964 resultados para 27-31SAE-2801-21


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The superconducting (or cryogenic) gravimeter (SG) is based on the levitation of a super­conducting sphere in a stable magnetic field created by current in superconducting coils. Depending on frequency, it is capable of detecting gravity variations as small as 10-11ms-2. For a single event, the detection threshold is higher, conservatively about 10-9 ms-2. Due to its high sensitivity and low drift rate, the SG is eminently suitable for the study of geodynamical phenomena through their gravity signatures. I present investigations of Earth dynamics with the superconducting gravimeter GWR T020 at Metsähovi from 1994 to 2005. The history and key technical details of the installation are given. The data processing methods and the development of the local tidal model at Metsähovi are presented. The T020 is a part of the worldwide GGP (Global Geodynamics Project) network, which consist of 20 working station. The data of the T020 and of other participating SGs are available to the scientific community. The SG T020 have used as a long-period seismometer to study microseismicity and the Earth s free oscillation. The annual variation, spectral distribution, amplitude and the sources of microseism at Metsähovi were presented. Free oscillations excited by three large earthquakes were analyzed: the spectra, attenuation and rotational splitting of the modes. The lowest modes of all different oscillation types are studied, i.e. the radial mode 0S0, the "football mode" 0S2, and the toroidal mode 0T2. The very low level (0.01 nms-1) incessant excitation of the Earth s free oscillation was detected with the T020. The recovery of global and regional variations in gravity with the SG requires the modelling of local gravity effects. The most important of them is hydrology. The variation in the groundwater level at Metsähovi as measured in a borehole in the fractured bedrock correlates significantly (0.79) with gravity. The influence of local precipitation, soil moisture and snow cover are detectable in the gravity record. The gravity effect of the variation in atmospheric mass and that of the non-tidal loading by the Baltic Sea were investigated together, as sea level and air pressure are correlated. Using Green s functions it was calculated that a 1 metre uniform layer of water in the Baltic Sea increases the gravity at Metsähovi by 31 nms-2 and the vertical deformation is -11 mm. The regression coefficient for sea level is 27 nms-2m-1, which is 87% of the uniform model. These studies are associated with temporal height variations using the GPS data of Metsähovi permanent station. Results of long time series at Metsähovi demonstrated high quality of data and correctly carried out offsets and drift corrections. The superconducting gravimeter T020 has been proved to be an eminent and versatile tool in studies of the Earth dynamics.


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Background: The irreversible epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors have demonstrated efficacy in NSCLC patients with activating EGFR mutations, but it is unknown if they are superior to the reversible inhibitors. Dacomitinib is an oral, small-molecule irreversible inhibitor of all enzymatically active HER family tyrosine kinases. Methods: The ARCHER 1009 (NCT01360554) and A7471028 (NCT00769067) studies randomized patients with locally advanced/metastatic NSCLC following progression with one or two prior chemotherapy regimens to dacomitinib or erlotinib. EGFR mutation testing was performed centrally on archived tumor samples. We pooled patients with exon 19 deletion and L858R EGFR mutations from both studies to compare the efficacy of dacomitinib to erlotinib. Results: One hundred twenty-one patients with any EGFR mutation were enrolled; 101 had activating mutations in exon 19 or 21. For patients with exon19/21 mutations, the median progression-free survival was 14.6 months [95% confidence interval (CI) 9.0–18.2] with dacomitinib and 9.6 months (95% CI 7.4–12.7) with erlotinib [unstratified hazard ratio (HR) 0.717 (95% CI 0.458–1.124), two-sided log-rank, P = 0.146]. The median survival was 26.6 months (95% CI 21.6–41.5) with dacomitinib versus 23.2 months (95% CI 16.0–31.8) with erlotinib [unstratified HR 0.737 (95% CI 0.431–1.259), two-sided log-rank, P = 0.265]. Dacomitinib was associated with a higher incidence of diarrhea and mucositis in both studies compared with erlotinib. Conclusions: Dacomitinib is an active agent with comparable efficacy to erlotinib in the EGFR mutated patients. The subgroup with exon 19 deletion had favorable outcomes with dacomitinib. An ongoing phase III study will compare dacomitinib to gefitinib in first-line therapy of patients with NSCLC harboring common activating EGFR mutations (ARCHER 1050; NCT01774721). Clinical trials number: ARCHER 1009 (NCT01360554) and A7471028 (NCT00769067).


