991 resultados para Als
In recent years, the importance of the corporate brand (e.g. P&G, Nestlé, Unilever) has grown significantly and companies increasingly strive to strengthen their corporate brand. One way to strengthen the corporate brand is portfolio advertisement, in which the corporate brand is presented alongside with several product brands of its portfolio (e.g. VW with its product brands Touareg, Touran, Golf and Polo). The aim of portfolio advertising is to generate a positive image spill-over effect from the product brands onto the corporate brand in order to enhance the consumers’ perceived competence of the corporate brand. In four experimental settings Christian Boris Brunner demonstrates the great potential of portfolio advertising and highlights the risks associated with portfolio advertising in practice. In a first experiment, he compares portfolio advertising with single brand advertisements. Moreover, in case of portfolio advertising he manipulates the fit between the product brands, because the consumer has to establish a logical coherence between the individual brands. However, asconsumers have limited capacity for processing information, special attention should be paid to the number of product brands and to the processing depth of the consumer during confrontation with portfolio advertising. These key factors are taken into consideration in a second extensive experiment involving fictitious corporate and product brands. The effects of portfolio advertising on a product brand are also examined. Furthermore, the strength of product brands, i.e. brand knowledge as well as brand image and consumer’s knowledge of the brands, must be taken into consideration. In a third experiment, both the brand strength of real product brands as well as the fit between product brands are manipulated. Portfolio advertising could also have a positive image spill-over effect when companies introduce a new product brand under the umbrella of the corporate brand while communicating all product brands together. Based on considerations, in a fourth experiment, Christian Boris Brunner shows that portfolio advertising could also have a positive image spill-over effect on a new (unknown) product brand. Concluding his work, Christian Boris Brunner provides implications for future research concerning portfolio advertising as well as the management of a corporate brand in complex brand architectures. Concerning practical implications, these four experiments underline a high relevance to marketing and brand managers, who could increase corporate and product brands’ potential by means of portfolio advertising.
Recently, Corpus Linguistics has become a popular research tool in the field of German as a Foreign Language. However, little attention has been paid to teaching and learning potentials that corpora and corpus-based teaching offer. This paper seeks to demonstrate some of the ways in which corpus-based techniques can be used for teaching purposes, even by those who have little experience in Corpus Linguistics. The focus will be on teaching and learning German for Academic Purposes in German Studies abroad.
Mutations in the gene encoding cytosolic Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) have been linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS). However the molecular mechanisms of motor neuron death are multifactorial and remain unclear. Here we examined DNA damage;p53 activity and apoptosis in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells transfected to achieve low-level expression of either wild-type or mutant Gly(93) --> Ala (G93A) SOD1, typical of FALS. DNA damage was investigated by evaluating the levels of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) and DNA strand breaks. Significantly higher levels of DNA damage, increased p53 activity, and a greater percentage of apoptotic cells were observed in SH-SY5Y cells transfected with G93A SOD1 when compared to cells overexpressing wild-type SOD1 and untransfected cells. Western blot, FACS, and confocal microscopy analysis demonstrated that G93A SOD1 is present in the nucleus in association with DNA. Nuclear G93A SOD1 has identical superoxide dismutase activity but displays increased peroxidase activity when compared to wild-type SOD1. These results indicate that the G93A mutant SOD1 association with DNA might induce DNA damage and trigger the apoptotic response by activating p53. This toxic activity of mutant SOD1 in the nucleus may play an important role in the complex mechanisms associated with motor neuron death observed in ALS pathogenesis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Amyotrofisk Lateral Skleros, ALS, är en neurologisk sjukdom vilken leder till att samtliga kroppens muskler förtvinas och dör. Då sjukdomen saknar bot blir all behandling symptomatisk och individuellt anpassad för varje enskild persons behov. I denna systematiska litteraturstudie har det sökts efter olika sätt att stötta denna patientgrupp då syftet att belysa hur vi som personal kan hjälpa och stötta personer med ALS relaterad dysfagi och andningsproblem till en så bra tillvaro som möjligt skulle belysas.Författarna har funnit att omvårdnaden sällan sätts i fokus. Det är istället de lösningar som tar bort symtomet som fått fokus i flertalet av de artiklar som granskats. Att hjälpa dessa personer till trygga och oberoende människor som kan fortsätta att leva istället för som många av artiklarna visade då det gjordes insatser som ledde till att personerna blev mer bundna till sina anhöriga och sina vårdare.