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Three species of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Suillus variegatus and Cenococcum geophilum) were grown in axenic culture amended with range of AsO43– concentration under three different PO43– regimes. The fungi exhibited different growth responses to AsO43– that varied with PO43– concentration. Suillus variegatus showed the greatest sensitivity to AsO43–, with growth almost completely inhibited in the presence of AsO43– under the lower two PO43– treatments. Under the highest PO43– treatment however, growth was enhanced and S. variegatus was able to persist at AsO43– concentrations of up to 4 mM. Hebeloma crustuliniforme also showed high sensitivity to AsO43– especially at low PO43– concentration. The two higher PO43– treatments had an ameliorating effect on AsO43– toxicity in H. crustuliniforme. This demonstrates the ability of PO43– to alleviate AsO43– toxicity. The response from S. variegatus and H. crustuliniforme, both basidiomycetes, was in contrast to the ascomycete C. geophilum. This fungus demonstrated tolerance to AsO43– when grown in culture solution and PO43– did not have an ameliorating effect on AsO43– toxicity in C. geophilum.


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(A new species of the genus Mezilaurus Taubert (Lauraceae) for the brazilian flora). The species was named Mezilaurus vanderwerffii F. M. Alves & J.B. Baitello and is characterized by leaves with dense, glandular dots on the adaxial surface. The species is reported for Cerrado, Cerradao, and Semideciduous Forest surrounding the Pantanal Matogrossense


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are essential for the innate immune system of eukaryotes, imparting protection against pathogens and their proliferation in host organisms. The recent interest in AMPs as active materials in bionanostructures is due to the properties shown by these biological molecules, such as the presence of an alpha-helix structure and distribution of positive charges along the chain. In this study the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin 01 (DS 01), from the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis frogs was immobilized in nanostructured layered films in conjunction with nickel tetrasulfonated phthalocyanines. The leishmanicidal activity of DS 01 was confirmed using kinetic essays, in which DS 01 promoted death of all metacyclic promastigote cells in 45 minutes. Surprisingly, the immobilized DS 01 molecules displayed electroactivity, as revealed by electrochemical experiments, in which an oxidation peak at about 0.61 V was observed for a DS 01 monolayer deposited on top of a conductive electrode. Such electroactivity was used to investigate the sensing abilities of the nanostructured films toward Leishmania. We observed an increase in the oxidation current as a function of number of Leishmania cells in the electrolytic solution at concentrations down to 10(3) cells/mL. The latter is indicative that the use of AMPs immobilized in electroactive nanostructured films may be of interest for applications in the pharmaceutical industry and diagnosis.


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Nickel catalysts with a load of 5 wt% Ni, supported on pure ZrO(2) and ZrO(2) stabilized with 4, 8 and 14 mol% CaO, were prepared by the polymerization method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature-programmed reduction with hydrogen (TPR-H(2)), specific surface area (BET) and impedance spectroscopy (IS) and tested in the carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The XRD patterns showed the presence of the oxide precursor (NiO) and the tetragonal phase of CaO-ZrO(2) solid solutions. According to the TPR-H(2) analysis, the reduction of various NiO species was influenced by the support composition. The electrical properties of the support have a proportional effect on the catalytic activities. Catalytic tests were done at 800 degrees C for 6 h and the composition of the gaseous products and the catalytic conversion depended on the CaO-ZrO(2) solid solution composition and its influence on supported NiO species. A direct relation was found between the variation in the electrical conductivity of the support, the nickel species supported on it and the performance in the catalytic tests. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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The Enriquillo and Azuei are saltwater lakes located in a closed water basin in the southwestern region of the island of La Hispaniola, these have been experiencing dramatic changes in total lake-surface area coverage during the period 1980-2012. The size of Lake Enriquillo presented a surface area of approximately 276 km2 in 1984, gradually decreasing to 172 km2 in 1996. The surface area of the lake reached its lowest point in the satellite observation record in 2004, at 165 km2. Then the recent growth of the lake began reaching its 1984 size by 2006. Based on surface area measurement for June and July 2013, Lake Enriquillo has a surface area of ~358 km2. Sumatra sizes at both ends of the record are 116 km2 in 1984 and 134 km2in 2013, an overall 15.8% increase in 30 years. Determining the causes of lake surface area changes is of extreme importance due to its environmental, social, and economic impacts. The overall goal of this study is to quantify the changing water balance in these lakes and their catchment area using satellite and ground observations and a regional atmospheric-hydrologic modeling approach. Data analyses of environmental variables in the region reflect a hydrological unbalance of the lakes due to changing regional hydro-climatic conditions. Historical data show precipitation, land surface temperature and humidity, and sea surface temperature (SST), increasing over region during the past decades. Salinity levels have also been decreasing by more than 30% from previously reported baseline levels. Here we present a summary of the historical data obtained, new sensors deployed in the sourrounding sierras and the lakes, and the integrated modeling exercises. As well as the challenges of gathering, storing, sharing, and analyzing this large volumen of data in a remote location from such a diverse number of sources.