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Two crystals structures of a nonapeptide (anhydrous and hydrated) containing the amino acid residue alpha, alpha-di-n-butylglycyl, reveal a mixed 3(10)/alpha-helical conformation. Residues 1-7 adopt phi, psi values in the helical region, with Val(8) being appreciably distorted. The Dbg residue has phi, psi values of -40, -37 degrees and -46, -40 degrees in two crystals with the two butyl side chains mostly extended in each. Peptide molecules in the crystals pack into helical columns. The crystal parameters are C50H91N9O12, space group P2(1), with a = 9.789(1) Angstrom, b = 20.240(2) Angstrom, c = 15.998(3) Angstrom, beta = 103.27(1); Z = 2, R = 10.3% for 1945 data observed >3 sigma(F) and C50H91N9O12. 3H(2)O, space group P2(1), with a = 9.747(3) Angstrom, b = 21.002(8) Angstrom, c = 15.885(6) Angstrom, beta = 102.22(3)degrees, Z = 2, R = 13.6% for 2535 data observed >3 sigma(F). The observation of a helical conformation at Dbg suggests that the higher homologs in the alpha, alpha-dialkylated glycine series also have a tendency to stabilize peptide helices. (C) Munksgaard 1996.


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The purpose of this study was to produce information on and practical recommendations for informed decision-making on and capacity building for sustainable forest management (SFM) and good forest governance. This was done within the overall global framework for sustainable development with special emphasis on the EU and African frameworks and on Southern Sudan and Ethiopia in particular. The case studies on Southern Sudan and Ethiopia focused on local, national and regional issues. Moreover, this study attempted to provide both theoretical and practical new insight. The aim was to build an overall theoretical framework and to study its key contents and main implications for SFM and good forest governance at all administration levels, for providing new tools for capacity building in natural resources management. The theoretical framework and research approach were based on the original research problem and the general and specific aims of the study. The key elements of the framework encompass sustainable development, global and EU governance, sustainable forest management (SFM), good forest governance, as well as international and EU law. The selected research approach comprised matrix-based assessment of international, regional (EU and Africa) and national (Southern Sudan and Ethiopia) policy and legal documents. The specific case study on Southern Sudan also involved interviews and group discussions with local community members and government officials. As a whole, this study attempted to link the global, regional, national and local levels in forest-sector development and especially to analyse how the international policy development in environmental and forestry issues is reflected in field-level progress towards SFM and good forest governance, for the specific cases of Southern Sudan and Ethiopia. The results on Southern Sudan focused on the existing situation and perceived needs in capacity building for SFM and good forest governance at all administration levels. Specifically, the results of the case study on Southern Sudan presented the current situation in selected villages in the northern parts of Renk County in Upper Nile State, and the implications of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and of the new forest policy framework for capacity building actions. The results on Ethiopia focused on training, extension, research, education and new curriculum development within higher education institutions and particularly at the Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources (WGCF-NR), which administratively lies under Hawassa University. The results suggest that, for both cases studies, informed decision-making on and capacity building for SFM and good forest governance require comprehensive, long-term, cross-sectoral, coherent and consistent approaches within the dynamic and evolving overall global framework, including its multiple inter-linked levels. The specific priority development and focus areas comprised the establishment of SFM and good forest governance in accordance with the overall sustainable development priorities and with more focus on the international trade in forest products that are derived from sustainable and legal sources with an emphasis on effective forest law enforcement and governance at all levels. In Upper Nile State in Southern Sudan there were positive development signals such as the will of the local people to plant more multipurpose trees on farmlands and range lands as well as the recognition of the importance of forests and trees for sustainable rural development where food security is a key element. In addition, it was evident that the local communities studied in Southern Sudan also wanted to establish good governance systems through partnerships with all actors and through increased local responsibilities. The results also suggest that the implementation of MEAs at the local level in Southern Sudan requires mutually supportive and coherent approaches within the agreements as well as significantly more resources and financial and technical assistance for capacity building, training and extension. Finally, the findings confirm the importance of full utilization of the existing local governance and management systems and their traditional and customary knowledge and practices, and of new development partnerships with full participation of all stakeholders. The planned new forest law for Southern Sudan, based on an already existing new forest policy, is expected to recognize the roles of local-level actors, and it would thus obviously facilitate the achieving of sustainable forest management.


