945 resultados para AIR-WATER-INTERFACE


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The twin goals of low and efficient fuel use and minimum emissions are increasingly being addressed by research in both the motor and the catalyst industries of the world. This study was designed to attempt to investigate these goals. For diesel engine vehicles, this can be achieved by improving the efficiency of the fuel combustion in the combustion chamber. By having a suitable oxidation catalyst in the fuel one would expect the efficiency of the fuel combustion to be increased and fewer partial oxidation products to be formed. Also by placing a catalyst converter in the exhaust system partial oxidation products may be converted to more desirable final products. Finally, in this research the net catalytic effect of using an additive treated fuel and a blank ceramic monolith to trap the metal in the exhaust gases for potential use as catalytic converter was investigated. Suitable metal additives must yield a stable solution in the fuel tank. That is, they should not react with the air, water and rust that are always present. The research was targeted on the synthesis of hydrocarbon-soluble complexes that might exhibit unusually slow rates of ligand substitution. For materials containing metal ions, these properties are best met by using multi-dentate ligands that form neutral complexes. Metal complexes have been synthesised using acetylacetone derivatives, schiff base ligands and macrocyclic polyamine ligands, as potential pro-oxidant additives. Their thermal stabilities were also investigated using a differential thermal analysis instrument. The complexes were then investigated as potential additives for use in diesel fuel. The tests were conducted under controlled conditions using a diesel combustion bomb simulating the combustion process in the D.I. diesel engine, a test bed engine, and a vehicle engine.


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The work is a logical continuation of research started at Aston some years ago when studies were conducted on fermentations in bubble columns. The present work highlights typical design and operating problems that could arise in such systems as waste water, chemical, biochemical and petroleum operations involving three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidisation; such systems are in increasing use. It is believed that this is one of few studies concerned with `true' three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems, and that this work will contribute significantly to closing some of the gaps in knowledge in this area. The research work was mainly experimentally based and involved studies of the hydrodynamic parameters, phase holdups (gas and solid), particle mixing and segregation, and phase flow dynamics (flow regime and circulation patterns). The studies have focused particularly on the solid behaviour and the influence of properties of solids present on the above parameters in three-phase, gas-liquid-solid fluidised systems containing single particle components and those containing binary and ternary mixtures of particles. All particles were near spherical in shape and two particle sizes and total concentration levels were used. Experiments were carried out in two- and three-dimensional bubble columns. Quantitative results are presented in graphical form and are supported by qualitative results from visual studies which are also shown as schematic diagrams and in photographic form. Gas and solid holdup results are compared for air-water containing single, binary and ternary component particle mixtures. It should be noted that the criteria for selection of the materials used are very important if true three-phase fluidisation is to be achieved: this is very evident when comparing the results with those in the literature. The fluid flow and circulation patterns observed were assessed for validation of the generally accepted patterns, and the author believes that the present work provides more accurate insight into the modelling of liquid circulation in bubble columns. The characteristic bubbly flow at low gas velocity in a two-phase system is suppressed in the three-phase system. The degree of mixing within the system is found to be dependent on flow regime, liquid circulation and the ratio of solid phase physical properties. Evidence of strong `trade-off' of properties is shown; the overall solid holdup is believed to be a major parameter influencing the gas holdup structure.


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Studies into gas-liquid flow patterns were carried out on commercial scale sieve trays where the ratio of froth depth to flow path length is typical of that found in practice. Experiments were conducted on a 2.44 m diameter air-water distillation simulator, in which flow patterns were investigated by direct observation, using directional flow pointers; by water cooling, to simulate mass transfer; and by height of clear liquid measurements across the tray. The flow rates used are typical of those found in practice. The approach adopted was to investigate the effect of the gas flow on the liquid flow by comparing water only flow patterns across an unperforated tray with air-water flow patterns on perforated trays. Initial gas-liquid contacting experiments on the 6.35 mm hole tray showed that, under certain conditions, the gas flow pattern beneath the test tray can have a significant effect on the tray liquid flow pattern such that gas-driven liquid circulation was produced. This was found to be a function of this particular air-water simulator design, and as far as is known this is the first time that this phenomenon has been observed. Consequently non-uniform gas flow effects were removed by modification of the gas distribution system. By eliminating gas circulation effects, the effect of the gas flow on the separation of liquid flow was similar to that obtained on the 1.0 mm hole tray (Hine, 1990). That is, flow separation occurred at the ends of the inlet downcomer which produced large circulating zones along the tray segments both on the non-perforated and perforated trays. The air when forced through the liquid, inhibited circulating flow such that it only occurred at high water inlet velocities. With the 6.35 mm hole tray, the growth and velocity of circulating flow was reduced at high superficial air velocities, and in the experiments to simulate distillation, liquid was in forward flow over most of the tray.


