964 resultados para Año cristiano-Sermones


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We have studied the mineral chenevixite from Manto Cuba Mine, San Pedro de Cachiyuyo District, Inca de Oro, Chañaral Province, Atacama Region, Chile, using a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) and vibrational spectroscopy. Qualitative chemical analysis shows a homogeneous composition, with predominance of As, Fe, Al, Cu, Fe and Cu. Minor amounts of Si were also observed. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has been used to assess the molecular structure of the arsenate minerals chenevixite. Characteristic Raman and infrared bands of the (AsO4)3− stretching and bending vibrations are identified and described. The observation of multiple bands in the (AsO4)3− bending region offers support for the loss of symmetry of the arsenate anion in the structure of chenevixite. Raman bands attributable to the OH stretching vibrations of water and hydroxyl units were analysed. Estimates of the hydrogen bond distances were made based upon the OH stretching wavenumbers.


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The mineral coquimbite has been analysed using a range of techniques including SEM with EDX, thermal analytical techniques and Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The mineral originated from the Javier Ortega mine, Lucanas Province, Peru. The chemical formula was determined as ðFe3þ 1:37; Al0:63ÞP2:00ðSO4Þ3 9H2O. Thermal analysis showed a total mass loss of 73.4% on heating to 1000 C. A mass loss of 30.43% at 641.4 C is attributed to the loss of SO3. Observed Raman and infrared bands were assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of sulphate tetrahedra, aluminium oxide/hydroxide octahedra, water molecules and hydroxyl ions. The Raman spectrum shows well resolved bands at 2994, 3176, 3327, 3422 and 3580 cm 1 attributed to water stretching vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy combined with thermal analysis provides insight into the structure of coquimbite.


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Raman spectra of two well-defined types of cobaltkoritnigite and koritnigite crystals were recorded and interpreted. Significant differences in the Raman spectra of cobaltkoritnigite and koritnigite were observed. Observed Raman bands were attributed to the (AsO3OH)2− stretching and bending vibrations, stretching and bending vibrations of water molecules and hydroxyl ions. Both Raman and infrared spectra of cobaltkoritnigite identify bands which are attributable to phosphate and hydrogen phosphate anions proving some substitution of phosphate for arsenate in the structure of cobaltkoritnigite. The OH⋯O hydrogen bond lengths in the crystal structure of koritnigite were inferred from the Raman spectra and compared with those derived from the X-ray single crystal refinement. The presence of (AsO3OH)2− units in the crystal structure of cobaltkoritnigite and koritnigite was proved from the Raman spectra which supports the conclusions of the X-ray structure analysis.


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Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has been used to study the molecular structure of the mineral of plumbophyllite. The Raman spectrum is dominated by a very intense sharp peak at 1027 cm−1, assigned to the SiO stretching vibrations of (SiO3)n units. A very intense Raman band at 643 cm−1 is assigned to the bending mode of (SiO3)n units. Raman bands observed at 3215, 3443, 3470, 3494 and 3567 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Multiple water stretching and bending modes are observed showing that there is much variation in hydrogen bonding between water and the silicate surfaces. Because of the close similarity in the structure of plumbophyllite and apophyllite, a comparison of the spectra with that of apophyllites is made. By using vibrational spectroscopy an assessment of the molecular structure of plumbophyllite has been made.


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Phosphohedyphane Ca2Pb3(PO4)3Cl is rare Ca and Pb phosphate mineral that belongs to the apatite supergroup. We have analysed phosphohedyphane using SEM with EDX, and Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The chemical analysis shows the presence of Pb, Ca, P and Cl and the chemical formula is expressed as Ca2Pb3(PO4)3Cl. The very sharp Raman band at 975 cm−1 is assigned to the PO43-ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Raman bands noted at 1073, 1188 and 1226 cm−1 are to the attributed to the PO43-ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. The two Raman bands at 835 and 812 cm−1 assigned to the AsO43-ν1 symmetric stretching vibration and AsO43-ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes prove the substitution of As for P in the structure of phosphohedyphane. A series of bands at 557, 577 and 595 cm−1 are attributed to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO4 units. The multiplicity of bands in the ν2, ν3 and ν4 spectral regions provides evidence for the loss of symmetry of the phosphate anion in the phosphohedyphane structure. Observed bands were assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of phosphate tetrahedra. Some Raman bands attributable to OH stretching bands were observed, indicating the presence of water and/or OH units in the structure.


