971 resultados para Affine invariant


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This thesis covers a range of topics in numerical and analytical relativity, centered around introducing tools and methodologies for the study of dynamical spacetimes. The scope of the studies is limited to classical (as opposed to quantum) vacuum spacetimes described by Einstein's general theory of relativity. The numerical works presented here are carried out within the Spectral Einstein Code (SpEC) infrastructure, while analytical calculations extensively utilize Wolfram's Mathematica program.

We begin by examining highly dynamical spacetimes such as binary black hole mergers, which can be investigated using numerical simulations. However, there are difficulties in interpreting the output of such simulations. One difficulty stems from the lack of a canonical coordinate system (henceforth referred to as gauge freedom) and tetrad, against which quantities such as Newman-Penrose Psi_4 (usually interpreted as the gravitational wave part of curvature) should be measured. We tackle this problem in Chapter 2 by introducing a set of geometrically motivated coordinates that are independent of the simulation gauge choice, as well as a quasi-Kinnersley tetrad, also invariant under gauge changes in addition to being optimally suited to the task of gravitational wave extraction.

Another difficulty arises from the need to condense the overwhelming amount of data generated by the numerical simulations. In order to extract physical information in a succinct and transparent manner, one may define a version of gravitational field lines and field strength using spatial projections of the Weyl curvature tensor. Introduction, investigation and utilization of these quantities will constitute the main content in Chapters 3 through 6.

For the last two chapters, we turn to the analytical study of a simpler dynamical spacetime, namely a perturbed Kerr black hole. We will introduce in Chapter 7 a new analytical approximation to the quasi-normal mode (QNM) frequencies, and relate various properties of these modes to wave packets traveling on unstable photon orbits around the black hole. In Chapter 8, we study a bifurcation in the QNM spectrum as the spin of the black hole a approaches extremality.


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The interpretation of extracellular cues leading to the polarization of intracellular components and asymmetric cell divisions is a fundamental part of metazoan organogenesis. The C. elegans vulva, with its invariant cell lineage and interaction of multiple cell signaling pathways, provides an excellent model for the study of cell polarity within an organized epithelial tissue. Herein I discuss the interaction of Wnt and FGF signaling in controlling vulval cell lineage polarity with emphasis on the posterior-most cell that forms the vulva, P7.p.

The mirror symmetry of the C. elegans vulva is achieved by the opposite division orientation of the vulval precursor cells (VPCs) flanking the axis of symmetry. Opposing Wnt signals control the division patterns of the VPCs by controlling the localization of SYS-1/ β-catenin toward the direction of the Wnt gradient. Multiple Wnt signals, expressed at the axis of symmetry, promote the wild-type, anterior-facing, P7.p orientation, whereas Wnts EGL-20 and CWN-1 from the tail and posterior body wall muscle, respectively, promote the daughter cells of P7.p to face the posterior. EGL-20 acts through a member of the LDL receptor superfamily, LRP-2, along with Ror/CAM-1 and Van Gogh/VANG-1. All three transmembrane proteins control orientation through the localization of the SYS-1.

The Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) pathway acts in concert with LIN-17/Frizzled to regulate the localization of SYS-1. The source of the FGF ligand is the 1° VPC, P6.p, which controls the polarity of the neighboring 2° VPC, P7.p, by signaling through the sex myoblasts (SMs), activating the FGF pathway. The Wnt, cwn-1, is expressed in the posterior body wall muscle of the worm as well as the SMs, making it the only Wnt expressed on the posterior and anterior sides of P7.p at the time of the polarity decision. Both sources of cwn-1 act instructively to influence P7.p polarity in the direction of the Wnt gradient. The FGF pathway leads to the regulation of cwn-1 transcripts in the SMs. These results illustrate the first evidence of the interaction between FGF and Wnt in C. elegans development and vulval cell lineage polarity as well as highlight the promiscuous nature of Wnt signaling within C. elegans.