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Using vector autoregressive (VAR) models and Monte-Carlo simulation methods we investigate the potential gains for forecasting accuracy and estimation uncertainty of two commonly used restrictions arising from economic relationships. The Örst reduces parameter space by imposing long-term restrictions on the behavior of economic variables as discussed by the literature on cointegration, and the second reduces parameter space by imposing short-term restrictions as discussed by the literature on serial-correlation common features (SCCF). Our simulations cover three important issues on model building, estimation, and forecasting. First, we examine the performance of standard and modiÖed information criteria in choosing lag length for cointegrated VARs with SCCF restrictions. Second, we provide a comparison of forecasting accuracy of Ötted VARs when only cointegration restrictions are imposed and when cointegration and SCCF restrictions are jointly imposed. Third, we propose a new estimation algorithm where short- and long-term restrictions interact to estimate the cointegrating and the cofeature spaces respectively. We have three basic results. First, ignoring SCCF restrictions has a high cost in terms of model selection, because standard information criteria chooses too frequently inconsistent models, with too small a lag length. Criteria selecting lag and rank simultaneously have a superior performance in this case. Second, this translates into a superior forecasting performance of the restricted VECM over the VECM, with important improvements in forecasting accuracy ñreaching more than 100% in extreme cases. Third, the new algorithm proposed here fares very well in terms of parameter estimation, even when we consider the estimation of long-term parameters, opening up the discussion of joint estimation of short- and long-term parameters in VAR models.


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In this paper I study optimal auctions of identical goods. There is synergy in the number of goods and independent bidder’s signals.


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This paper investigates the implications of the credit channel of the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the case of Brazil, using a structural FAVAR (SFAVAR) approach. The term structural comes from the estimation strategy, which generates factors that have a clear economic interpretation. The results show that unexpected shocks in the proxies for the external nance premium and the bank balance sheet channel produce large and persistent uctuations in in ation and economic activity accounting for more than 30% of the error forecast variance of the latter in a three-year horizon. The central bank seems to incorporate developments in credit markets especially variations in credit spreads into its reaction function, as impulse-response exercises show the Selic rate is declining in response to wider credit spreads and a contraction in the volume of new loans. Counterfactual simulations also demonstrate that the credit channel ampli ed the economic contraction in Brazil during the acute phase of the global nancial crisis in the last quarter of 2008, thus gave an important impulse to the recovery period that followed.


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O assunto insider trading é bastante polêmico há muito tempo, como, exemplo disto se tem o Securities Exchange Act of 1934 sobre Insider Trading nos Estados Unidos, e a discussão continua nos dias de hoje com casos como da Ambev e da Martha Stewart em 2004. Este trabalho apresenta o levantamento de dados, e inferências sobre as operações realizadas pelos insiders das empresas com ações negociadas na Bovespa, que são classificadas como de governança corporativa diferenciada. Os dados aqui apresentados mostram que os insiders, como definidos pela instrução CVM 358 de 2002, são agentes bastante ativos no mercado de capitais brasileiro. O perfil das operações com títulos transacionados pelos insiders infere que a diretoria vende mais títulos do que compra, ao contrário dos controladores e conselheiros; que os insiders das empresas do nível 1, de menores exigências e restrições de governança, são mais ativos em operações no mercado do que seus pares nas empresas de nível de governança maior. Também foram constatados indícios de operações realizadas pelos insiders que resultaram em retornos excedentes aos esperados estatisticamente significativos.