949 resultados para Anonyms and pseudonyms, Spanish-American.


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El siglo XX ha sido el siglo de los desplazamientos. Una ingente cantidad de personas fueron forzadas por motivos políticos, o se vieron obligadas por motivos económicos, a abandonar sus territorios de origen, generando un distanciamiento que en la mayoría de los casos resultaría irrecuperable. Las penurias vividas en Europa, las oportunidades que se abrían en países americanos, o la presión ejercida por los regímenes totalitarios, llevaron a un buen número de profesionales, artistas e intelectuales europeos a territorio americano. El presente trabajo se propone indagar sobre una de esas migraciones que se establecieron en Latinoamérica en la primera mitad del siglo XX: la de los arquitectos españoles que se vieron forzados al exilio. Para ello se busca poner en evidencia no sólo sus aportaciones sino también la influencia que ejerció en su obra la cultura de los países de adopción. Venezuela recibió gran parte del contingente de arquitectos españoles desplazados como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil. Tras México fue el país que mayor número acogió. La llegada de dichos exiliados coincidió con el momento en que la sociedad venezolana, de base agrícola y comercial, pasaría a evidenciar el impacto de la revolución petrolera. Así pues, dicha llegada supuso no sólo la dramática pérdida del mundo previo, implícita en todo exilio, sino el arribo a una sociedad en profundo proceso de cambio. En ambos casos se trataba de “mundos que se desvanecen”. Se propone la asunción de la obra de dichos profesionales como una arquitectura desplazada. Un desplazamiento que se produce en dos sentidos: por un lado, se trata de un desplazamiento físico, por otro, la palabra desplazada habla también de la condición secundaria que adquiere la arquitectura ante el drama vital y de supervivencia que afectó a los exiliados. Así pues, a un desplazamiento físico, verificable, se une un desplazamiento en cuanto al nivel de importancia y de atención asignado a la arquitectura. El trabajo comprende una introducción, cuatro capítulos, y un epílogo, a modo de conclusión. A lo largo de dichos capítulos se conjugan el enfoque individual en la obra de uno de estos arquitectos desterrados, Rafael Bergamín, y la visión “coral” de diversas trayectorias vitales que enfrentaron un destino común. Se elige la figura de Bergamín como eje de desarrollo debido a la presencia significativa que tuvo su obra tanto en España como en Venezuela, y por la caracterización de la misma como obra construida en colaboración. La introducción, “Exilios arquitectónicos”, muestra el sustrato estructural, la fundamentación y la metodología empleada, incluyendo “problematizaciones” sobre el exilio arquitectónico. El primer capítulo, “Memoria de partida”, da cuenta de la formación y actuación, durante la preguerra, de los arquitectos españoles que saldrían al exilio. Se introduce un esquema de base generacional y se revela un panorama para nada unívoco. El segundo capítulo, “Guerra y salida al exilio”, aborda la actuación de dichos arquitectos durante la contienda bélica así como la posterior dispersión general del exilio. El tercer capítulo, “Construir desde lo que se desvanece. Arquitectos del exilio español en Venezuela”, propone diversos presupuestos conceptuales en torno al tema del desplazamiento en la arquitectura, revisando la adscripción disciplinar y profesional de los arquitectos españoles exiliados en Venezuela. El cuarto capítulo, “El regreso”, versa sobre el recorrido final de estos arquitectos. Como marco general, se revisa su itinerario de regreso o, en muchos casos, la imposibilidad de retorno. Por último, se dispone la fuente de los diversos documentos de archivos y repositorios, así como el aparato bibliográfico y referencial, empleados en la investigación. Tres anexos se adjuntan al corpus del trabajo. El primero presenta documentos inéditos, hallados durante el pertinente proceso de investigación; el segundo, dibujos de Bergamín, básicamente de las primeras décadas del siglo XX: caricaturas, anuncios y trabajos de la Escuela; el tercero, un esbozo biográfico de los arquitectos del exilio español. ABSTRACT The 20th Century has been