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We investigate the propagation of an arbitrary elliptically polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in resonant two-level quantum systems using an iterative predictor-corrector finite-difference time-domain method. It is shown that when the initial effective area is equal to 2 pi, the effective area will remain invariant during the course of propagation, and a complete Rabi oscillation can be achieved. However, for an elliptically polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse, polarization conversion can occur. Eventually, the laser pulse will evolve into two separate circularly polarized laser pulses with opposite helicities.


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In the quest to develop viable designs for third-generation optical interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, one strategy is to monitor the relative momentum or speed of the test-mass mirrors, rather than monitoring their relative position. The most straightforward design for a speed-meter interferometer that accomplishes this is described and analyzed in Chapter 2. This design (due to Braginsky, Gorodetsky, Khalili, and Thorne) is analogous to a microwave-cavity speed meter conceived by Braginsky and Khalili. A mathematical mapping between the microwave speed meter and the optical interferometric speed meter is developed and used to show (in accord with the speed being a quantum nondemolition observable) that in principle the interferometric speed meter can beat the gravitational-wave standard quantum limit (SQL) by an arbitrarily large amount, over an arbitrarily wide range of frequencies . However, in practice, to reach or beat the SQL, this specific speed meter requires exorbitantly high input light power. The physical reason for this is explored, along with other issues such as constraints on performance due to optical dissipation.

Chapter 3 proposes a more sophisticated version of a speed meter. This new design requires only a modest input power and appears to be a fully practical candidate for third-generation LIGO. It can beat the SQL (the approximate sensitivity of second-generation LIGO interferometers) over a broad range of frequencies (~ 10 to 100 Hz in practice) by a factor h/hSQL ~ √W^(SQL)_(circ)/Wcirc. Here Wcirc is the light power circulating in the interferometer arms and WSQL ≃ 800 kW is the circulating power required to beat the SQL at 100 Hz (the LIGO-II power). If squeezed vacuum (with a power-squeeze factor e-2R) is injected into the interferometer's output port, the SQL can be beat with a much reduced laser power: h/hSQL ~ √W^(SQL)_(circ)/Wcirce-2R. For realistic parameters (e-2R ≃ 10 and Wcirc ≃ 800 to 2000 kW), the SQL can be beat by a factor ~ 3 to 4 from 10 to 100 Hz. [However, as the power increases in these expressions, the speed meter becomes more narrow band; additional power and re-optimization of some parameters are required to maintain the wide band.] By performing frequency-dependent homodyne detection on the output (with the aid of two kilometer-scale filter cavities), one can markedly improve the interferometer's sensitivity at frequencies above 100 Hz.

Chapters 2 and 3 are part of an ongoing effort to develop a practical variant of an interferometric speed meter and to combine the speed meter concept with other ideas to yield a promising third- generation interferometric gravitational-wave detector that entails low laser power.

Chapter 4 is a contribution to the foundations for analyzing sources of gravitational waves for LIGO. Specifically, it presents an analysis of the tidal work done on a self-gravitating body (e.g., a neutron star or black hole) in an external tidal field (e.g., that of a binary companion). The change in the mass-energy of the body as a result of the tidal work, or "tidal heating," is analyzed using the Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor and the local asymptotic rest frame of the body. It is shown that the work done on the body is gauge invariant, while the body-tidal-field interaction energy contained within the body's local asymptotic rest frame is gauge dependent. This is analogous to Newtonian theory, where the interaction energy is shown to depend on how one localizes gravitational energy, but the work done on the body is independent of that localization. These conclusions play a role in analyses, by others, of the dynamics and stability of the inspiraling neutron-star binaries whose gravitational waves are likely to be seen and studied by LIGO.


