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La aplicación del método del hijo previo se inicia en el hospital regional de Junin de Los Andes en 1986 y el referente empírico del presente estudio lo constituyen 966 madres, 67 por ciento de las cuales eran residentes urbanas (p.3). Los niveles educacionales son bajos y el analfabetismo funcional es del 32.1 por ciento (p.4). La edad media de las madres aumenta a medida que se hace mayor el orden de nacimiento, de 20,7 anos para el orden 1 hasta 39,5 anos para el orden 10 o mas (p.6). El intervalo intergenesico medio tiene una duracion de 3,12 meses (p.7). La tasa de mortalidad infantil obtenida como cuociente entre el numero de hijos previos fallecidos con menos de un ano y el total de hijos previos es de 38,62 por mil (p.8) y la probabilidad de morir entre los 0 y 2 anos es de 47,03 por mil (p.11).


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Neste trabalho, investigamos os efeitos da funcionalização de grupos oxidativos sobre a estrutura de nanofitas de grafeno zigue-zague e também os efeitos de constrições, onde estes efeitos foram analisados por meio de transporte eletrônico via campo externo longitudinal. Nossos cálculos foram parametrizados pelo modelo semi-empírico de Huckel estendido-ETH, adotando-se o método das funções de Green de não equilíbrio- NEGF. As correntes foram calculadas via equação de Landauer que usa a função de transmissão da região espalhadora ao fluxo de elétrons com energia (E) vinda do eletrodo esquerdo. Por meio dessa abordagem, foi possível analisarmos o comportamento dos portadores de carga em cada um os dispositivos propostos, bem como, a natureza de tal comportamento. Verificaram-se nas curvas I(V) dois regimes de transporte: Ôhmico e NDR, verificando máximos de corrente e, também a tensão de limiar (VTh1alta oxidação, media oxidação e baixa oxidação, respectivamente) isso sugere estados eletrônicos localizados devido à presença de duas nanoconstrições na nanofita de grafeno como regiões de confinamentos quânticos e proporcionais a funcionalização. Observou-se que o poro ao centro da fita criou duas nanoconstrições nas laterais da fita, permitindo assim o confinamento eletrônico nos dispositivos baseados em nestas fitas, caracterizando-as como um diodo de tunelamento ressonante-DRT verificado pela relação pico/vale 7:1. Podemos concluir que nossa proposta de dispositivo está consoante aos resultados experimentais para nanodispositivos e que suas aplicabilidades não se restringirão diante dos estados de oxidação, sendo um fator positivo e que contribui para os aspectos fenomenológicos de transporte eletrônico em grafeno e para a fabricação de nanodispositivos de baixo custo.


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The study aimed to investigate social representations of the terms diabetes and diabetic foot in different populations. Participants were divided into groups: diabetics (GD); non- diabetics (GN); and non-diabetic healthcare professionals (GP). Personal data were collected, and subjects answered two questions that were expected to evoke five words that came to mind when they thought of diabetes and then diabetic foot. The evoked material was analyzed with the software Ensemble de Programmes Permettant l'Analyse dês Èvocations. A total of 161 subjects participated, including GD (n = 72) with a mean age of 56.12 ± 5.49 years; GN (n = 38) with a mean age of 54.29 ± 7.91 years; and GP (n = 51) with 34.95 ± 7.52 years. The term diabetes evoked 297 words in GD, 172 in GN, and 235 words in GP. The term diabetic foot evoked 180 words in GD, 90 in GN, and 236 in GP. The groups proved to be anxious for more information, thus confirming the need for awareness-raising and educational programs on diabetes, covering comprehensive issues concerning the disease.