the century of displacements. An enormous number of people were forced to leave their homelands for political or economic reasons, which generated a gap that in most of the cases would be unrecoverable. The hardships that people had to endure in Europe, the opportunities that emerged in American countries, or the pressure exerted by totalitarian regimes drove a good number of European professionals, artists and intellectuals to American territory. This research study is intended to investigate one of those migrations that settled in Latin America during the first half of the 20th century: the one of the Spanish architects that were forced into exile. To achieve this, an attempt was made to expose not only their contributions but also the influence that the culture of the countries which welcomed them exerted in their work. Venezuela received a large portion of Spanish architects who were displaced as a consequence of the Civil War. After Mexico, it was the country that sheltered the greatest number of persons. The arrival of these exiled Spanish architects coincided with the moment in which the Venezuelan society – based on agriculture and commerce – would witness the impact of the revolution of the oil industry. Thus, their arrival supposed not only experiencing the dramatic loss of their previous world – implicit in the notion of the exile – but also settling in a society going through a profound change process. In both cases it was about “two worlds that were vanishing.” The assumption of these architects’ work is regarded as a displaced architecture. A displacement that takes place in two ways: on one hand, there was a physical displacement, and on the other hand, the word displaced also talks about the second place that architecture is given when confronted with the urgent drama of survival that affected the exiled community. Hence, a physical, verifiable displacement is combined with a displacement that has to do with the importance and the attention given to architecture. This research study encompasses an introduction, four chapters, and an epilogue as a conclusion. Throughout the chapters, the individual approach to the work of one of these exiled architects, Rafael Bergamín, runs in parallel to an overall view of various other architects’ career paths that faced a common destiny. The work of the architect Bergamín was chosen as the center of this research study due to the significant presence that his work had in Spain as well as in Venezuela, and because its main characteristic was that it was built in collaboration with other architects. The introduction, “Architectural exiles”, shows the structural contextualization, the explanatory thesis statement and the methodology used, including “problematizations” about the architectural exile. The first chapter, “Memory of departure”, contains the academic background and performance during the pre-war time of the Spanish architects that would go into exile. An outline based on different generations and revealing an unambiguous perspective is introduced. The second chapter, “War and departure into exile”, tackles the performance of the Spanish architects during the war, as well as the following general diaspora into exile. The third chapter, “Building from what vanishes. Architects of the Spanish exile in Venezuela”, proposes various conceptual assumptions concerning the topic of displacement in architecture according to the doctrine and professional affiliations of the Spanish architects exiled in Venezuela. The fourth chapter, “The return”, deals with the end of these architects’ careers. As a general framework, their itineraries to return, or in many cases, the impossibility of returning, are reviewed. Finally, the sources to the various documents of files and repositories, as well as the bibliographical references consulted for the research, are provided. Three annexes have been attached to this research study. The first annex contains unpublished documents found during the research process; the second includes Bergamín’s drawings, basically from the first decades of the 20th century, such as, caricatures, advertisements and assignments done when he was a university student; and the third annex presents a biographical outline of the architects of the Spanish exile.