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This dissertation studies long-term behavior of random Riccati recursions and mathematical epidemic model. Riccati recursions are derived from Kalman filtering. The error covariance matrix of Kalman filtering satisfies Riccati recursions. Convergence condition of time-invariant Riccati recursions are well-studied by researchers. We focus on time-varying case, and assume that regressor matrix is random and identical and independently distributed according to given distribution whose probability distribution function is continuous, supported on whole space, and decaying faster than any polynomial. We study the geometric convergence of the probability distribution. We also study the global dynamics of the epidemic spread over complex networks for various models. For instance, in the discrete-time Markov chain model, each node is either healthy or infected at any given time. In this setting, the number of the state increases exponentially as the size of the network increases. The Markov chain has a unique stationary distribution where all the nodes are healthy with probability 1. Since the probability distribution of Markov chain defined on finite state converges to the stationary distribution, this Markov chain model concludes that epidemic disease dies out after long enough time. To analyze the Markov chain model, we study nonlinear epidemic model whose state at any given time is the vector obtained from the marginal probability of infection of each node in the network at that time. Convergence to the origin in the epidemic map implies the extinction of epidemics. The nonlinear model is upper-bounded by linearizing the model at the origin. As a result, the origin is the globally stable unique fixed point of the nonlinear model if the linear upper bound is stable. The nonlinear model has a second fixed point when the linear upper bound is unstable. We work on stability analysis of the second fixed point for both discrete-time and continuous-time models. Returning back to the Markov chain model, we claim that the stability of linear upper bound for nonlinear model is strongly related with the extinction time of the Markov chain. We show that stable linear upper bound is sufficient condition of fast extinction and the probability of survival is bounded by nonlinear epidemic map.


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An understanding of the mechanics of nanoscale metals and semiconductors is necessary for the safe and prolonged operation of nanostructured devices from transistors to nanowire- based solar cells to miniaturized electrodes. This is a fascinating but challenging pursuit because mechanical properties that are size-invariant in conventional materials, such as strength, ductility and fracture behavior, can depend critically on sample size when materials are reduced to sub- micron dimensions. In this thesis, the effect of nanoscale sample size, microstructure and structural geometry on mechanical strength, deformation and fracture are explored for several classes of solid materials. Nanocrystalline platinum nano-cylinders with diameters of 60 nm to 1 μm and 12 nm sized grains are fabricated and tested in compression. We find that nano-sized metals containing few grains weaken as sample diameter is reduced relative to grain size due to a change from deformation governed by internal grains to surface grain governed deformation. Fracture at the nanoscale is explored by performing in-situ SEM tension tests on nanocrystalline platinum and amorphous, metallic glass nano-cylinders containing purposely introduced structural flaws. It is found that failure location, mechanism and strength are determined by the stress concentration with the highest local stress whether this is at the structural flaw or a microstructural feature. Principles of nano-mechanics are used to design and test mechanically robust hierarchical nanostructures with structural and electrochemical applications. 2-photon lithography and electroplating are used to fabricate 3D solid Cu octet meso-lattices with micron- scale features that exhibit strength higher than that of bulk Cu. An in-situ SEM lithiation stage is developed and used to simultaneously examine morphological and electrochemical changes in Si-coated Cu meso-lattices that are of interest as high energy capacity electrodes for Li-ion batteries.


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Advances in nano-scale mechanical testing have brought about progress in the understanding of physical phenomena in materials and a measure of control in the fabrication of novel materials. In contrast to bulk materials that display size-invariant mechanical properties, sub-micron metallic samples show a critical dependence on sample size. The strength of nano-scale single crystalline metals is well-described by a power-law function, σαD-n, where D is a critical sample size and n is a experimentally-fit positive exponent. This relationship is attributed to source-driven plasticity and demonstrates a strengthening as the decreasing sample size begins to limit the size and number of dislocation sources. A full understanding of this size-dependence is complicated by the presence of microstructural features such as interfaces that can compete with the dominant dislocation-based deformation mechanisms. In this thesis, the effects of microstructural features such as grain boundaries and anisotropic crystallinity on nano-scale metals are investigated through uniaxial compression testing. We find that nano-sized Cu covered by a hard coating displays a Bauschinger effect and the emergence of this behavior can be explained through a simple dislocation-based analytic model. Al nano-pillars containing a single vertically-oriented coincident site lattice grain boundary are found to show similar deformation to single-crystalline nano-pillars with slip traces passing through the grain boundary. With increasing tilt angle of the grain boundary from the pillar axis, we observe a transition from dislocation-dominated deformation to grain boundary sliding. Crystallites are observed to shear along the grain boundary and molecular dynamics simulations reveal a mechanism of atomic migration that accommodates boundary sliding. We conclude with an analysis of the effects of inherent crystal anisotropy and alloying on the mechanical behavior of the Mg alloy, AZ31. Through comparison to pure Mg, we show that the size effect dominates the strength of samples below 10 μm, that differences in the size effect between hexagonal slip systems is due to the inherent crystal anisotropy, suggesting that the fundamental mechanism of the size effect in these slip systems is the same.