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The artistic gymnastics is a modality that associates arts with biomechanical gestures, and it has been prominent among children and adolescents. Its practice can lead to sports injuries; therefore, it is important to know the factors inherent to trauma for the formulation of preventive models. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize sports injuries and to verify factors associated with injury in people practicing artistic gymnastics with different levels of competitiveness. Forty-six gymnasts were interviewed with mean age of 10.1±2.0 years for female participants, who were classified in two competitive levels, i.e, initiation and training. We used the morbidity questionnaire adapted to sports characteristics to collect personal, training, and injury data. It was observed that injury risk was 0.3 injuries per athlete and 1.4 injuries per injured athlete, in which the gymnasts of the training category showed a higher frequency of the injury (83.3%; n=10) compared with the ones in the initiation category (10.5%; n=4). For both levels of competitiveness, training moment and light severity were the most reported variables. In the mechanism, contactless was more prevalent in the training category (90%; n=9) and the direct contact was more common at initiation category (75%; n=3). Anthropometric and training variables were considered as factors associated with injury to the gymnasts. It is concluded that gymnasts of the training category have higher injury frequency. Anthropometric and training variables were factors associated with injury. Characteristics of the injuries depend on the competitiveness level of the ­gymnasts.


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In Brazil, smoking incidence varies between 9.5% and 21.2% and it is more common among men. In college students incidence can reach 14% depending on the region, which is quite disturbing. Joining college is a crucial period for the commencement or maintenance of smoking. The Knowledge among college students about tobacco use is critical to devise strategies for intervention in this population. The objectives were to establish the occurrence of smoking and risk factors, nicotine dependence in college students and college goers. We interviewed students, teachers and administrative personnel from the Philosophy and Science School at UNESP at Marilia, from both sexes, regardless their age, which visited the First Week Against Tobacco event. The sociodemographic data, smoking status, time as a smoker, cigarettes smoked, date when they started smoking, history of smoking in the family, friends or associates were questioned. We also assessed the degree of motivation to quit smoking and the degree of nicotine dependence. Data were presented using descriptive statistics. Comparisons between categorical variables were made using the chi-square test (p <0.05). A total of 432 people, 180 men and 252 women, average aged 22.6 ± 6.9 years were researched. From the volunteers studied, 267 (61.8) had tried cigarettes and 171 of them (64%) reported that they were offered by friends. As a whole, 79 (18.3%) of these people were smokers, 52 (65.8%) reported intending to quit smoking and in 37 of them (46.8%), the degree of nicotine dependence was very low. Of all the smokers, 63 had smokers in the family and all of them had friends who smoked. 28.9% of all men were smokers and 10.7%of all women. The occurrence of smoking was 18.3% and the risk factor associated to smoking habit is related to friendship and family, and very low nicotine dependence.


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The experience of menopause is increasingly present, and demand strategies to improve the quality of life of women during this period. This research aimed to evaluate the quality of life for women in the climacteric phase, with or without the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This is a longitudinal epidemiological study of a sample of 99 women per group. It was evaluated the sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral characteristics. It was used the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). For data analysis, it was used the Student t test, chi-square and Tukey. HRT users had an average age of 50.76 ± 3.63 years, and nonusers of 48.95 ± 6,27anos (p = 0.01). It was identified a higher frequency of moderate climacteric symptoms of mild intensity. The social aspects evidenced scores below 50 for the two groups. There were differences between groups with respect to the components of the SF-36 and MRS to general health, functional capacity, lower capacity, depression, insomnia and vasomotor phenomena.


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To compare the effect of acupuncture and occlusal splint in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in female patients.Method: Forty-eight female patients (mean age of 39.3±6.8 years) with diagnosed pain in muscles or joint according to RDC/TMD criteria were attended at UNESP - Aracatuba Dental School. Including criteria were reported pain in the chewing muscles and/or in the temporomandibular joint measured by a visual analogue scale (range from 0 to 10) and a reported reduction of the maximum mouth opening. Excluding factors were major occlusal problems, systemic diseases, pregnancy and age below 18 years. After randomization, the first group was treated with acupuncture performed by instructed dentist. The second group was treated with occlusal splint. The outcome variables were assessed at baseline (prior to the first treatment session) and after 1, 3 and 6 months. Primary criteria of success were improvement of mouth opening and pain reduction.Result: Acupuncture group exhibited chewing pain decrease from 5 (at baseline) to 1, 2 and 1 after 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. In the splint group, chewing pain decreased from 4 to 2, 1 and 2 after 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. The mouth opening (in mm) increased from 28 (at baseline) to 42, 44 and 46 after 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively in the acupuncture group. In the splint group, mouth opening improved from 29 to 40 after 1 month, and to 43 and 42 after 3 and 6 months. A significant pain reduction was noted for both groups when compared to the baseline (p<.001; Wilcoxon test). Acupuncture group had a significant clinical improvement of opening mouth (Mann-Whitney). Conclusion: The present outcomes suggest a positive association among acupuncture and occlusal splint on the reduction of chewing pain. Acupuncture was more effective in the mouth opening increase.