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The thesis describes experimental work on sieve trays in an air-water simulator, 2.44 m in diameter. The liquid flow pattern, for flowrates similar to those used in commercial scale distillation, was observed experimentally by water cooling experiments, in which the temperature of the water is measured at over 100 positions over the tray area. The water is cooled by the rising air which is forced through the tray. A heat and mass transfer analogy is drawn whereby the water temperature is mapped to liquid concentration in mass transfer, and the water temperature profiles reveal how liquid channelling may reduce the tray efficiency. The first experiment was to observe the flow of water only over an unperforated tray. With the exception of very low weir loads, the flow separated at the ends of the inlet downcomer. This caused liquid to flow straight across the tray between the downcomers and large circulating regions to be formed in the side regions of the tray. The effect of the air crossflow on the flow pattern was then observed on a sieve tray of 10% free area with 1 mm diameter holes (such as is used in cryogenic distillation). The flow patterns developed on the tray were similar to those produced with water only on the unperforated tray, but at low weir loads the air crossflow prevented separation of the water flow and the associated circulating regions. At higher weir loads, liquid channelling down the centre of the tray and circulation in the side regions occurred. The percentage of the tray occupied by circulating liquid depended upon the velocity of the liquid entering the tray, which was set by the weir load and size of the gap under the inlet downcomer. The water cooling experiments showed that the temperature of the water in a circulating region is much lower than in other parts of the tray, indicating that the driving force for heat transfer is reduced. In a column section where trays (and circulating areas) are mounted on top of each other, the circulating regions will cause air (or vapour) passing through them to have a reduced change in temperature or concentration leading a loss in tray efficiency.


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This work is concerned with the nature of liquid flow across industrial sieve trays operating in the spray, mixed, and the emulsified flow regimes. In order to overcome the practical difficulties of removing many samples from a commercial tray, the mass transfer process was investigated in an air water simulator column by heat transfer analogy. The temperature of the warm water was measured by many thermocouples as the water flowed across the single pass 1.2 m diameter sieve tray. The thermocouples were linked to a mini computer for the storage of the data. The temperature data were then transferred to a main frame computer to generate temperature profiles - analogous to concentration profiles. A comprehensive study of the existing tray efficiency models was carried out using computerised numerical solutions. The calculated results were compared with experimental results published by the Fractionation Research Incorporation (FRl) and the existing models did not show any agreement with the experimental results. Only the Porter and Lockett model showed a reasonable agreement with the experimental results for cenain tray efficiency values. A rectangular active section tray was constructed and tested to establish the channelling effect and the result of its effect on circular tray designs. The developed flow patterns showed predominantly flat profiles and some indication of significant liquid flow through the central region of the tray. This comfirms that the rectangular tray configuration might not be a satisfactory solution for liquid maldistribution on sieve trays. For a typical industrial tray the flow of liquid as it crosses the tray from the inlet to the outlet weir could be affected by the mixing of liquid by the eddy, momentum and the weir shape in the axial or the transverse direction or both. Conventional U-shape profiles were developed when the operating conditions were such that the froth dispersion was in the mixed regime, with good liquid temperature distribution while in the spray regime. For the 12.5 mm hole diameter tray the constant temperature profiles were found to be in the axial direction while in the spray regime and in the transverse direction for the 4.5 mm hole tray. It was observed that the extent of the liquid stagnant zones at the sides of the tray depended on the tray hole diameter and was larger for the 4.5 mm hole tray. The liquid hold-up results show a high liquid hold-up at the areas of the tray with low liquid temperatures, this supports the doubts about the assumptions of constant point efficiency across an operating tray. Liquid flow over the outlet weir showed more liquid flow at the centre of the tray at high liquid loading with low liquid flow at both ends of the weir. The calculated results of the point and tray efficiency model showed a general increase in the calculated point and tray efficiencies with an increase in the weir loading, as the flow regime changed from the spray to the mixed regime the point and the tray efficiencies increased from approximately 30 to 80%.Through the mixed flow regime the efficiencies were found to remain fairly constant, and as the operating conditions were changed to maintain an emulsified flow regime there was a decrease in the resulting efficiencies. The results of the estimated coefficient of mixing for the small and large hole diameter trays show that the extent of liquid mixing on an operating tray generally increased with increasing capacity factor, but decreased with increasing weir loads. This demonstrates that above certain weir loads, the effect of eddy diffusion mechanism on the process of liquid mixing on an operating tray to be negligible.