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A visual pattern recognition network and its training algorithm are proposed. The network constructed of a one-layer morphology network and a two-layer modified Hamming net. This visual network can implement invariant pattern recognition with respect to image translation and size projection. After supervised learning takes place, the visual network extracts image features and classifies patterns much the same as living beings do. Moreover we set up its optoelectronic architecture for real-time pattern recognition. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America


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Negabinary is a component of the positional number system. A complete set of negabinary arithmetic operations are presented, including the basic addition/subtraction logic, the two-step carry-free addition/subtraction algorithm based on negabinary signed-digit (NSD) representation, parallel multiplication, and the fast conversion from NSD to the normal negabinary in the carry-look-ahead mode. All the arithmetic operations can be performed with binary logic. By programming the binary reference bits, addition and subtraction can be realized in parallel with the same binary logic functions. This offers a technique to perform space-variant arithmetic-logic functions with space-invariant instructions. Multiplication can be performed in the tree structure and it is simpler than the modified signed-digit (MSD) counterpart. The parallelism of the algorithms is very suitable for optical implementation. Correspondingly, a general-purpose optical logic system using an electron trapping device is suggested. Various complex logic functions can be performed by programming the illumination of the data arrays without additional temporal latency of the intermediate results. The system can be compact. These properties make the proposed negabinary arithmetic-logic system a strong candidate for future applications in digital optical computing with the development of smart pixel arrays. (C) 1999 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(99)00803-X].


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The number, symmetry, and product-forming capabilities of the intermediates in the photoinitiated reductions of endo- and exo-5- bromonorbornene and 2-bromonortricyclene with tri-n-butyltin hydride at temperatures between -10° and 22° were investigated.

Three mechanisms were evaluated:

1. The 5-norbornenyl- and 2-nortricyclyl radicals isomerize reversibly with the former producing nortricyclene by abstraction of hydrogen from tri-n-butyltin hydride.

2. The 5-norbornenyl- and 2-nortricyclyl radicals isomerize reversibly, but some norbornene can be formed from the 2-nortricyclyl radical or some nortricyclene can be formed from the 5-norbornenyl radical by abstraction of hydrogen.

3. There is intervention of a "bridged" radical which may be for med reversibly or irreversibly from the 5-norbornenyl- and 2-nortricyclyl radicals.

Within small error limits, the ratios of norbornene to nortricyclene as a function of the concentration of tri-n-butyltin hydride are consistent with the first mechanism.

In the reductions with tri-n-butyltin deuteride, primary deuterium isotope effects of 2. 3 and 2. 1 for the abstraction of deuterium by the 2-nortricyclyl- and 5-norbornenyl radicals, respectively, were found. The primary deuterium isotope effects were invariant with the concentration of tri-n-butyltin deuteride, although the ratios of norbornene to nortricyclene changed appreciably over this range. This is consistent with the first mechanism, and can accommodate the formation of either product from more than one intermediate only if the primary kinetic deuterium isotope effects are nearly equal for all reactions leading to the single product.

The reduction of endo-5-bromonorbornene-5, 6, 6-d3 with tri-n-butyltin hydride or tri-n-butyltin deuteride leads to both unrearranged and rearranged norbornenes. The ratios of unrearranged to rearranged norbornene require that the 5-norbornenyl-5, 6, 6-d3 radical isomerize to an intermediate with the symmetry expected of a nortricyclyl free radical. The results are consistent with mechanism 1, but imply a surprising normal secondary kinetic deuterium isotope effect of about 1.25 for the abstraction of hydrogen by the 5-norbornenyl- 5, 6, 6-d3 radical.

Approximate calculations show that there does not appear to be any substantial difference in the stabilities of the 5-norbornenyl and 2-nortricyclyl radicals.