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Objective: This study aimed to understand how patients with Hansen's Disease perceive self-care from the complexity perspective. Methods: Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study based on the Collective Subject Discourse. Results: Sample composed of 15 subjects, most of whom were married males (66.6%) with a mean age of 52.3 years and were classified in the polarized forms of the disease. The following themes emerged from the DCS synthesis: having Hansen's Disease, drug therapy, self-care and lifestyle. The study provided visibility to the vertical model, which is largely hegemonic in the tradition of public health care policies, showing concern about only treating the disease, disregarding the complex relationships involved. Conclusion: Acknowledging these limitations and setting strategies to change them in favor of the dialogue among interprofessional team members are challenges to further develop self-care practices and to empower patients in relation to treatment and disease.


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The Patient Classification System has become essential concerning to the practice in management and care from a nurse. This study analyzed the implementation of Assistance Sites in an intensive care unit for adults as a way of organization and classification of patients, as well as the impact of this process on the quality of care according to the Nursing Activities Score and the relation with the Hospital Infection. This is a quantitative, prospective, descriptive and transversal study. The data collection was realized from July until October 2010. The sample was consisted of 214 patients, mostly male, neurosurgical and with a mid age of 57 years. The NAS was on the average of 71.72%. Regarding the Hospital Infection before and after implantation, there was a reduction in the rates of pneumonia. However, the nursing workload remained the same. Moreover, It was evident the importance of using the Nursing Activities Score and the implementation of new ways for classification of patients to improve the organization of the care.


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Intracranial neoplasms are common causes of neurological disorders in middle-aged and elderly dogs. With the feasibility of computed tomography, it is now possible to determine the extent and exact location of brain tumors, identifying them ante mortem in dogs and cats. This paper aims to report the occurrence of a mixed glioma in a Boxer dog examined at the Veterinary Hospital of Unesp, Botucatu Campus. The animal presented with a brain syndrome of acute onset and progressive course. CT scan showed the presence of a mass in the right cerebral hemisphere extending from the frontal to the parietal region and involving the basal ganglia. Given the gravity of the neurological disorder, the owner chose to perform euthanasia. Microscopic analysis of the mass allowed the diagnosis of mixed glioma.


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Purpose: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Method: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM. Results: The mean age of the population under study was 58.01 years, while the mean FIM point score was 118.38 points, showing a level of complete or modified independence within this population. Even though the level of dependence found has been low, this can be highlighted, within the locomotion domain, in the activity of going up and down stairs (10.28%). Age, complications arising from haemodialysis, and comorbidities show a negative correlation with FIM. Conclusion: Awareness of the level of functional independence of the patients being subjected to treatment with haemodialysis is essential in order to back up intervention for the improvement of nursing assistance provided to this population.


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[ES] El romancero es un género vivo desde la Edad Media, que su afán de supervivencia hace que se recree y se adapte a las distintas realidades en las que se ha desarrollado. Supone una parte importante de nuestro acervo cultural, enraizado descaradamente a la historia del mundo panhispánico. A pesar de esto y de la considerable cantidad de romances recopilados y publicados, con los profundos cambios sociales, la desfuncionalización lo convierte en la crónica de una muerte anunciada. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años estos poemas encontraron cobijo y sustento en las canciones y los juegos de las niñas, ya mujeres. El presente artículo es el reflejo de esa realidad en la zona de Santa Lucía de Tirajana y es el resultado de parte de un proyecto elaborado en el municipio, bajo el título, Manifestaciones de la tradición oral de Santa Lucía de Tirajana: Estado y Rasgos Diferenciales.