964 resultados para 2,3-butanedione


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Clinical and virologic manifestations of genital herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection vary widely. We examined frequencies of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 3, 4, and 9 in a prospective cohort of 128 HSV-2-infected persons whose viral shedding and lesion frequency was measured by daily sampling from genital secretions. Two TLR2 haplotypes (2 and 4) were associated with increased lesional (P=.008 and P=.03) and shedding (P=.02 and P=.001) rates. An SNP in haplotype 2 (-15607A/G) was also associated with shedding (P=.01) and lesional (P=.008) rates. Polymorphisms in TLR2 may be in part responsible for differences in the severity of HSV-2 infection.


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-3 inhibitors play an important role in regulating immune responses. Galiellalactone (GL) is a fungal secondary metabolite known to interfere with the binding of phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription (pSTAT)-3 as well of pSTAT-6 dimers to their target DNA in vitro. Intra nasal delivery of 50 μg GL into the lung of naive Balb/c mice induced FoxP3 expression locally and IL-10 production and IL-12p40 in RNA expression in the airways in vivo. In a murine model of allergic asthma, GL significantly suppressed the cardinal features of asthma, such as airway hyperresponsiveness, eosinophilia and mucus production, after sensitization and subsequent challenge with ovalbumin (OVA). These changes resulted in induction of IL-12p70 and IL-10 production by lung CD11c(+) dendritic cells (DCs) accompanied by an increase of IL-3 receptor α chain and indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase expression in these cells. Furthermore, GL inhibited IL-4 production in T-bet-deficient CD4(+) T cells and down-regulated the suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS-3), also in the absence of STAT-3 in T cells, in the lung in a murine model of asthma. In addition, we found reduced amounts of pSTAT-5 in the lung of GL-treated mice that correlated with decreased release of IL-2 by lung OVA-specific CD4(+) T cells after treatment with GL in vitro also in the absence of T-bet. Thus, GL treatment in vivo and in vitro emerges as a novel therapeutic approach for allergic asthma by modulating lung DC phenotype and function resulting in a protective response via CD4(+)FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells locally.


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L'athérosclérose (ATS) est une maladie artérielle inflammatoire chronique à l'origine des nombreuses maladies cardiovasculaires que sont l'infarctus du myocarde, l'accident vasculaire cérébral ou encore l'artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs. L'ATS se définit comme la formation de plaques fibro-lipidiques dans l'intima des artères. Les facteurs de risque majeurs associés à l'ATS sont l'hypertension, l'hypercholestérolémie, le tabagisme, le diabète, la sédentarité, ou encore des prédispositions génétiques. L'ATS peut être asymptomatique durant des années ou alors engendrer des complications aiguës pouvant parfois mettre le pronostic vital en jeu. Les complications les plus graves surviennent principalement lors de la rupture d'une plaque athéromateuse dite vulnérable ou instable. En effet, cette dernière peut se rompre et entraîner la formation d'un thrombus artériel occlusif avec, pour conséquence, l'ischémie/nécrose des tissus en aval. Prévenir le développement de la plaque vulnérable et/ou la « stabiliser » permettrait donc de prévenir les complications cliniques de l'ATS. Cet objectif requiert une connaissance éclairée des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliqués dans la physiopathologie de l'ATS et de la plaque vulnérable. Les travaux expérimentaux menés au sein du laboratoire du service d'angiologie du CHUV sous la direction du Prof. Lucia Mazzolai ont montré que l'angiotensine II (ang II), produit final de la cascade du système rénine-angiotensine, joue un rôle majeur dans la « vulnérabilité » des plaques athéromateuses (1). Ces travaux ont été réalisés à partir d'un modèle animal original développant des plaques d'ATS vulnérables dépendantes de l'ang II: la souris ApoE-/- 2 reins-1 clip (2K1C). Plus récemment, le laboratoire d'angiologie a mis en évidence une implication directe des leucocytes, plus précisément des macrophages et des lymphocytes T CD4+, dans l'athérogenèse ang II-dépendante (2,3). Dernièrement, des travaux ont également suggéré un rôle possible des granulocytes neutrophiles dans l'ATS (4,5,6,7). Toutefois, les études sont encore limitées de sorte que le rôle exact des neutrophiles dans l'ATS et plus spécialement dans l'ATS induite par l'ang II reste à démontrer. Une des recherches actuelles menée dans le laboratoire est donc d'étudier le rôle des neutrophiles dans le développement de la plaque athéromateuse vulnérable à partir du modèle animal, la souris ApoE-/- 2K1C. Pour évaluer le rôle direct des neutrophiles chez notre modèle animal, nous avons choisi comme méthode la déplétion des neutrophiles circulants par l'utilisation d'un anticorps spécifique. Il a été reporté dans la littérature que l'anticorps monoclonal NIMP-R14 3 permettait de dépléter sélectivement in vivo les neutrophiles dans différents modèles murins (8,9). Cependant, ces études ont utilisé cet anticorps anti-neutrophiles majoritairement sur des périodes expérimentales de durées relativement limitées (12-14 jours) et la question s'est donc posée de savoir si cet anticorps pouvait aussi dépléter les neutrophiles chez notre modèle animal, qui requiert une période expérimentale de 4 semaines pour développer des plaques vulnérables (1). Le but de ce travail a donc été de produire l'anticorps NIMP-R14 et d'évaluer son efficacité chez la souris ApoE-/- 2K1C qui développe des plaque d'ATS vulnérables dépendantes de l'ang II.


