The histones of all eukaryotes show only a low degree of primary structure homology, but our earlier crystallographic results defined a three-dimensional structural motif, the histone fold, common to all core histones. We now examine the specific architectural patterns within the fold and analyze the nature of the amino acid residues within its functional segments. The histone fold emerges as a fundamental protein dimerization motif while the differentiations of the tips of the histone dimers appear to provide the rules of core octamer assembly and the basis for nucleosome regulation. We present evidence for the occurrence of the fold from archaebacteria to mammals and propose the use of this structural motif to define a distinct family of proteins, the histone fold superfamily. It appears that evolution has conserved the conformation of the fold even through variations in primary structure and among proteins with various functional roles.
We report a carbohydrate-dependent supramolecular architecture in the extracellular giant hemoglobin (Hb) from the marine worm Perinereis aibuhitensis; we call this architectural mechanism carbohydrate gluing. This study is an extension of our accidental discovery of deterioration in the form of the Hb caused by a high concentration of glucose. The giant Hbs of annelids are natural supramolecules consisting of about 200 polypeptide chains that associate to form a double-layered hexagonal structure. This Hb has 0.5% (wt) carbohydrates, including mannose, xylose, fucose, galactose, glucose, N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), and N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc). Using carbohydrate-staining assays, in conjunction with two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, we found that two types of linker chains (L1 and L2; the nomenclature of the Hb subunits followed that for another marine worm, Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus) contained carbohydrates with both GlcNAc and GalNAc. Furthermore, two types of globins (a and A) have only GlcNAc-containing carbohydrates, whereas the other types of globins (b and B) had no carbohydrates. Monosaccharides including mannose, fucose, glucose, galactose, GlcNAc, and GalNAc reversibly dissociated the intact form of the Hb, but the removal of carbohydrate with N-glycanase resulted in irreversible dissociation. These results show that carbohydrate acts noncovalently to glue together the components to yield the complete quaternary supramolecular structure of the giant Hb. We suggest that this carbohydrate gluing may be mediated through lectin-like carbohydrate-binding by the associated structural chains ("linkers").
Spinal cord injury (SCI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) are two potentially devastating conditions alone; when they co-occur in an individual they can be doubly so. The role of hope in rehabilitating oneself and recovering emotionally is examined in this paper. More specifically, Snyder's Model of Hope (1991) is examined as a tool that can aid in the rehabilitative process and help treatment providers, their patients, and the families of patients keep hope alive during a time of physical and emotional upheaval. This paper further examines the roles of hope in a rehabilitation program at Craig Hospital, a private, non-profit hospital dedicated exclusively to the rehabilitation of SCIs and TBIs and designated as a TBI and SCI Model Systems Center.
This study analyzes the effect on levels of patient anxiety and depression of a partner joining a cardiac rehabilitation program support group, also taking into account the sex of the patient. The study was undertaken using a two-group comparison design with pre-and post-test measures in non-equivalent groups. The sample comprised patients in the cardiac rehabilitation program (CRP) at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital, Madrid (Spain). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed direct effects of sex and partner participation in support groups on the anxiety trait. Similarly, interaction effects were observed between the sex variable and partner participation. These results indicate the pertinence of designing separate groups for patients and partners. © 2014 Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid.
El futuro desarrollo urbano previsto para el frente marítimo ubicado junto al antiguo puerto pesquero y actual puerto deportivo de El Campello (Alicante) se plantea con un uso terciario y comercial abusivo implicando la pérdida del paisaje existente, de la imagen de la fachada marítima y de los valores socioculturales de la zona. Para evitar este desenlace, se plantea la recuperación de las antiguas cuevas existentes en dicho frente para uso y disfrute de sus habitantes; intervención enmarcada dentro de una propuesta de regeneración paisajística y social mediante un proyecto museístico sobre la historia arqueológica y cultural del municipio. Con el fin de confirmar la idoneidad y viabilidad de la propuesta planteada, se hace imprescindible la caracterización geológica y constructiva de las cuevas preexistentes para así acreditar la posibilidad de recuperación de un entorno que puede llegar a reconvertirse en punto de encuentro y disfrute paisajístico comunitario.
