983 resultados para 367.224


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The mechanisms of material removal were investigated during the erosive wear of a glass-ceramic. The effects of erodent particle shape, velocity and angle were studied. Single impacts and incremental erosion tests were performed, to study the development of surface features and to elucidate the mechanisms of material removal. It was found that transitions in mechanism occurred which depended on the particle shape, impact velocity and impact angle. The mechanisms of material removal, for erosion by silica sand, changed from fine scale fracture and plastic processes below a transition point to large-scale cracking of the surface above. Spherical glass beads caused wear dominated by fatigue, with a very strong dependence of wear rate on the impact conditions. This work indicates that laboratory erosion testing of glass-ceramic and other brittle materials should reflect the conditions present in practice, and that account must be taken of possible changes in wear mechanisms.


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Accurate predictions of combustor hot streak migration enable the turbine designer to identify high-temperature regions that can limit component life. It is therefore important that these predictions are achieved within the short time scales of a design process. This article compares temperature measurements of a circular hot streak through a turning duct and a research turbine with predictions using a three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver. It was found that the mixing length turbulence model did not predict the hot streak dissipation accurately. However, implementation of a very simple model of the free stream turbulence (FST) significantly improved the exit temperature predictions on both the duct and research turbine. One advantage of the simple FST model described over more complex alternatives is that no additional equations are solved. This makes the method attractive for design purposes, as it is not associated with any increase in computational time.


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本发明涉及大蹼铃蟾缓激肽及其制备方法和其基因,属于生物医学领域。其缓激肽为从中国两栖类动物大蹼铃蟾(Bombina maxima)皮肤分泌物中分离得到的由19个氨基酸组成的一种单链多肽,分子量2180,等电点11.7,多肽氨基酸全序列一级结构为:DLPKINRKGPRPPGFSPFR。制备方法是收集大蹼铃蟾皮肤分泌物,离心去除沉淀、冷冻干燥后,经凝胶过滤、高压液相反相柱层析分离纯化后即得到。编码大蹼铃蟾缓激肽基因核苷酸序列由cDNA由829个核苷酸组成,编码成熟大蹼铃蟾缓激肽为第140-196,224-280,308-364,392-448,476-532,560-616位6个核苷酸重复单元片断,从两栖类动物皮肤中得到的缓激肽基因作为基因工程制备缓激肽的应用。


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This theoretical paper examines a non-normal and non-linear model of a horizontal Rijke tube. Linear and non-linear optimal initial states, which maximize acoustic energy growth over a given time from a given energy, are calculated. It is found that non-linearity and non-normality both contribute to transient growth and that, for this model, linear optimal states are only a good predictor of non-linear optimal states for low initial energies. Two types of non-linear optimal initial state are found. The first has strong energy growth during the first period of the fundamental mode but loses energy thereafter. The second has weaker energy growth during the first period but retains high energy for longer. The second type causes triggering to self-sustained oscillations from lower energy than the first and has higher energy in the fundamental mode. This suggests, for instance, that low frequency noise will be more effective at causing triggering than high frequency noise.


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通过DEAF Sephadex A-50阴离子交换柱,Sephadex G75分子筛,Resourse Q阴离子交换柱三步层析从湖南产的烙铁头蛇毒中分离、纯化得到一个L-氨基酸氧化酶( T1vf LAO),它由两个非共价的亚基组成,每个亚基的分子量为55 kD。与台湾产的烙铁头蛇毒L-氨基酸氧化酶分子量(70 kD)不同。T1v+ LAO的N末端氨基酸序列是ADNKNPLEECFRETNYEEFLEIAR,与报 道的蜂科的L-氨基酸氧化酶的相似性比眼镜蛇科的要高。T1vf LAO能抑制大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和痢疾杆菌的生长,杀死肿瘤细胞以及诱导血小板聚集。这些活性能被过氧化氢酶所抑制,说明T1vf LAO生理学功能主要是通过酶反应产生的过氧化氢( H202)介导的。


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An L-amino acid oxidase (TM-LAO) from the venom of Hunan Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus was purified to homogenicity by three steps including DEAE Sephadex A-50 ion-exchange chromatography, Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and Resourse Q ion-exchange chromatography. TM-LAO is composed of two identical subunits with a molecular weight of 55 kD by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight was different with that of LAO purified from the same species distributed in Taiwan that was 70 kD. The 24 N-terminal ammo acid sequence of TM-LAO is ADNKNPLEECFRETNYEEFLEIAR, which shares high similarity with other Viperid snake venom LAOs and has moderate similarity with Elapid snake venom LAOs. Further studies found that TM-LAO inhibited the growth of E. colt, S. aurues and B. dysenteriae. TM-LAO also showed cytotoxicity and platelet aggregation activity. All the biological activities were eliminated by catalase, a H2O2 scavenger. It shows that these biological effects are possibly due to the formation of H2O2 produced by TM-LAO.