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A research project involving 2, 3, 4, and 5 in. (5.1, 7.6, 10.2, and 12.7 cm) of bonded portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay on a 1.3 mile (2.1 km) PCC pavement was conducted in Clayton County, Iowa, during September 1977, centering on the following objectives: (1) Determine the mixing and proportioning procedures required in using a conventional, central mix proportioning plant to produce a dense PCC mixture using standard mixes with super water reducing admixtures; (2) Determine the economics, longevity and maintenance performance of a bonded, thin-lift, non-reinforced PCC resurfacing course using conventional procedures, equipment and concrete paving mixtures both with and without super water reducing admixtures; and (3) Determine if an adequate bond between the existing pavement and an overlay of thin-lift, dense, non-reinforced PCC can be obtained with only special surface cleaning and no surface removal or grinding. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Normal mixing equipment and proportioning procedures could be used using a conventional central-mix proportioning plant. This was successful when used with super water reducing admixtures. Only minor changes need be made in procedures and timing. (2) The time has been too short since the completion of the project to determine how the new pavement will perform, however, initially it appears that the method is economical and no reason is seen at this time why the life of the pavement should not be comparable to an all new pavement. (3) The initial test results show that bond strength, regardless of which method of cleaning is used, scarifying, sand blasting or water blasting, far exceed what is considered the minimum bond strength of 200 psi (1379 kPa) except where the paint stripes were intentionally left, thus showing that the paint must be removed. (4) It appears that either cement and water grout or sand, cement and water grout may be used and still obtain the required bond.


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Diurnal release of the orexin neuropeptides orexin-A (Ox-A, hypocretin-1) and orexin-B (Ox-B, hypocretin-2) stabilises arousal, regulates energy homeostasis and contributes to cognition and learning. However, whether cellular correlates of brain plasticity are regulated through orexins, and whether they do so in a time-of-day-dependent manner, has never been assessed. Immunohistochemically we found sparse but widespread innervation of hippocampal subfields through Ox-A- and Ox-B-containing fibres in young adult rats. The actions of Ox-A were studied on NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated excitatory synaptic transmission in acute hippocampal slices prepared around the trough (Zeitgeber time (ZT) 4-8, corresponding to 4-8 h into the resting phase) and peak (ZT 23) of intracerebroventricular orexin levels. At ZT 4-8, exogenous Ox-A (100 nm in bath) inhibited NMDA receptor-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents (NMDA-EPSCs) at mossy fibre (MF)-CA3 (to 55.6 ± 6.8% of control, P = 0.0003) and at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses (70.8 ± 6.3%, P = 0.013), whereas it remained ineffective at non-MF excitatory synapses in CA3. Ox-A actions were mediated postsynaptically and blocked by the orexin-2 receptor (OX2R) antagonist JNJ10397049 (1 μm), but not by orexin-1 receptor inhibition (SB334867, 1 μm) or by adrenergic and cholinergic antagonists. At ZT 23, inhibitory effects of exogenous Ox-A were absent (97.6 ± 2.9%, P = 0.42), but reinstated (87.2 ± 3.3%, P = 0.002) when endogenous orexin signalling was attenuated for 5 h through i.p. injections of almorexant (100 mg kg(-1)), a dual orexin receptor antagonist. In conclusion, endogenous orexins modulate hippocampal NMDAR function in a time-of-day-dependent manner, suggesting that they may influence cellular plasticity and consequent variations in memory performance across the sleep-wake cycle.


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Eighty-Sixth General Assembly House Rules (House Resolution 4-Adopted 2-3-2015)


