993 resultados para 209-1273
Discute as razões da falta de ação efetiva para mitigar o problema das alterações climáticas globais e as alternativas disponíveis frente ao que se convencionou chamar de "a tragédia dos comuns", título de artigo histórico do ecólogo norte-americano Garrett J. Hardin em 1968. Descreve os trinta pontos do documento brasileiro "Mudança do Clima", elaborado pelo Núcleo de Assuntos Estratégicos da Presidência da República em 2005. Afirma a necessidade de "...cultivar a liberdade com responsabilidade, pelas vias da educação, do diálogo, da negociação, do conhecimento, da inovação e da ação, em particular da ação política em todas as frentes e em todos os níveis".
本文采用Galerkin方法以及数值平滑技巧,获得了毛细血管中介于红细胞间的“团流”近似解,并详尽讨论了红细胞直径与毛细管直径之比λ和红细胞同血管壁间的润滑层中回漏流量参数Q对于“团流”的影响。 文中还纠正了以往关于边界条件的不合理提法,使“团流”解同润滑层中流动相衔接。与其它理论计算相比较,结果是一致的。它为计算红细胞变形提供了正确的边界条件。
Flow fields around a rotating circular cylinder in a uniform stream are computed using a low dimensional Galerkin method. Results show that the formation of a Fopple vortex pair behind a stationary circular cylinder is caused by the structural instability in the vicinity of the saddle located at the rear of the cylinder. For rotating cylinder a bifurcation diagram with the consideration of two parameters, Reynolds number Re and rotation parameter a, is built by a kinematic analysis of the steady flow fields.
Objective speckle from a stick-on foil is a new approach to applying the objective white light speckle method to in-plane displacement measurements. By a relatively easy technique a thin aluminum foil is mounted onto the specimen surface and a random grating is scratched onto it, yielding high reflectance and fine optical details. After double exposure by a direct recording system without using a lens, the resulting holographic film possesses a broad spatial spectrum and displacement information. Full-field contour maps of equal displacement can be obtained that are of good contrast and high sensitivity and that have a large adjustable measurement range. The method can be applied to practical engineering problems for both plane and developable curved surfaces.
[Es] Este estudio analiza la opinión de los alumnos de diferentes licenciaturas sobre la utilidad didáctica de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs) en la universidad. Se utilizaron páginas web y el correo electrónico para facilitar diferentes herramientas educativas (guiones docentes, artículos, páginas web, trabajos prácticos y bibliografía). Los análisis univariante y multivariante de los datos obtenidos de las encuestas realizadas a los estudiantes al inicio y final de la asignatura, demuestran que, con independencia de la titulación, el 64% del alumnado considera que la utilización de las TICs mejora la comunicación alumno – profesor, e incrementa la motivación y la participación activa del estudiante.
This study attempts to estimate the economic value of riverine fisheries in tropical Asia and quantify the economic impacts of any changes to the environment that affects rivers and hence fisheries. The value of riverine fisheries has been considered in the following two ways: firstly, through a compilation and summary of the results of existing studies on this topic; secondly, by estimating the direct use value of riverine and floodplain fishing by country using quantities and freshwater fish prices derived from various sources. Furthermore, a review of the characteristics of the fisheries is presented. These fisheries have been shown to be valuable (i.e., economically or socially important) in at least two specific ways: as a generator of commercially marketable output, and as a source of income and employment in relatively impoverished communities.
209 p. : graf.