982 resultados para Aaa-atpase


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Contraction of vertebrate cardiac muscle is regulated by the binding of Ca$\sp{2+}$ to the troponin C (cTnC) subunit of the troponin complex. In this study, we have used site-directed mutagenesis and a variety of assay techniques to explore the functional roles of regions in cTnC, including Ca$\sp{2+}$/Mg$\sp{2+}$-binding sites III and IV, the functionally inactive site I, the N-terminal helix, the N-terminal hydrophobic pocket and the two cysteine residues with regard to their ability to form disulfide bonds. Conversion of the first Ca$\sp{2+}$ ligand from Asp to Ala inactivated sites III and IV and decreased the apparent affinity of cTnC for the thin filament. Conversion of the second ligand from Asn to Ala also inactivated these sites in the free protein but Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding was recovered upon association with troponin I and troponin T. The Ca$\sp{2+}$-concentrations required for tight thin filament-binding by proteins containing second-ligand mutations were significantly greater than that required for the wild-type protein. Mutation of site I such that the primary sequence was that of an active site with the first Ca$\sp{2+}$ ligand changed from Asp to Ala resulted in a 70% decrease in maximal Ca$\sp{2\sp+}$ dependent ATPase activity in both cardiac and fast skeletal myofibrils. Thus, the primary sequence of the inactive site I in cTnC is functionally important. Major changes in the sequence of the N-terminus had little effect on the ability of cTnC to recover maximal activity but deletion of the first nine residues resulted in a 60 to 80% decrease in maximal activity with only a minor decrease in the pCa$\sb{50}$ of activation, suggesting that the N-terminal helix must be present but that a specific sequence is not required. The formation of an inter- or intramolecular disulfide bonds caused the exposure of hydrophobic surfaces on cTnC and rendered the protein Ca$\sp{2+}$ independent. Finally, elution patterns from a hydrophobic interactions column suggest that cTnC undergoes a significant change in hydrophobicity upon Ca$\sp{2+}$ binding, the majority of which is caused by site II. These latter data show an interesting correlation between exposure of hydrophobic surfaces on and activation of cTnC. Overall, these results represent significant progress toward the elucidation of the functional roles of a variety of structural regions in cTnC. ^


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$\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent exposure of an N-terminal hydrophobic region in troponin C (TnC) is thought to be important for the regulation of contraction in striated muscle. To study these conformational changes in cardiac troponin (cTnC), the $\varepsilon$C and $\varepsilon$H chemical shifts for all 10 Met residues in cTnC were sequence-specific assigned on NMR spectra using a combination of two dimensional NMR techniques and site-directed mutagenesis. The assigned methyl-Met chemical shifts were used as structural markers to monitor conformational changes induced by $\rm Ca\sp{2+}.$ The results showed that binding of $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ to the regulatory site in the N-domain induced large changes in the $\varepsilon$H and $\varepsilon$C chemical shifts of Met 45, Met 80, Met 81 in the predicted N-terminal hydrophobic region, but had no effect on the chemical shifts of Met residues located in the C-domain. These results suggest that the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent functions of cTnC are mainly through N-terminal domain of cTnC.^ To further define the molecular mechanism by which TnC regulates muscle contraction, single Cys residues were engineered at positions 45, 81, 84 or 85 in the N-terminal hydrophobic region of cTnC to provide sites for attachment of specific blocking groups. Blocking groups were coupled to these Cys residues in cTnC mutants and the covalent adducts were tested for activity in TnC-extracted myofibrils. Covalent modification of cTnC(C45) had no effect on maximal myofibril ATPase activity. Greatly decreased myofibril ATPase activity resulted when the peptide or biotin was conjugated to residue 81 in cTnC(C81), while less inhibition resulted from covalent modification of cTnC(C84) or cTnC(C85). The results suggest that limited sites of the N-terminal hydrophobic region in cTnC are important for transducing the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ signal to troponin I (TnI) and are sensitive to modification, while other regions are less important or can adapt to steric hindrances introduced by bulky blocking groups.^ Although the exposed TnI interaction site in the N-terminal hydrophobic region of TnC is crucial for function of TnC, other regions in the N-domain of TnC may also participate in transducing the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$ signal and conferring the maximal activation of actomyosin ATPase. The interactions between the B-/C-helices of cTnC and cTnI were characterized using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis, fluorescence and covalent modification. The results suggest that the $\rm Ca\sp{2+}$-dependent interactions of the B-/C-helices of cTnC with TnI may be required for the maximal activation of muscle contraction. ^