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The aim of the investigation was to study the problem of colonization of shipboard fuel systems and to examine the effect of a number of environmental factors on microbial growth and survival in order to find potential preservative treatments. A variety of microbial species were isolated from samples taken from fuel storage tanks. Bacteria were more numerous than yeasts or fungi and most microorganisms were found at the fuel/water interface. 1he salinity, pH and phosphate concentration of some water bottoms were characteristic of sea water. Others were brackish, acidic and varied in phosphate content. Microorganisms were cultured under a number of environmental conditions. After prolonged incubation, the inoculum size had no effect on the final biomass of Cladosporium resinae but the time required to achieve the final mass decreased with increasing spore number. Undecane supported better growth of the fungus than diesel fuel and of four types of diesel fuel, two allowed more profuse growth. With sea water as the aqueous phase, a number of isolates were inhibited but the addition of nutrients allowed the development of many of the organisms. Agitation increased the growth of C. resinae on glucose but inhibited it on hydrocarbons. The optimum temperature fgr growth of C. resinae on surface culture lay between 25º C and 30º C and growth was evident at 5º C but not at 45º C. In aqueous suspension, 90% of spores were inactivated in around 60 hours at 45ºC and the same proportion of spores of C. resinae and Penicillium corylophilum were destroyed after about 30 seconds at 65ºC. The majority of bacteria and all yeasts in a water bottom sample were killed within 10 seconds at this temperature. An increase in the concentration of an organo-boron compound caused more rapid inactivation of C. resinae spores and raising the temperature from 25ºC to 45°C significantly enhanced the potency of the biocide.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common lethal inherited disease among Caucasians and arises due to mutations in a chloride channel, called cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. A hallmark of this disease is the chronic bacterial infection of the airways, which is usually, associated with pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aureus and recently becoming more prominent, B. cepacia. The excessive inflammatory response, which leads to irreversible lung damage, will in the long term lead to mortality of the patient at around the age of 40 years. Understanding the pathogenesis of CF currently relies on animal models, such as those employing genetically-modified mice, and on single cell culture models, which are grown either as polarised or non-polarised epithelium in vitro. Whilst these approaches partially enable the study of disease progression in CF, both types of models have inherent limitations. The overall aim of this thesis was to establish a multicellular co-culture model of normal and CF human airways in vitro, which helps to partially overcome these limitations and permits analysis of cell-to-cell communication in the airways. These models could then be used to examine the co-ordinated response of the airways to infection with relevant pathogens in order to validate this approach over animals/single cell models. Therefore epithelial cell lines of non-CF and CF background were employed in a co-culture model together with human pulmonary fibroblasts. Co-cultures were grown on collagen-coated permeable supports at air-liquid interface to promote epithelial cell differentiation. The models were characterised and essential features for investigating CF infections and inflammatory responses were investigated and analysed. A pseudostratified like epithelial cell layer was established at air liquid interface (ALI) of mono-and co-cultures and cell layer integrity was verified by tight junction (TJ) staining and transepithelial resistance measurements (TER). Mono- and co-cultures were also found to secrete the airway mucin MUC5AC. Influence of bacterial infections was found to be most challenging when intact S. aureus, B. cepacia and P. aeruginosa were used. CF mono- and co-cultures were found to mimic the hyperinflammatory state found in CF, which was confirmed by analysing IL-8 secretions of these models. These co-culture models will help to elucidate the role fibroblasts play in the inflammatory response to bacteria and will provide a useful testing platform to further investigate the dysregulated airway responses seen in CF.


