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Investigation of the Middle Miocene-Pleistocene succession in cores at ODP Site 817A (Leg 133), drilled on the slope south of the Queensland Plateau, identified the various material fluxes contributing to sedimentation and has determined thereby the paleogeographic events which occurred close to the studied area and influenced these fluxes. To determine proportions of platform origin and of plankton origin of carbonate mud, two reference sediments were collected: (1) back-reef carbonate mud from the Young Reef area (Great Barrier Reef); and (2) Late Miocene chalk from the Loyalty Basin, off New Caledonia. Through their biofacies and mineralogical and geochemical characters, these reference sediments were used to distinguish the proportions of platform and basin components in carbonate muds of 25 core samples from Hole 817A. Two "origin indexes" (i1 and i2) relate the proportion in platform and basin materials. The relative sedimentation rate is inferred from the high-frequency cycles determined by redox intervals in the cores. Bulk carbonate deposited in each core has been calculated in two ways with close results: (1) from calcimetric data available in the Leg 133 preliminary reports (Davies et al., 1991); and (2) from average magnetic susceptibility of cores, a value negatively correlated to the average carbonate content. Vertical changes in sedimentation rates, in carbonate content, in origin indexes and in "linear fluxes" document the evolution of sediment origins from platform carbonates, planktonic carbonates and insoluble material through time. These data are augmented with the variations in organic-matter content through the 817A succession. The observed changes and their interpretation are not modified by compaction, and are compatible with major paleogeographic events including drowning of the Queensland Plateau (Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene) and the renewal of shallow carbonate production, (1) during the Late Pliocene, and (2) from the Early Pleistocene. The birth and growth of the Great Barrier Reef is also recorded from 0.5 Ma by a strengthening of detrital carbonate deposition and possibly by a lack of clay minerals in the 4 upper cores, a response to trapping of terrigenous material behind this barrier. In addition, a maximum of biological silica production is displayed in the Middle Miocene. These changes constrain the time of events and the sequence-stratigraphy framework some components of which are transgression surface, maximum flooding surface and low-stand turbidites. Sedimentation rates and material fluxes show cycles lasting 1.75 Myr. Whatever their origin (climatic and/or eustatic) these cycles affected the planktonic production primarily. The changes also show that major carbonate variations in the deposits are due to a dilution effect by insoluble material (clay, biogenic silica and volcanic glasses) and that plankton productivity, controlling the major fraction of carbonate sedimentation, depends principally on terrigenous supplies, but also on deep-water upwelling. Accuracy of the method is reduced by redeposition, reworking, and probable occurrence of hiatuses.


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Arctic sea ice has declined and become thinner and younger (more seasonal) during the last decade. One consequence of this is that the surface energy budget of the Arctic Ocean is changing. While the role of surface albedo has been studied intensively, it is still widely unknown how much light penetrates through sea ice into the upper ocean, affecting sea-ice mass balance, ecosystems, and geochemical processes. Here we present the first large-scale under-ice light measurements, operating spectral radiometers on a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) under Arctic sea ice in summer. This data set is used to produce an Arctic-wide map of light distribution under summer sea ice. Our results show that transmittance through first-year ice (FYI, 0.11) was almost three times larger than through multi-year ice (MYI, 0.04), and that this is mostly caused by the larger melt-pond coverage of FYI (42 vs. 23%). Also energy absorption was 50% larger in FYI than in MYI. Thus, a continuation of the observed sea-ice changes will increase the amount of light penetrating into the Arctic Ocean, enhancing sea-ice melt and affecting sea-ice and upper-ocean ecosystems.


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I have compiled CaCO3 mass accumulation rates (MARs) for the period 0-25 Ma for 144 Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program drill sites in the Pacific in order to investigate the history of CaCO3 burial in the world's largest ocean basin. This is the first synthesis of data since the beginning of the Ocean Drilling Program. Sedimentation rates, CaCO3 contents, and bulk density were estimated for 0.5 Myr time intervals from 0 to 14 Ma and for 1 Myr time intervals from 14 to 25 Ma using mostly data from Initial Reports volumes. There is surprisingly little coherence between CaCO3 MAR time series from different Pacific regions, although regional patterns exist. A transition from high to low CaCO3 MAR from 23-20 Ma is the only event common to the entire Pacific Ocean. This event is found worldwide. The most likely cause of lowered pelagic carbonate burial is a rising sea-level trend in the early Miocene. The central and eastern equatorial Pacific is the only region with adequate drill site coverage to study carbonate compensation depth (CCD) changes in detail for the entire Neogene. The latitude-dependent decrease in CaCO3 production away from the equator is an important defining factor of the regional CCD, which shallows away from the equatorial region. Examination of latitudinal transects across the equatorial region is a useful way to separate the effects of changes in carbonate production ('productivity') from changes in bottom water chemistry ('dissolution') upon carbonate burial.