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) IgG antibodies and the seroincidence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections in pregnant women attending the maternity clinic of the University Hospital Lausanne. STUDY DESIGN: Blood samples from 1030 women were taken at the usual pregnancy visit in the first trimester to assess the prevalence rate of IgG antibodies against HSV-1 and HSV-2 using a type-specific assay. A second blood sample was taken 6-8 weeks postpartum from returning women who were seronegative for HSV-2 or HSV-1 to assess the incidence of seroconversion (primary infection). RESULTS: The seroprevalence rates were 79.4% (95% CI: 76.9-81.9) for HSV-1 and 21.2% (18.7-23.7) for HSV-2 in women 14-46 years old. Type-specific serostatus patterns were as follows: 17.3% HSV-1/-2: +/+, 62.1% HSV-1/-2: +/-, 3.9% HSV-1/-2: -/+, 16.7% HSV-1/-2: -/-. Two hundred and sixty five women (59 of the 212 seronegative for HSV-1 (27.8%) and 265 of the 812 seronegative for HSV-2 (32.6%)) returned to the outpatient clinic for the post-delivery check and a second blood sample was obtained. One HSV-1 seroconversion was detected (HSV-1 seroconversion rate 2.4%/100 patient×year (95% CI: 0.06-13.4)) in a patient who had symptoms compatible with primary genital herpes. No HSV-2 seroconversion was detected (HSV-2 seroconversion rate: 0/100 patient×year (97.5% one-sided CI: 0-2)). CONCLUSION: Compared to a previous population-based study, our study results suggest a rise in the prevalence of HSV-2 among pregnant women in Switzerland. The low incidence of seroconversion detected during pregnancy is consistent with the very low reported incidence of neonatal herpes in Switzerland. CONDENSATION: This study in a public hospital in Western Switzerland suggests an increasing prevalence of HSV-2, but a low incidence of primary infections in women of childbearing age.


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Tumour localisation and tumour to normal tissue ratios of a chimeric anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody (MAb), in intact form and as an F(ab')2 fragment labelled with 125I and 131I, were compared in groups of nude mice bearing four different colon cancer xenografts, T380, Co112 or LoVo, of human origin, or a rat colon cancer transfected with human CEA cDNA, called '3G7'. For each tumour, three to four mice per time point were analysed 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 h after MAb injection. In the different tumours, maximal localisation of intact MAb was obtained at 24 to 48 h, and of F(ab')2 fragment 12 to 24 h after injection. Among the different tumours, localisation was highest with colon cancer T380, with 64% of the injected dose per gram (% ID/g) for the intact MAb and 57% for its F(ab')2 fragment, while in the three other tumours, maximal localisation ranged from 14 to 22% ID g-1 for the intact MAb and was about 11% for the F(ab')2. Tumour to normal tissue ratios of intact MAb increased rapidly until 24 h after injection and remained stable or showed only a minor increase thereafter. In contrast, for the F(ab')2 fragment, the tumour to normal tissue ratios increased steadily up to 4 days after injection reaching markedly higher values than those obtained with intact MAb. For the four different xenografts, tumour to blood ratios of F(ab')2 were about 2, 3 and 5 to 16 times higher than those of intact antibodies at 12, 24 and 96 h after injection, respectively.


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BACKGROUND: Data regarding immunomodulatory effects of parenteral n-3 fatty acids in sepsis are conflicting. In this study, the effect of administration of parenteral n-3 fatty acids on markers of brain injury, incidence of sepsis-associated delirium, and inflammatory mediators in septic patients was investigated. METHODS: Fifty patients with sepsis were randomized to receive either 2 ml/kg/day of a lipid emulsion containing highly refined fish oil (equivalent to n-3 fatty acids 0.12 mg/kg/day) during 7 days after admission to the intensive care unit or standard treatment. Markers of brain injury and inflammatory mediators were measured on days 1, 2, 3 and 7. Assessment for sepsis-associated delirium was performed daily. The primary outcome was the difference in S-100β from baseline to peak level between both the intervention and the control group, compared by t-test. Changes of all markers over time were explored in both groups, fitting a generalized estimating equations model. RESULTS: Mean difference in change of S-100β from baseline to peak level was 0.34 (95% CI: -0.18-0.85) between the intervention and control group, respectively (P = 0.19). We found no difference in plasma levels of S-100β, neuron-specific enolase, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, and C-reactive protein between groups over time. Incidence of sepsis-associated delirium was 75% in the intervention and 71% in the control groups (risk difference 4%, 95% CI -24-31%, P = 0.796). CONCLUSION: Administration of n-3 fatty acids did not affect markers of brain injury, incidence of sepsis-associated delirium, and inflammatory mediators in septic patients.


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14-3-3 is a family of conserved regulatory proteins that bind to a multitude of functionally diverse signalling proteins. Various genetic studies and gene expression and proteomic analyses have involved 14-3-3 proteins in schizophrenia (SZ). On the other hand, studies about the status of these proteins in major depressive disorder (MD) are still missing. Immunoreactivity values of cytosolic 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ proteins were evaluated by Western blot in prefrontal cortex (PFC) of subjects with schizophrenia (SZ; n=22), subjects with major depressive disorder (MD; n=21) and age-, gender- and postmortem delay-matched control subjects (n=52). The modulation of 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ proteins by psychotropic medication was also assessed. The analysis of both proteins in SZ subjects with respect to matched control subjects showed increased 14-3-3β (Δ=33±10%, p<0.05) and 14-3-3ζ (Δ=29±6%, p<0.05) immunoreactivity in antipsychotic-free but not in antipsychotic-treated SZ subjects. Immunoreactivity values of 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ were not altered in MD subjects. These results show the specific up-regulation of 14-3-3β and 14-3-3ζ proteins in PFC of SZ subjects and suggest a possible down-regulation of both proteins by antipsychotic treatment.


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