941 resultados para Acquisition originaire


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Finnish youth are constantly exposed to music and lyrics in English in their free time. It is likely that this has a positive effect on vocabulary learning. Learning vocabulary while simultaneously accompanied with melodies is likely to result in better learning outcomes. The present thesis covers a study on the vocabulary learning of traditional and music class ninth graders in a south-western upper comprehensive school in Finland, mainly concentrating on vocabulary learning as a by-product of listening to pop music and learning vocabulary through semantic priming. The theoretical background presents viable linguistic arguments and theories, which provide clarity for why it would be possible to learn English vocabulary via listening to pop songs. There is conflicting evidence on the benefits of music on vocabulary learning, and this thesis sets out to shed light on the situation. Additionally, incorporating pop music in English classes could assist in decreasing the gap between real world English and school English. The thesis is a mixed method research study consisting of both quantitative and qualitative research materials. The methodology comprises vocabulary tests both before and after pop music samples and a background questionnaire filled by students. According to the results, all students reported liking listening to music and they clearly listened to English pop music the most. A statistically significant difference was found when analysing the results of the differences in pre- and post-vocabulary tests. However, the traditional class appeared to listen to mainstream pop music more than the students in the music class, and thus it seems likely that the traditional class benefited more from vocabulary learning occurring via listening to pop songs. In conclusion, it can be established that it is possible to learn English vocabulary via listening to pop songs and that students wish their English lectures would involve more music-related vocabulary exercises in the future. Thus, when it comes to school learning, pop songs should be utilised in vocabulary learning, which could also in turn result in more diverse learning and the students could, more easily than before, relate to the themes and topics of the lectures. Furthermore, with the help of pop songs it would be possible to decrease the gap between school English and real-world English.


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Se ofrece un análisis del lenguaje de una niña bilingüe (Mina) con la intención de comprobar la teoría de Wexler quien dice que el lenguaje de los niños presenta un período de uso 'opcional de formas verbales infinitivas' en contextos en los que adultos no las usarían. Se presenta importante información relacionada con el tema y se analizan las muestras de idioma para concluir que sí hay evidencia para la existencia de dicho período en ambos idiomas: éste se expresa en inglés a través de formas infinitivas y en español en verbos que varían aspectualmente y que aparecen en predicados que no tienen concordancia con su sujeto. Además se comparan los resultados de varios estudios de diferentes lenguas.This paper presents the analysis of the speech of a bilingual child (Mina) in order to determine if the 'Optional Infinitive Stage' (OI) (Wexler) is present in her language production at this stage of language development (So). The first part presents important background information. Then, the English and Spanish data are analyzed to conclude that the Optional Infinitive stage is expressed both in Spanish and in English through different mechanisms, Root Infinitives in English and 'aspectually variable' verbs that appear as 'misagreeing' predicates in Spanish.


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Many mental disorders are characterised by the presence of compulsions and incontrollable habits. Most studies on habit learning, both in animals and in humans, are based on positive reinforcement paradigms. However, the compulsions and habits involved in some mental disorders may be better understood as avoidance behaviours, which involve some peculiarities, such as anxiety states, that have been shown to promote habitual responses. Consequently, we studied habit acquisition by using a free-operant discriminated avoidance procedure. Furthermore, we checked whether intolerance of uncertainty could predispose to avoidance habit acquisition. Participants learned to avoid an aversive noise presented either to the right or to the left ear by pressing two different keys. After a devaluation phase where the volume of the noise presented to one of the ears was reduced, participants went through a test phase identical to the avoidance learning phase except for the fact that the noise was never administered. Habit acquisition was inferred by comparing the rate of responses to the stimulus signalling the devalued reinforcer and to the stimulus signalling the non-devalued reinforcer. The results showed that intolerance of uncertainty was related to the absence of differences between the referred conditions, which entail avoidance habit acquisition.


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Students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) typically learn less history content than their peers without disabilities and show fewer learning gains. Even when they are provided with the same instructional strategies, many students with SLD struggle to grasp complex historical concepts and content area vocabulary. Many strategies involving technology have been used in the past to enhance learning for students with SLD in history classrooms. However, very few studies have explored the effectiveness of emerging mobile technology in K-12 history classrooms. ^ This study investigated the effects of mobile devices (iPads) as an active student response (ASR) system on the acquisition of U.S. history content of middle school students with SLD. An alternating treatments single subject design was used to compare the effects of two interventions. There were two conditions and a series of pretest probesin this study. The conditions were: (a) direct instruction and studying from handwritten notes using the interactive notebook strategy and (b) direct instruction and studying using the Quizlet App on the iPad. There were three dependent variables in this study: (a) percent correct on tests, (b) rate of correct responses per minute, and (c) rate of errors per minute. ^ A comparative analysis suggested that both interventions (studying from interactive notes and studying using Quizlet on the iPad) had varying degrees of effectiveness in increasing the learning gains of students with SLD. In most cases, both interventions were equally effective. During both interventions, all of the participants increased their percentage correct and increased their rate of correct responses. Most of the participants decreased their rate of errors. ^ The results of this study suggest that teachers of students with SLD should consider a post lesson review in the form of mobile devices as an ASR system or studying from handwritten notes paired with existing evidence-based practices to facilitate students’ knowledge in U.S. history. Future research should focus on the use of other interactive applications on various mobile operating platforms, on other social studies subjects, and should explore various testing formats such as oral question-answer and multiple choice. ^


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The development cost of any civil infrastructure is very high; during its life span, the civil structure undergoes a lot of physical loads and environmental effects which damage the structure. Failing to identify this damage at an early stage may result in severe property loss and may become a potential threat to people and the environment. Thus, there is a need to develop effective damage detection techniques to ensure the safety and integrity of the structure. One of the Structural Health Monitoring methods to evaluate a structure is by using statistical analysis. In this study, a civil structure measuring 8 feet in length, 3 feet in diameter, embedded with thermocouple sensors at 4 different levels is analyzed under controlled and variable conditions. With the help of statistical analysis, possible damage to the structure was analyzed. The analysis could detect the structural defects at various levels of the structure.