Although the results can not exclude a small contribution by a mechanism other than mechanism 1, no such contribution is required to adequately explain the results.


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In this thesis an extensive study is made of the set P of all paranormal operators in B(H), the set of all bounded endomorphisms on the complex Hilbert space H. T ϵ B(H) is paranormal if for each z contained in the resolvent set of T, d(z, σ(T))//(T-zI)-1 = 1 where d(z, σ(T)) is the distance from z to σ(T), the spectrum of T. P contains the set N of normal operators and P contains the set of hyponormal operators. However, P is contained in L, the set of all T ϵ B(H) such that the convex hull of the spectrum of T is equal to the closure of the numerical range of T. Thus, NPL.

If the uniform operator (norm) topology is placed on B(H), then the relative topological properties of N, P, L can be discussed. In Section IV, it is shown that: 1) N P and L are arc-wise connected and closed, 2) N, P, and L are nowhere dense subsets of B(H) when dim H ≥ 2, 3) N = P when dimH ˂ ∞ , 4) N is a nowhere dense subset of P when dimH ˂ ∞ , 5) P is not a nowhere dense subset of L when dimH ˂ ∞ , and 6) it is not known if P is a nowhere dense subset of L when dimH ˂ ∞.

The spectral properties of paranormal operators are of current interest in the literature. Putnam [22, 23] has shown that certain points on the boundary of the spectrum of a paranormal operator are either normal eigenvalues or normal approximate eigenvalues. Stampfli [26] has shown that a hyponormal operator with countable spectrum is normal. However, in Theorem 3.3, it is shown that a paranormal operator T with countable spectrum can be written as the direct sum, N ⊕ A, of a normal operator N with σ(N) = σ(T) and of an operator A with σ(A) a subset of the derived set of σ(T). It is then shown that A need not be normal. If we restrict the countable spectrum of T ϵ P to lie on a C2-smooth rectifiable Jordan curve Go, then T must be normal [see Theorem 3.5 and its Corollary]. If T is a scalar paranormal operator with countable spectrum, then in order to conclude that T is normal the condition of σ(T) ≤ Go can be relaxed [see Theorem 3.6]. In Theorem 3.7 it is then shown that the above result is not true when T is not assumed to be scalar. It was then conjectured that if T ϵ P with σ(T) ≤ Go, then T is normal. The proof of Theorem 3.5 relies heavily on the assumption that T has countable spectrum and cannot be generalized. However, the corollary to Theorem 3.9 states that if T ϵ P with σ(T) ≤ Go, then T has a non-trivial lattice of invariant subspaces. After the completion of most of the work on this thesis, Stampfli [30, 31] published a proof that a paranormal operator T with σ(T) ≤ Go is normal. His proof uses some rather deep results concerning numerical ranges whereas the proof of Theorem 3.5 uses relatively elementary methods.


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This dissertation reformulates and streamlines the core tools of robustness analysis for linear time invariant systems using now-standard methods in convex optimization. In particular, robust performance analysis can be formulated as a primal convex optimization in the form of a semidefinite program using a semidefinite representation of a set of Gramians. The same approach with semidefinite programming duality is applied to develop a linear matrix inequality test for well-connectedness analysis, and many existing results such as the Kalman-Yakubovich--Popov lemma and various scaled small gain tests are derived in an elegant fashion. More importantly, unlike the classical approach, a decision variable in this novel optimization framework contains all inner products of signals in a system, and an algorithm for constructing an input and state pair of a system corresponding to the optimal solution of robustness optimization is presented based on this information. This insight may open up new research directions, and as one such example, this dissertation proposes a semidefinite programming relaxation of a cardinality constrained variant of the H ∞ norm, which we term sparse H ∞ analysis, where an adversarial disturbance can use only a limited number of channels. Finally, sparse H ∞ analysis is applied to the linearized swing dynamics in order to detect potential vulnerable spots in power networks.