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Barbus sarana contains only one batch of mature ova in the mature ovaries to be spawned in one spawning act. It spawns during July-September. The fecundity ranges from 11,201 to 224,248 ova. There is a positive curvilinear correlation between total length and fecundity, the latter increasing with length at a rate of less than cube of length. The stock of this species from Lake Kolleru appears to be more fecund than that inhabiting Loni reservoir. The sex ratio indicates that females outnumber males in all months and in larger length groups. Females appear to reach a larger length than males.


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Feeding habits of the sesarmid crab Perisesarma bidens (De Haan) was investigated in the mangroves of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Stomach content analysis showed that their diet consists mainly of mangrove leaves fragments, with small amounts of animal, algae and sediment matters, indicating that P. bidens is primarily detritivorous. The consumption rate of P. bidens was investigated under laboratory conditions by offering three different types of Kandelia candel mangrove leaves. Crab survived by eating green, yellow or brown leaves, preferring brown to either green or yellow leaves. Consumption rate of brown leaves was significantly higher when crabs were provided with green, yellow and brown leaves together, than when provided separately. It is considered that the brown leaves have a soft tissue, which is easily torn by the crab chelae and have apparently low C/N ratio. The C/N ratio of faeces, which indicated lower value than that of burrow leaves or sediments, derived from the symbiosis of bacteria in the stomach. The C/N ratio showed that sediments had C/N ratios 2/3 times lower than leaves sequestered in the burrow, indicating that mangrove sediments could have higher nutritional value than mangrove leaves. Perisesarma bidens showed significant consumption rates of mangrove detritus, therefore, it may have the important role as the grazer of mangrove detritus in view of the nutrient cycle in the mangroves.


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描述了新种人支蝠蛾H. renzhiensis Yang的成虫、幼虫、卵、蛹的外 部形 态, 并观察了生活史与生态习性, 模式标本保存于第一作者单位。图3表2参5


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Black mouth croaker (Atrobucca nibe) is considered as a new valuable fish stock in the Oman Sea. In this study, surimi was manufactured from nonmarket size of the fish, manually and different cryoprotectant agents were added to the surimi. Finally changes in physiochemical, microbiological and sensory quality, characteristics of the surimi and kamaboko gel samples were assessed during 6 months at freezing storage (-18ºC). Surimi samples with the addition of Iranian tragacanth gum (TG), xanthan gum (XG), chitosan (CS) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) at 1% (w/w) were prepared to evaluate their impacts as a cryoprotectant on the surimi, individually. The results showed that the whiteness and lightness indexes in all surimi samples were gradually decreased during frozen storage. This trend of decreasing was more intensity in the control sample from 61.08±0.131 to 54.21±0.067 was recorded (p<0.05). Water holding capacity (WHC) in all treatments was decreased during 6 months. The lowest WHC (g/g) was obtained in the surimi without cryoprotectants and maximum WHC was measured in Tcs and Twpc samples, respectively (p<0.05). The lowest breaking force was calculated in Txg (166.00±22.627 g) and Tc (271.50±263.16 g) during 6 months at frozen storage, respectively (p<0.05), while Twpc treatment with slight variations showed the highest breaking force (p<0.05). Also, the lowest gel strength was obtained in Txg (68.22±6.740 g.cm) after 6 month of frozen storage (p<0.05). All Kamaboko surimi gels texture profile analysis parameters decreaced with increasing shelf life. This decreasing trend in the control sample was more severe. Floding results were reduced in all samples during storage (p<0.05). The best protective results probably were obtained in WPC, chitosan and commercial cryoprotectant agents, respectively due to protein stabilization of myofibrillar proteins and the protein-protein network structure, leading to the formation of surimi gel with strong textural properties during frozen conditions. The average number of surimi polygonal structures were significantly decreased (number per mm2) and their area were significantly increased (μm2) in all treatments (p<0.05). With increasing storage time, moisture, protein contents and pH were decreaced. Maximun TVB-N index was calculated in Tc (7.93±0.400 mg/100g) and Txg (7.88±0.477), respectively (p<0.05). TBRAs index was increased in all treatments during frozen storage, while this trend was reached in maximum value in Tc (p<0.05). Sensory evaluation of the fish finger quality characteristics (color, odor, texture and overall acceptability) preapare from frozen black mouth croaker surimi was decreaced during 6 month frozen storage. After the period of frozen storage the highest quality scores were measured in Twpc, Tcs and Tcc samples, respectively (p<0.05). In this study, coliform bacteria were not found in all treatments during frozen storage. The surimi sample containing chitosan showed lower mesophilic and psychrotropic bacteria (log cfu/g) than other treatments during frozen storage (p<0.05). Salt-soluble proteins extractions of all treatments were decreased during frozen storage. This decreacing trend was highest in Tcs (45.74±0.176%) and lowest in Tc treatments after 6 month of frozen storage (29.92±0.224%) (p<0.05). Although commercial cryoprotectant agents were successful in limiting the denaturation of proteins but sugar contents were not accepted for diabetics or those who disagree with the sweet taste and high calorie food. Hence, commercial cryoprotectant agents can be replaced with whey protein concentrate and chitosan at 1% level (w/w) consider that they were showed proper protection of the surimi myofibrillar proteins during storage.


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