987 resultados para 894.541


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Molecular e Microbiana, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Die technischen Entwicklungen der heutigen Zeit ermöglichen neue Wege in der Kommunikation, die zunehmend auch auf andere Bereiche, beispielsweise das Lernen, übergreifen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Mikrolernens in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. Darüber hinaus wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit die Berücksichtigung der Persönlichkeitsdimension der Extraversion mit ihren beiden Polen Intro- und Extraversion bei der didaktischen Gestaltung von Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen möglich und sinnvoll ist. Dafür wird die aktuelle wissenschaftliche Literatur zu den Themen Mikrolernen, Wissensmanagement und betriebliche Weiterbildung analysiert. Das Thema der Persönlichkeitsdimension Extraversion wird speziell unter dem Aspekt des Lernens betrachtet. Außerdem werden betriebswirtschaftliche und rechtliche Aspekte untersucht, die bei der Einführung neuer Lernformen in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung zu beachten sind. Das Ergebnis ist ein umfassender Leitfaden für die didaktische Gestaltung von Mikrolerneinheiten, die in ein ganzheitliches betriebliches Weiterbildungskonzept eingebettet sind. Eine praktische Checkliste für die Umsetzung im Unternehmen vervollständigt den Leitfaden.


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This article discusses the use of digital evidence as a means of proof before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The absence of specific Court rules and procedures for digital evidence (with the exception of Practice Direction IX bis) is not necessarily an obstacle to its production and evaluation before the ICJ, as the general evidentiary rules can also be applied to digital evidence. The article first looks at the rules on the production of documentary evidence and then examines the specific issues related to audiovisual evidence. Finally, it examines the admissibility of digital evidence unlawfully obtained by a litigant through unilateral transborder access to data. The article concludes that, even if specific regulation may be needed as to the specific way in which authenticity and accuracy of digital evidence are to be established, the particular facts of the case and the grounds of challenge can vary widely, and it is doubtful that any regulation could be sufficiently flexible to deal with this in advance.


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Despite a massive expansion of education in Portugal, since the 1970’s, educational attainment of the adult population in the country remains low. The numbers of working-age people in some form of continuing education are among the lowest, according to the OECD and EU-27 statistics. Technological Schools(TS), initially created in the 1990’s, under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economy in partnership with industry and industrial associations, aimed to prepare qualified staff for industries and services in the country, particularly in the engineering sector, through the provision of post secondary non-university programmes of studies, the CET (Technological Specialization Courses). Successful CET students are awarded a DET(Diploma of Technological Specialization), which corresponds to Vocational Qualification level IV of the EU, according to the latest alteration (2005) of the Education Systems Act (introduced in 1986). In this, CET’s are also clearly defined as one of the routes for access to Higher Education (HE), in Portugal. The PRILHE (Promoting Reflective and Independent Learning in Higher Education) multinational project, funded by the European Socrates Grundtvig Programme, aimed to identify the learning processes which enable adult students in higher education to become autonomous reflective learners and search best practices to support these learning processes. During this research, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to determine how students organise their studies and develop their learning skills. The Portuguese partner in the project’ consortium used a two case studies approach, one with students of Higher Education Institutions and other with students of TS. This paper only applies to students of TS, as these have a predominant bias towards engineering. Results show that student motivation and professional teaching support contribute equally to the development of an autonomous and reflective approach to learning in adult students; this is essential for success in a knowledge economy, where lifelong learning is the key to continuous employment.


