921 resultados para Advertising credibility


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El hipódromo de Constantinopla se convirtió, desde su reconstrucción monumental por Constantino I hasta su saqueo por los cruzados en 1204, en el principal escenario de manifestación de la majestad imperial. Centro de propaganda política por excelencia, este edificio tomó como modelo el Circo Máximo de Roma, con quien guardaba más parecido que con sus homónimos griegos. Todo en él estaba proyectado para realzar la idea de la soberanía del basileo: su disposición arquitectónica, unido al complejo palacial por medio de la kathisma -el palco imperial y el palacio del hipódromo con el mismo nombre-; la decoración, compuesta por obeliscos, columnas y otros elementos llenos de simbolismo solar, así como por una gran cantidad de esculturas destruidas en el saqueo de 1204; y la misma liturgia del hipódromo, un complejo ceremonial destinado a ensalzar al emperador como vencedor perpetuo.


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Regulation has in many cases been delegated to independent agencies, which has led to the question of how democratic accountability of these agencies is ensured. There are few empirical approaches to agency accountability. We offer such an approach, resting upon three propositions. First, we scrutinize agency accountability both de jure (accountability is ensured by formal rights of accountability 'fora' to receive information and impose consequences) and de facto (the capability of fora to use these rights depends on resources and decision costs that affect the credibility of their sanctioning capacity). Second, accountability must be evaluated separately at political, operational and managerial levels. And third, at each level accountability is enacted by a system of several (partially) interdependent fora, forming together an accountability regime. The proposed framework is applied to the case of the German Bundesnetzagentur's accountability regime, which shows its suitability for empirical purposes. Regulatory agencies are often considered as independent, yet accountable. This article provides a realistic framework for the study of accountability 'regimes' in which they are embedded. It emphasizes the need to identify the various actors (accountability fora) to which agencies are formally accountable (parliamentary committees, auditing bodies, courts, and so on) and to consider possible relationships between them. It argues that formal accountability 'on paper', as defined in official documents, does not fully account for de facto accountability, which depends on the resources possessed by the fora (mainly information-processing and decision-making capacities) and the credibility of their sanctioning capacities. The article applies this framework to the German Bundesnetzagentur.


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Aquest treball pretén ampliar els estudis relacionats amb la lingüística cognitiva en la llengua catalana, en aquest cas en el camp d'experiència de la publicitat televisiva, i complementar els existents sobre el llenguatge publicitari i la comunicació dels mitjans audiovisuals.


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There is a tendency to overlook the many fields that attracted Salvador Dalí, one of the most controversial figures of the 20th century. The Catalan artist was interested in painting, sculpture, engraving, opera, literature, advertising, dance, and even the theatre of life. Dalí was also a theoretician, constantly examining the processes of creation and knowledge: over the years he developed an imagery which, though changing, remained coherent, giving his body of work an unexpected unity.


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PRINCIPLES: The literature has described opinion leaders not only as marketing tools of the pharmaceutical industry, but also as educators promoting good clinical practice. This qualitative study addresses the distinction between the opinion-leader-as-marketing-tool and the opinion-leader-as-educator, as it is revealed in the discourses of physicians and experts, focusing on the prescription of antidepressants. We explore the relational dynamic between physicians, opinion leaders and the pharmaceutical industry in an area of French-speaking Switzerland. METHODS: Qualitative content analysis of 24 semistructured interviews with physicians and local experts in psychopharmacology, complemented by direct observation of educational events led by the experts, which were all sponsored by various pharmaceutical companies. RESULTS: Both physicians and experts were critical of the pharmaceutical industry and its use of opinion leaders. Local experts, in contrast, were perceived by the physicians as critical of the industry and, therefore, as a legitimate source of information. Local experts did not consider themselves opinion leaders and argued that they remained intellectually independent from the industry. Field observations confirmed that local experts criticised the industry at continuing medical education events. CONCLUSIONS: Local experts were vocal critics of the industry, which nevertheless sponsor their continuing education. This critical attitude enhanced their credibility in the eyes of the prescribing physicians. We discuss how the experts, despite their critical attitude, might still be beneficial to the industry's interests.