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A substantial amount of work in the field of strategic management has attempted to explain the antecedents and outcomes of organizational learning. Though multinational corporations simultaneously engage in various types of tasks, activities, and strategies on a regular basis, the transfer of organizational learning in a multi-task context has largely remained under-explored in the literature. To inform our understanding in this area, this dissertation aimed at synthesizing findings from two parallel research streams of corporate development activities: strategic alliances and acquisitions. Structured in the form of two empirical studies, this dissertation examines: 1) the strategic outcomes of alliance experience of previously allying partners in terms of subsequent acquisition attempts, and 2) the performance implications of prior alliance experience for acquisitions. The first study draws on the relational view of inter-organizational governance to explain how various deal-specific and dyadic characteristics of a partnership relate to partnering firms’ post-alliance acquisition attempts. This model theorizes on a variety of relational mechanisms to build a cohesive theory of inter-organizational exchanges in a multi-task setting where strategic alliances ultimately lead to a firm’s decision to commit further resources. The second study applies organizational learning theory, and specifically examines whether frequency, recency, and relatedness of different dimensions of prior alliances, beyond the dyad-level experience, relate to an acquirer’s superior post-acquisition performance. The hypotheses of the studies are tested using logistic and ordinary least square regressions, respectively. Results analyzed from a sample of cross-border alliance and acquisition deals attempted (for study I) and/or completed (for study II) during the period of 1991 to 2011 generally support the theory that relational exchange determines acquiring firms’ post alliance acquisition behavior and that organizational routines and learning from prior alliances influence a future acquirer’s financial performance. Overall, the empirical findings support our overarching theory of interdependency, and confirm the transfer effect of learning across these alternate, yet related corporate strategies of alliance and acquisition.


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We study the changes in the consumers’ and producers’ surplus associated with acquisition deals where there is a non-competition covenant that forbids the seller from re-entering the market over a given time period. We find that these cquisition deals can lead to significant negative (positive) changes in the producers’ consumers’) surplus, which decrease significantly with the time period of the covenant. We also show that the effect of the time period of the covenant on the welfare change can be positive or negative. It depends largely on the market conditions, such as the profit uncertainty and growth rate.


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Rapport de projet de maîtrise présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade de M.Sc.A. en génie biomédical, option génie clinique.


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Rapport de maitrise présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade M. Sc. A. en génie biomédical option Génie clinique


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This project aims to clarify the importance of acquiring cross-disciplinary competencies in the Law and Criminology degrees, specifically entrepreneurial capability in order to further students' comprehensive training and complete preparation for the legal and professional sector, thereby fostering students' greater involvement in the development of such competencies.


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Rapport de projet de maîtrise présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade de M.Sc.A. en génie biomédical, option génie clinique.


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Rapport de maitrise présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade M. Sc. A. en génie biomédical option Génie clinique


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At what point in reading development does literacy impact object recognition and orientation processing? Is it specific to mirror images? To answer these questions, forty-six 5- to 7-year-old preschoolers and first graders performed two same–different tasks differing in the matching criterion-orientation-based versus shape-based (orientation independent)-on geometric shapes and letters. On orientation-based judgments, first graders out- performed preschoolers who had the strongest difficulty with mirrored pairs. On shape-based judgments, first graders were slower for mirrored than identical pairs, and even slower than preschoolers. This mirror cost emerged with letter knowledge. Only first graders presented worse shape-based judgments for mirrored and rotated pairs of reversible (e.g., b-d; b-q) than nonreversible (e.g., e-ә) letters, indicating readers’ difficulty in ignoring orientation contrasts relevant to letters.


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Hadrontherapy employs high-energy beams of charged particles (protons and heavier ions) to treat deep-seated tumours: these particles have a favourable depth-dose distribution in tissue characterized by a low dose in the entrance channel and a sharp maximum (Bragg peak) near the end of their path. In these treatments nuclear interactions have to be considered: beam particles can fragment in the human body releasing a non-zero dose beyond the Bragg peak while fragments of human body nuclei can modify the dose released in healthy tissues. These effects are still in question given the lack of interesting cross sections data. Also space radioprotection can profit by fragmentation cross section measurements: the interest in long-term manned space missions beyond Low Earth Orbit is growing in these years but it has to cope with major health risks due to space radiation. To this end, risk models are under study: however, huge gaps in fragmentation cross sections data are currently present preventing an accurate benchmark of deterministic and Monte Carlo codes. To fill these gaps in data, the FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) experiment was proposed. It is composed by two independent and complementary setups, an Emulsion Cloud Chamber and an electronic setup composed by several subdetectors providing redundant measurements of kinematic properties of fragments produced in nuclear interactions between a beam and a target. FOOT aims to measure double differential cross sections both in angle and kinetic energy which is the most complete information to address existing questions. In this Ph.D. thesis, the development of the Trigger and Data Acquisition system for the FOOT electronic setup and a first analysis of 400 MeV/u 16O beam on Carbon target data acquired in July 2021 at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) are presented. When possible, a comparison with other available measurements is also reported.