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Reaction of 2-ethylbenzisoxazolium fluoborate (III) with dimedone, dihydroresorcinol, 2-methyldihydroresorcinol and 2-methylcyclopentane-1,3-dione in the presence of base leads to the formation of amides VIII, XI, X and XIII respectively, via the benzoketoketenimine intermediate (IX) and an intramolecular migration. The 7-hydroxy-2-ethylbenzisoxazolium salt (IV) gives the amide (XIV) by double migration. Amides VIII, XI, X and XIII undergo intramolecular Michael reaction to furnish the benzoxazinones (XVI, XVIII, XVII and XXVI). Stereochemistry of this addition is discussed and the conformation in which the CN bond at C-1′ is attached equatorially to the cyclohexanone ring is assigned to the Spirans (XX, XXX and XXVIII). Effect of acids and bases on the amide (VIII) and the spiran (XVI) is described.


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Isochronal and isothermal ageing experiments have been carried out to determine the influence of 0.01 at. % addition of a second solute on the clustering rate in the quenched Al-4,4 a/o Zn alloy. The influence of quenching and ageing temperatures has been interpreted to obtain the apparent vacancy formation and vacancy migration energies in the various ternary alloys. Using a vacancy-aided clustering model the following values of binding free energy have been evaluated: Ce-0.18; Dy-0.24; Fe-0.18; Li-0.25; Mn-0.27; Nb-0.18; Pt-0.23; Sb-0.21; Si-0.30; Y-0.25; and Yb-0.23 (± 0.02 eV). These binding energy values refer to that between a solute atom and a single vacancy. The values of vacancy migration energy (c. 0.4 eV) and the experimental activation energy for solute diffusion (c. 1.1 eV) are unaffected by the presence of the ternary atoms in the Al-Zn alloy.


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Seawater aging response was investigated in marine-grade glass/epoxy, glass/vinyl ester, carbon/epoxy and carbon/vinyl ester composites with respect to water uptake, interlaminar shear strength, flexural strength, tensile strength, and tensile fracture surface observations. The reduction of mechanical properties was found to be higher in them initial stages which showed saturation in the longer durations of seawater immersion. The flexural strength and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) dropped by about 35% and 27% for glass/epoxy, 22% and 15% for glass/vinyl ester, 48% and 34% for carbon/epoxy 28%, and 21% carbon/vinyl ester composites respectively. The water uptake behavior of epoxy-based composites was inferior to that of the vinyl system.