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An equation for the reflection which results when an expanding dielectric slab scatters normally incident plane electromagnetic waves is derived using the invariant imbedding concept. The equation is solved approximately and the character of the solution is investigated. Also, an equation for the radiation transmitted through such a slab is similarly obtained. An alternative formulation of the slab problem is presented which is applicable to the analogous problem in spherical geometry. The form of an equation for the modal reflections from a nonrelativistically expanding sphere is obtained and some salient features of the solution are described. In all cases the material is assumed to be a nondispersive, nonmagnetic dielectric whose rest frame properties are slowly varying.


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I. Crossing transformations constitute a group of permutations under which the scattering amplitude is invariant. Using Mandelstem's analyticity, we decompose the amplitude into irreducible representations of this group. The usual quantum numbers, such as isospin or SU(3), are "crossing-invariant". Thus no higher symmetry is generated by crossing itself. However, elimination of certain quantum numbers in intermediate states is not crossing-invariant, and higher symmetries have to be introduced to make it possible. The current literature on exchange degeneracy is a manifestation of this statement. To exemplify application of our analysis, we show how, starting with SU(3) invariance, one can use crossing and the absence of exotic channels to derive the quark-model picture of the tensor nonet. No detailed dynamical input is used.

II. A dispersion relation calculation of the real parts of forward π±p and K±p scattering amplitudes is carried out under the assumption of constant total cross sections in the Serpukhov energy range. Comparison with existing experimental results as well as predictions for future high energy experiments are presented and discussed. Electromagnetic effects are found to be too small to account for the expected difference between the π-p and π+p total cross sections at higher energies.


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Acetyltransferases and deacetylases catalyze the addition and removal, respectively, of acetyl groups to the epsilon-amino group of protein lysine residues. This modification can affect the function of a protein through several means, including the recruitment of specific binding partners called acetyl-lysine readers. Acetyltransferases, deacetylases, and acetyl-lysine readers have emerged as crucial regulators of biological processes and prominent targets for the treatment of human disease. This work describes a combination of structural, biochemical, biophysical, cell-biological, and organismal studies undertaken on a set of proteins that cumulatively include all steps of the acetylation process: the acetyltransferase MEC-17, the deacetylase SIRT1, and the acetyl-lysine reader DPF2. Tubulin acetylation by MEC-17 is associated with stable, long-lived microtubule structures. We determined the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MEC-17 in complex with the cofactor acetyl-CoA. The structure in combination with an extensive enzymatic analysis of MEC-17 mutants identified residues for cofactor and substrate recognition and activity. A large, evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic surface patch distal to the active site was shown to be necessary for catalysis, suggesting that specificity is achieved by interactions with the alpha-tubulin substrate that extend outside of the modified surface loop. Experiments in C. elegans showed that while MEC-17 is required for touch sensitivity, MEC-17 enzymatic activity is dispensible for this behavior. SIRT1 deacetylates a wide range of substrates, including p53, NF-kappaB, FOXO transcription factors, and PGC-1-alpha, with roles in cellular processes ranging from energy metabolism to cell survival. SIRT1 activity is uniquely controlled by a C-terminal regulatory segment (CTR). Here we present crystal structures of the catalytic domain of human SIRT1 in complex with the CTR in an apo form and in complex with a cofactor and a pseudo-substrate peptide. The catalytic domain adopts the canonical sirtuin fold. The CTR forms a beta-hairpin structure that complements the beta-sheet of the NAD^+-binding domain, covering an essentially invariant, hydrophobic surface. A comparison of the apo and cofactor bound structures revealed conformational changes throughout catalysis, including a rotation of a smaller subdomain with respect to the larger NAD^+-binding subdomain. A biochemical analysis identified key residues in the active site, an inhibitory role for the CTR, and distinct structural features of the CTR that mediate binding and inhibition of the SIRT1 catalytic domain. DPF2 represses myeloid differentiation in acute myelogenous leukemia. Finally, we solved the crystal structure of the tandem PHD domain of human DPF2. We showed that DPF2 preferentially binds H3 tail peptides acetylated at Lys14, and binds H4 tail peptides with no preference for acetylation state. Through a structural and mutational analysis we identify the molecular basis of histone recognition. We propose a model for the role of DPF2 in AML and identify the DPF2 tandem PHD finger domain as a promising novel target for anti-leukemia therapeutics.