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A dissertação teve como finalidade a realização de uma Auditoria Energética e da Qualidade do Ar Interior ao edifício de serviços da Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia. No intuito de alcançar esta finalidade foram seguidos, em todo o processo, os regulamentos em vigor até à presente data da dissertação, de apoio à especialidade, nomeadamente o Regulamento das Características de Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios, Regulamento dos Sistemas Energéticos de Climatização em Edifícios e Regulamento dos Sistemas Energéticos de Climatização em Edifícios e da Qualidade do Ar Interior. Na análise à Qualidade do Ar Interior foram verificados quase todos os parâmetros impostos por lei, exceto os das bactérias e dos fungos. Para as substâncias como dióxido de carbono (CO2), monóxido de carbono (CO), ozono (O3), formaldeído (HCOH) e radão, os valores em média foram iguais a 894 ppm, 1,23 ppm, 0,07 ppm, 0,01 ppm e 378 Bq/m3 e estavam dentro dos limites regulamentares (984 ppm, 10,7ppm, 0,10 ppm, 0,08 ppm e 400 Bq/m3). Para os compostos orgânicos voláteis (COVs) e partículas do tipo PM10, os valores respetivos foram em média de 0,70 ppm e 0,16 mg/m3 e estavam acima dos limites regulamentares (0,26 ppm, 0,15 mg/m3). Admite-se que existem fontes emissoras de COVs dentro do edifício e que, para uma adequação ao tipo de tratamento ou sugestão de melhoria, seria necessário realizar uma análise por cromatografia de forma a identificar os compostos em causa. As concentrações de PM10 mais elevadas explicam-se porque existe uma abertura direta desses espaços ao exterior e em alguns casos esta é permanente. A análise energética permitiu um levantamento de todos os consumos de energia elétrica do edifício, realizando deste modo a desagregação em percentagem de cada equipamento consumidor. Em paralelo e até para se poder realizar a certificação energética do edifício foi realizado um estudo de simulação térmica dinâmica recorrendo ao programa DesignBuilder v2. Criou-se um modelo do edifício que foi validado após simulação e comparação com o consumo elétrico do ano de referência (desvio de 2,78%). Pela simulação verificou-se que os maiores consumidores de energia são a iluminação interior e o sistema de arrefecimento e determinou-se os Indicadores de Eficiência Energética (IEE) Real (com correção climática) e Nominal com valores de 73,8 e 46,5 , respetivamente. Implementando as condições nominais de utilização e funcionamento no edifício, segundo o Regulamento dos Sistemas Energéticos de vi Climatização em Edifícios (RSECE), concluiu-se que a classe energética deste edifício é do tipo D. O valor do IEE nominal foi superior ao IEE referência de 35,5 , e o requisito legal não se verificou. Assim, foi necessário apresentar medidas para um plano de racionalização energética (PRE). Nas medidas estudadas de melhoria da eficiência energética (aplicação de películas solares, compensação do fator de potência, instalação de um sistema de minigeração fotovoltaico e aplicação de iluminação eficiente tanto no interior como no exterior do edifício) destaca-se a correção do fator de potência, pois o valor pago de energia reactiva em 2011 foi de cerca de 1500 €. Admitindo ser necessário redimensionar os condensadores e que o custo é 1.840,00 €, ter-se-á um retorno do investimento em 1,2 anos. Outra medida é a aplicação de películas solares nos envidraçados com um custo de 5.046,00 €, esta terá um período de retorno de 1 ano e uma poupança de 37,90 MWh/ano. Finalmente refere-se a instalação de reguladores de tensão e substituição de determinadas lâmpadas por LEDs na iluminação interior, que prevê uma poupança anual de 25 MWh/ano e um período de retorno do investimento de 3,7 anos.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se averiguar em que medida a satisfação no processo de dádiva de sangue afeta o regresso dos dadores que doam pela primeira vez na vida, ou que se apresentaram pela primeira vez no Serviço de sangue do HESE. Material e métodos: Estudo observacional transversal descritivo. Dos dadores com uma única inscrição no período de 2011 a 2012 inclusive, (531+541 dadores) foram retirados os que entretanto completaram 66 anos (idade limite para a dádiva); os que não tinham contacto telefónico válido; e os que tinham morada fora do Distrito de Évora. Os dadores restantes (327 + 330 dadores), foram então inquiridos através de um questionário efetuado telefonicamente para determinar as causas de não regresso. Resultados: Obtiveram-se 360 respostas válidas ao questionário, correspondentes a 50% da amostra com um IC de 95%. Apesar de estar amplamente demonstrado que a satisfação na dádiva contribui decisivamente para o retorno à dádiva seguinte, apenas 12% da amostra referiu não regressar por algum motivo de insatisfação decorrente do processo de dádiva. Evidentemente, o mérito destes resultados é devido à equipa do Serviço de Imunohemoterapia do HESE. Porém uma outra realidade fica aqui patente, os dadores de primeira vez estão a decrescer há vários anos, e destes, os que regressam são cada vez menos. A manter-se esta tendência, a taxa de renovação da bolsa de dadores poderá tornar-se insuficiente para a manutenção da atual bolsa de dadores. Se o HESE conseguisse recuperar para a dádiva metade da amostra de dadores de primeira vez que não regressam, a sua autonomia em termos de consumo de sangue sairia reforçada, com o incremento de proveitos financeiros consequente. Conclusão: Este trabalho concretiza os objetivos a que se propôs, nomeadamente o de produzir conhecimento útil e de suporte à decisão no âmbito da administração hospitalar. O HESE tem agora ao seu dispor, a caraterização dos dadores de primeira vez e a descrição de como se está a processar a renovação da sua bolsa de dadores.