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Road infrastructure has a remarkable economic and social impact on society. This is why road financing has always drawn the attention of policymakers, especially when resources available for government spending become scarce. Nations exhibit differing approaches to dealing with road transportation financing. In the United States, the current system of road funding has been called into question because some regard it as insufficient to meet the amounts now required for road expenditures. By contrast, in most European countries, road charges are very high, but these revenues are not allocated for the funding of roads. This paper analyzes the balance between charging for the use of and expenditure on the road sector in the United States and compares the American policy with those of several European countries (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, and Switzerland). To that end, a methodology is defined to calculate the annual amount of fee charges levied on light and heavy vehicles in the selected countries in order to compare those charges with annual road expenditures. The results show that road charges in America are noticeably lower than those paid in Europe. Additionally, the research concludes that in Europe, road-generated revenues exceed road expenditures in all the countries studied, so road charges actually subsidize other policies. By contrast, in the United States, the public sector subsidizes the road system in order to maintain the current level of expenditure.


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Spanish coastal legislation has changed in response to changing circumstances. The objective of the 1969 Spanish Coastal Law was to assign responsibilities in the Public Domain to the authorities. The 1980 Spanish Coastal Law addressed infractions and sanctions issues. The 1988 Spanish Coastal Law completed the responsibilities and sanctions aspects and included others related to the delimitation of the Public Domain, the private properties close to the Public Domain, and limitations on landuse in this area. The 1988 Spanish Coastal Law has been controversial since its publication. The “European Parliament Report on the impact of extensive urbanization in Spain on individual rights of European citizen, on the environment and on the application of EU law, based upon petitions received”, published in 2009 recommended that the Spanish Authorities make an urgent revision of the Coastal Law with the main objective of protecting property owners whose buildings do not have negative effects on the coastal environment. The revision recommended has been carried out, in the new Spanish Coastal Law “Ley 2/2013, de 29 de mayo, de protección y uso sostenible del litoral y de modificación de la Ley 22/1988, de 28 de Julio, de Costas”, published in May of 2013. This is the first major change in the 25 years since the previous 1988 Spanish Coastal Law. This paper compares the 1988 and 2013 Spanish Coastal Law documents, highlighting the most important issues like the Public Domain description, limitations in private properties close to the Public Domain limit, climate change influence, authorizations length, etc. The paper includes proposals for further improvements.


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"Slow Fashion" attempts to offset the demand for fast fashion and mass production (Fletcher, 2007). Consumers' response to sustainability-based practices is a limited discourse and studies for slow fashion concept are scarce. This study thus aims to enlighten the subject of how slow fashion concept could improve local economies and how Spanish consumers respond to such initiatives. This paper is based on an exploratory qualitative research for which focus group interviews including three group discussions with Spanish consumers were held. The data was examined by constant comparison analysis to present consumer insights. Moreover, a case study was conducted with a Spanish apparel brand. Saint Brissant was chosen since it manufactures in Spain to (i) ensure its products? high quality and (ii) to empower Spanish economy. This paper provides empirical insights. Even though local manufacturing was perceived to have a higher quality, Spanish consumers? behavioural intentions of using local brands were not high.Self-interest, mainly price and design, was recorded as the most influential purchase criteria. Furthermore, Saint Brissant case demonstrated that local manufacturing could boost local economies by creating workforce. However, governmental subsidies should be rearranged and consumers? perceptions should be improved to support local manufacturers in Spain.