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The airway epithelium is the first point of contact in the lung for inhaled material, including infectious pathogens and particulate matter, and protects against toxicity from these substances by trapping and clearance via the mucociliary escalator, presence of a protective barrier with tight junctions and initiation of a local inflammatory response. The inflammatory response involves recruitment of phagocytic cells to neutralise and remove and invading materials and is oftern modelled using rodents. However, development of valid in vitro airway epithelial models is of great importance due to the restrictions on animal studies for cosmetic compound testing implicit in the 7th amendment to the European Union Cosmetics Directive. Further, rodent innate immune responses have fundamental differences to human. Pulmonary endothelial cells and leukocytes are also involved in the innate response initiated during pulmonary inflammation. Co-culture models of the airways, in particular where epithelial cells are cultured at air liquid interface with the presence of tight junctions and differentiated mucociliary cells, offer a solution to this problem. Ideally validated models will allow for detection of early biomarkers of response to exposure and investigation into inflammatory response during exposure. This thesis describes the approaches taken towards developing an in vitro epithelial/endothelial cell model of the human airways and identification biomarkers of response to exposure to xenobiotics. The model comprised normal human primary microvascular endothelial cells and the bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B or normal human bronchial epithelial cells. BEAS-2B were chosen as their characterisation at air liquid interface is limited but they are robust in culture, thereby predicted to provide a more reliable test system. Proteomics analysis was undertaken on challenged cells to investigate biomarkers of exposure. BEAS-2B morphology was characterised at air liquid interface compared with normal human bronchial epithelial cells. The results indicate that BEAS-2B cells at an air liquid interface form tight junctions as shown by expression of the tight junction protein zonula occludens-1. To this author’s knowledge this is the first time this result has been reported. The inflammatory response of BEAS-2B (measured as secretion of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-8 and -6) air liquid interface mono-cultures to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide or particulate matter (fine and ultrafine titanium dioxide) was comparable to published data for epithelial cells. Cells were also exposed to polymers of “commercial interest” which were in the nanoparticle range (and referred to particles hereafter). BEAS-2B mono-cultures showed an increased secretion of inflammatory mediators after challenge. Inclusion of microvascular endothelial cells resulted in protection against LPS- and particle- induced epithelial toxicity, measured as cell viability and inflammatory response, indicating the importance of co-cultures for investigations into toxicity. Two-dimensional proteomic analysis of lysates from particle-challenged cells failed to identify biomarkers of toxicity due to assay interference and experimental variability. Separately, decreased plasma concentrations of serine protease inhibitors, and the negative acute phase proteins transthyretin, histidine-rich glycoprotein and alpha2-HS glycoprotein were identified as potential biomarkers of methyl methacrylate/ethyl methacrylate/butylacrylate treatment in rats.