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Sports-practicing youths are at an elevated risk for alcohol use and misuse. Although much attention has recently been given to depicting subgroups facing the greatest threats, little evidence exists on the contexts in which their drinking takes place. Using data from a cross-sectional study on youth sports participation and substance use in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, this study focused on the social contexts associated with hazardous drinking of 894 sports-practicing adolescents aged 16 to 20. Divided between those who had been drunk in the last month (hazardous drinkers, n = 315) and those who had not (n = 579), sports-practicing adolescents were compared on reported gatherings (sports-related, sports-unrelated, mixed) likely linked to their drinking behaviour. Mixed social contexts, followed by sports-unrelated ones, were reported as the most common context by both male and female youths who practiced sports. After controlling for several possible confounders, male hazardous drinkers were more than 3 times more likely to report sports-unrelated social contexts as the most common, compared to sport-related ones, while females were more than 7 times more likely to do so. Our findings seem to indicate that, rather than focusing only on sports-related factors, prevention of alcohol misuse among sports-practicing youths should also pay attention to the social contextualisation of their hazardous drinking.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the planning of subgroup analyses in protocols of randomised controlled trials and the agreement with corresponding full journal publications. DESIGN: Cohort of protocols of randomised controlled trial and subsequent full journal publications. SETTING: Six research ethics committees in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada. DATA SOURCES: 894 protocols of randomised controlled trial involving patients approved by participating research ethics committees between 2000 and 2003 and 515 subsequent full journal publications. RESULTS: Of 894 protocols of randomised controlled trials, 252 (28.2%) included one or more planned subgroup analyses. Of those, 17 (6.7%) provided a clear hypothesis for at least one subgroup analysis, 10 (4.0%) anticipated the direction of a subgroup effect, and 87 (34.5%) planned a statistical test for interaction. Industry sponsored trials more often planned subgroup analyses compared with investigator sponsored trials (195/551 (35.4%) v 57/343 (16.6%), P<0.001). Of 515 identified journal publications, 246 (47.8%) reported at least one subgroup analysis. In 81 (32.9%) of the 246 publications reporting subgroup analyses, authors stated that subgroup analyses were prespecified, but this was not supported by 28 (34.6%) corresponding protocols. In 86 publications, authors claimed a subgroup effect, but only 36 (41.9%) corresponding protocols reported a planned subgroup analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Subgroup analyses are insufficiently described in the protocols of randomised controlled trials submitted to research ethics committees, and investigators rarely specify the anticipated direction of subgroup effects. More than one third of statements in publications of randomised controlled trials about subgroup prespecification had no documentation in the corresponding protocols. Definitive judgments regarding credibility of claimed subgroup effects are not possible without access to protocols and analysis plans of randomised controlled trials.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: Prior research has identified five common genetic variants associated with narcolepsy with cataplexy in Caucasian patients. To replicate and/or extend these findings, we have tested HLA-DQB1, the previously identified 5 variants, and 10 other potential variants in a large European sample of narcolepsy with cataplexy subjects. DESIGN: Retrospective case-control study. SETTING: A recent study showed that over 76% of significant genome-wide association variants lie within DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHSs). From our previous GWAS, we identified 30 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with P < 10(-4) mapping to DHSs. Ten SNPs tagging these sites, HLADQB1, and all previously reported SNPs significantly associated with narcolepsy were tested for replication. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: For GWAS, 1,261 narcolepsy patients and 1,422 HLA-DQB1*06:02-matched controls were included. For HLA study, 1,218 patients and 3,541 controls were included. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: None of the top variants within DHSs were replicated. Out of the five previously reported SNPs, only rs2858884 within the HLA region (P < 2x10(-9)) and rs1154155 within the TRA locus (P < 2x10(-8)) replicated. DQB1 typing confirmed that DQB1*06:02 confers an extraordinary risk (odds ratio 251). Four protective alleles (DQB1*06:03, odds ratio 0.17, DQB1*05:01, odds ratio 0.56, DQB1*06:09 odds ratio 0.21, DQB1*02 odds ratio 0.76) were also identified. CONCLUSION: An overwhelming portion of genetic risk for narcolepsy with cataplexy is found at DQB1 locus. Since DQB1*06:02 positive subjects are at 251-fold increase in risk for narcolepsy, and all recent cases of narcolepsy after H1N1 vaccination are positive for this allele, DQB1 genotyping may be relevant to public health policy.


