multi stage decision process. Q learning solution is developed to obtain the optimwn commitment schedule. Method of state aggregation is used to formulate an efficient solution considering the minimwn up time I down time constraints. The performance of the algorithms are evaluated for different systems and compared with other stochastic methods like Genetic Algorithm.Second stage of the work is concerned with solving Economic Dispatch problem. A simple and straight forward decision making strategy is first proposed in the Learning Automata algorithm. Then to solve the scheduling task of systems with large number of generating units, the problem is formulated as a multi stage decision making task. The solution obtained is extended in order to incorporate the transmission losses in the system. To make the Reinforcement Learning solution more efficient and to handle continuous state space, a fimction approximation strategy is proposed. The performance of the developed algorithms are tested for several standard test cases. Proposed method is compared with other recent methods like Partition Approach Algorithm, Simulated Annealing etc.As the final step of implementing the active power control loops in power system, Automatic Generation Control is also taken into consideration.Reinforcement Learning has already been applied to solve Automatic Generation Control loop. The RL solution is extended to take up the approach of common frequency for all the interconnected areas, more similar to practical systems. Performance of the RL controller is also compared with that of the conventional integral controller.In order to prove the suitability of the proposed methods to practical systems, second plant ofNeyveli Thennal Power Station (NTPS IT) is taken for case study. The perfonnance of the Reinforcement Learning solution is found to be better than the other existing methods, which provide the promising step towards RL based control schemes for practical power industry.Reinforcement Learning is applied to solve the scheduling problems in the power industry and found to give satisfactory perfonnance. Proposed solution provides a scope for getting more profit as the economic schedule is obtained instantaneously. Since Reinforcement Learning method can take the stochastic cost data obtained time to time from a plant, it gives an implementable method. As a further step, with suitable methods to interface with on line data, economic scheduling can be achieved instantaneously in a generation control center. Also power scheduling of systems with different sources such as hydro, thermal etc. can be looked into and Reinforcement Learning solutions can be achieved.
Decimal multiplication is an integral part of financial, commercial, and internet-based computations. This paper presents a novel double digit decimal multiplication (DDDM) technique that performs 2 digit multiplications simultaneously in one clock cycle. This design offers low latency and high throughput. When multiplying two n-digit operands to produce a 2n-digit product, the design has a latency of (n / 2) 1 cycles. The paper presents area and delay comparisons for 7-digit, 16-digit, 34-digit double digit decimal multipliers on different families of Xilinx, Altera, Actel and Quick Logic FPGAs. The multipliers presented can be extended to support decimal floating-point multiplication for IEEE P754 standard
Design and study of self-assembled functional organic and hybrid systems for biological applications
The focus of self-assembly as a strategy for the synthesis has been confined largely to molecules, because of the importance of manipulating the structure of matter at the molecular scale. We have investigated the influence of temperature and pH, in addition to the concentration of the capping agent used for the formation of the nano-bio conjugates. For example, the formation of the narrower size distribution of the nanoparticles was observed with the increase in the concentration of the protein, which supports the fact that γ-globulin acts both as a controller of nucleation as well as stabiliser. As analyzed through various photophysical, biophysical and microscopic techniques such as TEM, AFM, C-AFM, SEM, DLS, OPM, CD and FTIR, we observed that the initial photoactivation of γ-globulin at pH 12 for 3 h resulted in small protein fibres of ca. Further irradiation for 24 h, led to the formation of selfassembled long fibres of the protein of ca. 5-6 nm and observation of surface plasmon resonance band at around 520 nm with the concomitant quenching of luminescence intensity at 680 nm. The observation of light triggered self-assembly of the protein and its effect on controlling the fate of the anchored nanoparticles can be compared with the naturally occurring process such as photomorphogenesis.Furthermore,our approach offers a way to understand the role played by the self-assembly of the protein in ordering and knock out of the metal nanoparticles and also in the design of nano-biohybrid materials for medicinal and optoelectronic applications. Investigation of the potential applications of NIR absorbing and water soluble squaraine dyes 1-3 for protein labeling and anti-amyloid agents forms the subject matter of the third chapter of the thesis. The study of their interactions with various proteins revealed that 1-3 showed unique interactions towards serum albumins as well as lysozyme. 