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Effective and targeted conservation action requires detailed information about species, their distribution, systematics and ecology as well as the distribution of threat processes which affect them. Knowledge of reptilian diversity remains surprisingly disparate, and innovative means of gaining rapid insight into the status of reptiles are needed in order to highlight urgent conservation cases and inform environmental policy with appropriate biodiversity information in a timely manner. We present the first ever global analysis of extinction risk in reptiles, based on a random representative sample of 1500 species (16% of all currently known species). To our knowledge, our results provide the first analysis of the global conservation status and distribution patterns of reptiles and the threats affecting them, highlighting conservation priorities and knowledge gaps which need to be addressed urgently to ensure the continued survival of the world’s reptiles. Nearly one in five reptilian species are threatened with extinction, with another one in five species classed as Data Deficient. The proportion of threatened reptile species is highest in freshwater environments, tropical regions and on oceanic islands, while data deficiency was highest in tropical areas, such as Central Africa and Southeast Asia, and among fossorial reptiles. Our results emphasise the need for research attention to be focussed on tropical areas which are experiencing the most dramatic rates of habitat loss, on fossorial reptiles for which there is a chronic lack of data, and on certain taxa such as snakes for which extinction risk may currently be underestimated due to lack of population information. Conservation actions specifically need to mitigate the effects of human-induced habitat loss and harvesting, which are the predominant threats to reptiles.


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Resumen: La vera intenzione teologica di Anselmo d’Aosta nello scrivere il Proslogion e il vero significato del suo celebre unum argumentum vanno visti nella funzione che la ragione svolge necessariamente all’interno della vita di fede del cristiano. Anselmo, come Tommaso d’Aquino, non sostiene che l’esistenza di Dio sia un “articulus fidei” ma piuttosto uno dei “praeambula fidei”. La ragione naturale ha la certezza che Dio esiste, ancora prima della dimostrazione metafisica, e questo non fa che confermare l’assurdità di pensare che non esista il fondamento reale di tutte le cose esistenti.


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Contenido: Contemplación y acción / Octavio N. Derisi – El humanismo de Heidegger / José Ignacio Alcorta – Cultura o humanismo cristiano / Octavio N. Derisi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Garcilaso de la Vega: 1501?-2001 -- El concepto de "transformación" y sus aplicaciones al análisis de la poesía de Garcilaso / Sofía M. Carrizo Rueda – Algunas observaciones, a principios de un nuevo milenio, en torno a las comedias de Calderón de la Barca / Lilia E. Ferrario de Orduna – Palomeque, don Quijote, Cervantes: tres lectores de Cirongilio de Tracia de Bernardo de Vargas / Javier Roberto González – Cervantes: riesgo del vivir, azar y Providencia. Una lectura en clave bíblica y patrística / Teresa Herráiz de Tresca –La justicia divina o el orlo Amoris en el Amadis de Gaula / Silivia C. Lastra Paz -- Catálogo descriptivo de libros de caballerías castellanos, XIV. Otro Palmerín de Olivia recuperado: Sevilla, Jácome Cromberger, 1547 (Con algunas reflexiones sobre el arte de editar textos impresos) / José Manuel Lucía Megías – La defensa de la poesía en el Perú colonial: El Discurso en Loor de la Poesía / Graciela Maturo – Sobre la evolución de -nn-, -nw- y -w- interiores intervocálicos en la onomástica geográfica del Amadís de Gaula / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá – Reforma y Contrarreforma en las artes plásticas / Carmen Balzer – Tomás Moro y el Humanismo cristiano / Inés de Cassagne – Algunos poetas latinos del Humanismo / Raúl Lavalle – Reseñas bibliográficas