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Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia miten suomalaiset suuret pörssiyritykset ulkoisesti varmentavat yhteiskuntavastuuraporttinsa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia miten yritykset arvioivat varmentamisen vaikuttavan raporttien luotettavuuteen. Työn teorian muodosti kansainväliset ja kotimaiset kirjat ja artikkelit. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin yritysten yhteiskuntavastuuraporteista, yritysten internetsivuilta ja haastatteluilla. Teemahaastatteluja tehtiin neljälle yrityksen edustajalle ja kahdelle tilintarkastusyhteisön ulkoi-selle varmentajalle. Tutkimusmenetelmä oli kvalitatiivinen ja kuvaileva. Yhteiskuntavastuun huomioiminen ja siitä raportoiminen on yleistynyt Suomessa ja maailmalla 2000-luvulla. Yritykset koetaan tänä päivänä merkittäviksi tekijöiksi yhteiskunnassa ja näin ollen yrityksiltä vaaditaan vastuullista ja ehdottoman luotettavaa toimintaa. Vastuun kantamista vaa-ditaan erityisesti kansainvälisiltä yrityksiltä. Sidosryhmät odottavat yritysten yhteiskuntavastuuraporttien tarjoavan luotettavaa tietoa päätöksenteon tueksi. Luotettavuuden ja uskottavuuden lisäämiseksi, jotkut yritykset ovat alkaneet käyttää yhteiskuntavastuuraporttien ulkoista varmennusta. Ulkoisella varmentamisella tarkoitetaan sellaista toimintaa, jossa kolmas riip-pumaton taho varmentaa yrityksen ei-taloudellisen raportin.


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This paper investigates the example of Cyprus as a case study for the Europeanisation of conflict resolution. The argument advanced is that the European Union (EU) impacts the positions of the parts of the conflict (here, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots and Turkey) but not always towards the resolution of the dispute and compliance with EU conditionality. Conformity with EU conditionality depends on its credibility, which is decreased by the internalisation of the conflict into the EU. In this context, this work contributes to the discussion on Europeanisation and the aptitude of the EU in conflict resolution as well as the role of the EU in the Cyprus conflict during the post-accession years.


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La cigarette électronique produit de la vapeur à inhaler contenant du propylène-glycol, des arômes et de la nicotine libérée rapidement. 6,7% de la population suisse, surtout des fumeurs, ont essayé la cigarette électronique et 0,1% l'utilise quotidiennement. Malgré l'incertitude due au bas niveau de preuves, la cigarette électronique pourrait être efficace pour cesser ou réduire le tabagisme. La sécurité de la cigarette électronique est démontrée à court terme mais pas à long terme ; sa toxicité semble très inférieure à celle du tabac. Les non-fumeurs et les jeunes utilisent peu la cigarette électronique qui ne semble pas les amener au tabagisme. Les mesures de santé publique recommandées sont la régulation du produit avec contrôle de la qualité ainsi que l'interdiction d'usage dans les lieux publics, de publicité et de vente aux mineurs. Electronic cigarettes are devices producing vapour containing propylene-glycol, flavourings and quickly delivered nicotine. 6.7% of the Swiss population, mainly smokers, experimented the electronic cigarette while 0.1% use it daily. Despite uncertainty due to the low level of evidence, electronic cigarettes might be effective for smoking cessation and reduction. The safety of electronic cigarettes is demonstrated at short-term but not at long-term; however its eventual toxicity is likely to be much lower than tobacco. Use of electronic cigarettes by non-smokers and youth who do not smoke is low and seems unlikely to lead them to tobacco use. Recommended public health measures include product regulation with quality control, ban in public places, prohibition of advertising and sales to minors.


