997 resultados para Ahola, Joel


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Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is a phosphatidyl-3-kinase-related protein kinase that functions as a central regulator of the DNA damage response in eukaryotic cells. In humans, mutations in ATM cause the devastating neurodegenerative disease ataxia telangiectasia. Previously, we characterized the homolog of ATM (AtmA) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. In addition to its expected role in the DNA damage response, we found that AtmA is also required for polarized hyphal growth. Here, we extended these studies by investigating which components of the DNA damage response pathway are interacting with AtmA. The AtmA(ATM) loss of function caused synthetic lethality when combined with mutation in UvsB(ATR). Our results suggest that AtmA and UvsB are interacting and they are probably partially redundant in terms of DNA damage sensing and/or repairing and polar growth. We identified and inactivated A. nidulans chkA(CHK1) and chkB(CHK2) genes. These genes are also redundantly involved in A. nidulans DNA damage response. We constructed several combinations of double mutants for Delta atmA, Delta uvsB, Delta chkA, and Delta chkB. We observed a complex genetic relationship with these mutations during the DNA replication checkpoint and DNA damage response. Finally, we observed epistatic and synergistic interactions between AtmA, and bimE(APCI), ankA(WEE1) and the cdc2-related kinase npkA, at S-phase checkpoint and in response to DNA-damaging agents.


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This paper describes the history of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) Past achievements. and current challenges are outlined ISPRM has been successful In setting up a central office. attracting individual and national members,. holding International congresses, and establishing relations with the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (JRM) as the organization`s official journal ISPRM is currently; In official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and collaborates closely, with WHO`s Disability and Rehabilitation team ISPRM, however also faces challenges with regard to its growth and the realization of its goals These Include boundaries of voluntary leadership. limited economic resources, the need for enhancing the central office. variations in membership. limits of the current congress bidding system and structure, relations with regional societies, and the need to further develop policies within the field of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) and In relation to WHO and the United Nations system is concluded that ISPRM must evolve from an organization, of which the main activities ay-e to hold a biennial congress hosted by a member nation and to provide input to WHO on request. Into a professional non-governmental organization (NGO) ISPRA should embark on assuming, a leadership role at the further development of PRM within the broader area of human functioning and rehabilitation


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This paper outlines approaches to developing the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) and addresses many current challenges Most importantly, these approaches provide the basis for ISPRM to develop its leadership role within the field of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) and in relation to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) system at large. They also address a number of specific critiques of the current situation. A positioning of ISPRM within the world architecture of the UN and WHO systems, as well as the consideration and fostering of respective emerging regional PRM societies, is central to establishing networking connections at different levels of the world society. Yearly congresses, possibly in co-operation with a regional society, based on a defined regional rotation, are suggested. Thus, frustration with the current bidding system for a biennial congress and an intermediate meeting could be overcome. Yearly congresses are also an important step towards increasing the organization`s funding base, and hence the possibility to expand the functions of ISPRM`s central office. ISPRM`s envisioned leadership role in the context of an international web of PRM journals complementing the formally defined official journal of ISPRM, regional societies and so forth, is an inclusive rather than exclusive approach that contributes to the development of PRM journals worldwide. An important prerequisite for the further development of ISPRM is the expansion and bureaucratization of its Central Office, adding professionalism and systematic allocation of resources to the strengths of the voluntary engagement of individual PRM doctors.


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This paper suggests a comprehensive policy agenda and first steps to be undertaken by the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) in order to realize its humanitarian, professional and scientific mandates. The general aims of ISPRM, as formulated in its guiding documents, the relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations system, and demands of ISPRM`s constituency herein form the basis of this policy agenda Agenda items encompass contributions to the establishment of rehabilitation services worldwide and the development of PRM societies ISPRM`s possible input in general curricula in disability and rehabilitation, and in fighting discrimination against people experiencing disability are discuss. Moreover, the implementation of the International Classification of Functioning. Disability and Health (ICF) in medicine, contributions to WHO guidelines relevant to disability and rehabilitation the provision of a conceptual description of the rehabilitation strategy and the outline of a rehabilitation services matrix are seen as important agenda items of ISPRM`s external policy. With regard to its constituency and internal policy, a definition of the field of competence and a conceptual description of PRM, as well as the development of a consistent and comprehensive congress topic list and congress structure appear to be crucial items. The proposed agenda items serve as a basis for future discussions.


