999 resultados para 1991-1996


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En relación a trabajos recientes sobre los patrones de poblamiento protohistórico en el curso bajo del Ebro y la causalidad económica (Asensio el alii, 1996/ Mascort el alii, 1991), decidimos plantear un estudio que nutriera dichas hipótesis mediante el análisis arqueozoológico de dos yacimientos culturalmente contemporáneos y de cronologías sucesivas, ubicados a orillas de este río.


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Digamos en primer lugar que nos encontramos ante una obra interesante. El autor nos ofrece una visión general de aspectos económicos, sociales y religiosos de la Oretania preromana y romana que cubre de manera más que correcta un hueco en la bibliografía existente. Ésta, protagonizada por José Mª Blázquez, estudiaba todo tipo de aspectos económicos y sociales, pero sin realizar una visión de conjunto que, en una sola obra y de modo unitario, expusiera al lector la evolución de esta región de la Alta Andalucía. Suponemos que el lector universitario agradecerá su aparición. Tenemos que lamentar que la publicación de este trabajo, resultado de una tesis doctoral leída en 1991, se haya retrasado hasta 1996, aunque la bilbiografía reciente aporte relativamente poco.


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Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.


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Newsletter from the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science.


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Se analiza la producción iberoamericana en biblioteconomía y documentación existente en el Social Science Citation Index para el periodo 1991-2000. Se analiza la producción por países, instituciones, revistas y autores. También se estudia la citación de autores y revistas. Por último, se realiza un análisis de cocitación de revistas (ACR) y se representa mediante un mapa bidimensional.


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In the United States many bridge structures have been designed without consideration for their unique construction problems. Many problems could have been avoided if construction knowledge and experience was utilized in the design process. A systematic process is needed to create and capture construction knowledge for use in the design process. This study was conducted to develop a system to capture construction considerations from field people and incorporate it into a knowledge-base for use by the bridge designers. This report presents the results of this study. As a part of this study a microcomputer-based constructability system has been developed. The system is a user-friendly microcomputer database which codifies construction knowledge, provides easy access to specifications, and provides simple design computation checks for the designer. A structure for the final database was developed and used in the prototype system. A process for collecting, developing and maintaining the database is presented and explained. The study involved a constructability survey, interviews with designers and constructors, and visits to construction sites to collect constuctability concepts. The report describes the development of the constructability system and addresses the future needs for the Iowa Department of Transportation to make the system operational. A user's manual for the system is included along with the report.


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A survey was sent to over 200 Federal, State, and local agencies that might use streamflow data collected by the U. S. Geological Survey in Iowa. A total of 181 forms were returned and 112 agencies indicated that they use streamflow data. The responses show that streamflow data from the Iowa USGS stream-gaging network, which in 1996 is composed of 117 stations, are used by many agencies for many purposes and that many stations provide streamflow data that fulfill a variety of joint purposes. The median number of respondents per station that use data from the station was 6 and the median number of data-use categories indicated per station was 9. The survey results can be used by agencies that fund the Iowa USGS stream-gaging network to help them decide which stations to continue to support if it becomes necessary to reduce the size of the stream-gaging network.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality (angularity, mortar strengths and alkali-silica reactivity) of fine aggregate for Iowa portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. Sands were obtained from 30 sources representative of fine aggregate across Iowa. The gradation, fineness modulus and mortar strengths were determined for all sands. Angularity was evaluated using a new National Aggregate Association (NAA) flow test. The NAA uncompacted void values are significantly affected by the percent of crushed particles and are a good measure of fine aggregate angularity. The alkali-silica reactivity of Iowa sands was measured by the ASTM P214 test. By P214 many Iowa sands were identified as being reactive while only two were innocuous. More research is needed on P214 because pavement performance history has shown very little alkali-silica reactivity deterioration of pavement. Six of the sands tested by P214 were evaluated using the Canadian Prism Test. None were identified as being reactive by the Canadian Prism Test.


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Improving the aggregate gradation for a portland cement concrete mix may result in higher compressive strengths. With an improved gradation, the cement factor may be reduced to achieve a more economical concrete mix since cement is the most expensive component in a Portland cement concrete mix. This project located on I-80 westbound in Scott County, Iowa examined three different mixes. 1. Standard Class C mix with project aggregates. 2. Standard Class C mix with an improved aggregate gradation. 3. Standard Class C mix with an improved aggregate gradation and 10% cementitious reduction.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the materials Iowa uses as a granular subbase and to determine if it provides adequate drainage. Numerous laboratory and in-situ tests were conducted on the materials currently being used in Iowa. The follow conclusions can be made based on the test results: 1. The crushed concrete that is used as a subbase material has a relatively low permeability compared to many other materials used by other states. 2. Further research and tests are needed to find the necessary parameters for crushed concrete to make sure it is providing its optimum drainage and preventing premature damage of the pavement. 3. We have definitely made improvements in drainage in the past few months, but there are many areas that we can improve on that will increase the permeability of this material and insure that the pavement system is safe from premature damage due to water. The current gradation specification for granular subbase material at the start of this study was: Sieve # % Passing 1” 100 #8 10-35 #50 0-15 #200 0-6


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The result and experience of field implementation of the maturity method on 14 portland cement concrete (PCC) paving and patching projects during 1995 are summarized in this report. The procedure for developing reference PCC maturity-strength curve of concrete is discussed. Temperature measurement as well as effects of datum temperature, entrained air content and type of aggregate on maturity-strength relationship are examined. Some limitations of the maturity method are discussed. The available field experience and results indicate that the maturity method provides a simple approach to determine strength of concrete, and can be easily implemented in field paving and patching projects. The use of the maturity method may result in reduced project construction time.