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We use benthic foraminifers to reconstruct the Neogene paleobathymetric history of the Marion Plateau, Queensland Plateau, Townsville Trough, and Queensland Trough on the northeastern Australian margin (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 133). Western Queensland Plateau Site 811/825 (present depth, ~938 m) deepened from the neritic zone (0-200 m) to the upper bathyal zone (200-600 m) during the middle Miocene (~13-14 Ma), with further deepening into the middle bathyal zone (600-1000 m) occurring during the late Miocene (~7 Ma). A depth transect across the southern Queensland Plateau shows that deepening from the outer neritic zone (100-200 m) to the upper bathyal zone began during the latest Miocene (~6 Ma) at the deepest location (Site 813, present depth, 539.1 m), whereas the shallower Sites 812 and 814 (present depths, 461.6 and 520.4 m, respectively) deepened during the late Pliocene (~2.7 and ~2.9 Ma). At Marion Plateau Site 815 (present depth, 465.5 m), water depth increased during the late Miocene (~6.7 Ma) from the outer neritic to the upper bathyal zone. Nearby Site 816 (present water depth, 437.3 m) contains Pliocene upper bathyal assemblages that directly overlie middle Miocene shallow neritic deposits; the timing of the deepening is uncertain because of a late Miocene hiatus. On the northern slope of the Townsville Trough (Site 817, present depth, 1015.8 m), benthic foraminifers and sponge spicules indicate deepening from the lower upper bathyal (400-600 m) to the middle bathyal zone in the late Miocene (by ~6.8 Ma). Benthic foraminiferal faunas at nearby Site 818 (present water depth, 752.1 m) do not show evidence of paleobathymetric change; however, a late Pliocene (~2-3 Ma) increase in downslope transport may have been related to the drowning of the Queensland Plateau. Site 822 (present depth, 955.2 m), at the base of the Great Barrier Reef slope, deepened from the upper bathyal to the middle bathyal zone during the late Pliocene (by ~2.3 Ma). Queensland Trough Site 823 (present depth, 1638.4 m) deepened from the middle bathyal to the lower bathyal (1000-2000 m) zone during the late Miocene (~6.5 Ma). Benthic foraminiferal faunal changes at these Leg 133 sites indicate that rapid deepening occurred during the middle Miocene (~13-14 Ma), late Miocene (6-7 Ma), and late Pliocene (2-3 Ma) along the northeastern Australian margin.


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A reconnaissance study of alkenone stratigraphy for the past 35 m.y. in the northern South China Sea (SCS) using sediments from Sites 1147 and 1148 of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 has been completed. Alkenones were not detected in sediment samples older than ~31 Ma. However, C37:2 appeared in the sedimentary record between ~8 and 31 Ma and both C37:2 and C37:3 were present between 0 and 8 Ma. These changes in alkenone occurrences may signal a response to global-scale Neogene cooling as well as to monsoon intensification and sea level changes over time as a result of Himalayan uplift and the opening of the SCS. Alternatively, they may be related to an evolutionary record of the development of temperature control on alkenone production in coccolithophores. The Uk'37 index for 0-8 Ma produces sea-surface temperatures (SST) of 19°-26°C, which are in the range of previously determined glacial-interglacial values for the northern SCS. Before the late Pleistocene (~1.2 Ma), the SST range is between 23° and 26°C with less variation. This change in variability may signify the early stage of intensified winter monsoons where cold wind and waters from the north may not yet have had a significant effect on SST or it may be the evolutionary link between the early development of unsaturated alkenones in coccolithophores and modern temperature control of alkenone production. We believe a long-term alkenone record is useful for further understanding of global-scale neogene cooling, the development of the East Asian monsoon system, and the evolutionary development of temperature control on alkenone unsaturation. Our data indicate that a high-resolution Uk'37 record for at least the last ~8 Ma is feasible for the northern SCS.


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OBJECTIVE Floating aortic thrombus is an underrecognized source of systemic emboli and carries a life-threatening risk of stroke when located in the aortic arch. Optimal treatment is not established in available guidelines. We report our experience in managing floating thrombi in the aortic arch. METHODS Consecutive patients diagnosed with a floating aortic arch thrombus at a tertiary referral center between January 2008 and December 2014 were reviewed. Perioperative and midterm outcomes were assessed. RESULTS Ten patients (8 female) with a median age of 56 years (range, 47-82 years) were identified. Eight patients presented with a symptomatic embolic event, and 2 patients were asymptomatic. One patient presenting with stroke due to embolic occlusion of all supra-aortic vessels died 2 days after admission. Three patients (2 asymptomatic and 1 unfit for surgery) were treated conservatively by anticoagulation, leading to thrombus resolution in 2 patients. In the third patient, the thrombus persisted despite anticoagulation, resulting in recurrent embolic events. The remaining 6 patients underwent open thrombectomy of the aortic arch during deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. All patients treated by surgery had an uneventful postoperative course with no recurrent thrombus or embolic event during follow-up. Median follow-up of all patients was 17 months (range, 11-89 months). CONCLUSIONS Floating aortic arch thrombus is a dangerous source of systemic emboli. Surgical removal of the thrombus is easy to perform and followed by good clinical results. Conservative treatment with anticoagulation may be considered in asymptomatic, inoperable or high-risk patients.


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"DOT HS 806 819"--Vol. 5, p. [4] of cover.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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"May 1985."


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Pages 817-818 bound after p. 826.


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