938 resultados para Android, Java, GPS, PHP, MySql, XML
The aim of this study was to identify and map the weed population in a no-tillage area. Geostatistical techniques were used in the mapping in order to assess this information as a tool for the localized application of herbicides. The area of study is 58.08 hectares wide and was sampled in a fixed square grid (which point spaced 50 m, 232 points) using a GPS receiver. In each point the weeds species and population were analyzed in a square with a 0.25 m2 fixed area. The species Ipomoea grandifolia, Gnaphalium spicatum, Richardia spp. and Emilia sonchifolia have presented no spatial dependence. However, the species Conyza spp., C. echinatus and E. indica have shown a spatial correlation. Among the models tested, the spherical model has shown had a better fit for Conyza spp. and Eleusine indica and the Gaussian model for Cenchrus echinatus. The three species have a clumped spatial distribution. The mapping of weeds can be a tool for localized control, making herbicide use more rational, effective and economical.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten sähköyhtiöt nykypäivänä käyttävät GPS:ää apuna. Lisäksi tuli selvittää minkälaisen tarkkuuden uusi tekniikka mahdollistaa ja mitä muita hyötyjä satelliitti paikannus tuo mukanaan. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin jo olemassa olevaa pohjatietoutta ja lisäksi sähköyhtiön edustajien haastatteluja. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että GPS:n käyttö linjojen paikannuksessa on helppoa ja nopeaa sekä nopeasti yleistynyttä Suomessa viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana. Suuri osa keski-jännitelinjoista on jo saatu digitaaliseen muotoon. Lisäksi GPS alkaa vallata alaa myös linjasuunnittelu puolella. Tarkkuudet liikkuvat senteissä, mikä riittää suunnittelun tar-peisiin hyvin. Ajoneuvopaikannuksessa ei olla vielä päästy kovinkaan pitkälle, sillä tie-donsiirtomaksut nostavat rajaa palvelun ostamiseksi. Lisäksi GSM-tekniikasta on tullut GPS:n kilpailija tällä saralla.
INTRODUÇÃO: A população idosa mundial tem aumentado de forma expressiva e pesquisas apontam para um aumento da expectativa de vida dos brasileiros em cerca de 10 anos. Assim como outras comorbidades, as doenças glomerulares também são observadas em idosos e, neste contexto, a biopsia renal surge como ferramenta diagnóstica fundamental para auxiliar a tomada de conduta, evitando, muitas vezes, terapias desnecessárias. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a frequência dos diagnósticos histológicos em idosos submetidos a biopsia renal, com destaque para as glomerulopatias (GPs), em dois centros universitários brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Avaliação retrospectiva dos laudos de biopsias renais do Departamento de Patologia da UNIFESP, incluindo pacientes com idade maior ou igual a 60 anos, no período de 01/01/1996 a 31/12/2003 e do ambulatório de GPs do NIEPEN. Os estudos de rins transplantados e de nefrectomias foram excluídos. Os dados considerados para análise foram: idade, sexo, síndrome clínica de apresentação e diagnóstico histológico (por microscopia óptica e imunofluorescência). As nefropatias foram classificadas em GP primárias, doenças renais secundárias, patologias não glomerulares e outras. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 113 casos, constatando-se: média de idade de 66,0 ± 6,0 anos e predomínio do sexo masculino (54,8%). A síndrome clínica de apresentação mais comum foi a síndrome nefrótica (32,7%), seguida de insuficiência renal aguda e crônica, com 18,6% cada. As doenças glomerulares foram: nefropatia membranosa (NM), 15%; nefroesclerose hipertensiva, 11,5%; glomerulosclerose segmentar e focal e vasculites/ GN com crescentes, 9,7% cada; amiloidose, glomerulonefrite crônica e doença de lesões mínimas, 7,1% cada; GN proliferativa difusa, 4,4%; nefropatia por IgA e nefrite lúpica, 2,7% cada. Houve um predomínio das GP primárias (45,2%) quando comparadas às outras nefropatias. CONCLUSÃO: A principal indicação de biopsia foi a síndrome nefrótica. Predominaram as doenças glomerulares entre os diagnósticos histológicos renais, com destaque para NM e nefroesclerose hipertensiva, achados compatíveis com estudos prévios nesta área, mas raramente avaliados em nosso meio. Fica claro que a diversidade de diagnósticos e os tratamentos diferenciados justificam a biopsia renal para tomada de decisão neste grupo de pacientes.