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La prévalence mondiale du tabagisme est environ cinq fois plus importante chez les hommes que chez les femmes, toutefois cet écart tend à s'égaliser. En ce qui concerne les conséquences sur la santé du tabagisme, les femmes semblent plus susceptibles que les hommes. Elles sont notamment plus à risque de présenter certains cancers pulmonaires ou de décéder de maladies cardiovasculaires. Si les hommes sont moins enclins à demander de l'aide pour arrêter de fumer, les femmes quant à elles ont moins de succès dans leurs tentatives d'arrêt et les traitements semblent moins efficaces chez ces dernières. Des interventions d'aide à l'arrêt et des mesures de prévention du tabagisme adaptées aux spécificités de genre ont le potentiel d'améliorer la prise en charge des fumeurs et de diminuer les disparités de genre en santé. Smoking prevalence is globally five times higher among men compared to women but this gap tends to decrease. Regarding health consequences of smoking, women tend to be more vulnerable than men. They are namely more at risk to present certain lung cancers and die of cardiovascular disease. While men are less prone to seek help for smoking cessation, women are less successful in their quit attempts and smoking cessation treatments are less effective among them. Interventions for smoking cessation and preventive measures tailored to gender specificities have the potential to improve management of smokers and decrease gender disparities in healthcare.


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The Faculty of Business and Communication recently started an internationalization process that, in two year’s time, will allow all undergraduate students (studying Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Business and Marketing) to take 25% of their subjects in English using CLIL methodology. Currently, Journalism is the degree course with the greatest percentage of CLIL subjects, for example Current Affairs Workshop, a subject dedicated to analyzing current news using opinion genres. Moreover, because of the lack of other subjects offered in English, ERASMUS students have to take some journalism subjects in order to complete their international passport, and one of the classes they choose is the Current Affairs Workshop. The aim of this paper is to explore how CLIL methodology can be useful for learning journalistic opinion genres (chat-shows, discussions and debates) in a subject where Catalan Communication students –with different levels of English- share their knowledge with European students of other social disciplines. Students work in multidisciplinary groups in which they develop real radio and TV programs, adopting all the roles (moderator, technician, producer and participants), analyzing daily newspapers and other sources to create content, based on current affairs. This paper is based on the participant observation of the lecturers of the subject, who have designed different activities related to journalistic genres, where students can develop their skills according to the role they play in every assignment. Examples of successful lessons will be given, in addition to the results of the course: both positive and negative. Although the objective of the course is to examine professional routines related to opinion genres, and students are not directly graded on their level of English, the Catalan students come to appreciate how they finally overcome their fear of working in a foreign language. This is a basic result of their experience.


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Le propos général de ce mémoire est de déterminer pourquoi un nouveau patient choisit de prendre rendez-vous dans un centre dentaire et d'évaluer son niveau de satisfaction. L'étude est basée sur un questionnaire distribué lors du premier rendez-vous des nouveaux patients. Il est constitué de trois sections (socio-démographie, critères de choix, satisfaction) et est complété par le patient en deux phases, les parties socio-démographiques et critères de choix avant le traitement par le dentiste et la partie satisfaction après le traitement. L'échantillon de patients provient de deux centres dentaires ayant les mêmes exigences en termes d'accueil et de qualité des soins, l'un étant situé dans le canton de Zurich et l'autre dans le canton de Fribourg. [...] [Extrait p. 4]


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L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer l'adéquation des messages publicitaires sur les médicaments parus en 2007 dans quatre journaux destinés aux professionnels de la santé ("Praxis", "Forum médical suisse", "Bulletin des médecins suisses" et "Revue médicale suisse") avec les évidences basées sur les preuves de l'EBM et des normes législatives ainsi que de vérifier s'ils sont supportés par les références bibliographiques mentionnées. Méthode: les messages publicitaires des cinq grands groupes thérapeutiques (à savoir: anti-ostéoporotiques/arthrosiques, antidépresseurs, antihypertenseurs, AINS et hypolipémiants) sont évalués sur [ces] trois critères. [Auteure, p. 5]


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