In this study, we seeded a native plant species and applied a mulch of chopped wood originating from the same burned area to avoid the establishment of invasive species. We evaluated four treatments: (1) seeding, (2) mulch, (3) seeding and mulch, and (4) control. Our objective was to increase plant recovery and to minimize the soil erosion and degradation. The study was conducted in Alicante, Spain in Torremanzanas forest of the semi-arid Mediterranean bioclimatic area after the wildfire of November, 2002. During three years of monitoring, we find that combined treatment: seeding and mulch increased the post fire plant recovery 20% approximately more than the rest of treatments and the control plots. We also found that seven months after treating mulch and seeding and mulch treatments presented a gain of soil: +5.18 to + 5.24 mm while the seeding treatment and control plots presented soil loss rates of: −0.48 to −0.49 mm. In addition, mulch treatment significantly decreased soil compaction to the half, and increased the infiltration capacity to 40 ml.mn−1 more than in plots without mulch, as well as increased the soil respiration to the double compared with no mulch plots. Work in progress confirms the positive effect of chopped wood as mulching treatment with or without seeding on the soil protection against soil erosion, and the amelioration of bio-physical properties after wildfires in the Mediterranean semi-arid burned areas.
El objetivo es determinar las características constructivas, geométricas y materiales en la construcción de cúpulas originales de ladrillo en templos de la provincia de Alicante desde finales del siglo XVII hasta principios del siglo XIX. Se estudian 38 cruceros de iglesias y catedrales en 35 localidades alicantinas mediante recopilación de dibujos originales, levantamiento de planos, construcción en 3D, termografías y toma de muestras, todo ello seguido de un análisis comparativo de variables. Constructivamente, el 88,57 % de las cúpulas simples analizadas son de una hoja de ladrillo macizo (colocado a rosca). Geométricamente, el 97,37 % presentan planta circular y el 92,1 % peralte. El acabado azul vidriado en cubierta es el característico de la provincia (68,42 %), adornado con limatesas en color blanco. Un estudio imprescindible para establecer criterios de uso y conservación, facilitando futuras intervenciones de rehabilitación en este tipo de construcciones religiosas.
From the late seventeenth to early nineteenth centuries, many religious temples have been built in the province of Alicante (south east of Spain) with brick domes as their main characteristic feature. Often, the limited data available about these remarkable constructions make rehabilitation interventions become into real research projects, with a high value for their historic conservation over time. The aim of this paper is to show a detailed refurbishment analysis of a religious temple built in 1778, showing the need of preservation of historic buildings as a part of the architectural heritage by establishing a common pattern of materials, geometry and constructive systems, specifically in their domes. In most cases, there was not an architectural project for the construction, that is why the analysis of any documentary and archival sources available is essential to find different ways to proceed on the use and maintenance of these religious buildings.
Today, the requirement of professional skills to university students is constantly increasing in our society. In our opinion, the content offered in official degrees need to be nourished with different variables, enriching their global professional knowledge in a parallel way; that is why, in recent years, there is a great multiplicity of complementary courses at university. One of the most socially demanded technical requirements within the architectural, design or engineering field is the management of 3D drawing software, becoming an indispensable reality in these sectors. Thus, this specific training becomes essential over two-dimension traditional design, because the inclusion of great possibilities of spatial development that go beyond conventional orthographic projections (plans, sections or elevations), allowing modelling and rotation of the selected items from multiple angles and perspectives. Therefore, this paper analyzes the teaching methodology of a complementary course for those technicians in the construction industry interested in computer-aided design, using modelling (SketchupMake) and rendering programs (Kerkythea). The course is developed from the technician point of view, by learning computer management and its application to professional development from a more general to a more specific view through practical examples. The proposed methodology is based on the development of real examples in different professional environments such as rehabilitation, new constructions, opening projects or architectural design. This multidisciplinary contribution improves criticism of students in different areas, encouraging new learning strategies and the independent development of three-dimensional solutions. Thus, the practical implementation of new situations, even suggested by the students themselves, ensures active participation, saving time during the design process and the increase of effectiveness when generating elements which may be represented, moved or virtually tested. In conclusion, this teaching-learning methodology improves the skills and competencies of students to face the growing professional demands of society. After finishing the course, technicians not only improved their expertise in the field of drawing but they also enhanced their capacity for spatial vision; both essential qualities in these sectors that can be applied to their professional development with great success.