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Pro gradu -työssä tarkastelen tšekin ja suomen kielessä esiintyviä eläinten nimityksistä johdettuja fraseologisia ilmauksia ja sanontoja. Eläinfraseologia muodostaa kielessä keskeisen osan, jolle ovat tyypillisiä voimakas tunnelataus, rajoittunut, sovinnainen käyttö ja puhekielenomaisuus. Tarkastelen eläinilmauksia morfologisesti ja semanttis-leksikaalisesti, mutta muitakin piirteitä esiintyy. Vertailen kumpaakin kieltä ja selvitän kielten fraasien, idiomien ja muiden sanontojen yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja. Sanonnat (ynnä johdokset ja sanaparit) jaan neljään eri ryhmään seuraavasti: 1. kummassakin kielessä olevat samanlaiset ilmaukset, 2. kummassakin kielessä olevat osittain samanlaiset ilmaukset, 3. tsekkiläiset ilmaukset ja 4. suomalaiset ilmaukset. Työni materiaali on peräisin tsekkiläisistä, suomalaisista ja muunkielisistä sanakirjoista (lähinnä fraseologisista). Selvittelen erityisesti keskeisimpien kotieläinten nimistä (koira, kissa, hevonen, lehmä, lammas, sika, kana), joidenkin muiden eläinten nimistä (karhu, susi, karppi, käärme) ja joidenkin ulkomaisten eläinten nimistä (leijona, elefantti, apina) johdettuja fraseologisia ilmauksia. Materiaali käsittää yhteensä 145 eri eläintä, 163 eläimen nimitystä ja 585 eläinilmausta. Aineistoni pohjalta voi todeta, että tšekin ja suomen kielessä on yllättävän paljon samantyyppisiä eläinilmauksia, vaikka kielet poikkeavat huomattavasti toisistaan. Korpuksessani olevista ilmauksista on täysin symmetrisiä 119/20,3 %, osittain samanlaisia (epäsymmetrisiä) 127/21,7 %, pelkästään tsekkiläisiä 161/27,5 % ja pelkästään suomalaisia 146/25,0 %. Sanaparit ja sananlaskut, joita käsittelin erillisenä ryhmänä (32 kpl) muodostivat aineistosta 5,5 % (niistäkin löytyi yhtäläisyyksiä). Yleisimmin esiintyvät eläimet ovat koira ja kissa. Koira on kuitenkin tšekin fraseologiassa yleisempi eläin kuin suomessa, jossa taas kissa on yleisimmin esiintyvä eläimen nimi. Yleisiä ovat myös mm. hevonen, sika, lintu, kala ja kana. Karitsa, hanhi ja vuohi esiintyvät paljon useammin tšekin fraseologiassa, suomessa esiintyy taas usein sika silloin, kun tšekissä on porsas. Joillakin eläinten nimillä on selvästi negatiivisempi tunnelataus (susi, käärme) kuin toisilla (koira, kissa). Toisin kuin suomessa, kissa on tšekissä valheellinen, vuohi herkuttelee, pöllö ja apina edustavat viisautta ja oppivaisuutta ja kovakuoriainen hellyttää. Yhteisiä eläinten nimityksiä kummassakin kielessä on aineistossani 106/163 (65,03 %). Tšekin fraseologiassa on lähes kaksi kertaa enemmän (37/163 = 22,7 %) sellaisia eläinten nimiä, joita ei esiinny suomen fraseologiassa verrattuna pelkästään suomen fraseologiassa esiintyviin eläinten nimiin (20/163 = 12,27 %). Pelkästään tšekissä esiintyviä eläimiä ovat mm. lumikko, majava, murmeli, mäyrä, näätä ja riikinkukko; pelkästään suomen fraseologiassa esiintyvät puolestaan mm. kiiski, muikku, peippo, poro, sopuli ja telkkä. Vertauskuvat ovat kummassakin kielessä erittäin tyypillisiä. Eläinten nimet viittaavat useimmiten ihmisen kielteisiin luonteenpiirteisiin tai ominaisuuksiin (mazaný jako liška ja viekas kuin kettu). Aineistoni pohjalta vaikuttaa siltä, että tšekissä on enemmän vaihtoehtoisia ja eri eläinten lajeista muodostettuja ilmauksia (mm. lintu- ja kalalajeista). Kummassakin kielessä on myös huudahduslauseita (Ty jsi ale liška pod itá! ja Senkin vanha kettu!), kansainvälisiä ilmauksia (jádro pudla ja villakoiran ydin) ja ns. petollisia ystäviä toisiaan erehdyttävästi muistuttavia, mutta eri asiaa merkitseviä sanontoja (tsekin kočičí život kissanelämä tarkoittaa ´sitkeähenkisyyttä´ − ei suomen kissanpäiviä). Kansallisista erityispiirteistä ovat esimerkkeinä mm. tšekin ilmaus mít se jako husa o Martině "voida kuin hanhi Martinpäivänä" (suomeksi ´voida kurjasti´; viittaus Martinpäivän hanhensyömisperinteeseen) tai suomen ilmaukset kuin hyttysen liraus Itämereen ja sopulilauma.


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This paper presents comparative data on the vocal communication of two Asian leaf monkeys, the Nilgiri langur (Presbytis johnii) and South Indian common langur (Presbytis entellus), based on sound recordings and behavioural observations of free-ranging groups. Spectrographical analyses revealed a repertoire of 18 basic patterns for Nilgiri langurs, and 21 basic patterns for common langurs. The repertoires of the two langur species consist of both discretely structured vocal patterns, in which alterations of the physical parameters are restricted to intra-class variation, and those in which structural variations cause intergradation between different sections of the repertoire. Qualitative assessments of group scans indicate that in both species vocal behaviour is characterized by pronounced sex-differences in the use of the different elements of the vocal repertoire. Comparison of data available from different populations of P. entellus suggests population-specific modifications on both structural and behavioural levels. Moreover, characteristic elements of the vocal systems of the two Asian species demonstrate striking similarities to those described for the African black-and-white colobus.