69%, 71% and 49% in the absorption spectra as well as significant quenching in the fluorescence intensity of the dyes 1-3, respectively. Half-reciprocal analysis of the absorption data and isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) analysis of the titration experiments gave a 1:1 stoichiometry for the complexes formed between the lysozyme and squaraine dyes with association constants (Kass) in the range 104-105 M-1. We have determined the changes in the free energy (ΔG) for the complex formation and the values are found to be -30.78, -32.31 and -28.58 kJmol-1, respectively for the dyes 1, 2 and 3. Furthermore, we have observed a strong induced CD (ICD) signal corresponding to the squaraine chromophore in the case of the halogenated squaraine dyes 2 and 3 at 636 and 637 nm confirming the complex formation in these cases. To understand the nature of interaction of the squaraine dyes 1-3 with lysozyme, we have investigated the interaction of dyes 1-3 with different amino acids. These results indicated that the dyes 1-3 showed significant interactions with cysteine and glutamic acid which are present in the side chains of lysozyme. In addition the temperature dependent studies have revealed that the interaction of the dye and the lysozyme are irreversible. Furthermore, we have investigated the interactions of these NIR dyes 1-3 with β- amyloid fibres derived from lysozyme to evaluate their potential as inhibitors of this biologically important protein aggregation. These β-amyloid fibrils were insoluble protein aggregates that have been associated with a range of neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases. We have synthesized amyloid fibres from lysozyme through its incubation in acidic solution below pH 4 and by allowing to form amyloid fibres at elevated temperature. To quantify the binding affinities of the squaraine dyes 1-3 with β-amyloids, we have carried out the isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) measurements. The association constants were determined and are found to be 1.2 × 105, 3.6× 105 and 3.2 × 105 M-1 for the dyes, 1-3, respectively. To gain more insights into the amyloid inhibiting nature of the squaraine dyes under investigations, we have carried out thioflavin assay, CD, isothermal titration calorimetry and microscopic analysis. The addition of the dyes 1-3 (5μM) led to the complete quenching in the apparent thioflavin fluorescence, thereby indicating the destabilization of β-amyloid fibres in the presence of the squaraine dyes. Further, the inhibition of the amyloid fibres by the squaraine dyes 1-3, has been evidenced though the DLS, TEM AFM and SAED, wherein we observed the complete destabilization of the amyloid fibre and transformation of the fibre into spherical particles of ca. These results demonstrate the fact that the squaraine dyes 1-3 can act as protein labeling agents as well as the inhibitors of the protein amyloidogenesis. The last chapter of the thesis describes the synthesis and investigation of selfassembly as well as bio-imaging aspects of a few novel tetraphenylethene conjugates 4-6.Expectedly, these conjugates showed significant solvatochromism and exhibited a hypsochromic shift (negative solvatochromism) as the solvent polarity increased, and these observations were justified though theoretical studies employing the B3LYP/6-31g method. We have investigated the self-assembly properties of these D-A conjugates though variation in the percentage of water in acetonitrile solution due to the formation of nanoaggregates. Further the contour map of the observed fluorescence intensity as a function of the fluorescence excitation and emission wavelength confirmed the formation of J-type aggregates in these cases. To have a better understanding of the type of self-assemblies formed from the TPE conjugates 4-6, we have carried out the morphological analysis through various microscopic techniques such as DLS, SEM and TEM. 70%, we observed rod shape architectures having ~ 780 nm in diameter and ~ 12 μM in length as evidenced through TEM and SEM analysis. We have made similar observations with the dodecyl conjugate 5 at ca. 70% and 50% water/acetonitrile mixtures, the aggregates formed from 4 and 5 were found to be highly crystalline and such structures were transformed to amorphous nature as the water fraction was increased to 99%. To evaluate the potential of the conjugate as bio-imaging agents, we have carried out their in vitro cytotoxicity and cellular uptake studies though MTT assay, flow cytometric and confocal laser scanning microscopic techniques. Thus nanoparticle of these conjugates which exhibited efficient emission, large stoke shift, good stability, biocompatibility and excellent cellular imaging properties can have potential applications for tracking cells as well as in cell-based therapies. In summary we have synthesized novel functional organic chromophores and have studied systematic investigation of self-assembly of these synthetic and biological building blocks under a variety of conditions. The investigation of interaction of water soluble NIR squaraine dyes with lysozyme indicates that these dyes can act as the protein labeling agents and the efficiency of inhibition of β-amyloid indicate, thereby their potential as anti-amyloid agents.