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Analyzing the type and frequency of patient-specific mutations that give rise to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an invaluable tool for diagnostics, basic scientific research, trial planning, and improved clinical care. Locus-specific databases allow for the collection, organization, storage, and analysis of genetic variants of disease. Here, we describe the development and analysis of the TREAT-NMD DMD Global database (http://umd.be/TREAT_DMD/). We analyzed genetic data for 7,149 DMD mutations held within the database. A total of 5,682 large mutations were observed (80% of total mutations), of which 4,894 (86%) were deletions (1 exon or larger) and 784 (14%) were duplications (1 exon or larger). There were 1,445 small mutations (smaller than 1 exon, 20% of all mutations), of which 358 (25%) were small deletions and 132 (9%) small insertions and 199 (14%) affected the splice sites. Point mutations totalled 756 (52% of small mutations) with 726 (50%) nonsense mutations and 30 (2%) missense mutations. Finally, 22 (0.3%) mid-intronic mutations were observed. In addition, mutations were identified within the database that would potentially benefit from novel genetic therapies for DMD including stop codon read-through therapies (10% of total mutations) and exon skipping therapy (80% of deletions and 55% of total mutations).


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate the frequency of interim analyses, stopping rules, and data safety and monitoring boards (DSMBs) in protocols of randomized controlled trials (RCTs); to examine these features across different reasons for trial discontinuation; and to identify discrepancies in reporting between protocols and publications. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We used data from a cohort of RCT protocols approved between 2000 and 2003 by six research ethics committees in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada. RESULTS: Of 894 RCT protocols, 289 prespecified interim analyses (32.3%), 153 stopping rules (17.1%), and 257 DSMBs (28.7%). Overall, 249 of 894 RCTs (27.9%) were prematurely discontinued; mostly due to reasons such as poor recruitment, administrative reasons, or unexpected harm. Forty-six of 249 RCTs (18.4%) were discontinued due to early benefit or futility; of those, 37 (80.4%) were stopped outside a formal interim analysis or stopping rule. Of 515 published RCTs, there were discrepancies between protocols and publications for interim analyses (21.1%), stopping rules (14.4%), and DSMBs (19.6%). CONCLUSION: Two-thirds of RCT protocols did not consider interim analyses, stopping rules, or DSMBs. Most RCTs discontinued for early benefit or futility were stopped without a prespecified mechanism. When assessing trial manuscripts, journals should require access to the protocol.