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Genistein and daidzein, the major isoflavones present in soybeans, possess a wide spectrum of physiological and pharmacological functions. The binding of genistein to human serum albumin (HSA) has been investigated by equilibrium dialysis, fluorescence measurements, CD and molecular visualization. One mole of genistein is bound per mole of HSA with a binding constant of 1.5 +/- 0.2 X 10(5) m(-1). Binding of genistein to HSA precludes the attachment of daidzein. The ability of HSA to bind genistein is found to be lost when the tryptophan residue of albumin is modified with N-bromosuccinimide. At 27 degrees C (pH 7.4), van't Hoff's enthalpy, entropy and free energy changes that accompany the binding are found to be -13.16 kcal.mol(-1), -21 cal.mol(-1)K(-1) and -6.86 kcal.mol(-1), respectively. Temperature and ionic strength dependence and competitive binding measurements of genistein with HSA in the presence of fatty acids and 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid have suggested the involvement of both hydrophobic and ionic interactions in the genistein-HSA binding. Binding measurements of genistein with BSA and HSA, and those in the presence of warfarin and 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid and Forster energy transfer measurements have been used for deducing the binding pocket on HSA. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of daidzein bound and then displaced with warfarin, 2,3,5-tri-iodobenzoic acid or diazepam confirm the binding of daidzein and genistein to subdomain IIA of HSA. The ability of HSA to form ternery complexes with other neutral molecules such as warfarin, which also binds within the subdomain IIA pocket, increases our understanding of the binding dynamics of exogenous drugs to HSA.


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We report a simple modified polymeric precursor route for the synthesis of highly crystalline and homogenous nanoparticles of lanthanum calcium manganese oxide (LCMO). The LCMO phase formation was studied by thermal analysis, x-ray powder diffraction, and infrared spectroscopy at different stages of heating. These nanocrystallites (average particle size of 30 nm) possess ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition temperature (T-c) of 300 K, nearly 50 K higher than that of a single crystal. The Rietveld analysis of the powder x-ray diffraction data of the nanopowders reveals significant lattice contraction and reduction in unit cell anisotropy-these structural changes are correlated to the enhancement in T-c.


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Introduction of agriculture three millennia ago in Peninsular India’s Western Ghats altered substantially ancient tropical forests. Early agricultural communities, nevertheless, strived to attain symbiotic harmony with nature as evident from prevalence of numerous sacred groves, patches of primeval forests sheltering biodiversity and hydrology. Groves enhanced heterogeneity of landscapes involving elements of successional forests and savannas favouring rich wildlife. A 2.25 km2 area of relic forest was studied at Kathalekan in Central Western Ghats. Interspersed with streams studded with Myristica swamps and blended sparingly with shifting cultivation fallows, Kathalekan is a prominent northernmost relic of southern Western Ghat vegetation. Trees like Syzygium travancoricum (Critically Endangered), Myristica magnifica (Endangered) and Gymnacranthera canarica (Vulnerable) and recently reported Semecarpus kathalekanensis, are exclusive to stream/swamp forest (SSF). SSF and non-stream/swamp forest (NSSF) were studied using 18 transects covering 3.6 ha. Dipterocarpaceae, its members seldom transgressing tropical rain forests, dominate SSF (21% of trees) and NSSF (27%). The ancient Myristicaceae ranks high in tree population (19% in SSF and 8% in NSSF). Shannon-Weiner diversity for trees is higher (>3) in six NSSF transects compared to SSF (<3). Higher tree endemism (45%), total endemic tree population (71%) and significantly higher above ground biomass (349 t/ha) cum carbon sequestration potential (131 t/ha) characterizes SSF. Faunal richness is evident from amphibians (35 species - 26 endemics, 11 in IUCN Red List). This study emphasizes the need for bringing to light more of relic forests for their biodiversity, carbon sequestration and hydrology. The lives of marginal farmers and forest tribes can be uplifted through partnership in carbon credits, by involving them in mitigating global climatic change through conservation and restoration of high biomass watershed forests.


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A symmetric solution X satisfying the matrix equation XA = AtX is called a symmetrizer of the matrix A. A general algorithm to compute a matrix symmetrizer is obtained. A new multiple-modulus residue arithmetic called floating-point modular arithmetic is described and implemented on the algorithm to compute an error-free matrix symmetrizer.