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Bone remodeling is controlled by the osteoclast, which resorbs bone, and the osteoblast, which synthesizes and secretes proteins that are eventually mineralized into bone. Ca$\sp{2+}$ homeostasis and signaling contribute to the function of nearly all cell types, and understanding both in the osteoblast is of importance given its secretory properties and interaction with osteoclasts. This study was undertaken to identify and investigate the physiology of the Ca$\sp{2+}$ signaling mechanisms present in osteoblasts. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ pumps, stores and channels present in osteoblasts were studied. RT-PCR cloning revealed that osteoblast-like cells express PMCA1b, an alternatively spliced transcript of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase. The PMCA1b isoform contains a consensus phosphorylation site for cAMP-dependent protein kinase A and a modified calmodulin binding domain. The regulation of osteoblast function by agents that act via cAMP-mediated pathways may involve alterations in the activity of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase.^ Calcium release from intracellular stores is a signaling mechanism used universally by cells responding to hormones and growth factors, and the compartmentalization and regulated release of calcium is cell-type specific. Fura-2 was employed to monitor intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$. Thapsigargin and 2,5,-di-(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (tBuHQ), two inhibitors of endoplasmic reticulum Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase activity, both emptied a single intracellular calcium pool which was released in response to either ATP or thrombin, identifying it as the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium store. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ storage system present in osteoblasts is typical of a non-excitable cell type, despite these cells sharing characteristics of excitable cells such as voltage-sensitive Ca$\sp{2+}$ channels (VSCCs).^ VSCCs are important cell surface regulators of membrane permeability to Ca$\sp{2+}$. In non-excitable cells VSCCs act as cellular transducers of stimulus-secretion coupling, activators of intracellular proteins, and in control of cell growth and differentiation. Functional VSCCs have been shown to exist in osteoblasts, however, no molecular cloning has been reported. To obtain information concerning the molecular identity of the osteoblastic VSCC, we used an RT-PCR regional amplification approach. Sequencing of the products indicated that osteoblasts express at least two isoforms of the L-type VSCC, $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-a}$ and the $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-d}$, which share regions of identity to the $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ isoform first identified in cardiac myocytes. The ability of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and structural analogs to modulate expression of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA was then investigated. Cells were cultured for 48 hr in the presence of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ or vitamin D analogs, and the levels of mRNA encoding VSCC $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ were quantitated using a competitive RT-PCR assay. It was found that $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and analog BT reduced steady state levels of $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ mRNA. Conversely, analog AT did not alter steady state levels of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA. Since it has been shown previously that analog BT, but not AT, binds and activates the nuclear vitamin D receptor, these findings suggest that the down regulation of channel mRNA involves the nuclear receptor for $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$. ^


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Individual Video Training iVT and Annotating Academic Videos AAV: two complementing technologies 1. Recording communication skills training sessions and reviewing them by oneself, with peers, and with tutors has become standard in medical education. Increasing numbers of students paired with restrictions of financial and human resources create a big obstacle to this important teaching method. 2. Everybody who wants to increase efficiency and effectiveness of communication training can get new ideas from our technical solution. 3. Our goal was to increase the effectiveness of communication skills training by supporting self, peer and tutor assessment over the Internet. Two technologies of SWITCH, the national foundation to support IT solutions for Swiss universities, came handy for our project. The first is the authentication and authorization infrastructure providing all Swiss students with a nationwide single login. The second is SWITCHcast which allows automated recording, upload and publication of videos in the Internet. Students start the recording system by entering their single login. This automatically links the video with their password. Within a few hours, they find their video password protected on the Internet. They now can give access to peers and tutors. Additionally, an annotation interface was developed. This software has free text as well as checklist annotations capabilities. Tutors as well as students can create checklists. Tutor’s checklists are not editable by students. Annotations are linked to tracks. Tracks can be private or public. Public means visible to all who have access to the video. Annotation data can be exported for statistical evaluation. 4. The system was well received by students and tutors. Big numbers of videos were processed simultaneously without any problems. 5. iVT http://www.switch.ch/aaa/projects/detail/UNIBE.7 AAV http://www.switch.ch/aaa/projects/detail/ETHZ.9