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A new concept of nanoporous metal organic framework particles stabilising emulsions was investigated. The copper benzenetricarboxylate MOF particles adsorbed at the oil/water interface play an exceptional role in stabilising both oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The emerging role of the multifunctional enzyme, Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) has been linked to its increased expression and intracellular transamidating activity. However, a full understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved still remains unclear despite numerous studies that have attempted to delineate this process. These mechanisms include the NFκB and TGFβ1 pathway amongst others. This study reveals for the first time that the development of fibrosis in CF is due to a TG2-driven epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) via a mechanism involving the activation of the pro-fibrotic cytokine TGFβ1. Using a human ΔF508/W1282X CFTR CF mutant bronchial cell (IB3-1), its CFTR corrected “add-back” cell (C38) as well as a primary human bronchial epithelial cell (HBEC), elevated TG2 levels in the CFTR mutant IB3 cell were shown to activate latent TGFβ1 leading to increased levels found in the culture medium. This activation process was blocked by the presence of cell-permeable and impermeable TG2 inhibitors while inhibition of TGFβ1 receptors blocked TG2 expression. This demonstrates the direct link between TG2 and TGFβ1 in CF. The presence of active cell surface TG2 correlated with an increase in the expression of EMT markers, associated with the CF mutant cells, which could be blocked by the presence of TG2 inhibitors. This was mimicked using the “addback” C38 cell and the primary human bronchial epithelial cell, HBEC, where an increase in TG2 expression and activity in the presence of TGFβ1 concurred with a change in cell morphology and an elevation in EMT marker expression. Conversely, a knockdown of TG2 in the CF mutant IB3 cells illustrated that an inhibition of TG2 blocks the increase in EMT marker expression as well as causing an increase in TEER measurement. This together with an increase in the migration profile of the CF mutant IB3 cell against the “add-back” C38 cell suggests that TG2 drives a mesenchymal phenotype in CF. The involvement of TG2 activated TGFβ1 in CF was further demonstrated with an elevation/inhibition of p- SMAD 2 and 3 activation in the presence of TGFβ1/TG2 cell-permeable/impermeable inhibitors respectively. The use of a comparative airway cell model where bronchial epithelial cells were cultured at the air liquid interface (ALI) confirmed the observations in submerged culture depicting the robustness of the model and reiterated the importance of TG2 in CF. Using a CFTR corrector combined with TG2 inhibitors, this study showed that the correction and stabilisation of the ΔF508 CFTR mutation in the mutant cell forged an increase in matured CFTR copies trafficking to the apical surface by circumventing proteosomal degradation. Thus the results presented here suggests that TG2 expression is elevated in the CFTR mutant bronchial cell via a TGFβ1 driven positive feedback cycle whereby activation of latent TGFβ1 by TG2 leads in turn to an elevation in its own expression by TGFβ1. This vicious cycle then drives EMT in CF ultimately leading to lung remodelling and fibrosis. Importantly, TG2 inhibition blocks TGFβ1 activation leading to an inhibition of EMT and further blocks the emerging fibrosis, thus stabilizing and supporting the maturation, trafficking and conductance of CFTR channels at the apical surface.


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Solar energy is the most abundant, widely distributed and clean renewable energy resource. Since the insolation intensity is only in the range of 0.5 - 1.0 kW/m2, solar concentrators are required for attaining temperatures appropriate for medium and high temperature applications. The concentrated energy is transferred through an absorber to a thermal fluid such as air, water or other fluids for various uses. This paper describes design and development of a 'Linear Fresnel Mirror Solar Concentrator' (LFMSC) using long thin strips of mirrors to focus sunlight on to a fixed receiver located at a common focal line. Our LFMSC system comprises a reflector (concentrator), receiver (target) and an innovative solar tracking mechanism. Reflectors are mirror strips, mounted on tubes which are fixed to a base frame. The tubes can be rotated to align the strips to focus solar radiation on the receiver (target). The latter comprises a coated tube carrying water and covered by a glass plate. This is mounted at an elevation of few meters above the horizontal, parallel to the plane of the mirrors. The reflector is oriented along north-south axis. The most difficult task is tracking. This is achieved by single axis tracking using a four bar link mechanism. Thus tracking has been made simple and easy to operate. The LFMSC setup is used for generating steam for a variety of applications. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Two different membrane emulsification methods were used to study mechanisms for co-stabilisation of emulsions, by either electrostatic or steric stabilised nanoparticles with anionic, cationic or non-ionic surfactants. The experimental results demonstrated the existence of two distinct co-stabilisation mechanisms that arise from interactions of the nanoparticles and surfactant molecules. When significant interaction is not involved, independent competitive adsorption of nanoparticles and surfactant molecules occurs spontaneously to stabilise droplets in formation. The adsorption/desorption equilibrium between surfactant molecules determines the longevity of the droplet stability. When the surfactant molecule reacts with the nanoparticle surface, the resultant surface modification appears to generate faster wetting kinetics for nanoparticles at the oil/water interface and yields enhanced stabilisation. The paper discusses the implications of controlling these interactions for emulsion production membrane systems.