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Contenido: Naturaleza humana y gracia : el problema del humanismo cristiano / Octavio Nicolás Derisi – La moral de Tomás de Aquino en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica / Héctor Aguer – Santo Tomás de Aquino en la encíclica Veritatis Splendor de Juan Pablo II / Gustavo Eloy Ponferrada – La ética cartesiana entre teleología y deontología / Antonio Malo Pé – Por qué la filosofía de la naturaleza de Hegel es la parte más débil de sus sistema / Juan Alfredo Casaubon – Igualdad (ligelighed) y diferencia (forskjel) : en torno a la comunidad fraternal de S. Kierkegaard / Francisco Torralba Roselló – Metafísica de la libertad en Carlos Cardona / Eudaldo Forment – La normatividad de la naturaleza y los absolutos morales / Carlos Ignacio Massini Correas – El pecado colectivo : existencia y naturaleza / Victorino Rodríguez – The sacramental visión of lonergan’s grace and freedom / John M. McDermott – La afirmación de la trascendencia de Dios en la doctrina cristiana y en las conclusiones de la filosofía primera / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Nota del Director -- Breve exposición de la hermenéutica analógica / Mauricio Beuchot -- ¿Fin de la antropología alma-cuerpo? / Lucio Florio -- Michel de Certeau : recorridos por el "creer" y sus constelaciones contemporáneas / Marcelo González -- Justicia, caridad y solidaridad en la DSI / Gustavo Irrazábal -- "Las palabras del Grito" / Hugo Rodolfo Safa -- Grupo de estudio bíblico judío cristiano / Víctor M. Fernández -- Una aproximación al acompañamiento espiritual en San Juan de la Cruz -- El lenguaje de la vida en la estética hildegardiana / Cecilia Inés Avenatti de Palumbo -- Reflexiones sobre la experiencia religiosa durante la crisis de identidad de la adolescencia / Julio V. Maffei -- Catalina de Siena : su teología hecha biografía / Gabriela María Di Renzo -- Espiritualidad sanante : salud y espiritualidad en Anselm Grün / Mónica Cristina Ukaski -- El legado póstumo de José Carlos Barcellos / Alberto Toutin -- Notas bibliográficas


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Resumen: Con motivo de la celebración del Congreso Eucarístico Nacional, el autor propone volver a la inspiración original de esos congresos, poniendo de relieve la dimensión salvífica social de la Eucaristía de cara a los desafíos que presenta la realidad argentina. Uno de ellos es, sin duda, el establecimiento de un orden social más justo. Como aporte en vista de ese fin, el artículo intenta profundizar en la relación entre Eucaristía y justicia. Esto se hace en un desarrollo en cinco momentos: una clarificación de la noción de justicia, desde el punto de vista jurídico-filosófico y desde la perspectiva bíblica; una relectura de las fuentes bíblicas relativas al signo y al significado de la Eucaristía, donde se pone de manifiesto que ésta es el sacramentum caritatis; un momento especulativo que busca explicitar la relación entre caridad y justicia, y la relación de ésta con la Eucaristía; la verificación de esa interpretación en la praxis sacramental cristiana de los primeros siglos; y, por último, la recuperación de algunos textos claves del Magisterio de la Iglesia que han desarrollado el tema. Esto permite concluir que la Eucaristía señala de modo eminente lo que significa ser cristiano, razón por la cual su celebración exige una cierta conducta ética. La Eucaristía rememora así que en Cristo la justicia de Dios ha sido definitivamente realizada y un nuevo orden ha sido instaurado; ella manifiesta e incentiva a establecer una verdadera “contra-cultura” donde prevalezcan la justicia y la solidaridad; y es signo profético de la realización de los “cielos nuevos y la tierra nueva”. Por eso el significado de la leitourgia del Pueblo de Dios se verá verificado en la diakonía y la martyria.