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Esta investigación nace de la necesidad de aunar el máximo conocimiento sobre el sector Desarrollo Rural, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición en la Cooperación Española, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como práctico, que facilite, por un lado, precisar los límites que abarca el sector, conceptuales y de aplicación, mejorando la eficiencia y eficacia de las intervenciones en él, y por otro, conformar una prospectiva del mismo. La tesis propone una metodología de investigación-acción, puesto que por la propia posición de trabajo de la investigadora en la AECID y en el sector, esta es, a la vez, objeto y actora de la realidad vivida y del cambio a futuro. Para el trabajo de campo se ha contado con un importante grupo de expertos en la materia, que han participado en talleres de reflexión y en la encuesta Delphi, así como con una serie de entrevistas en profundidad. El requisito de contar con un marco teórico en el que se sustente el sector es esencial y el capítulo IV contempla este, partiendo de los antecedentes y marco normativo de la política de cooperación española, substancialmente la Ley de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, pasando por los principales instrumentos de planificación de esta política: Planes Directores, Estrategias sectoriales y Plan de Actuación Sectorial de Desarrollo Rural y Lucha contra el Hambre. Se puntualiza la cooperación reembolsable en el sector, y se repasan las principales actuaciones que han tenido lugar en el contexto internacional con especial hincapié en la crisis provocada por la subida del precio de los alimentos y las medidas más significativas que se tomaron para combatirla, pasando a continuación al proceso post-2015, los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y la posición española en él. En el marco conceptual se revisan términos tales como Derecho Humano a la Alimentación, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición, Seguridad alimentaria, Seguridad alimentaria nutricional, Soberanía alimentaria, Seguridad alimentaria como Bien Público Mundial, Desarrollo Rural, Desarrollo Rural Territorial, Enfoque Territorial y Resiliencia, concluyendo este apartado con la búsqueda de las interrelaciones entre Seguridad alimentaria, Derecho Humano a la Alimentación y Desarrollo Rural Territorial. El capítulo termina con un breve repaso de lo que hacen en esta materia las principales agencias de Cooperación Internacional de los donantes más importantes del CAD. En el Marco de Aplicación se acomete una comparación de la evolución de la AOD en el marco temporal de la investigación, del 2000 al 2013, concedida al sector por la Cooperación Española en función de los distintos subsectores y también una comparativa de la ayuda otorgada por los principales donantes del CAD para este mismo periodo. Posteriormente se examinan las intervenciones centrales de la Cooperación Española en Derecho Humano a la Alimentación con la sociedad civil, con la FAO y con el relator especial de NNUU para el Derecho a la Alimentación, Seguridad Alimentaria Nutricional, destacando el Fondo España-ODM y el Programa Especial de Seguridad Alimentaria (PESA)y Desarrollo Rural Territorial , sobre el proyecto EXPIDER I y II (Experiencias de desarrollo local rural en América Latina) , y el proyecto PIDERAL ( Proyecto de políticas innovadoras de desarrollo de los territorios rurales en América Latina ) y tres intervenciones con enfoque regional como son :La Iniciativa América Latina y Caribe sin Hambre (IALCSH), la Estrategia Centroamericana de Desarrollo Rural Territorial (ECADERT) y la intervención de la Cooperación Española apoyando la Política Agraria de la CEDEAO. La investigación empírica esencialmente con un enfoque cualitativo, se examina y detalla en el capítulo VI, reflejándose las principales conclusiones de la misma en el capítulo del mismo nombre, tras haber contrastado las hipótesis formuladas y posteriormente cotejar las aplicaciones prácticas de la tesis y proponer posibles nuevas líneas de investigación. ABSTRACT This research stems from the need to combine the best knowledge about the Rural Development, Food Security and Nutrition sectors in Spanish Cooperation, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, that enables, on the one hand, to specify the limits that the sector covers, both conceptual and of implementation, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of interventions in it, and on the other, shape the future thereof. The thesis proposes a methodology of research-action, which is the AECID researcher´s own position in the sector, being at the same time, both researcher and participant of the reality experienced and future change. The field work benefitted from the support of a major group of experts in the field, who participated in reflection workshops, the Delphi survey and a series of in-depth interviews. The requirement for a theoretical framework that sustains the sector is essential and Chapter IV provides for this, starting with the background and legal framework of the policy of Spanish cooperation, essentially the International Development Cooperation Law, through the main instruments of policy planning: Master Plans; sectorial strategies; the Sectorial Action Plan for Rural Development; Fight against hunger. Refundable cooperation in the sector is specified, and the key actions that have taken place in the international context with special emphasis on the crisis caused by rising food prices and the most significant measures taken to combat it are reviewed. Then continuing with the post-2015 process, the Sustainable Development Objectives and the Spanish position in them. Conceptional framework terms such as Human Right to Food, Food Security and Nutrition, Food Security, Nutritional Food Security, Food Sovereignty, Food Security as a global public good, Rural Development, Rural Regional Development, Regional Approach and Resilience are reviewed, ending this section with the search for the interrelationship between Food Security, Human Right to Food and Rural Regional Development. The chapter ends with a brief overview of what the main agencies for International Cooperation of the major DAC donors do in this area. In the implementation framework, a comparison is provided of the evolution of the ODA within the time frame of the investigation, from 2000 to 2013, granted to the sector by the Spanish Cooperation in terms of the various subsectors and also a comparison is made of the support provided by the DAC's major donors for the same period. Subsequently the core interventions of Spanish Cooperation in the Human Right to Food with civil society, with FAO and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Food Security Nutrition are examined, highlighting the Spain MDG Fund and the Special Programme for Food Security (PESA) and Regional Rural Development on the EXPIDER I and II project (Rural local development experiences in Latin America), and the PIDERAL project (Innovative policy development project of rural areas in Latin America) and three regionally focused interventions such as: the Latin America and Caribbean without Hunger (HFLACI) Initiative, the Central American Strategy for Rural Development (ECADERT) and the intervention of the Spanish Cooperation to support the ECOWAS Agricultural Policy. Empirical research, essentially with a qualitative approach, is examined and detailed in Chapter VI, reflecting the main conclusions of the investigation in the chapter of the same name, after having contrasted the ideas put forward, and then later compares the practical applications of the thesis and proposes possible new lines of research.