With the growth in new technologies, using online tools have become an everyday lifestyle. It has a greater impact on researchers as the data obtained from various experiments needs to be analyzed and knowledge of programming has become mandatory even for pure biologists. Hence, VTT came up with a new tool, R Executables (REX) which is a web application designed to provide a graphical interface for biological data functions like Image analysis, Gene expression data analysis, plotting, disease and control studies etc., which employs R functions to provide results. REX provides a user interactive application for the biologists to directly enter the values and run the required analysis with a single click. The program processes the given data in the background and prints results rapidly. Due to growth of data and load on server, the interface has gained problems concerning time consumption, poor GUI, data storage issues, security, minimal user interactive experience and crashes with large amount of data. This thesis handles the methods by which these problems were resolved and made REX a better application for the future. The old REX was developed using Python Django and now, a new programming language, Vaadin has been implemented. Vaadin is a Java framework for developing web applications and the programming language is extremely similar to Java with new rich components. Vaadin provides better security, better speed, good and interactive interface. In this thesis, subset functionalities of REX was selected which includes IST bulk plotting and image segmentation and implemented those using Vaadin. A code of 662 lines was programmed by me which included Vaadin as the front-end handler while R language was used for back-end data retrieval, computing and plotting. The application is optimized to allow further functionalities to be migrated with ease from old REX. Future development is focused on including Hight throughput screening functions along with gene expression database handling
Ammattimaisessa ohjelmistokehityksessä pyritään tuottamaan ohjelmia, jotka ovat ylläpidettäviä ja uudelleenkäytettäviä. Näiden piirteiden aikaansaamiseksi ohjelmistokehittäjien on hyvä tuntea ohjelmointiperiaatteita, joita noudattamalla kehittäjät voivat luoda parempia ratkaisuja ohjelmointiongelmiin. Tutkielmassa perehdytään ohjelmointiperiaatteista kertovaan kirjallisuuteen, ja esitetään yleisiä olio-ohjelmoinnin ohjelmointiperiaatteita sekä Robert C. Martinin (2002) kehittämä SOLID-malli. Tutkimusaihe rajataan luokkatason ohjelmointiperiaatteisiin. SOLID-malli sisältää viisi luokkatason ohjelmointiperiaatetta, jotka auttavat ohjelmoijia parantamaan ohjelman ylläpidettävyyttä ja uudelleenkäyttöä. Ohjelmointiperiaatteet esitetään Java-kielellä yksinkertaisten esimerkkitapausten avulla. Tutkielmassa esitetyt ohjelmointiperiaatteet eivät ole sidottuja ainoastaan Javaan, vaan ne on suunniteltu yleishyödyllisiksi olio-ohjelmoinnin periaatteiksi riippumatta käytettävästä ohjelmointikielestä.
The "Java Intelligent Tutoring System" (JITS) research project focused on designing, constructing, and determining the effectiveness of an Intelligent Tutoring System for beginner Java programming students at the postsecondary level. The participants in this research were students in the School of Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences at Sheridan College. This research involved consistently gathering input from students and instructors using JITS as it developed. The cyclic process involving designing, developing, testing, and refinement was used for the construction of JITS to ensure that it adequately meets the needs of students and instructors. The second objective in this dissertation determined the effectiveness of learning within this environment. The main findings indicate that JITS is a richly interactive ITS that engages students on Java programming problems. JITS is equipped with a sophisticated personalized feedback mechanism that models and supports each student in his/her learning style. The assessment component involved 2 main quantitative experiments to determine the effectiveness of JITS in terms of student performance. In both experiments it was determined that a statistically significant difference was achieved between the control group and the experimental group (i.e., JITS group). The main effect for Test (i.e., pre- and postiest), F( l , 35) == 119.43,p < .001, was qualified by a Test by Group interaction, F( l , 35) == 4.98,p < .05, and a Test by Time interaction, F( l , 35) == 43.82, p < .001. Similar findings were found for the second experiment; Test by Group interaction revealed F( 1 , 92) == 5.36, p < .025. In both experiments the JITS groups outperformed the corresponding control groups at posttest.
Ordered to be printed 10th May 1813.
Ordered to be printed 10th May 1813.
The relationships between vine water status, soil texture, and vine size were observed in four Niagara, Ontario Pinot noir vineyards in 2008 and 2009. The vineyards were divided into water status zones using geographic information systems (GIS) software to map the seasonal mean midday leaf water potential (,P), and dormant pruning shoot weights following the 2008 season. Fruit was harvested from all sentinel vines, bulked by water status zones and made into wine. Sensory analysis included a multidimensional sorting (MDS) task and descriptive analysis (DA) of the 2008 wines. Airborne multispectral images, with a spatial resolution of 38 cm, were captured four times in 2008 and three times in 2009, with the final flights around veraison. A semi-automatic process was developed to extract NDVI from the images, and a masking procedure was identified to create a vine-only NDVI image. 2008 and 2009 were cooler and wetter than mean years, and the range of water status zones was narrow. Yield per vine, vine size, anthocyanins and phenols were the least consistent variables. Divided by water status or vine size, there were no variables with differences between zones in all four vineyards in either year. Wines were not different between water status zones in any chemical analysis, and HPLC revealed that there were no differences in individual anthocyanins or phenolic compounds between water status zones within the vineyard sites. There were some notable correlations between vineyard and grape composition variables, and spatial trends were observed to be qualitatively related for many of the variables. The MDS task revealed that wines from each vineyard were more affected by random fermentation effects than water status effects. This was confirmed by the DA; there were no differences between wines from the water status zones within vineyard sites for any attribute. Remotely sensed NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) correlated reasonably well with a number of grape composition variables, as well as soil type. Resampling to a lower spatial resolution did not appreciably affect the strength of correlations, and corresponded to the information contained in the masked images, while maintaining the range of values of NDVI. This study showed that in cool climates, there is the potential for using precision viticulture techniques to understand the variability in vineyards, but the variable weather presents a challenge for understanding the driving forces of that variability.
The focus of this study was to detennine whether soil texture and composition variables were related to vine water status and both yield components and grape composition, and whether multispectral high definition airborne imagery could be used to segregate zones in vineyards to target fruit of highest quality for premium winemaking. The study took place on a 10-ha commercial Riesling vineyard at Thirty Bench Winemakers, in Beamsville (Ontario). Results showed that Soil moisture and leaf'l' were temporally stable and related to berry composition and remotely-sensed data. Remote-sensing, through the calculation of vegetation indices, was particularly useful to predict vine vigor, yield, fruit maturity as well as berry monoterpene concentration; it could also clearly assist in making wines that are more representative ofthe cultivar used, and also wines that are a reflection of a specific terroir, since calculated vegetation indices were highly correlated to typical Riesling.
Département de linguistique et de traduction
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