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Resumen: El hispanista francés Georges Cirot fue el primero en emplear el término “maurofilia literaria” (maurophilie littéraire) en 1938 para referirse a la representación del valor y la nobleza de los moros en la literatura española del siglo XVI. Pero como señaló Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1957, 202), ya en los siglos XIV y XV los castellanos se habían sentido atraídos por los musulmanes de Granada, por su exótica civilización, su lujo en el vestir, la espléndida ornamentación de sus edificios y su modo de cabalgar, armarse y combatir. Francisco Márquez Villanueva (1984, 117-118) indicó que aunque la literatura maurófila del siglo XVI fue elaborada bajo el signo avanzado del humanismo cristiano, cuyas características fueron “el inconformismo y la sensibilidad para toda suerte de realidades en divergencia del mundo oficial”, las raíces de la maurofilia literaria se encuentran en el viejo romancero fronterizo y morisco elaborado en el siglo XV. En su opinión, el Romancero fue la patria de la “maurofilia pura” y es donde encontramos un cuadro de referencias temáticas “hecho de toponimia y onomástica, armas, indumentaria, policromía y cabalgadas” tendiente a caracterizar al moro como un ser refinado y superior. Para María Rosa Lida (1960, 355), en cambio, la imagen caballeresca del moro se remonta a don Juan Manuel, pues en sus obras aparecen las cortes musulmanas como “centros de molicie refinada y suntuosa”. En efecto, en el Libro de los estados se afirma el valor del moro como guerrero y en el Conde Lucanor aparecen una serie de reyes moros magnánimos y discretos. Sin embargo, el árabe como personaje sabio o “ejemplar” figura ya en una de las fuentes del Conde Lucanor, la Disciplina clericalis, obra compuesta a principios del siglo XII por el judío converso Pedro Alfonso. Por otra parte, el análisis de la representación de los moros en textos épicos, Avengalvón en el Poema de mio Cid y Almanzor en la Los siete infantes de Lara, nos permite descubrir un importante e insoslayable antecedente de la maurofilia de los últimos siglos de la Edad Media


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Abstract: The late antique destruction of two bronze statues of Pausanias - the Spartan general responsible for the Greek victory at the Battle of Plataea (479 BC) - housed in the temple of Athena Chalkioikos in Sparta (Lib. Ep. 1518), has been interpreted as one of the few cases of a violent conflict between pagan and Christian population in Greece. Nevertheless the sources suggest that late antique Sparta was a bastion of Hellenic paganism and give a picture of a small and quiet town ruled by a pagan educated élite, where pagans like Libanius wanted to live. Since there is no evidence of a violent conflict between pagans and Christians in Sparta, and Libanius confirms that in 365 AD all the temples and cult statues were still in place, this paper addresses the issue from a different point of view and offers a new contribution to the history of Sparta in Late Antiquity. By using literary, archaeological and epigraphic evidence the paper explores: 1) the relationship between Roman administration and Spartan élite in the IVth century AD; 2) the historical memory of Pausanias in Late Antiquity. It will be emphasized that the obscure burning of the two statues helped to remove from Sparta the memory of Pausanias - a controversial figure, misrepresented in Late Antiquity and connected to the ancient staseis in Laconia - in order to promote a positive image of Sparta as a city without conflicts and ruled by the political system of Lycurgus (eunomia). As documented by local inscriptions in praise of late Roman governors, the mythical lawgiver Lycurgus was the paradigm of the imperial governors who rebuilded the town in the IVth cent. AD. It can be assumed that while Rome, Constantinople, Antioch and Athens were troubled by political and religious violence or by seditions between different factions, Sparta aimed to revive its traditional model of civic order in the new historical context of Late Antiquity.


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Resumen: La vida sacramental de los fieles divorciados, que viven en una segunda unión a modo matrimonial o también llamados “vueltos a casar” en un tema que viene reflexionándose en la Iglesia. Si bien con diversas acentuaciones, se confirma la importancia de que toda reflexión cuente con un marco de profunda renovación espiritual, a la luz del misterio de Cristo, con quien el cristiano está llamado a conformarse.