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BACKGROUND The majority of radiological reports are lacking a standard structure. Even within a specialized area of radiology, each report has its individual structure with regards to details and order, often containing too much of non-relevant information the referring physician is not interested in. For gathering relevant clinical key parameters in an efficient way or to support long-term therapy monitoring, structured reporting might be advantageous. OBJECTIVE Despite of new technologies in medical information systems, medical reporting is still not dynamic. To improve the quality of communication in radiology reports, a new structured reporting system was developed for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), intended to enhance professional communication by providing the pertinent clinical information in a predefined standard. METHODS Actual state analysis was performed within the departments of radiology and vascular surgery by developing a Technology Acceptance Model. The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis focused on optimization of the radiology reporting of patients with AAA. Definition of clinical parameters was achieved by interviewing experienced clinicians in radiology and vascular surgery. For evaluation, a focus group (4 radiologists) looked at the reports of 16 patients. The usability and reliability of the method was validated in a real-world test environment in the field of radiology. RESULTS A Web-based application for radiological "structured reporting" (SR) was successfully standardized for AAA. Its organization comprises three main categories: characteristics of pathology and adjacent anatomy, measurements, and additional findings. Using different graphical widgets (eg, drop-down menus) in each category facilitate predefined data entries. Measurement parameters shown in a diagram can be defined for clinical monitoring and be adducted for quick adjudications. Figures for optional use to guide and standardize the reporting are embedded. Analysis of variance shows decreased average time required with SR to obtain a radiological report compared to free-text reporting (P=.0001). Questionnaire responses confirm a high acceptance rate by the user. CONCLUSIONS The new SR system may support efficient radiological reporting for initial diagnosis and follow-up for AAA. Perceived advantages of our SR platform are ease of use, which may lead to more accurate decision support. The new system is open to communicate not only with clinical partners but also with Radiology Information and Hospital Information Systems.


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We present a case of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) with ambiguous accessory findings on post-mortem computed-tomography (PMCT), post-mortem magnetic resonance (PMMR) imaging, and PMCT-angiography (PMCTA) suggestive of thoracic aortic dissection. The diagnosis of ruptured AAA was confirmed by autopsy; however, there was no aortic dissection. The imaging findings that mimicked the presence of aortic dissection might have been an atypical presentation of post-mortem clotting or sedimentation. This case is an ideal example to illustrate benefits, limitations, and challenges of post-mortem cross-sectional imaging. It serves as a reminder that both, training as well as correlation of imaging findings with autopsy are fundamental to improve our understanding of radiologic findings on post-mortem cross-sectional imaging.


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The effect of descaling injury on the osmoregulatory ability of hatchery Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in seawater was investigated. Experimental series were initiated during early, middle, and late periods of the spring smolt migration (April 25, May 11, and May 31, respectively). For each time series, descaled smolts (subjected to descaling on 10% of the body surface area) and control smolts (held out of water for 15 s) were transferred to seawater at 0, 1, 3, or 7 d posttreatment. After fish were held in 35% seawater for 24 h, gill and blood samples were collected and analyzed for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity and plasma osmolyte levels. Based on gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, the three series spanned the period from early smolting (increasing activity) to de-smolting (decreasing activity). In each series, descaled fish transferred to seawater at 0 and 1 d posttreatment had greater plasma osmolality than control fish; descaled fish transferred to seawater at 3 d posttreatment did not differ from controls. The greatest perturbation in osmolality (70 milliosmoles) was observed at the peak of smolting (middle series), whereas lesser increases were seen for early and late-series smolts. The observed osmotic perturbations in descaled fish would probably reduce performance and decrease survival during smolt migration.