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OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to estimate the associations between outdoor air pollution and cardiovascular hospital admissions for the elderly. DESIGN: Associations were assessed using the case-crossover method for seven cities: Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand; and Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney Australia. Results were combined across cities using a random-effects meta-analysis and stratified for two adult age groups: 15-64 years and >= 65 years of age (elderly). Pollutants considered were nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, daily measures of particulate matter (PM) and ozone. Where multiple pollutant associations were found, a matched case-control analysis was used to identify the most consistent association. RESULTS: In the elderly, all pollutants except 03 were significantly associated with five categories or cardiovascular disease admissions. No associations were found for arrhythmia and stroke. For a 0.9-ppm increase in CO, there were significant increases in elderly hospital admissions for total cardiovascular disease (2.2%), all cardiac disease (2.8%), cardiac failure (6.0%), ischemic heart disease (2.3%), and myocardial infarction (2.9%). There was some heterogeneity between cities, possibly due to differences in humidity and the percentage of elderly people. In matched analyses, CO had the most consistent association. CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that air pollution arising from common emission sources for CO, NO2, and PM (e.g., motor vehicle exhausts) has significant associations with adult cardiovascular hospital admissions, especially in the elderly, at air pollution concentrations below normal health guidelines. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Elderly populations in Australia need to be protected from air pollution arising from outdoor sources to reduce cardiovascular disease.


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In 2008 the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) started an initiative to systematically develop its capacity and its internal and external policy agenda. This paper sums up achievements that have been made with this ISPRM initiative as well as pending issues and strategies to address them. The paper treats the following: ISPRM`s policy agenda in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), research capacity in functioning and rehabilitation, ISPRM world conferences, relationships with regional societies of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), and ISPRM`s membership and governance structure.


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Background: This study was designed to evaluate serum potassium level variation in a porcine model of hemorrhagic shock ( HS). Methods: Eight pigs were studied in a controlled hemorrhage model of HS. Blood withdrawal began at a 50 mL/min to 70 mL/min rate, adjusted to reach a mean arterial pressure ( MAP) level of 60 mm Hg in 10 minutes. When MAP reached 60 mm Hg, the blood withdrawal rate was adjusted to maintain a MAP decrease rate of 10 mm Hg every 2 minutes to 4 minutes. Arterial and mixed venous blood samples were collected at MAP levels of 60 mm Hg, 50 mm Hg, 40 mm Hg, 30 mm Hg, 20 mm Hg, and 10 mm Hg and analyzed for oxygen saturation, PO(2), PCO(2), potassium, lactate, bicarbonate, hemoglobin, pH, and standard base excess. Results: Significant increase in serum potassium occurred early in all animals. The rate of rise in serum potassium and its levels accompanied the hemodynamic deterioration. Hyperkalemia ( K >5 mmol/L) incidence was 12.5% at 60 mm Hg and 50 mm Hg, 62.5% at 40 mm Hg, 87.5% at 30 mm Hg, and 100% at 20 mm Hg. Strong correlations were found between potassium levels and lactate ( R = 0.82), SvO(2) ( R = 0.87), Delta pH ( R = 0.83), and Delta PCO(2) ( R = 0.82). Conclusions: Serum potassium increase accompanies the onset of HS. The rise in serum potassium was directly related to the hemodynamic deterioration of HS and strongly correlated with markers of tissue hypoxia.


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Collapsed skin folds after bariatric weight loss are often managed by plastic procedures, but changes in dermal composition and architecture have rarely been documented. Given the potential consequences on surgical outcome, a prospective histochemical study was designed. The hypothesis was that a deranged dermal fiber pattern would accompany major changes in adipose tissue. Female surgical candidates undergoing postbariatric abdominoplasty (n = 40) and never obese women submitted to control procedures (n = 40) were submitted to double abdominal biopsy, respectively in the epigastrium and hypogastrium. Histomorphometric assessment of collagen and elastic fibers was executed by the Image Analyzer System (Kontron Electronic 300, Zeiss, Germany). Depletion of collagen, but not of elastic fibers, in cases with massive weight loss was confirmed. Changes were somewhat more severe in epigastrium (P = 0.001) than hypogastrium (P = 0.007). Correlation with age did not occur. (1) Patients displayed lax, soft skin lacking sufficient collagen fiber network. (2) Elastic fiber content was not damaged, and was even moderately increased in epigastrium; (3) Preoperative obesity negatively correlated with hypogastric collagen concentration; (4) Future studies should pinpoint the roles of obesity, and especially of massive weight loss, on dermal architecture and response to surgery.