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According to cognitive linguistics, language has an experiential origin based on perception, sensory motor activities and our knowledge of the world. Our thought operates by establishing similarities, links and associations that enable us to talk about one thing in terms of another as shown in the example of love as a journey (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). Metaphor and metonymy are conceptual and linguistic tools that make possible most of these cognitive operations. Since metaphor is an essential element of human communication, the discourse of specialised disciplines includes metaphorical mappings and numerous examples of metaphorical expressions, for example in economics, where business is mapped in terms of war (White, 2004; Herrera & White, 2000), electrotechnics with electrical components understood as couples (Roldán- Riejos in preparation) or in civil engineering where a bridge is conceptualized as a person (Roldán-Riejos, 2013). In this paper, the metaphors: WORKING WITH METALS IS COOKING/ TRABAJAR CON METALES ES COCINAR and METALS ARE CULINARY OBJECTS/ LOS METALES SON OBJETOS CULINARIOS are explored. The main aim is to show that the cooking metaphor is widely spread in the metallurgical domain in English and Spanish, although with different nuances in each language due to socio-cultural factors. The method adopted consists of analysing examples taken from the: Bilingual Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Metaphors and Metonymies Spanish- English/English-Spanish, a forthcoming and rigorously documented bilingual dictionary that sums up research on conceptual, linguistic and visual metaphor and metonymy in different areas of engineering (Roldán-Riejos and Molina, 2013). The present paper studies in detail English and Spanish cross-linguistic correspondences related to types of metals and processes. It is suggested that they reflect synesthetic metaphoric mappings. The exploitation of cognitive conceptual metaphor in the ESP classroom is lastly recommended.


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Lisa Bell is the founder and CEO of Inspired Life Media Group, a Los Angeles-based international content development and production company that works with a diverse cross-section of venture-backed startups, high profile individuals, and fortune 500 brands. Lisa, past content and business ventures are critically-acclaimed, diverse, and plentiful. She created, directed, and produced The American Dream Revised, a digital docuseries that follows a diverse group of young entrepreneurs. Lisa’s past business ventures include startups in technology, personal development, and original content.After launching her first company at 19 years old, she later started a for-profit social enterprise that reached more than 400,000 girls around the world with active programs in Liberia, England, Brazil, and the US.


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This article examines the unique experiences of American Indian (AI) female veterans through a generalized qualitative study. Revealed in this study were interesting cultural insights regarding a concentrated, yet largely misunderstood, population within the U.S. military. For this study, six participants were interviewed and data were analyzed to identify common experiences of AI female veterans. The analyses revealed unique roles assumed during military service, a strengthening of cultural values, identity development, and personal empowerment as a result of AI women having served in the military. Discussion, implications, and limitations of this study are also described.


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"The purpose of this study is to reveal the work of Cephas Thompson in the context of the American Portrait Tradition as it existed in America from 1775 to 1856. European historic and artistic background serves as the foundation. A critical analysis of the most relevant American portraitists from the seventeenth to the midnineteenth centuries is provided to relate them aesthetically and ideologically with the work of Cephas Thompson and to provide insight into the artistic trends prevalent in Europe and America"