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MATERNO-FETAL NUTRIENT TRANSFER ACROSS PRIMARY HUMAN TROPHOBLAST MONOLAYER Objectives: Polarized trophoblasts represent the transport and metabolic barrier between the maternal and fetal circulation. Currently human placental nutrient transfer in vitro is mainly investigated unidirectionallyon cultured primary trophoblasts, or bidirectionally on the Transwell® system using BeWo cells treated with forskolin. As forskolin can induce various gene alterations (e.g. cAMP response element genes), we aimed to establish a physiological primary trophoblast model for materno-fetal nutrient exchange studies without forskolin application. Methods: Human term cytotrophoblasts were isolated by enzymatic digestion and Percoll® gradient separation. The purity of the primary cells was assessed by flow cytometry using the trophoblast-specific marker cytokeratin-7. After screening different coating matrices, we optimized the growth conditions for the primary cytotrophoblasts on Transwell/ inserts. The morphology of 5 days cultured trophoblasts was determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Membrane makers were visualized using confocal microscopy. Additionally transport studies were performed on the polarized trophoblasts in the Transwell® system. Results: During 5 days culture, the trophoblasts (>90% purity) developed a modest trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and a sizedependent apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) to fluorescently labeled compounds (MW ~400-70’000D). SEM analyses confirmed a confluent trophoblast layer with numerous microvilli at day six, and TEM revealed a monolayer with tight junctions. Immunocytochemistry on the confluent trophoblasts showed positivity for the cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin, the tight junction protein ZO-1, and the membrane proteins ABCA1 and Na+/K+-ATPase. Vectorial glucose and cholesterol transport studies confirmed functionality of the cultured trophoblast barrier. Conclusion: Evidence from cell morphology, biophysical parameters and cell marker expressions indicate the successful and reproducible establishment of a primary trophoblast monolayer model suitable for transport studies. Application of this model to pathological trophoblasts will help to better understand the mechanism underlying gestational diseases, and to define the consequences of placental pathology on materno-fetal nutrient transport.


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OBJECTIVES To compare biomechanical rupture risk parameters of asymptomatic, symptomatic and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) using finite element analysis (FEA). STUDY DESIGN Retrospective biomechanical single center analysis of asymptomatic, symptomatic, and ruptured AAAs. Comparison of biomechanical parameters from FEA. MATERIALS AND METHODS From 2011 to 2013 computed tomography angiography (CTA) data from 30 asymptomatic, 15 symptomatic, and 15 ruptured AAAs were collected consecutively. FEA was performed according to the successive steps of AAA vessel reconstruction, segmentation and finite element computation. Biomechanical parameters Peak Wall Rupture Risk Index (PWRI), Peak Wall Stress (PWS), and Rupture Risk Equivalent Diameter (RRED) were compared among the three subgroups. RESULTS PWRI differentiated between asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs (p < .0004) better than PWS (p < .1453). PWRI-dependent RRED was higher in the symptomatic subgroup compared with the asymptomatic subgroup (p < .0004). Maximum AAA external diameters were comparable between the two groups (p < .1355). Ruptured AAAs showed the highest values for external diameter, total intraluminal thrombus volume, PWS, RRED, and PWRI compared with asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs. In contrast with symptomatic and ruptured AAAs, none of the asymptomatic patients had a PWRI value >1.0. This threshold value might identify patients at imminent risk of rupture. CONCLUSIONS From different FEA derived parameters, PWRI distinguishes most precisely between asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs. If elevated, this value may represent a negative prognostic factor for asymptomatic AAAs.


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Normal human serum (NHS) confers human resistance to infection by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei owing to the trypanolytic activity of apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1), present in two serum complexes termed Trypanolytic Factors (TLF-1 and -2). In order to identify parasite components involved in the intracellular trafficking and activity of TLFs, an inducible RNA interference (RNAi) genomic DNA library constructed in bloodstream form T. brucei was subjected to RNAi induction and selection for resistant parasites under NHS conditions favouring either TLF-1 or TLF-2 uptake. While TLF-1 conditions readily selected the haptoglobin-haemoglobin (HP-HB) surface receptor TbHpHbR as expected, given its known ability to bind TLF-1, under TLF-2 conditions no specific receptor for TLF-2 was identified. Instead, the screen allowed the identification of five distinct factors expected to be involved in the assembly of the vacuolar proton pump V-ATPase and consecutive endosomal acidification. These data confirm that lowering the pH during endocytosis is required for APOL1 toxic activity.