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Objective: To verify an association, if it exists, between obesity and blood pressure raised beyond the 90th percentile in children and adolescents, and to determine the measure of adiposity that best correlates with blood pressure in these subjects. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: A school-based study in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Participants: We selected randomly 1,403 students, aged from 6 to 18 years, from 545,046 students attending 521 public and private schools. Those selected completed the study. Main measures of outcome: We recorded the weight, height, skin fold in the triceps, subscapular, and suprailiac areas, waist and hip circumference, body-mass index, and resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures using a mercury sphygmomanometer. Results: In univariate analyses, body mass index greater or lesser than 85th percentile, measurements of skin thickness in the subscapular and suprailiac areas, and the sum of all measurements of skinfold thickness, were associated with both systolic and diastolic measurements of blood pressure. After multivariate analyses that adjusted for all measurements of adiposity except itself, and age, race, and socioeconomic state, we found that the increased body mass index was associated with a 3.6-fold increased frequency of elevated systolic measurements of blood pressure, with 9596 confidence intervals from 2.2 to 5.8, and a 2.7-fold increased frequency of elevated measurements of diastolic blood pressure, with 95% confidence intervals from 1.9 to 4.0. Conclusions: Body-mass index serves as a better predictor of elevated blood pressure among children than do local measurements of adiposity.


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A number of studies conducted in humans and in animals have observed that events occurring early in life are associated with the development of diseases in adulthood. Salt overload and restriction during pregnancy and lactation are responsible for functional (hemodynamic and hormonal) and structural alterations in adult offspring. Our group observed that lower birth weight and insulin resistance in adulthood is associated with salt restriction during pregnancy On the other hand, perinatal salt overload is associated with higher blood pressure and higher renal angiotensin II content in adult offspring. Therefore, we hypothesised that renin-angiotensin system (RAS) function is altered by changes in sodium intake during pregnancy. Such changes may influence fetoplacental blood flow and thereby fetal nutrient supply, with effects on growth in utero and, consequently, on birth weight. Female Wistar rats were fed low-salt (LS), normal-salt (NS), or high-salt (HS) diet, starting before conception and continuing until day 19 of pregnancy, Blood pressure, heart rate, fetuses and dams` body weight, placentae weight and litter size were measured on day 19 of pregnancy. Cardiac output, uterine and placental blood flow were also determined on day 19. Expressions of renin-angiotensin system components and of the TNF-alpha gene were evaluated in the placentae. Plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma and tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, as well as plasma and placental levels of angiotensins I, II, and 1-7 were measured. Body weight and kidney mass were greater in HS than in NS and LS dams. Food intake did not differ among the maternal groups. Placental weight was lower in LS dams than in NS and HS dams. Fetal weight was lower in the US group than in the NS and HS groups. The PRA was greater in IS dams than in NS and HS dams, although ACE activity (serum, cardiac, renal, and placental) was unaffected by the level of sodium intake. Placental levels of angiotensins I and II were lower in the HS group than in the ISIS and IS groups. Placental angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT(1)) gene expression and levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were higher in HS dams, as were uterine blood flow and cardiac output. The degree of salt intake did not influence plasma sodium, potassium or creatinine. Although fractional sodium excretion was higher in HS dams than in NS and LS dams, fractional potassium excretion was unchanged. In conclusion, findings from this study indicate that the reduction in fetal weight in response to salt restriction during pregnancy does not involve alterations in uterine-placental perfusion or the RAS. Moreover, no change in fetal weight is observed in response to salt overload during pregnancy. However, salt overload did lead to an increase in placental weight and uterine blood flow associated with alterations in maternal plasma and placental RAS. Therefore, these findings indicate that changes in salt intake during pregnancy lead to alterations in uterine-placental perfusion and fetal growth. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Sepsis syndrome is caused by inappropriate immune activation due to bacteria and bacterial components released during infection. This syndrome is the leading cause of death in intensive care units. Specialized B-lymphocytes located in the peritoneal and pleural cavities are known as B-1 cells. These cells produce IgM and IL-10, both of which are potent regulators of cell-mediated immunity. It has been suggested that B-1 cells modulate the systemic inflammatory response in sepsis. In this study, we conducted in vitro and in vivo experiments in order to investigate a putative role of B-1 cells in a murine model of LPS-induced sepsis. Macrophages and B-1 cells were studied in monocultures and in co-cultures. The B-1 cells produced the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in response to LPS. In the B-1 cell-macrophage co-cultures, production of proinflammatory mediators (TNF-alpha, IL-6 and nitrite) was lower than in the macrophage monocultures, whereas that of IL-10 was higher in the co-cultures. Co-culture of B-1 IL-10(-/-) cells and macrophages did not reduce the production of the proinflammatory mediators (TNF-alpha, IL-6 and nitrite). After LPS injection, the mortality rate was higher among Balb/Xid mice, which are B-1 cell deficient, than among wild-type mice (65.0% vs. 0.0%). The Balb/Xid mice also presented a proinflammatory profile of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and nitrite, as well as lower levels of IL-10. In the early phase of LPS stimulation, B-1 cells modulate the macrophage inflammatory response, and the main molecular pathway of that modulation is based on IL-10-mediated intracellular signaling. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Sucrose-fed rats, a model of metabolic syndrome, are characterized by insulin resistance, obesity, hypertension, and high plasma levels of triacylglycerols and angiotensin II (Ang II). However, whether tissue renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is altered in metabolic syndrome is unclear. To study this issue, food ad libitum and water (C) or 20% sucrose solution (SC) were given to adult male Wistar rats, for 30 days. Body weight (BW), blood pressure (BP), epididymal adipose tissue (EPI) mass, rate of in vivo fatty acid (FA) synthesis in EPI, circulating glucose, insulin, leptin, angiotensins I and II, triacylglycerols, and plasma renin (PRA) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activities were evaluated. In kidneys and EPI, gene and protein expression of type 1 (AT(1)) and 2 (AT(2)) Ang II receptors, ACE, angiotensinogen (ACT) as well as protein expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) were determined. In both tissues, Ang I, Ang II and Ang-(1-7) contents were also measured by HPLC. In SC rats higher BP, EPI mass, circulating triacylglycerols, insulin, leptin, PRA and, Ang II were found. In EPI, the rate of in vivo FA synthesis was associated with increased Ang-(1-7), protein expression of AT(1) and AT(2) receptors, ACE2, ACT, and gene expression of ACT although a reduction in ACE activity and in adipose Ang I and Ang II contents was observed. In kidneys, AT(1) and AT(2), ACE and ACT gene and protein expression as well as protein expression of ACE2 were unaltered while Ang II, Ang-(1-7) and ACE activity increased. These RAS component changes seem to be tissue specific and possibly are related to enhancement of FA synthesis, EPI mass and hypertension. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have previously shown that H-1 pulsed-field-gradient (PFG) NMR spectroscopy provides a facile method for monitoring protein self-association and can be used, albeit with some caveats, to measure the apparent molecular mass of the diffusant [Dingley et al. (1995) J. Biomol. NMR, 6, 321-328]. In this paper we show that, for N-15-labelled proteins, selection of H-1-N-15 multiple-quantum (MQ) coherences in PFG diffusion experiments provides several advantages over monitoring H-1 single-quantum (SQ) magnetization. First, the use of a gradient-selected MQ filter provides a convenient means of suppressing resonances from both the solvent and unlabelled solutes. Second, H-1-N-15 zero-quantum coherence dephases more rapidly than H-1 SQ coherence under the influence of a PFG. This allows the diffusion coefficients of larger proteins to be measured more readily. Alternatively, the gradient length and/or the diffusion delay may be decreased, thereby reducing signal losses from relaxation. In order to extend the size of macromolecules to which these experiments can be applied, we have developed a new MQ PFG diffusion experiment in which the magnetization is stored as longitudinal two-spin order for most of the diffusion period, thus minimizing sensitivity losses due to transverse relaxation and J-coupling evolution.