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The paper derives operational principles from environmental ethics for business organizations in order to achieve sustainability. Business affects the natural environment at different levels. Individual biological creatures are affected by business via hunting, fishing, agriculture, animal testing, etc. Natural ecosystems are affected by business via mining, regulating rivers, building, polluting the air, water and land, etc. The Earth as a whole is affected by business via exterminating species, contributing to climate change, etc. Business has a natural, non-reciprocal responsibility toward natural beings affected by its functioning. At the level of individual biological creatures, awareness-based ethics is adequate for business. It implies that business should assure natural life conditions and painless existence for animals and other sentient beings. From this point of view a business activity system can be considered acceptable only if its aggregate impact on animal welfare is non-negative. At the level of natural ecosystems, ecosystem ethics is relevant for business. It implies that business should use natural ecosystems in a proper way, that is, not damaging the health of the ecosystem during use. From this point of view a business activity system can be considered acceptable only if its aggregate impact on ecosystem health is non-negative. At the level of the Earth as a whole, Gaian ethics applies to business. Its implication is that business should not contribute to the violation of the systemic patterns and global mechanisms of the Earth. From this point of view a business activity system can be considered acceptable only if its aggregate impact on the living planet is non-negative. Satisfying the above principles can assure business sustainability in an ethically meaningful way. In this case business performs its duty: not to harm nature or allow others to come to harm.


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Compared to phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) has received little attention across the Everglades landscape. Despite this lack of attention, N plays important roles in many Everglades systems, including being a significant pollutant in Florida Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, the limiting nutrient in highly P-impacted areas, and an important substrate for microbial metabolism. Storage and transport of N throughout the Everglades is dominated by organic forms, including peat soils and dissolved organic N in the water column. In general, N sources are highest in the northern areas; however, atmospheric deposition and active N2 fixation by the periphyton components are a significant N source throughout most systems. Many of the processes involved in the wetland N cycle remain unmeasured for most of the Everglades systems. In particular, the lack of in situ rates for N2 fixation and denitrification prevent the construction of system-level budgets, especially for the Southern mangrove systems where N export into Florida Bay is critical. There is also the potential for several novel N processes (e.g., Anammox) with an as yet undetermined importance for nitrogen cycling and function of the Everglades ecosystem. Phosphorus loading alters the N cycle by stimulating organic N mineralization with resulting flux of ammonium and DON, and at elevated P concentrations, by increasing rates of N2 fixation and N assimilation. Restoration of hydrology has a potential for significantly impacting N cycling in the Everglades both in terms of affecting N transport, but also by altering aerobic-anaerobic transitions at the soil-water interface or in areas with seasonal drawdowns (e.g., marl prairies). Based on the authors’ understanding of N processes, much more research is necessary to adequately predict potential impacts from hydrologic restoration, as well as the function of Everglades systems as sinks, sources, and transformers of N in the South Florida landscape.


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This study examines the forcing mechanisms driving long-term carbonate accumulation and preservation in lacustrine sediments in Lake Iznik (northwestern Turkey) since the last glacial. Currently, carbonates precipitate during summer from the alkaline water column, and the sediments preserve aragonite and calcite. Based on X-ray diffraction data, carbonate accumulation has changed significantly and striking reversals in the abundance of the two carbonate polymorphs have occurred on a decadal time scale, during the last 31 ka cal BP. Different lines of evidence, such as grain size, organic matter and redox sensitive elements, indicate that reversals in carbonate polymorph abundance arise due to physical changes in the lacustrine setting, for example, water column depth and lake mixing. The aragonite concentrations are remarkably sensitive to climate, and exhibit millennial-scale oscillations. Extending observations from modern lakes, the Iznik record shows that the aerobic decomposition of organic matter and sulphate reduction are also substantial factors in carbonate preservation over long time periods. Lower lake levels favour aragonite precipitation from supersaturated waters. Prolonged periods of stratification and consequently enhanced sulphate reduction favour aragonite preservation. In contrast, prolonged or repeated exposure of the sediment-water interface to oxygen results in in situ aerobic organic matter decomposition, eventually leading to carbonate dissolution. Notably, the Iznik sediment profile raises the hypothesis that different states of lacustrine mixing lead to selective preservation of different carbonate polymorphs. Thus, a change in the entire lake water chemistry is not strictly necessary to favour the preservation of one polymorph over another.