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Objectives: Questions about reliability of bioimpedance analysis (BIA) in morbidly obese subjects have curtailed its use in this setting, but metabolic implications might reignite the debate. In a prospective study, it was aimed to analyze anthropometric and clinical associations. Methods: Bariatric candidates (n = 94) with or without metabolic syndrome were consecutively investigated. Age was 34.9 +/- 10.4 years (68.1% females), and BMI was 40.8 +/- 4.6 kg m(-2). Methods included single-frequency BIA, anthropometrics, inflammatory indices, and general biochemical profile. Results: Body composition results (water, fat) in females, but not in males, were entirely consistent with the literature. In both genders good association was observed with anthropometrics (BMI, waist circumference), inflammatory indices (ferritin, C-reactive protein) and general biochemical variables. Anthropometric measurements also displayed comparable associations. Multivariate tests including the two sets of measurements indicated no predominance of one method over the other, one complementing the other as metabolic marker. Conclusions: BIA limitations were mostly relevant for males, not females. Despite such discrepancies, good associations with anthropometry were demonstrated for both genders. Correlations with liver enzymes, and indices of protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism could be demonstrated. BIA deserves more investigations concerning liver steatosis and ongoing inflammation, and it could contribute as well, synergistically with anthropometry, to monitor weight loss, body fat shifts, and metabolic risk. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 23: 420-422, 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.